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I am new with Apex, I wrote the following code..  Normally this code compares the myset set values with the BillingPostalCode field and if they match it updates the field (change my custom field "locality" to "Philadelphia") . This code works, if the field it is updating is a default Account field. For example it changes Account Name field without any errors but it doesn't update my custom field.   Is there an extra step needed for custom fields that I created? 


I would really appreciate if anyone can tell me what is the problem..






trigger testtrigger on Account (Before insert, before update) {
//populate set
Set<String> myset = new Set<String>{'08759','08757','08753','08721','08731','08758'}; 
//iterate through Trigger.new
    for(Account A : Trigger.new){
//Check if Account field is in myset

            A.Locality= 'Philadelphia';


I would like to know if we can create a custom page which holds the Opp Tab fields and also the product Tab fields (relationship object). Product tab field should allow to enter multiple products , the catch is when we save this page. It should create one opp for every product and save it. This custom page is just an interface to enter the opp details and product details but the actual data is saved under the respective Opp and Product tabs. Please throw in some ideas on how to go about it.

Hi I am building a page when Resource__c == 'Yes' display the Type__c . I have written the code but the functionality is not working. If any one can help that would be great!!



<apex:page standardController="Form__c">
<apex:pageBlock title="MTRForm">
<apex:pageblockSection title="Test" columns="1">
<apex:inputField value="{!form__c.Resource__c}"/>
<apex:actionSupport event="onchange" reRender="MTR" />
<apex:outputPanel id="MTR">
<apex:outputpanel rendered="{!form__c.Resource__c == 'Yes'}">
<apex:inputField value="{!form__c.type__c}"/>

I am able to run the data loader from command line. I want to create a .bat file to schedule.


thisis the .bat file which I have created but when I am running its throwing errors. I think the process.name is wrong I am putting the bean id="csvMFTVOMData" over there which is also my property name.


Can someone help me out with this..




SET YourDataLoaderDirectory="Y:\salesforce.com\Apex Data Loader 18.0"

SET CONFIGPATH=%YourDataLoaderDirectory%\conf

SET javaCmd=%YourDataLoaderDirectory%\_jvm\bin\java.exe

SET jarFile=%YourDataLoaderDirectory%\DataLoader.jar




%javaCmd% -cp %jarFile% -Dsalesforce.config.dir=%CONFIGPATH% com.salesforce.dataloader.process.ProcessRunner process.name=csvMFTVOMData








I am trying to execute the data loader from command line, it is working fine but it is only pulling the data for stand fields and custom fields data is not getting capyured. I am using the apiname __c in my mapping file and SOQL query.


Am I missing out something...


 <entry key="sfdc.extractionSOQL" value="Select id,Name,vosa__c FROM VOM__c" />


Mapping File:

#Mapping values
#Thu Sep 09 13:48:38 CDT 2010


The issue which I am having is on saving I am reloading the current page but the feilds are not being cleared.The fileds in the form still have the message entered. i want the fields to be cleared when the page is reloaded


how do i do it

I am putting the controller here..


public abstract class MyController{
    Apexpages.StandardController controller;
    public MyController(Apexpages.StandardController c){
        controller = c;
    public PageReference save() {
        controller.save();//invoke standard Save method
        return Apexpages.currentPage();//refresh current page

I have created a vf page and assigned the page to the force.com site

there are some buttons on the page like create case. When I am clicking the button on the site to create it is not working.


plz let me know how can I get the buttons working on the site to create and save

I have created a page which gives a list view of the case...but my issue is I am not able to get a detailed view of the case as the reciords displayed are not clickable to view in detail, I know this is a stand feature and you might ask me why I want to create a new vf page as this is already availble.


I have a req where I owuld be adding add features..


