• Amit Vaidya
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Login Issue :-when i was trying to connect my DE Org i got This Error :(You are attempting to log into Trailhead to complete challenges with an org that isn't supported. When you are completing Trailhead hands-on challenges, you cannot use a production or sandbox org. You must use a Developer Edition (DE) org to complete Trailhead challenges.

"WARNING: Callback failed: aura://ComponentController/ACTION$getApplication"

What is solution, plz asap reply ...


<aura:component >
    <aura:attribute name="list" type="String[]" default="Item 1, Item 2, Item 3"/>
    <aura:attribute name="selected" type="String[]"/>
    <aura:iteration items="{!v.list}" var="l">
        <ui:inputRadio name="qwer" label="{!l}" change="{!c.select}" />
    ..................... <ui:outputText value="{!v.selected}"/>

Lightning controller..

    select : function(component, event, helper) {
        var src = event.getSource();
        var name = src.get("v.value");
        component.set("v.selected", name);


<aura:application access="GLOBAL" extends="ltng:outApp">
    <aura:dependency resource="SFAuraCMP:Light121"/>


I'm having trouble with one of the trailhead modules, Lightning Components Basics Input Data Using Forms https://developer.salesforce.com/trailhead/lex_dev_lc_basics/lex_dev_lc_basics_forms

In a previous module I set up the SLDS static resource and now in this module I'm asked to acess it and I'm not getting the custom styling that is supposed to be implimented. I copy-pasted the code exactly as it is shown in the module and only changed the name of the static resource.

    <!-- Include the SLDS static resource (adjust to match package version) -->
    <ltng:require styles="{!$Resource.SLDS201 +
    <!-- Add the "scoping" element to activate SLDS on components
         that we add inside it. -->
    <div class="slds">
        <!-- This component is the real "app" -->
    <!-- / SLDS SCOPING DIV -->

    <!-- PAGE HEADER -->
    <div class="slds-page-header" role="banner">
      <div class="slds-grid">
        <div class="slds-col">
          <p class="slds-text-heading--label">Expenses</p>
          <h1 class="slds-text-heading--medium">My Expenses</h1>
    <!-- / PAGE HEADER -->

    <!-- NEW EXPENSE FORM -->
    <div class="slds-col slds-col--padded slds-p-top--large">

        <!-- [[ expense form goes here ]] -->

    <!-- / NEW EXPENSE FORM -->


I've tried uninstalling and re-uploading the resource as well as changing the filepath but I can't seem to figure out how to acces this file.
Any help would be really appreciated.
HI ,I am doing a trailhead on salesforce Lighting this is my code 

<aura:component >
    <aura:attribute name="item"  type="Camping_Item__c"  /> <!-- required="true" type="String"  -->
    <p> The Item is <ui:outputText value ="{!v.item}"></ui:outputText></p>
        <ui:outputText value="{!v.item.name}" /> 

        <ui:outputNumber value="{!v.item.Quantity__c}" /> 

        <ui:outputCurrency value="{!v.item.Price__c}" /> 

        <ui:outputCheckbox value="{!v.item.Packed__c}" /> 
    <p><ui:button label="Packed!" press="{!c.packItem}"></ui:button>

Now Its required of me to :
Add a button to the campingListItem component that when clicked, marks the item as packed.
1.Add a button labeled "Packed!" that calls the packItem controller function when clicked.
2.The controller action marks the item attribute as packed and disables the button.

I have done with the first point
I'm struggling with the second point.

the controller code looks something like this (which currently isnt working)

    packItem : function(component, event, helper) {
        var btn= event.getSource();
        var BtnMessage =btn.get("v.label");  

each time I have failing the trailhead because of this error message
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The campingListItem JavaScript controller isn't setting the 'Packed' value correctly.


The current project I am working on focuses heavily around the use of the Partner Communities using the Lightning experience. We have developed a solution and we are now investigating deployment. 

