• rajjjj
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This is regarding Lead Conversion.


On clicking convert button on lead page we are taken to another page. I have used a custom button and passed the url as "/lead/leadconvert.jsp?retURL=%2F{!Lead.Id}&id={!Lead.Id}&{!Lead.RecordTypeId}&nooppti=1" 


With that given it checks the option of "Do not create a new opportunity upon conversion." 


At the same time I am also looking an option to pass a parameter in URL where I can disable the option of checking it. I am trying to pass a parameter but its not working.

I tried appending to the exisiting url ----> nooppti.disabled =true


But looks like I am passing in a wrong way. Any ideas!!!

  • December 07, 2013
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I have a question on Batch jobs.


Currently I was calling a Batch Job from Finish Method and I see the execution started immediately as soon as the first job finishes. And it took almost 4 to 5 minutes to start showing the SerialBatchApexRangeChunkHandler. Will it take that amount of time to process the second Batch or Will the Batch run Asynchronously!! Am I missing something? Please clarify.


To Understand more of what I am saying, see the time it shows when the batch executes. I profiled them from developer console.


10/25/2013 2:13:57AM Batch Apex
10/25/2013 2:14:05AM SerialBatchApexRangeChunkHandler
10/25/2013 2:14:05AM SerialBatchApexRangeChunkHandler
10/25/2013 2:14:13AM SerialBatchApexRangeChunkHandler
10/25/2013 2:14:16AM SerialBatchApexRangeChunkHandler
10/25/2013 2:14:21AM Batch Apex
10/25/2013 2:14:21AM Batch Apex
10/25/2013 2:19:03AM SerialBatchApexRangeChunkHandler
10/25/2013 2:19:03AM SerialBatchApexRangeChunkHandler
10/25/2013 2:19:05AM SerialBatchApexRangeChunkHandler
10/25/2013 2:19:07AM Batch Apex


It started at 2.14 and i took almost 5 min to show the next execution.

Did anybody faced this. Please post ur Ideas and Suggestions on how to make the batch execution in less time.






  • October 25, 2013
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How can we split an address field(text area) into multiple lines. It shows in multiple lines. But when used in template will show all in one line.


Lets consider Billing Street. I am building a rich text area field where I need to display that field in a template. Now it is showing Billing Street in one line. I need to show them into mulitple lines.


I was using

String s = billingstreet.replaceAll('\r\n','<br/>');

String s = billingstreet.replaceAll('\n','<br/>');


Eg: 123 broad street <br/> headquarters of office

Even when i try this in rich text area its not displaying in seperate lines. Showing as same.


But nothing is working. Any Ideas!!!

Hi All,


I have a VF page which has 2 components. Lets take first component which has a controller, lets call controller1. I was having a standardsetcontroller variable in controller1. After filtering and retrieving records I am trying to pass that value to another VF page which has a controller, lets call controller2.

To make it clear----->
Component1 has Controller1.
Vf page has Controller1 and Controller2.(which is used for downloading excel)

In controller2 I need list of object values from controller1.

For that I have declared a static variable in controller1 and passing it to controller2, But its returning null value.

Where am I missing!!!!!!

I was trying to create a customer portal user in test class. But I was getting mixed dml exception, invalid role assignment,...

Please post the working code if someone already created.




I am facing a problem with selectlist. I am not able to pass those (textarea address field) values into controller.

Where as if it is name or zipcode or city(which are text fields), I am able to set the selectedvalues. I am guessing it is the problem with TextArea Field. 


Did anyone faced this problem!!!

  • April 15, 2013
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Have anyone tried accessing an attachment for a customer portal user!!!


I am getting the following message:


Insufficient Privileges

You do not have the level of access necessary to perform the operation you requested. Please contact the owner of the record or your administrator if access is necessary. 



  • April 10, 2013
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Insufficient Privileges


You do not have the level of access necessary to perform the operation you requested. Please contact the owner of the record or your administrator if access is necessary. 


I am trying to click on an output link and it is displaying the above Insufficient Privileges message.

I have given security access to vf pages, controllers.


<apex:outputLink onclick="window.open('vfpage?id=......&,....>abc</apex:outputLink>


In controller I am using this 


PageReference attachmentpage =
new PageReference('/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=' + a.id);


It is opening the link in this form, but showing the above said message:




Any Idea!!!!







  • April 10, 2013
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I am getting some content from an external webservice and trying to display as a pdf file.