<apex:page standardController="Case" recordSetVar="cases"  tabstyle="account" sidebar="false" extensions="selectedSizeWorkaround" id="muopp">
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock title="Hello {!$User.FirstName}">
You are viewing the case management screen<p/>
<apex:selectList value="{!filterid}" size="1">
<apex:selectOptions value="{!listviewoptions}"/>
<apex:commandButton action="{!list}" value="Go" id="Button"/>
<apex:commandButton action="{!create}" value="Create" id="theButton"/>
<apex:form >
  <apex:pageBlock title="Case List">
      <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!cases}" var="c">
      <apex:column value="{!c.casenumber}"/>
      <apex:column value="{!c.type}"/>
      <apex:column value="{!c.status}"/>
      <apex:column value="{!c.priority}"/>
      <apex:column value="{!c.subject}"/>
    <apex:commandbutton action="{!previous}" value="Previous"/>
    <apex:commandbutton action="{!next}" value="Next"/>
<apex:form id="muform">
<apex:pageMessage summary="Record Set Size: {!myRecordsSize}" severity="info" id="mupmr"/>

I have created the process.xml file and I am able to run the data loader from the command line.


I am trying to create a batch file to intantiate the load process...need some help with the batch as I am not able to create one and getting errors


call  process ../conf csvExportLeads

I am trying to User as a related list to Opportunity.


It does not add and its just displaying the user field but not as a related list.


Also the main purpose is to pull a report on Opp with users as related list.

Hi..I have finished writting a trigger I need to write a test class


do i need to create a new apex class and write the test class or can i just write the test class in the trigger itself starting my code with @isTest


It was giving me an error when I am trying to start the test class where the trigger ended.

This is my process conf file, I am getting an error message when I am trying to run data loader from command prompt. I think it is not able to login to the salesforce,

<!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC "-//SPRING//DTD BEAN//EN" "http://www.springframework.org/dtd/spring-beans.dtd">





        <description>Extracts all current Users.</description>

        <property value="csvExportUsers"/>



                <entry key="sfdc.debugMessages" value="false"/>

                <entry key="sfdc.debugMessagesFile" value="Y:\salesforce.com\Apex Data Loader 18.0\ExtractLeads\csvExtract.log"/>

                <entry key="sfdc.endpoint" value="https://www.test.salesforce.com"/>

                <entry key="sfdc.username" value="Replaced"/>

                <entry key="sfdc.password" value=" Replaced "/>

                <entry key="sfdc.timeoutSecs" value="540"/>

                <entry key="sfdc.loadBatchSize" value="200"/>

                <entry key="sfdc.entity" value="Lead"/>

                <entry key="sfdc.extractionRequestSize" value="500"/>

                <entry key="sfdc.extractionSOQL" value="Select ID, LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME, NAME FROM Lead limit 10"/>

                <entry key="process.operation" value="extract"/>

                <entry key="process.mappingFile" value="Y:\salesforce.com\Apex Data Loader 18.0\ExtractLeads\Extract.sdl"/>

                <entry key="process.outputError" value="Y:\salesforce.com\Apex Data Loader 18.0\ExtractLeads\csvError.csv"/>

                <entry key="process.outputSuccess" value="Y:\salesforce.com\Apex Data Loader 18.0\ExtractLeads\csvSuccess.csv"/>

                <entry key="process.enableExtractSuccessOutput" value="true"/>

                <entry key="dataAccess.type" value="csvWrite"/>

                <entry key="dataAccess.writeUTF8" value="true"/>

                <entry key="dataAccess.name" value="Y:\salesforce.com\Apex Data Loader 18.0\ExtractLeads\extract.csv"/> 

                <entry key="process.initialLastRunDate" value="2008-08-28T00:00:00.000-0800"/>







Error Message:


875 [csvExportUsers] INFO com.salesforce.dataloader.process.ProcessRunner  - Loa

ding parameters

11359 [csvExportUsers] INFO com.salesforce.dataloader.config.LastRun  - Last run

 info will be saved in file: Y:\salesforce.com\Apex Data Loader 18.0\ExtractLead


11359 [csvExportUsers] INFO com.salesforce.dataloader.process.ProcessRunner  - L

ogging in to: https://www.test.salesforce.com

11390 [csvExportUsers] INFO com.salesforce.dataloader.client.PartnerClient  - Be

ginning Partner Salesforce login ....

