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I have a picklist field with values 'Yes', 'No'

On the web portal if a user uploads a document, I want the picklist value to change from 'No' to 'yes'.

If the value is already 'Yes', keep it as 'Yes'.

Can someone please shed light on how I can achieve this?

Thanks in advance.


I am having problem with rendering a flow on a visualforce page.

My Page code

You select a radio button from a table and then click the button on the top
<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!showEeBillckts}" id="topUIpanels">

<apex:pageBlockButtons id="upperBtns" location="top" >
<apex:commandButton id="addButton" value="  Add  " onclick="startFlow();" rerender="Nothing"/>&nbsp;&nbsp;

<apex:pageBlockTable styleClass="exampleTable" value="{!exampleList}" var="con" id="exampleTableId" >
                                                 <apex:column headerValue="Action">
                                                     <input type="radio" id="{!con.Id}"/>

there is a JS which will execute

function startFlow()
  if($j('.exampleTable:radio:checked').length == 1)
     var nwkId = $j('.exampleTable :radio:checked').attr('id');
     alert('Please select one connection.');

flow invoke code. this the flow which needs to be called

<apex:actionFunction name="renderAddFlow" action="{!addflow}" rerender="topUIpanels,newInstallsflowOuter,flowNavButtons">
             <apex:param name="showEeBillckts" assignTo="{!showEeBillckts}" value="false" />
                <apex:param name="showAddMACDflow" assignTo="{!showAddMACDflow}" value="true" />
                <apex:param name="nwkId" assignTo="{!eeNwkSelectedId}" value=""/>

then the flow code

<apex:outputPanel id="newInstallsflowOuter">
<apex:outputPanel id="addMACDflow" rendered="{!showAddMACDflow}"  >
              <flow:interview name="Ethernet_Everywhere_ADD" interview="{!addMACDFlow}" finishLocation="{!refreshCircuits}">
                        <apex:param name="OpportunityId" value="{!oppId}"/>
                        <apex:param name="EECircuitNetworkId" value="{!eeNwkSelectedId}"/>
              </flow:interview> <br/>

I am trying to hide the table and in that place show the flow. but the page jsut refreshed and does not let the flow come up. can any one help?

is it possible to include filter criteria of salesforce into a custom visualforce?


I would want to include the filter criteria that we see in a workflow to be included in a custome visualforce page. I want it to perform the same function but I would use the values for a different purpose. So, is that filter value available as a visualforce component or if someone has built a custom component I would appreciate if they can share the code.

I have some objects created in my DE environment. I want to push them to another object(Different Name) in our company sandbox. how do I achieve it. 


I need to send the fields in 'Campaign tempalate' in my DE to 'Template' in Sandbox.



Is it possible to have merger fields in a custom visual force page?


I want to create a visualforce page which will have a textbox with text like this


Welcome Home {!Management__c.Contact_FIrst_Name__c}.


whe saved the output on a different label must get the contact first name from management object:



Welcome home Lisa



I want a functionality in which i create Link(maybe apex:outputLink) so that it appends certain text into the textbox after the cursor position.


Example senario. when I click on the Link [First Name] it must append First_Name__c in the textbox at the cursor point


exaple text in text box before : Welcome home


after clicking the link : Welcome home First_Name__c


I am okay with using a pickList insted of Link. So that when a First Name is selected it must dynamically append First_Name__c to the text in the textbox.


Even a javascipt code will be helpful.


Thanks in advance.



I would want to get the quantity from the input text of the table. I need it so that I can update the quantity for quote_line_items object.


<apex:page standardController="Product2" extensions="ProductListController">
<apex:form >
    <apex:pageBlock title="Products List">
        <apex:pageBlockSection title="List of Available Address" columns="1">
            <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!productsList}" var="prod"> 
                <apex:column headerValue="Select"> 
	    	 		<apex:commandLink value="Select" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure?')" action="{!selectId}" >
		          		<apex:param name="prodid" value="{!prod.id}" />
                <apex:column headerValue="Product Name" >{!prod.Name}</apex:column>
                <apex:column headerValue="Size/Dimensions" >{!prod.Size_Dimensions__c}</apex:column>
                <apex:column headerValue="Total Quantity" >{!prod.Total_Quantity__c}</apex:column>
                <apex:column headerValue="Available Quantity" >{!prod.Available_quantity__c}</apex:column>
                <apex:column headerValue="Quantity Required" >
                    <apex:inputText value="{!quantity}"></apex:inputText>