Using the Force.com Migration Tool I am able to get all the custom code and components and deploy them to another environment, but I cannot see away to migrate our community to another environment. (so we do not have to rebuild the design in the new environment)

Any help on this matter would be great. 
Hi Everyone,
//Component: LightningNavigate
<aura:component implements="force:appHostable">
    <div id="aura-page">
        <div class="container">
            <ui:button label="gotoURL" press="{!c.gotoURL}" />
        <div class="container">
            <ui:button label="navigate" press="{!c.navigate}" />

    gotoURL : function(component, event, helper) {
    navigate : function(component, event, helper) {

    gotoURL : function (component, event) {
        var urlEvent = $A.get("e.force:navigateToURL");
          "url": "/006/o"
    navigate : function(component,event) {
        var address = '/Salesforce.com+Inc/@37.793779,-122.39448,17z/';
        var urlEvent = $A.get("e.force:navigateToURL");
          "url": 'https://www.google.com/maps/place/' + address

<aura:application >
    <c:LightningNavigate />

While running above code, I am getting following issue:

Something has gone wrong. Action failed: c$LightningNavigate$controller$gotoURL [TypeError: Cannot read property 'setParams' of undefined] Failing descriptor: {c$LightningNavigate$controller$gotoURL}. Please try again.

Can someone please help me to resolve it?

Does anyone know why Lightning Components trail got closed?
When I am clicking on it they are showing Trai Closed message.
Thank you,

Can any one help me on REQUEST_RUNNING_TOO_LONG error? Why we get this error and how we can resolve this error?

Thank you,

Note: I have received following error when i tried to run validation against production:
Running test: DemoTestClass, time spent on that test: 21750ms, total time spent running tests: 1764079ms. Error: REQUEST_RUNNING_TOO_LONG: Your request was running for too long, and has been stopped.
How to validate using validation rule that if a user with profile: Sales User or Sales User - SpringCM updates/creates a contact, and email != null: require that at least one of the checkboxes is checked for fields:


Please help me in this.


Test failure, method: NewMDPFormSubmitTest.createRecordsOnMDPFormInsertTest -- System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, MDPFormSubmissionTrigger: execution of AfterInsert

caused by: System.QueryException: Non-selective query against large object type (more than 100000 rows). Consider an indexed filter or contact salesforce.com about custom indexing.
Even if a field is indexed a filter might still not be selective when:
1. The filter value includes null (for instance binding with a list that contains null)
2. Data skew exists whereby the number of matching rows is very large (for instance, filtering for a particular foreign key value that occurs many times)


I am getting above error for following query:


SELECT id, Context_ID__c, Name from Account where Context_ID__c =: practiceid AND Context_ID__c != '' order by LastModifiedDate desc


This query i have used in following code for after insert trigger:


public with sharing class NewMDPFormSubmit {

public static void createRecordsOnMDPFormInsert(List<MDP_Form_Submission__c> newMDPForms) {

//List<Account> accs = [SELECT id, Context_ID__c, Name from Account where Context_ID__c != '' order by LastModifiedDate desc];
List<Contact> cList = new List<Contact>();
List<Opportunity> oppList = new List<Opportunity>();
List<CampaignMember> cmpgnmemListForContact = new List<CampaignMember>();
List<OpportunityLineItem> oliList = new List<OpportunityLineItem>();
List<Task> tListForOpportunity = new List<Task>();
List<Partner_Lock__c> plList = new List<Partner_Lock__c>();
List<Lead> lList = new List<Lead>();
List<CampaignMember> cmpgnmemListForLead = new List<CampaignMember>();
List<Task> tListForLead = new List<Task>();

List<String> s = new List<String>();
for(MDP_Form_Submission__c mdps: newMDPForms){
s.add('MDP -'+mdps.Product_Name__c);