11453 [csvExportUsers] INFO com.salesforce.dataloader.client.PartnerClient  - Sa

lesforce login to https://www.test.salesforce.com/services/Soap/u/18.0 as user xxx@xxx.com

12171 [csvExportUsers] ERROR com.salesforce.dataloader.client.PartnerClient  - E

rror while logging in to web service at: https://www.test.salesforce.com/service

s/Soap/u/18.0, error was: Failed to send request to https://www.test.salesforce.


com.sforce.ws.ConnectionException: Failed to send request to https://www.test.sa


        at com.sforce.ws.transport.SoapConnection.send(SoapConnection.java:113)

        at com.sforce.soap.partner.PartnerConnection.login(PartnerConnection.jav


        at com.salesforce.dataloader.client.PartnerClient.login(PartnerClient.ja


        at com.salesforce.dataloader.client.PartnerClient.connect(PartnerClient.


        at com.salesforce.dataloader.controller.Controller.login(Controller.java


        at com.salesforce.dataloader.process.ProcessRunner.run(ProcessRunner.jav


        at com.salesforce.dataloader.process.ProcessRunner.main(ProcessRunner.ja


Caused by: java.net.UnknownHostException: www.test.salesforce.com

        at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:177)

        at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:507)

        at sun.net.NetworkClient.doConnect(NetworkClient.java:152)

        at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(HttpClient.java:365)

        at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(HttpClient.java:477)

        at sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsClient.<init>(HttpsClient.java:278)

        at sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsClient.New(HttpsClient.java:335)

        at sun.net.www.protocol.https.AbstractDelegateHttpsURLConnection.getNewH


        at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.plainConnect(HttpURLConne


        at sun.net.www.protocol.https.AbstractDelegateHttpsURLConnection.connect


        at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getOutputStream(HttpURLCo


        at sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getOutputStream(Htt


        at com.sforce.ws.transport.JdkHttpTransport.connectLocal(JdkHttpTranspor


        at com.sforce.ws.transport.JdkHttpTransport.connect(JdkHttpTransport.jav


        at com.sforce.ws.transport.SoapConnection.send(SoapConnection.java:99)

        ... 6 more

12218 [csvExportUsers] ERROR com.salesforce.dataloader.process.ProcessRunner  -

Failed to send request to https://www.test.salesforce.com/services/Soap/u/18.0

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: com.sforce.ws.ConnectionE

xception: Failed to send request to https://www.test.salesforce.com/services/Soa


        at com.salesforce.dataloader.process.ProcessRunner.run(ProcessRunner.jav


        at com.salesforce.dataloader.process.ProcessRunner.main(ProcessRunner.ja


Caused by: com.sforce.ws.ConnectionException: Failed to send request to https://


        at com.sforce.ws.transport.SoapConnection.send(SoapConnection.java:113)

        at com.sforce.soap.partner.PartnerConnection.login(PartnerConnection.jav


        at com.salesforce.dataloader.client.PartnerClient.login(PartnerClient.ja


        at com.salesforce.dataloader.client.PartnerClient.connect(PartnerClient.