public with sharing class ProductListController{
    public Product2 product;
    public List<Product2> productsList = null;
    public id quoteId {get; set;}
    public String productId {get; set;}
    public Integer quantity;
    public ProductListController(ApexPages.StandardController controller)
        product = (Product2) controller.getRecord();
        quoteId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('quoteId');
    public Integer getQuantity()
	  return quantity;
	public void setQuantity(Integer newTD)
    public List<Product2> getProductsList()
            String query = 'SELECT ID, NAME, Available_quantity__c, Total_Quantity__c,  Size_Dimensions__c FROM Product2 ';
            productsList = Database.query(query);
        catch(Exception e)
        return productsList;
    public PageReference selectId(){
    	productId = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('prodid');
    	Quote__c quote = [Select id,Name from Quote__c where id=:quoteId];
			productId = (productId).substring(0,15);	
    	Quote_Line_Item__c quoteLineItem = new Quote_Line_Item__c();    	
    	Product2 product = [Select id, Name from product2 where id=:productId];
    	quoteLineItem.Name = 'PROD - '+quote.Name+'  '+product.Name;
    	quoteLineItem.Product__c =  product.Id;
    	System.debug('*********Quantity*********' + quantity);
    	quoteLineItem.Quantity__c = quantity; 
    	quoteLineItem.Quote__c = quoteId;  	
    	insert quoteLineItem;
    	return new PageReference('/' + quoteId);

 But the quantity value does not pass into the variable. Can you please help me out.





I have to change the color of a field based ont he picklist value selected. 


I have a custom visualforce page which has the apex:detail tag in it. so the page has a apex:inputText field which is used as a color indecator field for a field called color__c on the object. Now when you include detail tag in visualforce and make an inline edit to the page and save, it does not refresh the entire page. it only refreshes the detail part of the page and updates the record. I want the inputText field to change the color dynamically, when the color__c field in the detail portion of the screen has been changed.


<apex:pageBlock id="colorBlock" >
    	<apex:inputText value="{!OM_Order__c.Color__c}" disabled="true" style="background-color:{!OM_Order__c.Color__c};width: 100%;text-align:center;"/> 
    <apex:detail inlineEdit="true" />

 is it possible for me to get it done so that I can change the color of the field dynamically?



I have an external wsdl which has been parsed into apex classes. There is an endpoint to it and the end point is different for production and sandbox. The sandbox should point out to sandbox endpoint of the external wsdl and the production points out to the production wsdl endpoint. Is there any way so that i can write a code which can help me in detecting the environment  so that the code determines if the environment is sandbox then endpoint points to the sandbox wsdl.



I am having problem with the documents folder in our company. some users have personal documents which are not visible to others. they want those documents to be visible to others. 


my questions are 


1) what are the points I have to check for. 

2) how to make changes in the production environment for profiles.


I would appreciate any help.

Compile Error: line 1, column 19: Invalid type: FeedPost


Can you please let me know where am I going wrong.


I get this error when I am trying to execute the same post. Can you please help me?

FeedPost fp = new FeedPost();

fp.Body = '@Bharath Ammanamanchi Hello';

fp.parentId = userinfo.getUserId();

insert fp;

I have a WSDL which has 4 namespaces in it. I am trying to pass a custom object as a input parameter to the method which performs the WebServiceCallout.invoke() method. The webservice callout is done in a different namespace and the element is in a different namespace.


I am getting a XML output which does not have the namespace. As there is no namespace for the custom object the external system is giving a Null Pointer exception. We contacted saleforce. The issue got escalated to tire 3 and they informed that we are using "ref" and currently salesforce do not support element ref outside of the same target namespace.


The solution they gave me is For now,


"To avoid this error you will have to remove these types of references from the WSDL, or modify the Apex Classes to fix this."


We cannot change the wsdl as other systems are already suing the WSDL. I do not know what changes can we do to the apex classes so that it does not consider "ref"


So has anyone tried to custom build the WebServiceCallout.invoke(). Method? Can anyone tell me what is done in the method? I mean how the data is binded and sent through the endpoint.


Thanks in advance and Please let me know if you need any further information.






I have a exception log class which records all exceptions in a exception log object.  I am trying to write test case for it. I have covered most of the class but I am not able to cover the block of code is catch box. Can anyone help em with a test code for the code in catch block?


public class ExceptionLogClass {
    public static void insertErrorLog(String errorIn, String severityIn, String errorSourceIn, String causedByUserIn)
        Exception_Log__c eL = new Exception_Log__c();
            eL.Error__c = errorIn;
            eL.Severity__c = severityIn;
            eL.Error_Source__c = errorSourceIn;
            eL.Caused_by_User__c = causedByUserIn;
            insert eL;
        catch(Exception e){
            Apexpages.Message msg = new Apexpages.Message(Apexpages.Severity.Fatal, e.getMessage());

 I am not sure how I should write test case code for the code in catch box. I get only 72% coverage becasue of it.