As a response I am getting a String and I have decoded the string using EncodingUtil.base64Decode(response) and assigned it to a blob variable.


Now I am trying to print that blob variable in vf page using renderAs pdf and instead of rendering as pdf it is displaying in bytes as core.filemanager.byteblobvalue@23F6123c


I have tried using Blob.toPdf() and Blob.valueOf() to get a pdf output.

And also I dont want to save it as an attachment in salesforce..because it may create excess attachments.

Saving as an attachment is working fine and displaying as pdf.


Any suggestions would be appreciated!!!!











  • April 08, 2013
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Does anybody have an idea of how to add a list of records to a Standardsetcontroller records.


List<Order_c> orderlist1 = this.getordheaderList1();
List<Order_c> orderlist2 =(List<Order__c>)this.totalOrders.getRecords();



 It is throwing an error as " collection is Read only" while adding the lists.

 Does anybody have an idea how to implement that.


 I need to show all the list of records on a vf page.

  • March 02, 2013
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This issue is with Conga composer. Query result not showing up when using 2 query ids querying 2 custom settings. When i am querying the custom settings in my conga merge url....the first query is not returning result and second query is returning result. (And if i am using only query then its returning the records correctly.If i am using 2 queries, then first one dont and second one returns.)

Looks wierd.

I don't know where it is gng wrong. If anyone worked on Conga composer...Plz find me a solution!!!!!!

  • December 12, 2012
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If a custom object is a detail or subdetail component in a master-detail relationship, it can't also be the master of a different master-detail relationship.


From the link:




But in my org, I am able to do that. Please clarify!!!!!!!!!!

  • December 11, 2012
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Can we skip records when creating an auto number on a record if it has specific picklist values????


Suppose i have 5 picklist values...I need to generate autonumber for only some records which have 3 picklist values. For remaining 2 picklist values it should not generate autonumbers on it.


Do we need to do any apex coding or can it be done through configuration.

  • November 06, 2012
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Can someone write a test class for this..


trigger FindConfAttendeeDuplicate on Conf_attendee__c (before insert,before update) {
    Conf_attendee__c Con =trigger.new[0];
    List<Conf_attendee__c> ListCon = [select id from Conf_attendee__c where 
                                      Conference__c =:Con.Conference__c AND Contact__c =:Con.Contact__c];
    List<Conf_attendee__c> compareDate = [select id,Conference__c,Conference__r.Conference_Date__c,Contact__c from Conf_attendee__c];
    for(Conf_attendee__c CompareEachdate : compareDate){
        if (CompareEachdate.Conference__r.Conference_Date__c == Con.Conference__r.Conference_Date__c){
            if(CompareEachdate.Contact__c == Con.Contact__c){
        }else {
            insert Con;
           }catch(Exception ex){
    if(ListCon.size() == 0){
        insert Con;
       }catch(Exception ex){
    else {
        Con.Contact__c.addError('Cannot Insert');

 I have written in this way but its not covering 75%


private class testtrigger{
   static testmethod void testTriggMethod()
       conference__c conf = new conference__c(Name='conf1');
       insert conf;
       Contact c = new Contact(lastName='contact1');
       insert c;
       Conf_attendee__c conatt = new Conf_attendee__c(conference__c = conf.Id,contact__c = c.Id);
       //con.conference__c = 'Samplecon';
       //con.contact__c = 'Contact1';
       insert conatt;
       List<Conf_attendee__c> listcon = [select id from Conf_attendee__c];
       List<Conf_attendee__c> compareDate = [select id,Conference__c,Conference__r.Conference_Date__c,Contact__c from Conf_attendee__c];
      // for(Integer i=0; i<compareDate.size();i++ )
      // {
          if (compareDate.get(0) .Conference__r.Conference_Date__c == Conatt.Conference__r.Conference_Date__c)
            if(compareDate.get(0).Contact__c == Conatt.Contact__c)
                insert Conatt;
                //System.assertEquals('conf1',conference__c .Name);
           catch(Exception ex){


  • October 18, 2012
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Is there any limit on a standard object or custom object to be a master in a Master- Detail Relationship.


I am making Account to be a master of a custom object. Can i make Account as master to as many custom objects or a custom object as master to as many custom objects.






  • October 17, 2012
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Hi All,


I am getting approve/reject link for the submitter when i created a approval process.