        at com.salesforce.dataloader.controller.Controller.login(Controller.java


        at com.salesforce.dataloader.process.ProcessRunner.run(ProcessRunner.jav


        ... 1 more

Caused by: java.net.UnknownHostException: www.test.salesforce.com

        at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:177)

        at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:507)

        at sun.net.NetworkClient.doConnect(NetworkClient.java:152)

        at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(HttpClient.java:365)

        at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(HttpClient.java:477)

        at sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsClient.<init>(HttpsClient.java:278)

        at sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsClient.New(HttpsClient.java:335)

        at sun.net.www.protocol.https.AbstractDelegateHttpsURLConnection.getNewH


        at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.plainConnect(HttpURLConne


        at sun.net.www.protocol.https.AbstractDelegateHttpsURLConnection.connect


        at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getOutputStream(HttpURLCo


        at sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getOutputStream(Htt


        at com.sforce.ws.transport.JdkHttpTransport.connectLocal(JdkHttpTranspor


        at com.sforce.ws.transport.JdkHttpTransport.connect(JdkHttpTransport.jav


        at com.sforce.ws.transport.SoapConnection.send(SoapConnection.java:99)

        ... 6 more

I was trying to extract data from Command Prompt and I get this error..Can anyone say what this means


Usage: java [-options] class [args...]
           (to execute a class)
   or  java [-options] -jar jarfile [args...]
           (to execute a jar file)

where options include:
    -client       to select the "client" VM
    -server       to select the "server" VM
    -hotspot      is a synonym for the "client" VM  [deprecated]
                  The default VM is client.

    -cp <class search path of directories and zip/jar files>
    -classpath <class search path of directories and zip/jar files>
                  A ; separated list of directories, JAR archives,
                  and ZIP archives to search for class files.
                  set a system property
                  enable verbose output
    -version      print product version and exit
                  require the specified version to run
    -showversion  print product version and continue
    -jre-restrict-search | -jre-no-restrict-search
                  include/exclude user private JREs in the version search
    -? -help      print this help message
    -X            print help on non-standard options
                  enable assertions
                  disable assertions
    -esa | -enablesystemassertions
                  enable system assertions
    -dsa | -disablesystemassertions
                  disable system assertions
                  load native agent library <libname>, e.g. -agentlib:hprof
                    see also, -agentlib:jdwp=help and -agentlib:hprof=help
                  load native agent library by full pathname
                  load Java programming language agent, see java.lang.instrument

This trigger is on Quote and I am stuck on one part I am not able to use IsClosed() on quote status.


trigger CloseAllQuotes on Quote (after update) {

system.debug('Close All the Quotes on the Oppurtunity after one Quote is closed');

ID Oppid = Trigger.new[0].OpportunityId;
List <Quote> newQt = new List <Quote> ();

for(Quote Qt: newQT) {
    if((){ ----> I need to chk if previously this was not approved
    Qt = [select id,status,OpportunityId from Quote where OpportunityId=:Oppid]; 
    Qt.Status = 'Approved';
    Update Qt;

Trying to write a Trigger to close all quotes after one quote is closed on an Oppurtunity.


trigger CloseAllQuotes on Quote (after update) {

system.debug('Close All the Quotes on the Oppurtunity after one Quote is closed');

ID Oppid = Trigger.new[0].OpportunityId;

    for (Quote Qt:Trigger.new){
        Qt = [select id,Status from Quote where id=:Oppid];
        Qt.Status = 'Approved';
        Update Qt;

I am trying to write a Trigger on Task which has Member_Number__c field, whenever I create a task and select related account I want the Member_Number__c field to be populated with the respective Account_Number__c from Account Object.


I am having problems with the mapping as I am not able to figure out how to map Task and Account Fields.


trigger Memberidupdate on Task (before insert) {

id accid = Trigger.new[0].AccountId;
Map<id,String> taskaccmap = new Map<id,String>();
String accfield,Taskfield;

Task [] newTask;
newTask = [select id,AccountId,Member_Number__c from Task where id=:accid];
Taskfield = newTask[0].Account_Number__c;

Account [] Acc;
acc = [select id,Account_Number__c from Account where id=:accid];
accfield = acc[0].Account_Number__c;





I want to create a new record using the generic SObject as in Partner WSDL, but using Enterprise WSDL. I do not want a strongly typed object, just use the names and match and set it.

