• fc411
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When Chrome 64 is rolled out next week (Jan 23) it will no longer by default give permission for certain privileges such as microphone access to cross origin iframes. This will block our softphone. Do we need to update the Salesforce iframe tag or add an http header to include an allow attribute for microphone:

<iframe src="https://example.com" allow="geolocation; microphone; camera"></iframe>

We do not see a way to configure the CTI iframe at this level. 
We use a VisualForce page for the softphone, but VisualForce is on a different domain from it's parent ...

  • January 15, 2018
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I completed the trail: Build a Team to Support Your Business. The question asked which role to hire first:
Outside sales
Inside sales

- how can any of these answers be wrong?
  • December 20, 2017
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I completed the trail: Build a Team to Support Your Business. The question asked which role to hire first:
Outside sales
Inside sales

- how can any of these answers be wrong?
  • December 20, 2017
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Can we create a new meeting request ( cloud scheduler) associated to a lead or contact using apex? I am trying to create events for the leads or contacts behind the scenes using third party meeting tools integration. It would be nice, if i can create that as a meeting request using apex and NOT UI as opposed to just a normal event on the lead or contact. Is that possible?

Hello Board,


I was trying to install Custom application into Trialforce Master Org.


But i am receiving one error.


The error stated as,


1. Custom Tab Limit Exceeded
You've exceeded the maximum number of custom tabs allowed in your organization. (Required: 33, Available: 25) To learn about options for increasing the custom tab limit, please contact your administrator or salesforce.com.


I have created 33 tabs in Custom App. But i think it should no affect while installing an App for Trialforce.


Can anyone tell me what is this issue and how to resolve this?




Does this require contacting support for a feature activation?  Is it free?