Is there a way to diable it.

I basically had 2 users with same profile. One of them is submitting and he shouldnt get the option to approve.

The other user should approve it.

Is that possible?????????

Please clarify.




  • August 09, 2012
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Hey There,

I had 3 objects namely objA, objB, objC.

I have build a master-detail relationship between objA and objB.

Now i had a junction object JUNOBJ1.(Till now its like objA and objB are master objects and JUNCOBJ1 is detail object)


Now i am trying to create master detail relationship between junction object JUNOBJ1 and objC. So the junction object JUNCOBJ1 and objC will become masters here.And  new junction object JUNOBJ2 will be detail  here.


My question is in first case JUNOBJ1 is detail and can it become master in 2nd case.

Is there any way to build relationship of many to many to many between 3 objects.

Please clarify!!!!!!!!!


  • August 02, 2012
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Hey I am getting an Invalid decimal exception.

Fatal error:system.typeexception..invalid decimal:B4DODC

Here is my class:


  public static void updateAccounts(List<Id> accountIds)
  // get the custom city, state and country fields from account
    //List<Account> accounts = [select Id, Name, BillingCity, BillingState, BillingCountry
      //from Account where Id in :accountIds ];
    for(Account theAccount: [select Id, Name, BillingCity, BillingState, BillingCountry from Account where Id in :accountIds ]) { 
      List<String> address = new List<String>();
      address.add('');// empty street
      String[] coordinates = GeoUtilities.getCoordinates(address);
      if(coordinates != null)
        Decimal pos1 = Decimal.valueOf(coordinates[0].trim());
        theAccount.Latitude__c = pos1;
        Decimal pos2 = Decimal.valueOf(coordinates[1].trim());
        theAccount.Longitude__c = pos2;
        system.debug(Logginglevel.ERROR,'GeoUtilities coordinates ' + pos1 + ' ' + pos2 );    
        system.debug(Logginglevel.ERROR,'GeoUtilities no coordinates!!! for address' );          
      update theAccount; 

   public static String[] getCoordinates(String[] addressParts)
      String[] Coordinates; 
      String address = '';
      boolean needComma = false;
      for(Integer i = 0; i<10; i++)
            address = address + ',';
          address = address + EncodingUtil.urlEncode(address,'UTF-8');
          needComma = true;
	  if(address.length() == 0)
	      'GeoUtilities getCoordinates no address provided. Return null');    
	    return null; 
	  String url = 'http://geocoder.us/member/service/csv/geocode?q=street=701+First+Ave&city=Sunnyvale&state=CA&country=USA';
	  //url += 'q=' + address; 
	  //url += '&output=csv'; 
	  system.debug(Logginglevel.ERROR,'GeoUtilities getCoordinates url: ' + url);    
	  Http h = new Http(); 
	  HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
	  req.setHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); 
	  req.setHeader('Content-length', '0'); 
	  String responseBody;
	  if (!Test.isRunningTest())
	  // Methods defined as TestMethod do not support Web service callouts
	    HttpResponse res = h.send(req); 
	    responseBody = res.getBody();
	    // dummy data
	    responseBody = '200,4,48.5,-123.67';
	  String[] responseParts = responseBody.split(',',0); 
	  // the response has four parts: 
	  // status code, quality code, latitude and longitude
	  Coordinates = new String[2];
	  Coordinates[0] = responseParts[2];
	  Coordinates[1] = responseParts[3];
	  return Coordinates; 
  static testMethod void  testGetGeo()
    String[] addressParts;
    String[] coordinates;
    addressParts = new List<String>();
    addressParts.add('San Diego');
    coordinates = GeoUtilities.getCoordinates(addressParts);
    System.assert(coordinates != null);
    System.assertEquals(2, coordinates.size()); 


I have added the URL in the req.setEndpoint.

I was trying to use Trim() and Decimal.valueOf().
But none of them is working.

Here i had a Latitude__c and Longitude__c as Number fields.So i am trying to convert the result to decimal value.

Have anybody faced this issue. 

I would like to know in order to use this query through REST API....do we need to call salesforce support and enable it.

It was actually in pilot mode and available for Developer Edition and Sandboxes and not for Production.

What actually is pilot feature in Salesforce???

Please clarify!!!!!!


SELECT caseNumber, location__latitude__s, location__longitude__s FROM Case
WHERE DISTANCE(location__c, GEOLOCATION(<latitude and longitude coordinates of mobile device>), 'mi') <= 10

Can 2 workflow rules gets executed at same time with same criteria????

