• Karanraj
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I want to develop windows phone 7 app for doing crud(Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete) operations from SALESFORCE . I'm successfully done an sample app in windows 8 and 8.1 using developerforce toolkit. But for windows phone 7 i'm not getting even toolkit also. Please any one help me for moving forward in developing windows phone 7 app. Thanks in advance.

i make changes in my database.  add objects or fields. 

I want to see these changes in eclipse. 

in eclipse,
if i delete my entire org in eclipse,  then reload it, i see new and changed objects.

if i simply click the refresh in eclipse or F5 in eclipse, the changes i made to my database do not appear.
Is this normal?  or am i doing something wrong?
Following is my code where I use query with group by cluse for sum up the quantity that has the same name.

public List<Order_Item__c> orders;
    public String email;
    public List<Order_Item__c> getOrders() {
        email ='se.dx@gmail.com';
        orders = [SELECT Chargent_Order__r.Id, Product_Code__c, SUM(Quantity__c), Chargent_Order__r.ChargentOrders__Total__c,           Product__r.Name, Chargent_Order__r.ChargentOrders__Billing_Email__c  FROM Order_Item__c WHERE Chargent_Order__r.ChargentOrders__Billing_Email__c =:email GROUP BY Product__r.Name];
   return orders;

But it shows the above error please help me

I'm looking for help with creating WHERE query.
My current query:
 salesOrderList = [SELECT Name, SCMC__Customer_Account__c, Type__c, SCMC__Current_Promise__c, SCMC__Shipment_Status__c 
    From SCMC__Sales_Order__c Where Type__c='Production_Sales_Order' Order by SCMC__Current_Promise__c];
I would like to add another filter condition
Where Type__c='Production_Sales_Order'  
SCMC__Shipment_Status__c='Pending Pulling All Items' 
SCMC__Shipment_Status__c='Pending Pulling Partial Items Ordered' 

Thank you for any help.

I want to create a custom button under lead/contact layout. On click of this button I want to open 3rd party webapp page in a new tab.
Please let me know how to achieve the above requirement.

I have a lookup field declared as below:

<apex:inputfield value="{!Product2.Opportunity__c}" id="prodoppr"/>

wish to know how to add or handle event for this lookup field? When there is a change in the value I want to trigger method to perform certain validation and upate other fields....how can i achieve this? please any inputs?
  • October 19, 2015
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Help please, 

public class TestExtension {
    public List<SCMC__Production_Order__c> objlist{get;set;}
    public List<SCMC__Sales_Order__c> salesOrderList{get;set;}
    public TestExtension(ApexPages.StandardSetController controller) {
    objlist = [SELECT Name, Sales_Order_No__c,Customer__c, Assembly_Name__c, SCMC__Start_Date__c, SCMC__Planned_Completion_Date__c, SCMC__Production_Status__c
FROM SCMC__Production_Order__c Where SCMC__Production_Status__c = 'Pending Pulling All Items'ORDER by SCMC__Planned_Completion_Date__c];

    salesOrderList = [SELECT Name, SCMC__Customer_Account__c, Type__c, SCMC__Current_Promise__c Where Type__c = 'Production Sales Order' Order by SCMC__Current_Promise__c];

We have created a VF page to display records from 'Production Order' object as a pageBlock with pageBlockSections.
Is it possible to display on anothre pageBlock section within the same VF page records from different object? In my case 'Sales Orders'? I'm new to APex and Visualforce page and I will appreciate any help.

Below is my VF page Code
<apex:page standardController="SCMC__Production_Order__c" sidebar="false" showheader="true" recordSetVar="SCMC__Production_Order__c" extensions="TestExtension,TestExtension2">

<META http-equiv="refresh" content="60"/>

<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock rendered="True" title="Production Work Orders">
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Production Orders to Fill">
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!objlist}" style="width:1220px" var="item">
<apex:column style="width:100px" headerValue="Production Order No.">
<apex:outputLink value="/{!item.id}" target="_blank">
<apex:column style="width:100px" value="{!item.Sales_Order_No__c}"/>
<apex:column style="width:100px" value="{!item.Customer__c}" headerValue="Customer Name"/>
<apex:column style="width:200px" value="{!item.Assembly_Name__c}" headerValue="Hose Description"/>
<apex:column style="width:100px" value="{!item.SCMC__Start_Date__c}" headerValue="Production Start Date"/>
<apex:column style="width:100px" value="{!item.SCMC__Planned_Completion_Date__c}" headerValue="Planned Completion Date"/>
<apex:column style="width:100px" value="{!item.SCMC__Production_Status__c}"/>

<apex:pageBlockSection title="Production Order in Progress">
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!objlist2}" style="width:1220px" var="item">
<apex:column style="width:100px" headerValue="Production Order No.">
<apex:outputLink value="/{!item.id}" target="_blank">
<apex:column style="width:100px" value="{!item.Sales_Order_No__c}"/>
<apex:column style="width:100px" value="{!item.Customer__c}" headerValue="Customer Name"/>
<apex:column style="width:200px" value="{!item.Assembly_Name__c}" headerValue="Hose Description"/>
<apex:column style="width:100px" value="{!item.Hose_Assembly_By__c}" headerValue="Technician"/>
<apex:column style="width:100px" value="{!item.SCMC__Planned_Completion_Date__c}" headerValue="Planned Completion Date"/>
<apex:column style="width:100px" value="{!item.SCMC__Production_Status__c}"/>


