• johann
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I haven't seen any discussion of using the plug-in beyond 4.3 but my basic testing so far suggests it works fine with Eclipse 4.5 Mars.  Are there any known issues?

For Sites development, there's a Site object with a getName() method that lets you dynamically get the name of the site in which your code is running, which is useful if you have some apex code that runs in the context of multiple sites but might need to do something slightly different depending on context.


There does not appear to be an equivalent method for code running in either the Customer or Partner Portal, and the method on the Site object returns and empty string. 


Does anyone know of how to find the name of the portal in which one's code is running?  (basically, you want to ask the Saleforce Context, "hey, what portal am I being accessed through?")

  • November 11, 2011
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I need to add a favicon to our Community. I found an article (https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=000167021&type=1) which has the following steps:-

1. Create 16x16 icon. Add the favicon as an .ico format
2. Upload as a static resource and make sure cache control attribute is set as public
3. Go to Setup > Develop > Sites and click on Edit for your Site. / If you are logged into Community Management go to Administration > Pages > Go to Force.com > and click on the Edit button. In the Site Favorite Icon field upload the desired favicon.

I followed these steps but the favicon is not yet appearing.
I'd like to use Google Analytics to track page accesses in my Salesforce Community.

I see how I can configure a regular Force.com Sites Site with an Analytics Tracking Code, but that field isn't visible for a Site that's associated with a Community. Is there any way to use Google Analytics to track page accesses in a Salesforce Community?



We are looking for a solution to avoid articles being published without selecting datacategories.


While publishing an article, DataCategory should be a required field.  if datacategories are not selected while publishing an article, Article should not be published and show an error message. Can this be done? 


Your suggested are welcome.






I wonder if we can we use email templates in apex class for sending emails?






  • November 27, 2013
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Im relatively new to Database queries, but the situation is for a little while we had an online scripts creating creating duplicate entries for the contact role in each opportunity created. That problem was fixed but now I just need to create a SOQL report of just the duplicates so I can go through and delete one of each.

This is the SOQL Query I try:


select ID, ContactID, OpportunityIDCOUNT(OpportunityID)

from OpportunityContactRole 

where Role != NULL

GROUP BY OpportunityID

HAVING COUNT(OpportunityID) > 1


This is returning the error:


ContactID, OpportunityID, COUNT(OpportunityID)
ERROR at Row:1:Column:40
Grouped field should not be aggregated: OpportunityId


Can someone help me with this?


  • July 23, 2013
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For Sites development, there's a Site object with a getName() method that lets you dynamically get the name of the site in which your code is running, which is useful if you have some apex code that runs in the context of multiple sites but might need to do something slightly different depending on context.


There does not appear to be an equivalent method for code running in either the Customer or Partner Portal, and the method on the Site object returns and empty string. 


Does anyone know of how to find the name of the portal in which one's code is running?  (basically, you want to ask the Saleforce Context, "hey, what portal am I being accessed through?")

  • November 11, 2011
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Is it possible for a portal user to have the same username in two separate orgs.  For example, Company A has a portal and Mike Smith chose msmith@gmail.com as the username.  Company B also has a portal and Mike Smith needs to be a portal user in Company B as well and wants to choose msmith@gmail.com as the username.  Is this possible?  The reason I ask is that we're getting the following error message in one of our customer's portals, even though we have check the user table before registration to catch the error if the user tries to use a username that already exists in the user table.


There was an error in registering a user in site <PORTAL_NAME_HERE>. The error message is: Duplicate Username.<br>Another user has already selected this username.<br>Please select another.

I want to show the picklist value for global variable User on a visual force page.


But it is showing me incorrect parameter.


I have written code within vf as


<apex:outputlabel value="{! TEXT($User.UserType) }"/>


Does anyone knows how to do it.

I have tried different things.

I dont want to write any apex code for it.

Hello, I'm trying to implement this app exchange application.  I really need State and Country dropdowns for my deployment but this scontrol is throwing a nasty Javascript error:  ReferenceError - DynamicOptionList is not defined.  Anyone know of a way around this issue?



I'd like to use Google Analytics to track page accesses in my Salesforce Community.

I see how I can configure a regular Force.com Sites Site with an Analytics Tracking Code, but that field isn't visible for a Site that's associated with a Community. Is there any way to use Google Analytics to track page accesses in a Salesforce Community?