I had a workflow with 10 field updates and i want t o add one more filed update.....since  i am not allowed to add more than 10 field updates i am writing the same criteria with different name(one more wokflow)....So will the 2nd workflow gets executed and field is updated or it doesnot execute????

Working the "Handle Actions with Controllers" trailhead module and I'm not getting past the validation.
If I put the component in a test jig, I can see the button function and set the check box as expected.

Here is the code I'm using to set the item as packed...

component.set("v.item.Packed__c", true );

I'm assuming the validator does not like my syntax. Can you give me a hint to get past this?


Hi, I am having trouble with the "Attributes and Expressions" module from trailhead.

Here is the challenge:
Create a Lightning Component to display a single item for your packing list.
  • Create a component called campingListItem that displays the name (ui:outputText) and the three custom fields using the appropriate output components.
  • Add an attribute named 'item' for type Camping_Item__c.
I created an component named campingListItem and this is the code:
<aura:component >
    <aura:attribute name="item" type="<my_domain>__Camping_Item__c"/>
    <ui:outputText value="{!v.item.Name}"/>
    <ui:outputCheckbox value="{!v.item.<my_domain>__Packed__c}"/>
    <ui:outputCurrency  value="{!v.item.<my_domain>__Price__c}"/>
    <ui:outputNumber value="{!v.item.<my_domain>__Quantity__c}"/>

The error that I am getting is: "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The packingListItem Lightning Component's attribute tag doesn't exist or its attributes are not set correctly."

With this, I tried to create another component, with the name "packingListItem", but It didn't work.

Can anyone help me?

This component works but does not validate and gives the following error message:
Step not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The CSS does not contain a reference to the background image 
Note: you may run into errors if you've skipped previous steps.

This is regarding Lead Conversion.


On clicking convert button on lead page we are taken to another page. I have used a custom button and passed the url as "/lead/leadconvert.jsp?retURL=%2F{!Lead.Id}&id={!Lead.Id}&{!Lead.RecordTypeId}&nooppti=1" 


With that given it checks the option of "Do not create a new opportunity upon conversion." 


At the same time I am also looking an option to pass a parameter in URL where I can disable the option of checking it. I am trying to pass a parameter but its not working.

I tried appending to the exisiting url ----> nooppti.disabled =true


But looks like I am passing in a wrong way. Any ideas!!!

  • December 07, 2013
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Hi there


I always have the habit of declaring my variables first before I use them.  Say,

public class a
  public integer v1 = 3;
  public integer v2 = 5 * v1;



So I never have encountered this error before:   it looks like if you declare integer v2 first before you declare integer v1, Apex actually gives you an error.  For example,


public class a
  public integer v2 = 5 * v1;
  public integer v1 = 3;


I thought, that makes sense, because Apex only scans the code once, top-down, so when it scans the first line, it was not able to resolve the value of v1, so it spits out the "Variable does not exist" error.


HOWEVER, now, if I change v2 from simply a variable to a property, i.e.

public class a
  public integer v2
    get {return 5 * v1;}
  public integer v1 = 3;


This time the compiler doesn't complain!


I'm trying to understand this and thought, maybe because when I have a code like that, Apex is not trying to calculate the value of v2 at runtime - it'll only calculate the value of v2 when it is actually being accessed.


The part where I'm not connecting the dots is, still then, why is it not complaining about v1 in that case?


Any ideas?






I have a question on Batch jobs.


Currently I was calling a Batch Job from Finish Method and I see the execution started immediately as soon as the first job finishes. And it took almost 4 to 5 minutes to start showing the SerialBatchApexRangeChunkHandler. Will it take that amount of time to process the second Batch or Will the Batch run Asynchronously!! Am I missing something? Please clarify.


To Understand more of what I am saying, see the time it shows when the batch executes. I profiled them from developer console.


10/25/2013 2:13:57AM Batch Apex
10/25/2013 2:14:05AM SerialBatchApexRangeChunkHandler
10/25/2013 2:14:05AM SerialBatchApexRangeChunkHandler
10/25/2013 2:14:13AM SerialBatchApexRangeChunkHandler
10/25/2013 2:14:16AM SerialBatchApexRangeChunkHandler
10/25/2013 2:14:21AM Batch Apex
10/25/2013 2:14:21AM Batch Apex
10/25/2013 2:19:03AM SerialBatchApexRangeChunkHandler
10/25/2013 2:19:03AM SerialBatchApexRangeChunkHandler
10/25/2013 2:19:05AM SerialBatchApexRangeChunkHandler
10/25/2013 2:19:07AM Batch Apex


It started at 2.14 and i took almost 5 min to show the next execution.

