• Guns1974
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I have this case which I can't figure out:


I have two pages each with a different custom controller.

I want to access variables on PageA controller from PageB controller.


Is there anyway to achieve this?








I have this case which I can't figure out:


I have two pages each with a different custom controller.

I want to access variables on PageA controller from PageB controller.


Is there anyway to achieve this?






Hi All,


Firefox blocks me to change parent while working in Console but it works fine in Case tab. Firefox gives me following error when I do window.parent.location.href from an inline VFP from console:

Error: uncaught exception: [Exception... "Access to property denied"  code: "1010" nsresult: "0x805303f2 (NS_ERROR_DOM_PROP_ACCESS_DENIED)"  location: "https://c.cs0.visual.force.com/servlet/servlet.Integration?lid=066T00000009LYg&ic=1&isdtp=mn Line: 36"]


Similar kind of error is found in Chrome/Safari/Opera but it works perfect in IE. Are salesforce people looking into this? This is a browser compatibility issue and firefox and some other browsers blocks to access/change parent location. There must be some code to modify prefs.js or a function which when called would modify all security policy of browser which salesforce should provide us.

Let me know if anyone has a solution/work-around to this.

Thank you!






Hi All 


I have  VF page where i am displaying Product data in columns.. 

I need to have a fix width to the columns even when the i change the size of the page. 

When i change the size of the page the values in the column start appearing in the next line 

<apex:column headerValue="Product Code"  >
                    <a href="/{!product.prod.id}">{!product.prod.Productcode}</a>
                  <td>  <apex:column headerValue="Product Name">
                 <a href="/{!product.prod.id}">{!product.prod.Name}</a>


          <apex:column value="{!product.prod.Description}"  width="35" />
        <td >   <apex:column headerValue="List Price">           
                <apex:repeat value="{!product.pbes}" var="pbe">
                   <apex:outputField value="{!pbe.UnitPrice}" />
            </apex:column>   </td>

 Thanks All