Here is the code which can cause the exception. Severity can only be "Fatal", "Error", "Info", "Warning"  and "Confirm"


ExceptionLogClass.insertErrorLog('Error Test', 'Fat', 'Test ExceptionLog Class', Userinfo.getName());

 Thank you.



I have overidden the default vf page of Account with a custom VF page. I have used the detail tag to get the account details in my page. But now the section headers are tranparent. They are visible when I highlight them. I see the section headers in EDIT view as it uses the default EDIT VF page. but I cannot see them in the custom page which I am using.


This is how the section Header looks











This is how it looks when I highlight it with my mouse








This is how it looks in the EDIT VF Page










This is how it has to look normally.



Is this a bug in using detail tag? I do not know how do I access the section Headers so that I can change the color.



I am trying to connect to a web service. I am getting this error when I am trying to connect to the external system.



Web service callout failed: WebService returned a SOAP Fault: com.schemas.billing.serviceInfo.impl.ResponseDocumentImpl cannot be cast to com.schemas.billing.ResponseDocument faultcode=soap:Server faultactor=


Can some one help me understand why I am getting this error. 


Thanks in advance.

I have some objects created in my DE environment. I want to push them to another object(Different Name) in our company sandbox. how do I achieve it. 


I need to send the fields in 'Campaign tempalate' in my DE to 'Template' in Sandbox.





I would want to get the quantity from the input text of the table. I need it so that I can update the quantity for quote_line_items object.


<apex:page standardController="Product2" extensions="ProductListController">
<apex:form >
    <apex:pageBlock title="Products List">
        <apex:pageBlockSection title="List of Available Address" columns="1">
            <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!productsList}" var="prod"> 
                <apex:column headerValue="Select"> 
	    	 		<apex:commandLink value="Select" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure?')" action="{!selectId}" >
		          		<apex:param name="prodid" value="{!prod.id}" />
                <apex:column headerValue="Product Name" >{!prod.Name}</apex:column>
                <apex:column headerValue="Size/Dimensions" >{!prod.Size_Dimensions__c}</apex:column>
                <apex:column headerValue="Total Quantity" >{!prod.Total_Quantity__c}</apex:column>
                <apex:column headerValue="Available Quantity" >{!prod.Available_quantity__c}</apex:column>
                <apex:column headerValue="Quantity Required" >
                    <apex:inputText value="{!quantity}"></apex:inputText>


public with sharing class ProductListController{
    public Product2 product;
    public List<Product2> productsList = null;
    public id quoteId {get; set;}
    public String productId {get; set;}
    public Integer quantity;
    public ProductListController(ApexPages.StandardController controller)
        product = (Product2) controller.getRecord();
        quoteId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('quoteId');
    public Integer getQuantity()
	  return quantity;
	public void setQuantity(Integer newTD)
    public List<Product2> getProductsList()
            String query = 'SELECT ID, NAME, Available_quantity__c, Total_Quantity__c,  Size_Dimensions__c FROM Product2 ';
            productsList = Database.query(query);
        catch(Exception e)
        return productsList;
    public PageReference selectId(){
    	productId = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('prodid');
    	Quote__c quote = [Select id,Name from Quote__c where id=:quoteId];
			productId = (productId).substring(0,15);	
    	Quote_Line_Item__c quoteLineItem = new Quote_Line_Item__c();    	
    	Product2 product = [Select id, Name from product2 where id=:productId];
    	quoteLineItem.Name = 'PROD - '+quote.Name+'  '+product.Name;
    	quoteLineItem.Product__c =  product.Id;
    	System.debug('*********Quantity*********' + quantity);
    	quoteLineItem.Quantity__c = quantity; 
    	quoteLineItem.Quote__c = quoteId;  	
    	insert quoteLineItem;
    	return new PageReference('/' + quoteId);

 But the quantity value does not pass into the variable. Can you please help me out.





I am having problem with the documents folder in our company. some users have personal documents which are not visible to others. they want those documents to be visible to others. 


my questions are 


1) what are the points I have to check for. 

2) how to make changes in the production environment for profiles.


I would appreciate any help.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to create a field on the Contact page that would be some sort of Gauge ranking a contact as Hot, Warm, Cold based on how recent the last Activity History record was?


For example if a contact has Activity History in the past 30 days the field or gauge would say "Hot".


Would an Apex Trigger accomplish this?


Any thoughts or help is greatly appreciated.