<apex:pageBlock rendered="True" title="Production Sales Orders">
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Production Sales Orders to Fill">


Controller 1
public class TestExtension {
    public List<SCMC__Production_Order__c> objlist{get;set;}
    public TestExtension(ApexPages.StandardSetController controller) {
    objlist = [SELECT Name, Sales_Order_No__c,Customer__c, Assembly_Name__c, SCMC__Start_Date__c, SCMC__Planned_Completion_Date__c, SCMC__Production_Status__c
FROM SCMC__Production_Order__c Where SCMC__Production_Status__c = 'Pending Pulling All Items'ORDER by SCMC__Planned_Completion_Date__c];

Controller 2
public class TestExtension2 {
    public List<SCMC__Production_Order__c> objlist2{get;set;}
    public TestExtension2(ApexPages.StandardSetController controller) {
    objlist2 = [SELECT Name, Sales_Order_No__c, Customer__c, Assembly_Name__c,Hose_Assembly_By__c, SCMC__Planned_Completion_Date__c, SCMC__Production_Status__c
FROM SCMC__Production_Order__c Where SCMC__Production_Status__c = 'Pulled All Items'ORDER by SCMC__Planned_Completion_Date__c];

I'm looking for solution of having as default sorting my records in VF column by date field {!item.SCMC__Planned_Completion_Date__c} in ascending order. i will appreciate any help. Thanks. 

VF page
<apex:pageBlock rendered="True" title="Production Orders">
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Production Orders to Fill">
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!objlist}" style="width:1220px" var="item">
<apex:column style="width:100px" headerValue="Production Order No.">
<apex:outputLink value="/{!item.id}" target="_blank">
<apex:column style="width:100px" value="{!item.Sales_Order_No__c}"/>
<apex:column style="width:100px" value="{!item.Customer__c}" headerValue="Customer Name"/>
<apex:column style="width:200px" value="{!item.Assembly_Name__c}" headerValue="Hose Description"/>
<apex:column style="width:100px" value="{!item.SCMC__Start_Date__c}" headerValue="Production Start Date"/>
<apex:column style="width:100px" value="{!item.SCMC__Planned_Completion_Date__c}" headerValue="Planned Completion Date"/>
<apex:column style="width:100px" value="{!item.SCMC__Production_Status__c}"/>


public class TestExtension {
    public List<SCMC__Production_Order__c> objlist{get;set;}
    public TestExtension(ApexPages.StandardSetController controller) {
    objlist = [SELECT Name, Sales_Order_No__c,Customer__c, Assembly_Name__c, SCMC__Start_Date__c, SCMC__Planned_Completion_Date__c, SCMC__Production_Status__c
FROM SCMC__Production_Order__c Where SCMC__Production_Status__c = 'Pending Pulling All Items'];
Hi,I have a plan to write ADM 201 .Any pattern changer for ADM 201 after Sep 14 2015 ?
trigger amountnegative on test1__c (after insert, after update) 
set<id> stid= new set<id>();
list <opportunity>opp= new list<opportunity>();
 for(test1__c t:[select id , name ,amount__c, trantortest__oppo__r.id from test1__c ])
  if(t.amount__c < 0)
  for(opportunity op: [select id, name, status__c,trantortest__Knightdate__c, (select id, name from test__r) from opportunity where ID IN : stid ])
  update opp;
    list<test1__c> t12= new list<test1__c>();
    for(test1__c t:trigger.new)
I am getting this error execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.ListException: Duplicate id in list: 00628000004R54cAAC: Trigger.trantortest.amountnegative: line 19, column 1
when i had checked  my debug logs
this lines are  getting executed repetedly 8 13 17

How is it possible to export a dashboard and also shedule them monthly for specific users.

I know that these features exssit for Reports, but i dont see same feature for dashboard.
  • September 23, 2015
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Hi All,

I am trying to wrie a trigger so that once any account name is edited It should get all the related contacts of that account and send a few fields of those related contacts  as a webservice method to another class, i just need a proper trigger for this Please help me write this trigger, im done some as below but no working
trigger Contactcallout2 on Account(after update) {
Map<Id, Account> mapaccount = new Map<Id, Account>();
list<Contact> ListContact = new list<Contact>();
set<ID> accIds = new set<ID>();
for(Account acct : trigger.new) {
        mapAccount.put(acct.Id, acct);
    listContact = [SELECT c.id,c.Email,c.FirstName,c.LastName,c.phone,c.Title__c,c.accName,c.status__c AccountId FROM Contact WHERE AccountId IN : acctIds AND c.recordtypeID = '012D0000000BaFA'];
       if(listContact.size() > 0) {
        for(Contact con : listContact) {


I am looking for Tutorial to implement bar graph and Table report using apex and visualforce page.

