• lemondash
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Afternoon all,

Hope you can help me with ongoing issue that I have.

Am currently working with a company that has a SF.org and all of the objects are install in a package.  At the moment that SF.org is being used and will be for a while.

In the mean time a new SF.org is going to be developed, one of the things I have noticed is when I create a sandbox it contains the currently live SF.org which is fine, but when I go to uninstall the package it complains that certain components are in use or in use by another objects. 

Is there any way to create a sandbox from fresh so I can start the development from fresh?

Or do I have to manually delete these?

Also will I have the same problem when I uninstall the package from the live SF.org?

Thanks Lee

Hello all,


In the current my live salesforce some of the visualforce pages are part of installed package, which i can't edit them.


Not having my luck with finding any info how to get around this.


Any help would be great.



I'm still very new to Salesforce.com/Force.com.


Currently working on my companies salesforce project.  Its seems that there is no delete button for me to delete a contact or there is no option to move a contact to a different account.


I have search the wonderful internet and have seen posts that have mention to check the permissions but i have full permssion to the whole of teh tabs.


Any help would be great.


Thanks Lee



I'm currently building a new app on our force.com platform.  But i want to build a Hierarchy on a custom object or partent./child relationship bewteen the two.


I see there is app from the exchange but thats built for the Account object.


can anybody shed sopme light how i can get this working for a custom object.


Thanks Lee

I'm currently working throught the Force.com work book.


But i getting a failure when i run the test, It errors on line 68 '"column 6External entry point"


have highlighted the line, any help would be great.


private class MileageTrackerTestSuite {

    static testMethod void runPostiveTestCases() {
        Double totalMiles = 0;
        final Double maxtotalMiles = 500;
        final Double singletotalMiles = 300;
        final String createdbyId = UserInfo.getUserId();
        List<Mileage__c> deleteMiles = new List<mileage__c>();
 // Data clean-up       
     System.debug('Setting up testing - deleting any mileage records for today');
     deleteMiles = [SELECT miles__c from Mileage__c WHERE createdDate = TODAY
         and createdById = :createdbyId];
         delete deleteMiles;

// Positive tests     
    System.debug('Insert 300 more miles...single record validation');   
    Mileage__c testMiles1 = new Mileage__c(Miles__c = 300, Date__c = system.today() );
    insert testMiles1;
// Validate single insert
    for (Mileage__c m:[SELECT miles__c FROM Mileage__c
        WHERE createdDate = TODAY
        and createdById = :createdById
        and miles__c !=null]) {
                totalMiles += m.miles__c;
        System.assertEquals(singletotalMiles, totalMiles);
         totalMiles = 0;

// Validate bulk insert

    System.debug('Insert 200 more miles...bulk validation');

    List<Mileage__c> testMiles2 = new List<Mileage__c>();
    for(integer i=0; i<200; i++){
        testMiles2.add( new Mileage__c(Miles__c = 1, Date__c = System.today()));
    insert testMiles2;

// Assert Mileage
    for(Mileage__c m:[SELECT miles__c from Mileage__c
        WHERE createdDate = TODAY
        and createdById = :createdbyId
        and miles__c != null]) {
            totalMiles += m.miles__c;
    system.assertEquals(maxtotalMiles, totalMiles);

// Negative tests

    static testMethod void runNegativeTestCases(){
        system.debug('Inserting 501 miles...negative test cases');
        Mileage__c testMiles3 = new Mileage__c(Miles__c = 501, Date__c = system.today());
        // Assert Error Message
                insert testMiles3;
            }    catch (DmlException e) {
                    // Assert Error Message
                    system.assert(e.getMessage().contains('Insert Failed. '+
                    'First exeception on row 0; first error: '+
                    'Mileage request exceeds daily limit(500): [Miles__c]'),
                    // Assert Field
                    system.assertEquals(Mileage__c.Miles__c, e.getDmlFields(0)[0]);
                    //Assert Status Code

does anybody how to clear out or reset a developer edition ?

Hello all,


Does anybody know where "Notea & attachments" data is stored in SalesForce ?


Thanks in advance Lee

Hello all,

I hope somebody can help me with this question or point me in the right direction.

I'm a total newbie to SalesForce but am leaning as quickly as I can by at least searching the web first.  But on this time I can’t seem to work out what to do.

Firstly I have created a custom object called "timesheet" in that object I have two custom fields first field is “start time” and the second is “finish time” at the moment I’m currently using date and time but I would like to just have the time there displayed.  Also I would like to have a third custom field to calculate the time difference, is there formula that can do this? I would also like this field to display the length of time in hours and minutes if possible.


Thanks in advance.

How can i can cofirm that i'm using the developer edition ?


Also how do i delete a user that i have created on there ?


Thanks in advance

morning all,


i have used my developer login to access my developer salesforce.  Is there a way to reset or wipe the work i have on it, as i'm starting new project so i want to get rid of the old one.


Regards Lee

Hello All,

I did go to the introduce your self section but the new message icon was greyed out not sure why.


Any way I so new to salesforce/force platform is untrue, I have very little knowledge. But I have been given the job of looking after a unfinished project/solution to finish off.


First I have registered my self on here and as a developer.


Can anybody recommend any tutorials or books to get me started ?


Also my solution when I login has a SalesForce 10 logo in the top left corner and looks quite dull and yesterday I went to look at another company to see what they have done and they have SaleCloud2 logo in the top left corner and there layout was very colourful. Can any body tell me the difference ?


Apologies it this is a silly question.


Regards Lee

Afternoon all,

Hope you can help me with ongoing issue that I have.

Am currently working with a company that has a SF.org and all of the objects are install in a package.  At the moment that SF.org is being used and will be for a while.

In the mean time a new SF.org is going to be developed, one of the things I have noticed is when I create a sandbox it contains the currently live SF.org which is fine, but when I go to uninstall the package it complains that certain components are in use or in use by another objects. 

Is there any way to create a sandbox from fresh so I can start the development from fresh?

Or do I have to manually delete these?

Also will I have the same problem when I uninstall the package from the live SF.org?

Thanks Lee

Hello all,


In the current my live salesforce some of the visualforce pages are part of installed package, which i can't edit them.


Not having my luck with finding any info how to get around this.


Any help would be great.



I'm still very new to Salesforce.com/Force.com.


Currently working on my companies salesforce project.  Its seems that there is no delete button for me to delete a contact or there is no option to move a contact to a different account.


I have search the wonderful internet and have seen posts that have mention to check the permissions but i have full permssion to the whole of teh tabs.


Any help would be great.


Thanks Lee

Hello all,


Does anybody know where "Notea & attachments" data is stored in SalesForce ?


Thanks in advance Lee

Hello all,

I hope somebody can help me with this question or point me in the right direction.

I'm a total newbie to SalesForce but am leaning as quickly as I can by at least searching the web first.  But on this time I can’t seem to work out what to do.

Firstly I have created a custom object called "timesheet" in that object I have two custom fields first field is “start time” and the second is “finish time” at the moment I’m currently using date and time but I would like to just have the time there displayed.  Also I would like to have a third custom field to calculate the time difference, is there formula that can do this? I would also like this field to display the length of time in hours and minutes if possible.


Thanks in advance.

How can i can cofirm that i'm using the developer edition ?


Also how do i delete a user that i have created on there ?


Thanks in advance