Hi All,


My salesforce org is integrated with a third party tool. I need to pass the contact Id to a given URL or external script on create or update of contact.


Below is the link. Unavailable currently.



Any ideas or solutions to implement this. If I have to write apex script how can i invoke.



Anyone know how to auto-format a block of code? When I select the code, press <conrol>+<shift>+F, nothing happens. There's a Source | Format option in the project context menu, but it doesn't do anything, either.


I'm running the Force.com IDE under Mac OSX. Any ideas?




Dear Developers,


Am trying to change the column widths in a table that us being displayed in the VF page


<apex:pageBlockSection title="Equipment" >
         <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Equipment}" var="equip" >
            <apex:column value="{! equip.ATA__c}"  />
            <apex:column value="{! equip.Description__c}"  width="40%"/>
            <apex:column value="{! equip.Vendor__c}"  width="40%"/>
            <apex:column value="{! equip.Part_Number__c}" width="10%"/>


But it doesnt seems to work, and the table is so small that it is only being displayed in a small part of the block section leaving the rest of the area empty, what could be wrong?


Thanks in advance




This is my custom button, but only the Quote Line Item lookup is populating.  I am stumped as to what I am doing wrong.  

Clarification (14 minutes ago)


Right, it's a little tedious to do each one, I won't neccessarily need a custom object on every line item within a quote.  That's why I thought this button would do the trick and enough information could be pre-populated then it would lessen the tedious work. 

I changed the a1O/e? to /a1O/e?retURL={!QuoteLineItem.Id}& but it didn't make a difference. 

Would it matter that the look up on the quote line item is Master-Detail and on the Custom object is just a lookup?  That's the only difference I can find between my Contact-Account/Custom Object example and this current example.

Clarification (28 minutes ago)


But the quote line item has the Quote lookup on it's record (it's a Master-Detail).  So the last situtation where I did this was on a Contact record, I am pulling Contact and Account fields and lookup to a custom object.  Isn't that the same thing?

Clarification (50 minutes ago)


Of course, sorry about that!  We use the out-of-the-box quotes and quote line items that Salesforce provides.  I have created a custom object that I want to create off of the quote line item record.  So this custom button resides within the Quote Line Item object.  In my custom object, I have three lookups - Account, Quote & Quote Line Item.  All three of these lookups are also either on the Quote Line Item or Quote page, so I thought I could pull them through easy. I thought I had done something similar to this recently on a different object.



i have created a visualforce page (for creating user)... i have created a custom lookup on this vf page (lookup for accounts)...

and one more thing i have added .. i have taken a custom field on User (standard) object named as Account__c...

i want that whenever we will create new user by using this vf page... once account is selected this account name should be stored in Accouunt__c..

how to do??


here is my Code,


vf Page-: (CreateNewUser)






<apex:page standardController="User" extensions="CreateNewUserExtension">
<script language="javascript">
    var newWin=null;
    function openLookupPopup(name, id)
        var url="/apex/AccountLookupPopup?namefield=" + name + "&idfield=" + id;
        newWin=window.open(url, 'Popup','height=500,width=600,left=100,top=100,resizable=no,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no,status=no');
        if (window.focus)
        return false;
    function closeLookupPopup()
       if (null!=newWin)

<apex:sectionHeader title="User Creation" subtitle="{!User.Name}" help="/help/doc/user_ed.jsp?loc=help"></apex:sectionHeader>
    <apex:form >
        <apex:pageBlock mode="edit">
        <apex:pageMessages />
            <apex:pageBlockButtons >
                    <apex:commandButton action="{!saveme}" value=" Save "></apex:commandButton>
                    <apex:commandButton action="{!cancel}" value="Cancel"></apex:commandButton>
              <apex:pageBlockSection title="User Information" columns="2" collapsible="false"> 
                <apex:pageBlockSectionitem >
                 <apex:outputLabel value="Account"/>
                 <apex:outputPanel >
                 <apex:inputHidden value="{!accountId}" id="targetId" />
                 <apex:inputText size="20" value="{!accountName}" id="targetName" onFocus="this.blur()" disabled="false"/>
                 <a href="#" onclick="openLookupPopup('{!$Component.targetName}', '{!$Component.targetId}'); return false"><apex:image value="{!$Resource.lookup_logo}" title="LookupLogo"/></a>
                  <apex:inputField value="{!User.User_Type__c}" />
                  <apex:inputField value="{!User.FirstName}"/>
                  <apex:inputField value="{!User.LastName}"/>
                  <apex:inputField value="{!User.Username}"/>
                  <apex:inputField value="{!User.Email}"/>
                  <apex:inputField value="{!User.alias}"/>
                  <apex:inputField value="{!User.UserRoleId}"/> 
                  <apex:inputField value="{!User.IsActive}"/>
                  <apex:inputField value="{!User.UserType}"/>
                  <apex:inputField value="{!User.ProfileId}"/>
                   <apex:inputField value="{!User.Phone}"/>
                   <apex:inputField value="{!User.Extension}"/>
                   <apex:inputField value="{!User.Fax}"/>
                   <apex:inputField value="{!User.EmployeeNumber}"/>
                   <apex:inputField value="{!User.Title}"/>
                   <apex:inputField value="{!User.CompanyName}"/>
                   <apex:inputField value="{!User.Division}"/>
                   <apex:inputField value="{!User.Department}"/>
                   <apex:inputField value="{!User.CommunityNickName}"/>