I will query different numbers and populate them in them.

Thank you for suggestions.

  • September 23, 2015
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Need a litte guidence as i am HUGE novice , I am trying to create a Button on a custom object that will update a custom Checkbox I know it would be simple to just manually check the box but FOR SOM REASON the sales reps can not remember to do this so i think a button would be better for them.
This is what i have so far
var newRecords = [];
var c = new sforce.SObject("Inventory_Transfer_c");
c.id ="{!Inventory_Transfer__c.Id}";
c.Ready_to_process__c = true;
result = sforce.connection.update(newRecords);

I am receving the following error
{faultcode:'sf:INVALID_TYPE', faultstring:'INVALID_TYPE: sObject type 'Inventory_Transfer_c' is not supported. If you are attempting to use a custom object, be sure to append the '__c' after the entity name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.', detail:{InvalidSObjectFault:{exceptionCode:'INVALID_TYPE', exceptionMessage:'sObject type 'Inventory_Transfer_c' is not supported. If you are attempting to use a custom object, be sure to append the '__c' after the entity name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.', row:'-1', column:'-1', }, }, }

Many Thanks
Hello Dev Community,

We are getting the following error for the APEX Trigger code below:

"Error: Compile Error: unexpected token: '{' at line 35 column 64"

We are trying to iterate over a custom object "Project" and add child objects records "Milestones" based on the value of certain fields in the "Project" related object "Opportunity". I think there may be something wrong with the FOR loop syntax? Any help would be appreciated!
Trigger newMilestone on MPM4_BASE__Milestone1_Project__c (before insert){

    List<MPM4_BASE__Milestone1_Project__c> mileProj = [SELECT Id FROM MPM4_BASE__Milestone1_Project__c WHERE MPM4_BASE__Status__c='Set'];
    List<MPM4_BASE__Milestone1_Milestone__c> miles = new List<MPM4_BASE__Milestone1_Milestone__c>();
    for (MPM4_BASE__Milestone1_Project__c p : mileProj){
        if (p.Opportunity__r.OrderHardware__c == TRUE) {
            MPM4_BASE__Milestone1_Milestone__c morder = new MPM4_BASE__Milestone1_Milestone__c();
            morder.MPM4_BASE__Project__c = p.Id;
            morder.Name = 'Order Hardware';
            morder.MPM4_BASE__Kickoff__c = date.today();
            morder.OwnerId = '0051a000000STEt';
        }    else if (p.Opportunity__r.SchedulePSG__c == TRUE) {
                MPM4_BASE__Milestone1_Milestone__c porder = new MPM4_BASE__Milestone1_Milestone__c();
                porder.MPM4_BASE__Project__c = p.Id;
                porder.Name = 'Schedule PSG';
                porder.MPM4_BASE__Kickoff__c = date.today();
                porder.OwnerId = '0051a000000R80f';
        }    else if (p.Opportunity__r.ScheduleRental__c == TRUE) {
                MPM4_BASE__Milestone1_Milestone__c rorder = new MPM4_BASE__Milestone1_Milestone__c();
                rorder.MPM4_BASE__Project__c = p.Id;
                rorder.Name = 'Schedule Rental';
                rorder.MPM4_BASE__Kickoff__c = date.today();
                rorder.OwnerId = '0051a000000STEt';
        }    else if (p.Opportunity__r.SendWelcome__c == TRUE) {
                MPM4_BASE__Milestone1_Milestone__c worder = new MPM4_BASE__Milestone1_Milestone__c();
                worder.MPM4_BASE__Project__c = p.Id;
                worder.Name = 'Schedule Welcome';
                worder.MPM4_BASE__Kickoff__c = date.today();
                worder.OwnerId = '0051a000000R80f';
        }    else (p.Opportunity__r.ScheduleOffsite__c == TRUE) {
                MPM4_BASE__Milestone1_Milestone__c oorder = new MPM4_BASE__Milestone1_Milestone__c();
                oorder.MPM4_BASE__Project__c = p.Id;
                oorder.Name = 'Schedule Offsite';
                oorder.MPM4_BASE__Kickoff__c = date.today();
                oorder.OwnerId = '0051a000000STEt';
   insert miles;


  I am working on PATIENT object,in patient object i have created one field ie PND as aTEXT data type.when i was login through my admin login account PND field  was seen as a TEXTBOX but when i was login through any user login account it was not showing TEXTBOX.I have given all permissions.



Hi All,


Is there any endpoint URL available to test Workflow outbound message?

I want to know what information is going through outbound message, so i need an endpoint URL to test?

Kindly tell me, is there any website(end point url) to test.


I already used one endurl for testing, but unfortunately i forgot that url.

I got that url from the salesforce discussion board only.

What is Native app?

What is the differences between Native app and Custom app in salesforce

When i fetch date field value in my visualforce page it gives like this "Fri Sep 09 00:00:00 GMT 2011", i need to change the format as dd/mm/yyyy in my custom visualforce page.