List<Campaign> cmpgn = [SELECT Id, Name from Campaign where Name IN: (s)];
List<Partner_Contract__c> pcWithMatchProductName = [SELECT Id, Name from Partner_Contract__c where Name IN: (s)];

for(MDP_Form_Submission__c m: newMDPForms){

String practiceid = m.Practice_ID__c;
if(practiceid.length() < 5 ){
Integer strlength = 5- practiceid.length();
for(Integer i=0; i<strlength; i++){
practiceid = '0'+practiceid;
}else if(practiceid.length() > 4){
practiceid = practiceid;
List<Account> newAcc = new List<Account>();
if(practiceid != null && practiceid.length() == 5){
newAcc = [SELECT id, Context_ID__c, Name from Account where Context_ID__c =: practiceid AND Context_ID__c != '' order by LastModifiedDate desc];
/*for(Account ac: accs){
if(practiceid == ac.Context_ID__c){
if(newAcc.size() > 0){
//if(practiceid == newAcc[0].Context_ID__c){
//Insert Contact related to Account
Contact con = new Contact();
con.Accountid = newAcc[0].id;
con.FirstName = m.First_Name__c;
con.LastName = m.Last_Name__c;
con.Email = m.Email__c;
con.Phone = m.Phone_Number__c;

if(m.Receive_athenahealth_News__c == false){
con.HasOptedOutOfEmail = true;
con.HasOptedOutOfEmail = false;
if(m.Receive_athenahealth_News__c == true){
con.Invite_Opt_In__c = true;
con.Newsletter_Opt_In__c = true;
con.Stream_Opt_In__c = true;
con.Invite_Opt_In__c = false;
con.Newsletter_Opt_In__c = false;
con.Stream_Opt_In__c = false;

//Insert Opportunity related to Account
Opportunity o = new Opportunity();
o.AccountID = newAcc[0].id;
o.Name = newAcc[0].Name +'- MDP Partner:'+m.Product_Name__c;
o.StageName = 'Qualification';
o.CloseDate = System.Today();
o.Type = 'New Service';

//Insert Partner Lock related to Account
Partner_Lock__c pl = new Partner_Lock__c();
pl.Account__c = newAcc[0].id;
if(pcWithMatchProductName.size() > 0){
pl.Partner_Contract__c = pcWithMatchProductName[0].id;
}else {
//If no matching Accounts found then create Lead
Lead l = new Lead();
l.Company = m.Practice_Name__c;
l.FirstName = m.First_Name__c;
l.LastName = m.Last_Name__c;
l.Email = m.Email__c;
l.Phone = m.Phone_Number__c;

if(m.Receive_athenahealth_News__c == false){
l.HasOptedOutOfEmail = true;
l.HasOptedOutOfEmail = false;
if(m.Receive_athenahealth_News__c == true){
l.Invite_Opt_In__c = true;
l.Newsletter_Opt_In__c = true;
l.Stream_Opt_In__c = true;
l.Invite_Opt_In__c = false;
l.Newsletter_Opt_In__c = false;
l.Stream_Opt_In__c = false;

//Insert Contacts if there are matching Accounts
if(cList.size() > 0){
insert cList;
//For inserting Campaign Member to related Contact
for(Contact c:cList){
CampaignMember cm = new CampaignMember();
cm.ContactId = c.id;
cm.CampaignId = cmpgn[0].id;
cm.Status = 'Responded';
if(cmpgn[0].id != null){
insert cmpgnmemListForContact;

//Insert Opportunities if there are matching Accounts
if(oppList.size() > 0){
insert oppList;
//For inserting Opportunity Services to related Opportunity
for(Opportunity opp:oppList){

OpportunityLineItem oli = new OpportunityLineItem();
oli.OpportunityId = opp.id;
oli.PricebookEntryId = '01uG000000CuPnK';
oli.MDP_Application__c = newMDPForms[0].Product_Name__c;
oli.Quantity = 1;
oli.UnitPrice = 0;
oliList.add(oli);//Adding Opportunity Services