On the EnterpriseWSDL the setType is missing so I cannot use the Enterprise Client to create objects just like I can with Partner WSDL.


Is there is any solution for this ?


I have  two picklist fiels which have 4 vales each (PickList1, Picklist2). I have a custom text field lets call it Entry__c which would be populated with some value from picklist 1 or 2.


I have another custom field lets call it Result__c which has to be populated based on the Entry__c field. If the Entry__c field has value from Picklist1 the result__c field should be "Success" or if it has values from PicklistValue2  the result__c field should be "Failure" else blank,

We have about 40 VF pages that our call center uses to collect information from our customers. Most of the pages use the "rerender" parameter to update the form being displayed. The questions that are asked vary depending upon prior responses.


We have been getting intermittent display of HTML code including the ViewState instead of the VF page when the rerender is invoked. I've been working with tech support for weeks, made several changes to the code but the problem persists. It has now occurred twice using Winter '11.


The failure occurs about 2 times per day across a group of 40 users so it is infrequent. It occurs in IE6, IE8 and Firefox 3.6.x. All users are on Windows XP. I have been unsuccessful in duplicating the problem and the users cannot make it happen at will.


Has anyone else experienced intermittent problems with rerender? Any ideas?





Hi I am building a page when Resource__c == 'Yes' display the Type__c . I have written the code but the functionality is not working. If any one can help that would be great!!



<apex:page standardController="Form__c">
<apex:pageBlock title="MTRForm">
<apex:pageblockSection title="Test" columns="1">
<apex:inputField value="{!form__c.Resource__c}"/>
<apex:actionSupport event="onchange" reRender="MTR" />
<apex:outputPanel id="MTR">
<apex:outputpanel rendered="{!form__c.Resource__c == 'Yes'}">
<apex:inputField value="{!form__c.type__c}"/>

The issue which I am having is on saving I am reloading the current page but the feilds are not being cleared.The fileds in the form still have the message entered. i want the fields to be cleared when the page is reloaded


how do i do it

I am putting the controller here..


public abstract class MyController{
    Apexpages.StandardController controller;
    public MyController(Apexpages.StandardController c){
        controller = c;
    public PageReference save() {
        controller.save();//invoke standard Save method
        return Apexpages.currentPage();//refresh current page

I have created a page which gives a list view of the case...but my issue is I am not able to get a detailed view of the case as the reciords displayed are not clickable to view in detail, I know this is a stand feature and you might ask me why I want to create a new vf page as this is already availble.


I have a req where I owuld be adding add features..


<apex:page standardController="Case" recordSetVar="cases"  tabstyle="account" sidebar="false" extensions="selectedSizeWorkaround" id="muopp">
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock title="Hello {!$User.FirstName}">
You are viewing the case management screen<p/>
<apex:selectList value="{!filterid}" size="1">
<apex:selectOptions value="{!listviewoptions}"/>
<apex:commandButton action="{!list}" value="Go" id="Button"/>
<apex:commandButton action="{!create}" value="Create" id="theButton"/>
<apex:form >
  <apex:pageBlock title="Case List">
      <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!cases}" var="c">
      <apex:column value="{!c.casenumber}"/>
      <apex:column value="{!c.type}"/>
      <apex:column value="{!c.status}"/>
      <apex:column value="{!c.priority}"/>
      <apex:column value="{!c.subject}"/>
    <apex:commandbutton action="{!previous}" value="Previous"/>
    <apex:commandbutton action="{!next}" value="Next"/>
<apex:form id="muform">
<apex:pageMessage summary="Record Set Size: {!myRecordsSize}" severity="info" id="mupmr"/>



I am new with Apex, I wrote the following code..  Normally this code compares the myset set values with the BillingPostalCode field and if they match it updates the field (change my custom field "locality" to "Philadelphia") . This code works, if the field it is updating is a default Account field. For example it changes Account Name field without any errors but it doesn't update my custom field.   Is there an extra step needed for custom fields that I created? 