Am getting following error message in my visualforce page

Visualforce Error

System.SObjectException: SObject row was retrieved via SOQL without querying the requested field: Opportunity.Account



Am getting this error, when i created as a manged package only.


Help me to solve this issue :smileysad:


Hi all, Help me to slove this issue....

My coding works fine, when i create as unmanaged pacakge, but when i create as managed pacakage and deploy into production, it shows the following error


"SObject row was retrieved via SOQL without querying the requested fielld:Opportunity.Account"


Note:- Am getting this error when am create as managed package.

Hi all,


Help me to slove this issue....


My coding works fine, when i create as unmanaged pacakge, but when i create as managed pacakage and deploy into production, it shows the following error


"SObject row was retrieved via SOQL without querying the requested fielld:Opportunity.Account"


 Note:- Am getting this error when am create as managed package.

Hi all,


What is the differences betwwen Custom Application and Third party application?




How to attach a PDF file by a custom Button click?.

The PDF file will render my current as PDF and add to the email Attachment?


How to achive this?




Hi all,


I have a custom object 'cust_a', which has master detail relationship with Opportunity.  When I use the custom object as Standard controller in my visual force page am not able to get the 'OpportunityLineItems'.


How to get the value of OpportunityLineItems?


Make a text field as readonly depend on the picklist value.

For Example my picklist value has A,B, and c suppose if i choose any one of the picklist value. Then below text filed should become read only.


How to do this.?

Hi everyone,


I just written apex class which implements schedulable interface, i want to run that apex class only on my bussiness hours

How to schedule that class?






Please help me to write test class for the following code......



global class TaskRemainder implements Schedulable
  global void execute(SchedulableContext ctx)
    List<Task> a = [SELECT id,CreatedDate,LastModifiedDate,Status,Subject FROM Task where Status='Not Started' and CreatedDate <: System.now()-2];
    String tmpmarkEmail='karanrajforu@gmail.com';
    String[] markEmail=tmpmarkEmail.split(',');
    for(Integer i=0;i<a.Size();i++)
       Task t=[SELECT id,CreatedDate,LastModifiedDate,Status,OwnerId,WhoId,Subject,Priority FROM Task where Id =: a[i].Id];
       Lead l=[Select Id,OwnerId,Email,Phone,Description,Title,LastName,FirstName,Company From Lead where Id =:t.WhoId];
       User u=[Select FirstName,LastName from User where Id=:l.OwnerId];
       Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
       mail.setSubject('Remainder for Task');
       mail.setPlainTextBody('This is Remainder Mail\n\n\nThe Following Task is assigned For you\n\n\t Subject :  '+t.Subject+'\n'+'\n'+'\t Priority : '+t.Priority
                         +'\n'+'\n'+'\t Contact Name : '+l.LastName+' '+l.FirstName+'\n'+'\n'+'\t Email : '+l.Email+'\n'+'\n'+'\t Phone : '+l.Phone+'\n'+'\n'+'\t Title : '+l.Title+'\n'+'\n'+'\t Describtion : '+l.Description
                         + '\n\n\n');
       Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail });



I dont have any idea to write test class for this code..please help me

If i Created  task for person,

i want to check whether the task is updated or not,after the 2 days...is there any timely bassed trigger in sales force?

Is it possible to somehow send an email which will contain all of the attachments which are in a record when a user kicks off the Approval Process ? I would like to have an Approver of a process receive all of the information of a record, including the attachments, so he can simply read the attachments from the email and eventually just approve the request from the email. 

Can this be done ? Without Apex ?

Anybody got any ideas ?
  • November 23, 2015
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Good Evening, 

I have a Visualforce email template with a PDF attachment and there is some text that is conditionally displayed.  Depending on a field value, one of two values are displayed... and one of the values is/should be RED. 

This is working fine on the VF page, but not on the corresponding attachment.  Is there a way that I can make my text turn red?

Here is my code:

<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!If(relatedTo.Revision__c <>'TRUE',true,false)}">
<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!If(relatedTo.Revision__c ='TRUE',true,false)}">
<h2><font color="#FF0000">REVISED ORDER/TRAFFIC INSTRUCTIONS</font></h2>
Thank you in advance for your help!
In the Winter 16 release, is it now possible to trigger process builder or workflows from LightningConnect external objects?
Hi all,

I have a requirenment to be able to upload (locally from the computer)  attachment to  the line level -  for exemple in opportonity product line item. 

Anyone has a suggestation how can I do it?

Hi, I posted a question on Success Community and was advised to come here for help.

I need some chatter only user to update just one field of an account. How could I achieve this ?

I know chatter only user can only read account / contact but I don't want to upgrade these users only to update that field.
I'm looking even for a tricky way

Can't I create some web service / external page that would do that ? Like Web-to-Case which allows to create a case from an external web page ?
Hi all,

Our project demands to hide fields in some layout by using Home Page component.so I initially used Javascript in Home Page Component for achieve our requirement.But after upgradation of salesforce, components that contain JavaScript, CSS, iframes are restricted and stop working properly.I am attaching my code which i done before salesforce up-gradation.