Task t = new Task();
t.WhatId = opp.id;
t.OwnerId = '005G000000366nY';//Replace this with '005G000000366nY' while deploying to production
t.Subject = 'MDP Storefront Submission';
t.Task_Type__c = 'Outbound Call';
t.ActivityDate = System.Today();
t.Priority = '3';
t.Status = 'Not Started';
t.Description = 'Form Type: '+newMDPForms[0].Form_Type__c+'\n'+'Product Name: '+newMDPForms[0].Product_Name__c+'\n'+'First Name: '+newMDPForms[0].First_Name__c+'\n'+'Last Name: '
+newMDPForms[0].Last_Name__c+'\n'+'Email: '+newMDPForms[0].Email__c+'\n'+'Phone Number: '+newMDPForms[0].Phone_Number__c+'\n'+'Contact Preference: '
+newMDPForms[0].Contact_Preference__c+'\n'+'Practice Name: '+newMDPForms[0].Practice_Name__c+'\n'+'Existing Client: '+newMDPForms[0].Existing_Client__c+'\n'+'Practice ID: '
+newMDPForms[0].Practice_ID__c+'\n'+'Submitting For: '+newMDPForms[0].Submitting_For__c+'\n'+'Submitting For Full Name: '+newMDPForms[0].Submitting_For_Full_Name__c+'\n'+'Submitting For Company Name: '
+newMDPForms[0].Submitting_For_Company_Name__c+'\n'+'Receive athenahealth News: '+newMDPForms[0].Receive_athenahealth_News__c;

tListForOpportunity.add(t);//Adding Tasks in list for Opportunity
//Insert Task and Opportunity Services on Opportunity
if(oliList.size() > 0 ){
insert oliList;
if(tListForOpportunity.size() > 0){
insert tListForOpportunity;
//Insert Partner Locks on Account
if(pcWithMatchProductName[0].id != null){
insert plList;

//Insert Lead if not matching accounts
if(lList.size() > 0){
insert lList;
for(Lead l:lList){
CampaignMember cm = new CampaignMember();
cm.LeadId = l.id;
cm.CampaignId = cmpgn[0].id;
cm.Status = 'Responded';

Task t = new Task();
t.WhoId = l.id;
t.OwnerId = '005G000000366nY';//Replace this with '005G000000366nY' while deploying to production
t.Subject = 'MDP Storefront Submission';
t.Task_Type__c = 'Outbound Call';
t.ActivityDate = System.Today();
t.Priority = '3';
t.Status = 'Not Started';
t.Description = 'Form Type: '+newMDPForms[0].Form_Type__c+'\n'+'Product Name: '+newMDPForms[0].Product_Name__c+'\n'+'First Name: '+newMDPForms[0].First_Name__c+'\n'+'Last Name: '
+newMDPForms[0].Last_Name__c+'\n'+'Email: '+newMDPForms[0].Email__c+'\n'+'Phone Number: '+newMDPForms[0].Phone_Number__c+'\n'+'Contact Preference: '
+newMDPForms[0].Contact_Preference__c+'\n'+'Practice Name: '+newMDPForms[0].Practice_Name__c+'\n'+'Existing Client: '+newMDPForms[0].Existing_Client__c+'\n'+'Practice ID: '
+newMDPForms[0].Practice_ID__c+'\n'+'Submitting For: '+newMDPForms[0].Submitting_For__c+'\n'+'Submitting For Full Name: '+newMDPForms[0].Submitting_For_Full_Name__c+'\n'+'Submitting For Company Name: '
+newMDPForms[0].Submitting_For_Company_Name__c+'\n'+'Receive athenahealth News: '+newMDPForms[0].Receive_athenahealth_News__c;

tListForLead.add(t);//Adding Task in list for Lead
//Insert Campaign Member on Lead
if(cmpgn[0].id != null){
insert cmpgnmemListForLead;
//Insert Task on Lead
if(tListForLead.size() > 0){
insert tListForLead;


Please let me know if anyone has solution for this error.

We have to implement following things on the insert of new records :


  1. If Practice ID on the new record is populated:

Try to find an existing account where Context ID(Text field) on the account contains the value of Practice ID(Text) on the Custom Object.

If the value in Practice ID is less than 5 digits, add zeroes to the left of the Practice ID when comparing.


For example, if Practice ID is 123, try to find an account where Context ID contains ‘00123’. 


Note: The value in Practice ID on the Custom object shouldn’t be modified.


