• CharlieLang
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  • Member since 2011

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Hi, I am using the salesforce mass edit tool and its not quite working as expected.

below is the code and a screenshot, as you will see its creating the lines in the edit tool but nothing is populating - not sure why but any help would be appreciated
<apex:page standardController="Budget__c" recordSetVar="unused" sidebar="false" lightningStylesheets="true">

<!-- for this page to work with a specific custom object, change standController="entityname" to custom object api name  
    For example, if custom object name is Warehouse__c, change first part of the first line to standardController="warehouse__c" -->

<apex:includeScript value="{!$Resource.UtilJS}" />
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageMessages />
<apex:pageBlock >
Note: All modifications made on the page will be lost if Return button is clicked without clicking the Save button first. 
<apex:pageBlockButtons >
<apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!save}"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Return" action="{!cancel}"/>
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Selected}" var="a" id="table">
<apex:column headerValue="Name">
<apex:inputField value="{!Budget__c.Name}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Ordering">
<apex:inputField value="{!Budget__c.Ordering_of_Quote__c}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Budget Type">
<apex:inputField value="{!Budget__c.Budget_Type__c}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Units">
<apex:inputField value="{!Budget__c.Units__c}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Final Quote Amount">
<apex:inputField value="{!Budget__c.Final_Quote_Amount__c}"/>
User-added image

User-added image
Hi, I have the name field set to autonumber but need to set the starting number to 14000. Without loading in 14k records amnd deleting them, is there a way in the dev console to set the number for the autonumber field?

I am looking to expand our development offerings and looking for nearshore development teams or UK development teams to bring on board. If anyone is either from a dev team or can recommend such dev teams it would be realyl useful, i will then respond with some qualification questions. 


Hi, in service cloud i have the below code. when i am using it in normal sales cloud it works fine so i know the link works. When i am uisng it in service cloud its opening a new tab (correct behaviour) but the link isn't working, i'm just getting a blank tab which has "external page" as the tab name. Can anyone shed some light on why this is happening?

// It will execute if the Button/Link will be clicked from with in Service Cloud Console
if (typeof(srcUp) == 'function') {
// It will execute if the Button/Link will be clicked from normal Salesforce UI

I am trying to assign a value in a field to another field in a flow loop but not having much success.
what i have is a UserID stored on each record in a text field which i want to assign to the OwnerID field, so as you can imagine, every record could be different.
at the moment i have a pretty standard loop like below, any idea on how i could do this? any help is huch appreciated
User-added image
I have a simple process and flow running on opportunity line items which upon create edit and save runs a flow which in turn updates all opporutnity line items. we are using a target custom object and link the opp lines to that. So its looking for a target record depending on some variables, then looking for the record to update, assigning the record to update then updating

At the moment this is working perfectly up untio 23 or 24 oppoertunity lines at which point i get the dreaded Error Occurred: Too many SOQL queries: 101

i currently only use 4 steps in a flow, can anyone point me in the direction to be able to iron out this bug

User-added image
We are working on a project that has an XML import routine written. Would anyone know why below is not allowing special characters to be inserted into salesforce fields. Would anyone be able to identify quickly why this is not working properly?

this is a sample of the xml
<company>before &amp; after</company>

We are pulling the data from a server . Once we get the XML data we parse this data using Xmlstreamreader . But we are getting issues with spacial character .  Xmlstreamreader not accepting these spacial characters

here is the code
Xmlstreamreader reader = new Xmlstreamreader(getxml);

while(reader.hasNext()) {
      if (reader.getEventType() == XmlTag.START_ELEMENT) {
         if ('event' == reader.getLocalName()) {
          event.N200_Event_Code__c=reader.getAttributeValue(null, 'code');
         else if('name' == reader.getLocalName()){     
      //     system.debug('%%%%%%%%event.name'+event.name);         
        else if('description' == reader.getLocalName()){     
        //   system.debug('%%%%%%%%event.name'+event.name);         

Seeming as creating an event with user defined date and time is near on impossible from normal visual workflow, does anyone have an example of an apex plugin for visual workflow which i can use to create an event against an account, ie i pass in the account id, start date and time, end date and time and an event is created.
Does anyone know how to create an event using visual workflow?
Hi, we are looking to change out community so we define a background in the CSS.

is there a way of making the backgrounds of the tabs transparent so it looks a little like the below (excuse the white dots - i needed to de-brand it somehow)

Is there a way to be able to have multiple community logins or is there a way i can embed the login box in a normal HTML page?

i can not see a way to define multiple logins in the community setup as it only allows you define one login page



I am, working on a community project at the moment. 


Does anyone know how to centre the alignment of the menu buttons and the centre the main body of the pages


thanks in advance

I am trying to set the hour in a time date field but am unsure how to add the hours to the field - every time i try and add the 'start time' field salesforce is just adding days to the formula.


this is the formula as i have it at the moment : DATETIMEVALUE(CloseDate +(TimeOfAppointment__c) )


So what i am hoping for is that if the field with the time of the appointment, say 10, the formula would would show 10am on the closedate.


the reason behind this is that i am trying to create an event in visual workflow and i am unable to create a timedate field so was going to use this to create the start and end times for an event

Our company have 2 separate lines of business, for example company A and company B.