Could anyone give solution for this? It would be great.

Code which work fine before SF upgradation:-

//Below If condition to hide the Service details in maintenance sheet  Edit Layout for system type: Disabled/Nursecall Alarm
if (document.location.href.toString().indexOf("/a0F") != -1 && document.location.href.toString().indexOf("/a0F/o") == -1 && document.location.href.toString().indexOf

("/e?") != -1 ) { 
//checking the system name
var e  = document.getElementById("00ND0000005Ec8j");
var strUser = e.options[e.selectedIndex].value;
//alert('Systm name '+strUser);

if(strUser != "Disabled/Nursecall")

for(var i=1;i<document.getElementsByTagName('Label').length;i++)
if(document.getElementsByTagName('Label')[i].innerHTML== "SLA Power Calibration Qty")
var a =document.getElementsByTagName('LABEL')[i].htmlFor;
document.getElementsByTagName('LABEL')[i].innerHTML ="";


Hi friends,
I faced aproblem while completing a challenge in " Data Management " module of " Admin Trail - Beginner " Trail Head.
The problem is : while completing the import data challenge, I am unable to map th eunmapped fields using the wizard.
In particular I am unable to see the " MAP " field after selecting the desired field. I tried it in both the Chrome and firefox browsers but no use.

Please clarify whether it is browser issue or not.
Anyhow I completed the challenge with a workaround.

Hi Folks

I cleared  platform-1 developer certification.

Hi Expert,

I can not get phoneNumber in testing. but it is working in WorkBeach 

    global static String doGet() {
        RestRequest req = RestContext.request;
        RestResponse res = RestContext.response;

        String phoneNumber = req.params.get('phoneNumber');
        String subscriptionId = req.params.get('subscriptionId');    
        system.debug('phoneNumber : '+ phoneNumber) ;  

        return response;

    static testMethod void getSubscriptionByPhoneNumberTest() {
        RestRequest req = new RestRequest();
        RestResponse res = new RestResponse();
        req.requestURI = '/services/apexrest/subscriptions?phoneNumber=416360999 1234567891 0488888888';
        req.httpMethod = 'GET';
        RestContext.request = req;
        String result=NewsSubscriptionController.doGet();


  I have a custom object called expense when records is created I need to automatically call the process that is created on expense please suggest me how to create this process. 

  Can we call approvall process using trigger Please suggest 

Hi All,

There is integration with Big Machines for CPQ. My requirement is if i click on delete button on Opportunity Product Related List in the opportunity Then message should be shown that "you cant deleline Line Items" but a user can edit or delete the line items in Big Machines that will be updated on opportunity Product in Salesforce.
Can anyone please tell me how to do this?

  • October 27, 2015
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I want to develop windows phone 7 app for doing crud(Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete) operations from SALESFORCE . I'm successfully done an sample app in windows 8 and 8.1 using developerforce toolkit. But for windows phone 7 i'm not getting even toolkit also. Please any one help me for moving forward in developing windows phone 7 app. Thanks in advance.
I want to develop windows phone 7 app for doing crud(Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete) operations from SALESFORCE . I'm successfully done an sample app in windows 8 and 8.1 using developerforce toolkit. But for windows phone 7 i'm not getting even toolkit also. Please any one help me for moving forward in developing windows phone 7 app. Thanks in advance.
Hi Guys,
I created one zip file and put in static resource which has images. I mentioned each image in VF PDF page and displayed. Here i want to display dynamically which means that today i put 4 images tomorrow i will put 6 images. So dont want to mention remianing images it will show all images automatically. Is it possible to write a loop on zipfile.
I am a complete Newbie and just trying to navigate my way around Salesforce. We have a Not For Profit license and need to start configuring it for our needs - so I want to work out the best training for us. The Trailhead Admin modules look great for commercial Salesforce and will help with basic funciontality but don't appear to have anything specific to Not For Profit. Should I be looking somewhere else to help get me started please? Any advise gratefully appreciated - Thanks.

i make changes in my database.  add objects or fields. 

I want to see these changes in eclipse. 

in eclipse,
if i delete my entire org in eclipse,  then reload it, i see new and changed objects.

if i simply click the refresh in eclipse or F5 in eclipse, the changes i made to my database do not appear.
Is this normal?  or am i doing something wrong?
I am facing the following Error: " TestAttendanceUpdateTaxi.TestinsertAttendance(), Details: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, No Existing Campaign Product found, request you to generate it manually.: [] Class.TestAttendanceUpdateTaxi.TestinsertAttendance: line 53, column 1" during deplyment when i validate the following trigger.

