• wajida
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Hi All,


I need to Hide the standard button & edit/del of that particualr quote under the oppy related list on check of an checkbox.





I would like a VF page block in the Case page.  It will have a list of Contacts related to the Account that has been selected on the Case.  Can this be done with a standard contoller or do i need a custom controller.  Can anyone assist with a sample code or point me to a resource. Thanks. 

  • March 04, 2013
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Hi can anyone tell me why i am getting this error for this code? i am at my wits end. I have marked the line where i am getting the error


public class FindScope {
  list<list<opportunity>> theList;
  list<String> piclistVals = new list<string>();
  String s;
  list<string> pv;
  list<opportunity> listOfOpp; 
  public list<String> getPicklistVals(){
    Schema.DescribeFieldResult fieldResult = opportunity.stageName.getDescribe();
  for(Schema.PicklistEntry f :  fieldResult.getPicklistValues()){
  return piclistVals;
  public list<list<opportunity>> getOpportunities(){
         theList =  new list<list<opportunity>>();
         for(Integer i = 0; i < piclistVals.size(); i++){
         String pvalue = pv[i];  
       listOfOpp = [select id, name, stagename, amount from opportunity where stagename = :pvalue];
      return thelist;
   public list<opportunity> getProspecting(){
       oppProspecting = thelist[0];
        list<opportunity> myopp = new list<opportunity>();
        return oppProspecting;
     public list<opportunity> getQualification(){
      list<opportunity> oppQualification = new list<opportunity>();
       oppQualification = thelist[0];
        return oppQualification;
      public list<opportunity> getNeedsAnalysis(){
      list<opportunity> oppNeedsAnalysis = new list<opportunity>();
       oppNeedsAnalysis = thelist[2];
        return oppNeedsAnalysis;
     public list<opportunity> getValueProposition(){
      list<opportunity> oppValueProposition = new list<opportunity>();
       oppValueProposition = thelist[3];
        return oppValueProposition;

  • March 29, 2013
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Hi i am trying to use the migration tool and i get the error invalid user name or password or security token although i am sure the information provided is correct i even reset the security token and tried umpteen number of times but the same error persists


# build.properties


# Specify the login credentials for the desired Salesforce organization

sf.username = username
sf.password = password

sf.serverurl = https://login.salesforce.com

#sf.pkgName = <Insert comma separated package names to be retrieved>

#sf.zipFile = <Insert path of the zipfile to be retrieved>

#sf.metadataType = <Insert metadata type name for which listMetadata or bulkRetrieve operations are to be performed>

# Use 'https://login.salesforce.com' for production or developer edition (the default if not specified).

# Use 'https://test.salesforce.com for sandbox.
sf.serverurl = https://login.salesforce.com

# If your network requires an HTTP proxy,see http://ant.apache.org/manual/proxy.html for configuration.



Can you please tell me what it is that i am doing wrong

Hi can anyone tell me why i am getting this error for this code? i am at my wits end. I have marked the line where i am getting the error


public class FindScope {
  list<list<opportunity>> theList;
  list<String> piclistVals = new list<string>();
  String s;
  list<string> pv;
  list<opportunity> listOfOpp; 
  public list<String> getPicklistVals(){
    Schema.DescribeFieldResult fieldResult = opportunity.stageName.getDescribe();
  for(Schema.PicklistEntry f :  fieldResult.getPicklistValues()){
  return piclistVals;
  public list<list<opportunity>> getOpportunities(){
         theList =  new list<list<opportunity>>();
         for(Integer i = 0; i < piclistVals.size(); i++){
         String pvalue = pv[i];  
       listOfOpp = [select id, name, stagename, amount from opportunity where stagename = :pvalue];
      return thelist;
   public list<opportunity> getProspecting(){
       oppProspecting = thelist[0];
        list<opportunity> myopp = new list<opportunity>();
        return oppProspecting;
     public list<opportunity> getQualification(){
      list<opportunity> oppQualification = new list<opportunity>();
       oppQualification = thelist[0];
        return oppQualification;
      public list<opportunity> getNeedsAnalysis(){
      list<opportunity> oppNeedsAnalysis = new list<opportunity>();
       oppNeedsAnalysis = thelist[2];
        return oppNeedsAnalysis;
     public list<opportunity> getValueProposition(){
      list<opportunity> oppValueProposition = new list<opportunity>();
       oppValueProposition = thelist[3];
        return oppValueProposition;

  • March 29, 2013
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I have been presented with a new requirement and am at my wits end as to how to start off. I am a newbie to this so please be gentle with me.


What our company is looking for is a visualForce opage that has a column for each opportunity stage and populates the opportunity name and amount for the specific rep that opens the page(would be a tab).  I.e


Propsect                         Needs Analysis(25%)                                                       Presentation (50%)      

Opp. A $1,200                Opp D $5,600                                                                     Opp M $7,800         

Opp. X $1,200                Opp K $5,600                                                                      Opp V $7,800

Opp. L $1,200                Opp C $5,600                                                                      Opp W $7,800


                                         Total =25%*sum of opps in stage                                  Total=50%*sum of Opps in Stage



My requirement is to render a column based on changes made in a picklist present in another column. I have used dataTable.

Though the data is appearing the header value doesn't appear.


Could someone please suggest me.

I am in the scoping stage of a new visualforce page where I am wanting to create a table with 4 rows and 4 columns where each cell is an individual field on the same record. I think I will need to use html to create the table on the visualforce page, which I have not done before. Can anyone point me to an example or explain the concept of how to make the page?


Thank you

Hi All,


I need to Hide the standard button & edit/del of that particualr quote under the oppy related list on check of an checkbox.





I would like a VF page block in the Case page.  It will have a list of Contacts related to the Account that has been selected on the Case.  Can this be done with a standard contoller or do i need a custom controller.  Can anyone assist with a sample code or point me to a resource. Thanks. 

  • March 04, 2013
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