These 2 companies have completely separate branding and styling behind them.


We have been sold one Salesforce community and have been told by a salesforce sales engineer that this is possible to do through using CSS linked to portal user profile records but we are unable to find any documentation around this.


Does anyone have an idea how this could be completed.

Is it possible to set the "from" field using a visualforce email? I am unable to work it out and i have a need for it, i have an org with 2 org wide email addresses and need to define the from address in the VF email - its for customer case comments otherwise i would use a workflow

Hi. I am looking replicate the Notes and Attachment related on the account page in a visual force panel for use with a customer portal. 


Salesforce doesnt normally allow viewing of account pages and notes and attachements but i've found a way round this using sharing settings and VF pages but can not work out how to add the attachement object to the account page. What would be best is just a list of the files attached to the obejct so they can be clicked on an opened.


Otherwise just a normal VF page with a list of the documents and what they relate to will suffice but i have no idea where to start with this....


the other option i have is using the old attachment manager app but this has a delete document button and since its an scontrol i can not modify this which isnt great.


any help or pointers for this would be appreciated as i cant find much on google...


I'm trying to use the below in a text formula to display the text in a field if a case is logged between certain hours (so i can create an assignment rule to push the case to the correct queue)

IF( VALUE(MID(TEXT(CreatedDate), 12, 2))  <= 00  &&  VALUE(MID(TEXT(CreatedDate), 12, 2)) < 10, "USA", 
IF( VALUE(MID(TEXT(CreatedDate), 12, 2))  <= 10 &&  VALUE(MID(TEXT(CreatedDate), 12, 2)) < 22, "Europe", 
IF( VALUE(MID(TEXT(CreatedDate), 12, 2)) <= 22 &&  VALUE(MID(TEXT(CreatedDate), 12, 2)) < 24, "Asia", "Europe"))

 At the moment the field is always stating "Asia" and i am not sure why this is




I am using the following to display a view in a tab


<apex:page >
<apex:enhancedList listId="00B20000006X0Le" height="600" customizable="false" rowsPerPage="25"/>


I have set the profile so the VF page is enabled for it but when i am logged in as the standard user i am getting the following error


Insufficient Privileges
You do not have the level of access necessary to perform the operation you requested. Please contact the owner of the record or your administrator if access is necessary. 

 I have also noticed that i set the VF page access when using sys admin, then wheni log in as a standard user and look at the profile page the enabled VF page access panel is blank.


Thanks for any help in advance



We have a config sandbox linked to a full sandbox, linked to production.


We are in the process of implementing some new code, can someone help me - do the field ID's change between the environments?


for example, we have a button that does a custom clone via a VF page and updates a lookup field. this field, do the ID's change between the different orgs or / and will salesforce auto correct this?


Thanks for any help in advance

Does anyone know if it possible to put an art palette VF section in a normal page layout?


For example, we want to create a page that has an area where someone can draw something then when the page is saved it saves the image to record as an attachment?


doesn't need to be complicated - 1 colour is enough


p.s. thanks for any help in advance


I am looking to expand our development offerings and looking for nearshore development teams or UK development teams to bring on board. If anyone is either from a dev team or can recommend such dev teams it would be realyl useful, i will then respond with some qualification questions. 


Hi, we are looking to change out community so we define a background in the CSS.

is there a way of making the backgrounds of the tabs transparent so it looks a little like the below (excuse the white dots - i needed to de-brand it somehow)

Hi, I am using the salesforce mass edit tool and its not quite working as expected.

below is the code and a screenshot, as you will see its creating the lines in the edit tool but nothing is populating - not sure why but any help would be appreciated
<apex:page standardController="Budget__c" recordSetVar="unused" sidebar="false" lightningStylesheets="true">

<!-- for this page to work with a specific custom object, change standController="entityname" to custom object api name  
    For example, if custom object name is Warehouse__c, change first part of the first line to standardController="warehouse__c" -->

<apex:includeScript value="{!$Resource.UtilJS}" />
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageMessages />
<apex:pageBlock >
Note: All modifications made on the page will be lost if Return button is clicked without clicking the Save button first. 
<apex:pageBlockButtons >
<apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!save}"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Return" action="{!cancel}"/>
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Selected}" var="a" id="table">
<apex:column headerValue="Name">
<apex:inputField value="{!Budget__c.Name}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Ordering">
<apex:inputField value="{!Budget__c.Ordering_of_Quote__c}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Budget Type">
<apex:inputField value="{!Budget__c.Budget_Type__c}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Units">
<apex:inputField value="{!Budget__c.Units__c}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Final Quote Amount">
<apex:inputField value="{!Budget__c.Final_Quote_Amount__c}"/>
User-added image

User-added image
Hi, I have the name field set to autonumber but need to set the starting number to 14000. Without loading in 14k records amnd deleting them, is there a way in the dev console to set the number for the autonumber field?
I am trying to assign a value in a field to another field in a flow loop but not having much success.
what i have is a UserID stored on each record in a text field which i want to assign to the OwnerID field, so as you can imagine, every record could be different.
at the moment i have a pretty standard loop like below, any idea on how i could do this? any help is huch appreciated
User-added image
I have a simple process and flow running on opportunity line items which upon create edit and save runs a flow which in turn updates all opporutnity line items. we are using a target custom object and link the opp lines to that. So its looking for a target record depending on some variables, then looking for the record to update, assigning the record to update then updating

At the moment this is working perfectly up untio 23 or 24 oppoertunity lines at which point i get the dreaded Error Occurred: Too many SOQL queries: 101

i currently only use 4 steps in a flow, can anyone point me in the direction to be able to iron out this bug

User-added image
Its an urgent.