                   <apex:inputField value="{!User.UserType}"/>
                   <apex:inputField value="{!User.ReceivesInfoEmails}" />
               <apex:pageBlockSection title="Other Information" columns="1" collapsible="false">
                   <apex:inputField value="{!User.EmailEncodingKey}"/>
                   <apex:inputField value="{!User.TimeZoneSidKey}"/>
                   <apex:inputField value="{!User.LocaleSidKey}"/>
                   <apex:inputField value="{!User.LanguageLocaleKey}"/>



Apex Class-:CreateNewUserExtension


public class CreateNewUserExtension {
    public Id accountId{get;set;}
    public String accountName{get;set;}
      public List<Account> accs{get;set;}
    private final User user;
    public CreateNewUserExtension(ApexPages.StandardController controller)
      this.user= (User)controller.getrecord();

     public PageReference saveme()
    user.Username = user.Username;
    user.UserRoleId = user.UserRoleId;
    user.FirstName = user.FirstName;
    user.LastName = user.LastName;
    user.Email = user.Email;
    user.ProfileId = user.ProfileId;
    user.CompanyName = user.CompanyName;
    user.CommunityNickName = user.CommunityNickName;
    user.EmailEncodingKey = user.EmailEncodingKey;
    user.TimeZoneSidKey = user.TimeZoneSidKey;
    user.LocaleSidKey = user.LocaleSidKey;
    user.LanguageLocaleKey = user.LanguageLocaleKey;
    insert user;
    return null; 





Amit Singh

Hi Folks,


From the controller, I need to navigate to the Employee page dynamically by clicking a 'New Employee' button.


I can hardcode like '/a0F/', but i need this to happen dynamically since I am going to create a managed package the key prefix can vary.


Also, I like to populate some of the custom filed values from the controller. How to get the field ID's dynamically for the same.


If you provide some useful information then it will be more helpful. If possible, give me some code examples.




Error: Invalid Data. 
Review all error messages below to correct your data.
Unable to make this formula automatically derived because it is used in the following roll-up summary field(s): Account.Investment Asset Rollup. To continue, remove any references to derived values such as the current date, current user, or user-role.
please give an explanation about this error and possible solution for this


Can anyone help me in resetting a visualforce page or form by using java script...

i have three textboxes in a form and when the reset button is clicked the values in the boxes should be cleared...






Hi I have a vpage as follows..

<apex:outputLabel style="font-weight:bold;" value="Search By Branch Code" ></apex:outputLabel>
        <apex:inputText value="{!textData}"/>


Iam trying to pass this input textfield value(what ever i enter) to the controller by using getters and setters but iam not able to pass the value its passing  just anull value


Getters and setters as below


private String textdata = null;

    public String getTextData() { return textdata; }
    public void setTextData(String data) { textdata = data; }

 So Some one plz help me in passing myy in put field value to controller so that i want to use that value in my soql query



CAF_Bank__c [] currentbanknames=[SELECT  Bank_Name__c FROM CAF_Bank__c  where Branch_Code__c=:textdata];

            So plz tell me with an example.............




                                                                                                    Thanks& Regards


Using VF, I have modified some of my related lists to display additional columns of information (from objects not available in the "stock" lists). Beyond that I want these re-created lists to look and feel the same as the "stock" ones. And they do, with just one exception: there is no confirmation that pops up when the Del link is clicked.
<apex:outputLink value="/setup/own/deleteredirect.jsp">Del
     <apex:param name="Id" value="{!priority.ID_3__c}"/>
     <apex:param name="delID" value="{!priority.ID_1__c}"/>
     <apex:param name="retURL" value="/{!priority.ID_3__c}"/>

As you can see the link has the same URL as the stock link and the params provide the needed information from the controller extension. What do I need to do to get the confirmation pop-up? The users are paranoid about accidentally deleting something.
  • April 24, 2008
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