Did anybody faced this. Please post ur Ideas and Suggestions on how to make the batch execution in less time.






  • October 25, 2013
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How can we split an address field(text area) into multiple lines. It shows in multiple lines. But when used in template will show all in one line.


Lets consider Billing Street. I am building a rich text area field where I need to display that field in a template. Now it is showing Billing Street in one line. I need to show them into mulitple lines.


I was using

String s = billingstreet.replaceAll('\r\n','<br/>');

String s = billingstreet.replaceAll('\n','<br/>');


Eg: 123 broad street <br/> headquarters of office

Even when i try this in rich text area its not displaying in seperate lines. Showing as same.


But nothing is working. Any Ideas!!!

Hi All,


I have a VF page which has 2 components. Lets take first component which has a controller, lets call controller1. I was having a standardsetcontroller variable in controller1. After filtering and retrieving records I am trying to pass that value to another VF page which has a controller, lets call controller2.

To make it clear----->
Component1 has Controller1.
Vf page has Controller1 and Controller2.(which is used for downloading excel)

In controller2 I need list of object values from controller1.

For that I have declared a static variable in controller1 and passing it to controller2, But its returning null value.

Where am I missing!!!!!!

I was trying to create a customer portal user in test class. But I was getting mixed dml exception, invalid role assignment,...

Please post the working code if someone already created.








Insufficient Privileges


You do not have the level of access necessary to perform the operation you requested. Please contact the owner of the record or your administrator if access is necessary. 


I am trying to click on an output link and it is displaying the above Insufficient Privileges message.

I have given security access to vf pages, controllers.


<apex:outputLink onclick="window.open('vfpage?id=......&,....>abc</apex:outputLink>


In controller I am using this 


PageReference attachmentpage =
new PageReference('/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=' + a.id);


It is opening the link in this form, but showing the above said message:




Any Idea!!!!







  • April 10, 2013
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I am getting some content from an external webservice and trying to display as a pdf file.


As a response I am getting a String and I have decoded the string using EncodingUtil.base64Decode(response) and assigned it to a blob variable.


Now I am trying to print that blob variable in vf page using renderAs pdf and instead of rendering as pdf it is displaying in bytes as core.filemanager.byteblobvalue@23F6123c


I have tried using Blob.toPdf() and Blob.valueOf() to get a pdf output.

And also I dont want to save it as an attachment in salesforce..because it may create excess attachments.

Saving as an attachment is working fine and displaying as pdf.


Any suggestions would be appreciated!!!!











  • April 08, 2013
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Does anybody have an idea of how to add a list of records to a Standardsetcontroller records.


List<Order_c> orderlist1 = this.getordheaderList1();
List<Order_c> orderlist2 =(List<Order__c>)this.totalOrders.getRecords();



 It is throwing an error as " collection is Read only" while adding the lists.

 Does anybody have an idea how to implement that.


 I need to show all the list of records on a vf page.

  • March 02, 2013
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I am having issues creating customer portal user using the API. Following is the sample code snippet.

Contact cc = new Contact();
    cc.FirstName = ' test';
    List <Contact> insertCon = new List<Contact> ();
    insert insertCon;
    User insertUser = new User();
    List <User> insertUsers = new List<User> ();
    insert insertUsers;

I am getting the following error:

System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION, Invalid role assignment.

The values for profile and role IDs are from an existing customer portal user. This being the case, I am not sure why the error log indicates that there is an issue with the role assignment. If it is an issue, I don't know how to determine the correct profile and role when creating the user. Should I be looking for a specific type of role or profile?

Any help is appreciated.


Hi there,
I Save my email attachment(a smal pdf file) into the attachment object, now i want to display the attachment body in my VisualForce Page,
<apex: outputfield value="{!Attachment.Body}" /> Not works coz it is base64 field...
any way to display the pdf file in my page? any code example of that, like 's-control' or something
Thanks in advance

Message Edited by Feng on 05-25-2008 05:09 PM
  • May 25, 2008
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