Test Class:


public class TestAttendanceUpdateTaxi
  private  static testMethod void TestinsertAttendance()
        //Inserting Records for Company Obj(Accounts).
        ////Fetching Record Type for Company Obj
        RecordType rt1 = [select id, Name from RecordType where SobjectType = 'Account'  AND Name='Sherbet'];
        Account account = new Account();
        account.recordTypeId = rt1.id;
        account.Name= 'Test Account';
        insert account;

        //Insering into Opportunity
       Opportunity o=new Opportunity();
       o.Order_Reference__c = 'test1212';
       o.StageName='6 Signed deal';
       insert o;
   //Inserting Record for Taxi Obj
       //Fetching Record Type for Taxi Obj
        RecordType rt = [SELECT id, Name FROM RecordType WHERE SobjectType='Taxi__c' AND Name='Sherbet'];
        Taxi__c OTaxi = new Taxi__c();
        OTaxi.Name = 'Tx912';
        OTaxi.Company__c = account.id ;
        OTaxi.Last_Attended_Date__c = System.today();
        insert OTaxi;
        //Retrive inserted Taxi
        OTaxi = [select Name from Taxi__c where Id =: OTaxi.Id];
        System.debug('Taxi Registration No :'+ OTaxi.Name);
        //Inserting record for Attendance Object
       Driver_Payment__c OAttendance = new Driver_Payment__c();
        OAttendance.Campaign__c = o.id;
        OAttendance.Company_Name__c = account.id;
        OAttendance.Taxi_ID__c = OTaxi.id;
       OAttendance.Attended_Date__c = System.today();
       OAttendance.Update_current_receipt_campaign__c = True;
       OAttendance.Update_current_Superside_Livery_Campaign__c = True;
     //  OAttendance.Update_current_Tip_seat_campaign__c = True;
       insert OAttendance;
        System.debug('Inserted values in Attendance obj');
       //updating attendance
         //Updating Values   
        OAttendance.Update_current_Tip_seat_campaign__c = True;
       update OAttendance;
       Taxi__c ObjTaxi = [select Last_Attended_Date__c from Taxi__c where Name = 'Tx912' and Taxi__c.Company__c =: account.Id /*'001q000000JwBJT'*/ limit 1];
      System.assertEquals(OAttendance.Attended_Date__c , ObjTaxi.Last_Attended_Date__c);

There are no validation rules on any object except opportunity.
Also I can't understand why it is asking me to create campaign product.
Urgent help is needed as my deployment is stuck because of single trigger.

I am new to triggers and struggling to create one.
I am trying to create a trigger which will default the Opportunity Stage Name to 'Prospecting'  whether the opportunity is created from scratch or from an Account.  I have tried this but nothing happens

Simple apex trigger on opportunity
trigger OppDefaultStageName on Opportunity (before insert, before update) {
     for(Opportunity opp: trigger.new){
           (opp.StageName = 'Qualified Opportunity');

Test class
private class TestDefaultStageName
 static testMethod void myTest()
 Account acc = new Account( Name = 'Test', BillingCountry = 'United Kingdom', Industry = 'Insurance' );
  insert acc;
  Opportunity opp = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp 1', StageName = 'Qualified Opportunity', 
  Opportunity_Type__c = 'PQQ', Estimated_Value__c = 1000, Probability__c = '0-19%', Bid_Date__c = System.today(), 
  CloseDate = System.today(), Description = 'Test', AccountId = acc.Id);
  insert opp;

I know this is going to be simple but help would be appreciated
  • October 20, 2015
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Hi friends,
I faced aproblem while completing a challenge in " Data Management " module of " Admin Trail - Beginner " Trail Head.
The problem is : while completing the import data challenge, I am unable to map th eunmapped fields using the wizard.
In particular I am unable to see the " MAP " field after selecting the desired field. I tried it in both the Chrome and firefox browsers but no use.

Please clarify whether it is browser issue or not.
Anyhow I completed the challenge with a workaround.

When you "Filter by tags" to work on specific tracks, the completed status is not displayed for tracks that you have completed before maknig it confusing to understand which ones you have completed and which one you need to take. But when you go back to All then you are able to see the completed check mark against the ones you have finished.
I have single Excel sheet but this single excel sheet having multiple sheets(means multiple objects each sheet).How to import multiple sheets(means multiple objects with single excel with different sheets).

Using below code i was done import for single excel sheet for single object with but how to do import multiple objects(means i have one excel but this excel having multiple sheets(means multiple objects))
<apex:page controller="importDataFromCSVController">
    <apex:form >
        <apex:pagemessages />
        <apex:pageBlock >
            <apex:pageBlockSection columns="4">
                  <apex:inputFile value="{!csvFileBody}"  filename="{!csvAsString}"/>
                  <apex:commandButton value="Import Account" action="{!importCSVFile}"/>
        <apex:pageBlock >
           <apex:pageblocktable value="{!accList}" var="acc">
              <apex:column value="{!acc.name}" />
              <apex:column value="{!acc.AccountNumber}" />
              <apex:column value="{!acc.Type}" />
              <apex:column value="{!acc.Accountsource}" />
              <apex:column value="{!acc.Industry }" />
public class importDataFromCSVController {
public Blob csvFileBody{get;set;}
public string csvAsString{get;set;}
public String[] csvFileLines{get;set;}
public List<account> acclist{get;set;}
  public importDataFromCSVController(){
    csvFileLines = new String[]{};
    acclist = New List<Account>();
  public void importCSVFile(){
           csvAsString = csvFileBody.toString();
           csvFileLines = csvAsString.split('\n');
           for(Integer i=1;i<csvFileLines.size();i++){
               Account accObj = new Account() ;
               string[] csvRecordData = csvFileLines[i].split(',');
               accObj.name = csvRecordData[0] ;            
               accObj.accountnumber = csvRecordData[1];
               accObj.Type = csvRecordData[2];
               accObj.AccountSource = csvRecordData[3];  
               accObj.Industry = csvRecordData[4];                                                                            
        //insert acclist;
        catch (Exception e)
            ApexPages.Message errorMessage = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'An error has occured while importin data Please make sure input csv file is correct');