After: If we are getting any matching Accounts then create some records like create contact related to Account etc.


Can any one help me to achieve this functionality?




Does anyone know why Lightning Components trail got closed?
When I am clicking on it they are showing Trai Closed message.
Thank you,
How to validate using validation rule that if a user with profile: Sales User or Sales User - SpringCM updates/creates a contact, and email != null: require that at least one of the checkboxes is checked for fields:


Please help me in this.

1.) I have an "Account" standard object which is in master-detail relationship with custom object "Shop" where I added custom field "Account" which is of "Master-Detail" field linked to the Account Object.
I am not sure how to "connect" these objects - should I put an ID of particular Account record in custom field "Account" of Master Detail type which is part of custom object "Shop"? How would 'I get the ID of particular "Account" record?

2.) I have also created a custom object "Opening_Hours" which is linked to custom object "Store"  as I have added custom field to the "Store" object which is called "Open_Hours_Id" and is linked via lookup to custom object "Opening_Hours". The "primary key" for particular opening hours is of type text so "Opening_Hours" has an "ID record" of type text.
The question is how to insert "Opening_Hours" object's "ID record" to the custom field "Open_Hours_Id" of custom object "Store"_

Appreciate your help,
Login Issue :-when i was trying to connect my DE Org i got This Error :(You are attempting to log into Trailhead to complete challenges with an org that isn't supported. When you are completing Trailhead hands-on challenges, you cannot use a production or sandbox org. You must use a Developer Edition (DE) org to complete Trailhead challenges.
Hi Everyone,
//Component: LightningNavigate
<aura:component implements="force:appHostable">
    <div id="aura-page">
        <div class="container">
            <ui:button label="gotoURL" press="{!c.gotoURL}" />
        <div class="container">
            <ui:button label="navigate" press="{!c.navigate}" />

    gotoURL : function(component, event, helper) {
    navigate : function(component, event, helper) {

    gotoURL : function (component, event) {
        var urlEvent = $A.get("e.force:navigateToURL");
          "url": "/006/o"
    navigate : function(component,event) {
        var address = '/Salesforce.com+Inc/@37.793779,-122.39448,17z/';
        var urlEvent = $A.get("e.force:navigateToURL");
          "url": 'https://www.google.com/maps/place/' + address

<aura:application >
    <c:LightningNavigate />

While running above code, I am getting following issue:

Something has gone wrong. Action failed: c$LightningNavigate$controller$gotoURL [TypeError: Cannot read property 'setParams' of undefined] Failing descriptor: {c$LightningNavigate$controller$gotoURL}. Please try again.

Can someone please help me to resolve it?

I have User lookup field in opportunity which is manditory,if we save the  opportunity record  with stage='closed won',and selecting one user in User field and now if  we try to edit opportunity record the User lookup field should be read only with the previous value saved .
I have enabled namespace in my dev org. Namespace name - LightningMyth.
When I write the following query in any class/trigger, I get the error : : Illegal assignment from List<Account> to List<LightningMyth.Account>
List<Account> acc=[SELECT ID FROM ACCOUNT limit 1];
but the same query works fine in workbench and QueryEditor.
When I changed the query to List<LightningMyth.Account> acc=[select id from LightningMyth.Account limit 1];
I get this error - Compile Error: First SObject of the FROM statement must be a valid SObject type.
I get this issue after enabling namespace and this issue is only with Account object, the SOQL with other standard and custom objects works just fine.
Any help is appreciated!
Hi All,