Switching to community from global header  causes default user log in.

In Salesforcr 1 I am trying to swtch  community through global header but its showing as Default user as logged in irrespective of logge din user.

Is there any solutions for this issue.

It would be better 

Thank in advance.
Is there a way to be able to have multiple community logins or is there a way i can embed the login box in a normal HTML page?

i can not see a way to define multiple logins in the community setup as it only allows you define one login page
We are trying to use Visual Workflow to create some processes, and are trying to stay away from writing any apex code in support of this.


We need access to a datetime field, in order to schedule future opportunity tasks, but surprisingly, only date seems to be available in this environment. I noticed that people have been asking for this feature for SEVERAL YEARS, and it is supposedly "on the radar", but the silence on this is deafening. 


Does anyone know if this is going to be added, and or does anyway have a simple workaround to facilitate this?






I am trying to set the hour in a time date field but am unsure how to add the hours to the field - every time i try and add the 'start time' field salesforce is just adding days to the formula.


this is the formula as i have it at the moment : DATETIMEVALUE(CloseDate +(TimeOfAppointment__c) )


So what i am hoping for is that if the field with the time of the appointment, say 10, the formula would would show 10am on the closedate.


the reason behind this is that i am trying to create an event in visual workflow and i am unable to create a timedate field so was going to use this to create the start and end times for an event

Our company have 2 separate lines of business, for example company A and company B.

These 2 companies have completely separate branding and styling behind them.


We have been sold one Salesforce community and have been told by a salesforce sales engineer that this is possible to do through using CSS linked to portal user profile records but we are unable to find any documentation around this.


Does anyone have an idea how this could be completed.

Is it possible to set the "from" field using a visualforce email? I am unable to work it out and i have a need for it, i have an org with 2 org wide email addresses and need to define the from address in the VF email - its for customer case comments otherwise i would use a workflow


I'm trying to use the below in a text formula to display the text in a field if a case is logged between certain hours (so i can create an assignment rule to push the case to the correct queue)

IF( VALUE(MID(TEXT(CreatedDate), 12, 2))  <= 00  &&  VALUE(MID(TEXT(CreatedDate), 12, 2)) < 10, "USA", 
IF( VALUE(MID(TEXT(CreatedDate), 12, 2))  <= 10 &&  VALUE(MID(TEXT(CreatedDate), 12, 2)) < 22, "Europe", 
IF( VALUE(MID(TEXT(CreatedDate), 12, 2)) <= 22 &&  VALUE(MID(TEXT(CreatedDate), 12, 2)) < 24, "Asia", "Europe"))

 At the moment the field is always stating "Asia" and i am not sure why this is




I am using the following to display a view in a tab


<apex:page >
<apex:enhancedList listId="00B20000006X0Le" height="600" customizable="false" rowsPerPage="25"/>


I have set the profile so the VF page is enabled for it but when i am logged in as the standard user i am getting the following error


Insufficient Privileges
You do not have the level of access necessary to perform the operation you requested. Please contact the owner of the record or your administrator if access is necessary. 

 I have also noticed that i set the VF page access when using sys admin, then wheni log in as a standard user and look at the profile page the enabled VF page access panel is blank.


Thanks for any help in advance



We have a config sandbox linked to a full sandbox, linked to production.


We are in the process of implementing some new code, can someone help me - do the field ID's change between the environments?


for example, we have a button that does a custom clone via a VF page and updates a lookup field. this field, do the ID's change between the different orgs or / and will salesforce auto correct this?


Thanks for any help in advance

Hi, I'm trying to restart an entitlement process after the last milestone has passed via a workflow but am getting the below error


Error:You can’t set an entitlement process' start time after any case milestone completion dates.

 Does anyone know if there is a way round this or do i have to create an apex trigger?


Thanks for any help in advance!!!

I have a validation rule at the moment that stops anyone that is not an administrator changing the owner ID of a case. 


AND(ISCHANGED( OwnerId ), $Profile.Name <> "System Administrator")


I need to modify this so that users can only re-assign cases to users and not queues. Does anyone know how this is done?

Hello,   I need to archive (remove from salesforce) around 400.000 email messages. I tried the weekly export but files are too big and it's not possible to open them (in case I need to import some information back to salesforce). The main issue is that the email message body is not stored in one cell (one single email message is scattered in several rows). The same happens with Data Loader.  Does anyone ever try this? What are my options? I'm running out of space and I really need to free up some space...