In the ADMIN section on creating relatiionships, the statement:

"You can’t set profile object permissions for a detail record."

is made. Of course, this isn't true and I assume you mean you can not set the OWD.
I am a SFDC/Force.com developer/administrator available for hire. Here is my profile summary.

Experience - 9 years of configuration, customization, development, integration, administration for sales cloud, marketing cloud, services cloud and custom applications on Salesforce.com and Force.com

Skills - Apex, Visualforce, Triggers, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java, PHP, XML, WSDL, JSON, SOAP/REST API, Web services integration, Scribe, Force.com IDE, Apex data loader, AppExchange, Cast Iron, Informatica

Certified: Dev 401, Dev 501, ADM 201

Rate - very low

Please contact by email
My name is James and I have 7 years of Salesforce development as well as .net development. I am available for full or part time work.

James Baker
  • June 09, 2015
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Remote Salesforce Developer Opportunity! Our client is seeking candidates for this remote position that live within an hour of Des Moines or Baltimore. To apply: https://shar.es/12vUGW 
User-added image

You:  Expert Salesforce developer.  If you get a papercut, you bleed Apex and VF pages.  If someone says "Lightning!", your first thought isn't to take shelter from the storm, but rather to start coding.  When you hear the term "Flow", you think of processes, rather than lava. 

Now:  You're ready to take your career to the next step.  You want to keep you hands in active development work, but you're excited to help others reach new heights.  You can manage small teams and understand the complexities of outsourced resources.  This is your time.  You're ready for a change.

The role:  Senior Manager of Development at a fast growing, Salesforce consulting firm.  Full time, excellent pay and benefits.  Work at the headquarters in Orlando, FL or remotely (US based only).  The job is equal parts hands on for highly complex projects and the management of a skilled team of developers.

Take action:  Email pyoung@basati.com or call Paul Young at 407-792-5692 for more details and confidential consideration.  
Experienced Salesforce Architect / Developer. Owner of https://www.facebook.com/chicagosalesforceconsulting. I have some time on my schedule for a part time project. I specialize in Apex / Trigger / VF Dev. I do have some Flow experience.  I can provide onsite service in the Chicago Area but the majority of work is done remotely from my office.  I've completed large enterprise rewrites as well as small NPO customizations. Need someone that can provide the technical expertise but also understand your business? Shoot me a note. rick@chicagosalesforceconsulting.com.
  • May 26, 2015
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Glocomms is looking to place 3 SFDC - Salesforce Developers based in Brussels. 1 year freelance contract to start with but extensions are likely to follow.
The ideal candidates will be experienced SFDC - Salesforce Developers looking to increase their exposure to the following:
  • Experience with analysing and developing new features
  • Experience with gathering requirements and clarifying them with the business
  • Developers with a solution oriented approach
  • DEV 401 certification is a must
  • ITIL knowledge is a plus
  • Hands-on experience with Scrum and Agile is a plus
  • Fluency in English is a requirement
  • Based in Brussels 
  • Please send me your resume as soon as possible if you are comfortable to do so, or drop me a line to find out a little more.
 I hope to hear from you ASAP and please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.
Best regards,
Anthony Coppens
+44 203 758 886 5
Hi Expert,

I'm writing searching function in javascript which allows to search accounts and display them to VF page by using apex:pageBlockTable
I use sforce.connection to query data. I get a list of accounts but i dont know how to pass them to apex:pageBlockTable. Please suggest how to this.
My code is below:
if(search != null) {
                sforce.connection.sessionId = '{!$Api.Session_ID}';
                    var query = "find \{" + search + "\}" + " in all fields RETURNING Account (id, name, billingstreet, billingcity, billingpostalcode)"; 
                    var result = sforce.connection.search(query); 
                    if (result) {
                    	var records = result.getArray("searchRecords");   
                        for (var i=0; i<records.length; i++) {
                           var record = records[i].record;
                         //need to pass value to apex table here

                catch(e) { 
                    alert('An Error has Occured. Error:' +e); 
Code for displaying account information in VF page:
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="1" id="pbs">
                            <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!accounts}" var="account" id="pbt">
                                <apex:column headerValue="Name">
                                    <apex:outputLink value="#" onclick="fillIn('{!account.Name}', '{!account.id}');closeWindow();">{!account.Name}</apex:outputLink>
                                <apex:column headerValue="City" value="{!account.BillingCity}"/>
                                <apex:column headerValue="Street" value="{!account.BillingStreet}"/>
                                <apex:column headerValue="Postcode" value="{!account.BillingPostalCode}"/>

Forbes most innovative company 4 years in a row is planning a multi-phase roll-out of our AppExchange App, SUMO.  We are seeking a seasoned Salesforce Technical Architect to supplement our team in leading the implementation of SUMO in their salesforce org.  Having this project & client on your resume is an incredible opportunity.  You will play a pivotal role from kickoff to go-live, including working with our team to produce the Tech Spec and manage the client and SUMO developers to success.