I want to hide aura:iteration indexing of same name..here is my code
<aura:iteration items="{!v.payStmtList}" var="paySt" indexVar="index">
                <td> <ui:outputText value="{!paySt.Name}" /></td>
                <aura:iteration items="{!v.fieldNames}" var="fieldName">
                        <c:PayStatementItem paySt="{!paySt}" fieldName="{!fieldName}"/>
I am attaching the file of output.
User-added image
I want to achieve something like when one Month Name is coming in the first iteration "<td> <ui:outputText value="{!paySt.Name}" /></td>".. here december december and november november is coming two/three times I want these values to be once. Anybody has any idea
Hi, I have problem in the challenge which is as follows : 
Create a Lightning Component to display a single item for your packing list.
  • Create a component called campingListItem that displays the name (ui:outputText) and the three custom fields using the appropriate output components.
  • Add an attribute named item for type Camping_Item__c that is required.
for this I made component campingListItem.cmp which has following code :
    <aura:attribute name="item" type="Camping_Item__c" />    
    <p>Name:<ui:outputText value="{!v.item.Name}"/></p>    
    <p>Quantity:<ui:outputNumber value="{!v.item.Quantity__c}"/></p>    
    <p>Price:<ui:outputCurrency value="{!v.item.Price__c}"/></p>
    <p>Packed?:<ui:outputCheckbox value="{!v.item.Packed__c}"/></p>

but data is not displaying from object simple HTML text is displaying as follows:
Packed?:  False

please give me some suggestion.

I have a Community built in Community Builder that uses lightning components and the Lightning Design System css & asset package.  I am using one of the svg icons from the SLDS assets, and it's working fine in the sandbox (the published community in the sandbox is rendering the icon as expected).

However, now that the community is in Production, the published pages are not displaying the icon, and I'm getting a 404 error when the page tries to load the asset: "https://myclientsorg.force.com/resource/SLDS0122/assets/icons/custom-sprite/svg/symbols.svg "  This is the path to the asset that's failing to load.  However, I'm using the CSS from the same package, so it's just the svg symbols that aren't showing up.

Can anyone provide any insight??
I am trying to design a UI for a custom object .
The steps involved are 1.Create a new opportunity 2.Create a new custom object(Reference__c) within opportunity  3.Select Custom object from a lookupfield (Test_Service_Item__c) within Reference. It is the fields in the (Test_Service_Item__c) that the UI is for.

My VF code is :
<apex:page standardController="Test_Service_Item__c" >
<apex:pageMessages ></apex:pageMessages>
    <apex:pageBlock id="thePageBlock" >
        <apex:pageBlockSection title="test" columns="1" >
        <apex:form >    
     <apex:inputfield value="{!Test_Service_Item__c.Reference__c}"/>
        <apex:inputfield value="{!Test_Service_Item__c.name}"/>
         <apex:inputfield value="{!Test_Service_Item__c.Customer_OnSite__c}"/>
          <apex:inputfield value="{!Test_Service_Item__c.Required_Item__c}"/>
           <apex:inputfield value="{!Test_Service_Item__c.Show_Price_On_Quote__c}"/>
        <apex:inputfield value="{!Test_Service_Item__c.Include_in_Quote__c}"/>
         <apex:inputfield value="{!Test_Service_Item__c.Overall_Sort_Order__c}"/>
         <apex:inputfield value="{!Test_Service_Item__c.Price__c}"/>
         <apex:inputfield value="{!Test_Service_Item__c.Answer__c}"/>
         <apex:inputfield value="{!Test_Service_Item__c.Sort_Order__c}"/>
         <apex:inputfield value="{!Test_Service_Item__c.Std_Sort_Order__c}"/>   
        <apex:commandButton action="{!save}" value="save"/>       

This is dispalying the fields but they are blank. Do i need Apex class to have the values of the object appearing in VF page?

1. We have created a lightning component and lightning application.
2. Referred lightning app in visualforce page to display the table of records.

When we are displaying the bulk records (more than 500), it is taking more time (>30 Sec)  due to huge logic in the javaScript helper.

Instead of displaying all the 500 records at a time which is consuming more time, I want to load 5 records first later it can process for the remaining records.

If anyone of you having suggestions please let me know.

Hello Everyone,
I was wondering how to disable the "opening sequence" in lightning experience? When you log in or open a new page using lightning, you have to watch the butterfly flap it's wings for a minute or until it's obvious it's not going to work and you have to revert to classic. This is one of my many grievances concerning lightning. My other big one is that you rarely can open other pages in new tabs because it's all done with Java, but even then you still have to watch the butterfly. Can anyone please help me with this?

Much appreciative,