I would really appreciate if anyone can tell me what is the problem..






trigger testtrigger on Account (Before insert, before update) {
//populate set
Set<String> myset = new Set<String>{'08759','08757','08753','08721','08731','08758'}; 
//iterate through Trigger.new
    for(Account A : Trigger.new){
//Check if Account field is in myset

            A.Locality= 'Philadelphia';


Hello ...Hi ALL,



I just want to know is it possible to send an email through Apex trigger?If so

can u give me the example?



Scenario of mine is:If  contact is created ,i have to send an email to that contact ?through trigger



Thanks in Advance




  • August 18, 2010
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  • 0

As noted by my nickname, I am a Salesforce N00B (newbie) and I have some general questions re. what is and isn't possible in APEX.


Is it possible to change the owner of a Lead back to the general queue if there has been no activity against that lead for N days?



John owns the ACME lead. John has not had any activity with ACME in the past 15 days. ACME's owner is then set to nobody so that others can pick that lead up. 


I'm not looking for triggers that update objects on CREATION or UPDATE...I'm looking for a solution that will change based on date.

I have created the process.xml file and I am able to run the data loader from the command line.


I am trying to create a batch file to intantiate the load process...need some help with the batch as I am not able to create one and getting errors


call  process ../conf csvExportLeads

I am trying to User as a related list to Opportunity.


It does not add and its just displaying the user field but not as a related list.


Also the main purpose is to pull a report on Opp with users as related list.



I'm trying to use the ApexDataloader ver 16 command line option to export data from Salesforce to File (.csv) from one of the application. But I'm getting error message "Wrong process return code".


The content of config.properties file is as follows:


     #Loader Config
     password=<password+security code>
     extractionSOQL=select  Id,IsDeleted,MasterRecordId,Name,Type,ParentId,BillingStreet,BillingCity,BillingState,BillingPostalCode,BillingCountry,ShippingStreet,ShippingCity,ShippingState,ShippingPostalCode,ShippingCountry,Phone,Fax,AccountNumber,Website,Sic,Industry,AnnualRevenue,NumberOfEmployees,Ownership,TickerSymbol,Description,Rating,Site,OwnerId,CreatedDate,CreatedById,LastModifiedDate,LastModifiedById,SystemModstamp,LastActivityDate,CustomerPriority__c,SLA__c,Active__c,NumberofLocations__c,UpsellOpportunity__c,SLASerialNumber__c,SLAExpirationDate__c from Account   where Type = 'Customer - Direct'

My command line script is as follows:


 cmd.exe /c C:/PROGRA~1/salesforce.com/APEXDA~1.0/_jvm/bin/java -Dsalesforce.config.dir=C:/PROGRA~1/salesforce.com/APEXDA~1.0/conf  -jar C:/PROGRA~1/salesforce.com/APEXDA~1.0/DataLoader.jar 1>"c:/production/data/salesforce/log/sforcedataloader.log" 2>"c:/production/data/salesforce/log/sforcedataloader.error"

Can anybody help me to fix this issue, please. It's very urgent.


I tried to find out the solution on net, but couldn't get.


Please help.

Thanks in advance,


  • July 15, 2010
  • Like
  • 0



I have a trigger to be deployed to production.

The trigger assigns some Leads after a Business criteria to a Queue.


I have created that queue in sandbox and when i try to deploy the trigger through the Force.com IDE, it is raising an error in deployment plan, saying reference ID not valid.


since that queue ID is used in trigger, i guess i need to move the queue first to production which would have same ID.


So how do i first move my queue to production?


Any help on this is highly appreciated.




Hi..I have finished writting a trigger I need to write a test class


do i need to create a new apex class and write the test class or can i just write the test class in the trigger itself starting my code with @isTest


It was giving me an error when I am trying to start the test class where the trigger ended.