-Manage complex development projects on-time, on-budget, and to-spec.
-Develop comprehensive configuration designs, use cases, test conditions, and training documentation to support the successful implementation of initiatives and processes.
-Oversee developers to make sure requirements are being met and timeline is adhered to.
-Identify detailed business requirements to support Salesforce.com implementation within the scope of prioritized initiatives.
-Develop comprehensive training materials and other change management collateral as appropriate for each initiative, deliver training to super users and end users as appropriate.
-Proactively audit SUMO / Salesforce.com and improve configuration settings and keep current with the latest capabilities of each release.

-3+ years of Salesforce platform experience (Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, General Configuration, etc...)
-3+ years of Force.com development experience (APEX, Visualforce, Portals / Communities)
-Deep understanding with technical capabilities of Visual Force, APEX APIs, APEX Triggers, and APEX Web services.
-Take complex client and vendor concepts and articulate them to audiences of varying perception levels.
-Experience in designing and building cloud apps
-Ability to lead enterprise engagements, facilitate meetings, and lead customer support projects.
-Ability to create solution design documentation that supports the clients business requirements and business processes, which may include: Data Model, Object & Field Definition, Wireframes, and more.
Excellent written, verbal presentation and organizational skills, ability to interface with all levels and business units.
Must work independently in complex fast paced environment to ensure quality and timeliness of system information.

-Salesforce.com Certifications (Admin, Consultant, Developer).
-Experience with enterprise integration, extract, transformation and load (ETL) tools.
-Current or past Project Management Certification (PMP or equivalent).
-Bachelor's degree

-Requires Onsite 2-4 days a week in San Francisco at HQ (1 Market)
-3+ Month Contract
-Part-Time (3-4 hrs/day)

Please forward your application to shuang@sumoscheduler and indicate your contact information, hourly rate, and availability.

Our client – voted Best Place to Work in Indiana 2 years in a row! - is in need of a Salesforce Administrator to take ownership of their entire Salesforce organization. Please email christina@tech2resources.com for details.
Is it possible to do bulk record update in my Child Record using Process Builder and Flows Combination ?

My Scenario is - Whenever the Account Owner Changes (in Bulk), the related Contact Owners should be changed. 

Can someone help me how to achieve this using Process Builder and Flows Combination ?
What is this all About?? 

Thank you
BLearn - Sai
Hi Guys,

    Hope so many peoples integrated google map in visualforce page using the javascript. From Salesforce Spring'15 onwards, Map components are released. Some of the people may not aware about this.

Please find the below link it will helpful who don't know about this component..!

My code is as follow:
public class AccountController {
    public static List<Account> getAccounts(String accName,String accCountry) {
        List<Account> objAccount = [SELECT Id, Name, Country__c FROM Account where name like '%:accName%' ];
        return objAccount;

I need to perform searching on 'accName' value as a substring.
I am trying out few lightening stuff and as a part of that I added namespace to my Developer edition. After doing this I realized that all my preexisting custom object's API name is now prefixed with the namespace. e.g. object name before adding namespae - MyCustomObject__c object name after adding namespace - MyNamespace__MyCustomObject__c

My existing Apex code which is using MyCustomObject__c is working fine. But any new query that I am firing from dev console requires me to add namespace prefix.

my questions is -

what is the impact of adding namespace ? 1. Do we need to revisit all apex code/soql query ? 2. Do we need to recreate enterprise WSDL and correct SOAP API calls ?

Any insight on this would be very helpful.
Hi Experts,
I am trying to solve this challenge but not able to solve because of salesfore license issue. Salesforce only allows 2 'Salesfoce' license for DE. Is there a way to solve this challenge? Please help.

Create a Profile and Permission Set to properly handle field access
The Marketing Coordinator and Account Manager both require access to view and update Account Records, but only the Account Manager should be able to see and edit certain fields. Specifically, only the Account Manager should be able to see and edit the Rating field. The Marketing Coordinator should not be able to see or edit the Rating field. Create one profile and one permission set with the appropriate field-level security to solve for this use case.The profile must be named 'Basic Account User' and result in an API name of 'Basic_Account_User'. It should use the 'Salesforce' user license type.
The permission set must be named ‘Account Rating’ and result in an API name of 'Account_Rating'.

I'm using selenium to automate the testing in my salesforce org. I need to know about lookups that how can a web driver can be switched to a lookup popup window. I have tried it in lots of ways but it's not happening.
So If anyone knows the solution then plz let me know.

thanks in advance... :)