• tsalb_
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Hi Team,

I would like to develope a VF page for "Activity History". But Email activity is display as below:

User-added image

I need like as Standard formate  like :

User-added image

Please assist on this. Thanks !!!

Is there a client-side way of passing a value from within an apex:repeat to a javascript function?


Basically, my list is iterated, with each unique itemLat / itemLon, and I'd need to pass the specific lat/lon back to a javascript function for some processing. Any ideas on how to approach this?


The reason I'd want to do this is because I have a separate JS function that does some JS remoting, so ideally, i'd like to just pass the new params to that function so it can do it's work in the controller, but with the new lat/lon as the starting parameters.


   <apex:repeat var="frm" id="searchResult" value="{!newSearchList}">
     <div id="search-item">
       <p style="font-size:12px">
         <apex:outputLink value="javascript&colon;void(0)" 
onclick="setCoords(itemLat, itemLon);" id="itemLink"> <b>{!frm.Customer_gne__r.Name}</b> <apex:param name="itemLat" value="{!frm.Test_Lat__c}"/> <apex:param name="itemLon" value="{!frm.Test_Lon__c}"/> </apex:outputLink><br/> {!frm.Primary_Address_gne__r.Name}, {!frm.Primary_Address_gne__r.City_vod__c}<br/> {!frm.Primary_Address_gne__r.Phone_vod__c}<br/> </p> </div> </apex:repeat>
//Snippet function setCoords(passedLat,passedLon) { alert("testing the alert!" + passedLat + " " + passedLon); }


  • October 11, 2012
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How do I wrap a certain text field so that it wraps really long file names?
For example, if the sentence field has value "A long line broken up into many words" , then it might wrap it and display the field as:

Sentence: A long line broken up
                   into many words

but if there is an attachment field with the file name "A_long_line_not_broken_up_into_words.pdf" , then it does not wrap it:

Attachment: A_long_line_not_broken_up_into_words.pdf

I want it to be like this:

Attachment: A_long_line_not_broken

How do I get it to break that up and wrap it still?
Hi Team,

I would like to develope a VF page for "Activity History". But Email activity is display as below:

User-added image

I need like as Standard formate  like :

User-added image

Please assist on this. Thanks !!!

I've a link in my visualforce page, which renders the data as Excel. However, post developement, I wanted to do some performance tuning and to reduce the view state size, have declared the list variable (having the complete set of data to be displayed) as transient. As a result, no values are being passed to the next VF page.

As of the moment, I've removed the transient type and it is working fine. However, if there is any way to pass transient values to subsequent pages, it will be very useful as I'm worried about the view state size in case of a huge volume of data.


I am trying to make a set of text fields in a form required in a VisualForce page. I was told to use Javascript for this, specifically the checkField function but I am not sure how this is structured. Below is my form. Thank you everyone!

<apex:page showheader="false" >
<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
function handlePageLoad() {
var endpointMatcher = new RegExp("[\\?\\&]endpoint=([^&#]*)");
if (window.addEventListener) {
window.addEventListener('load', handlePageLoad, false);
} else {
window.attachEvent('onload', handlePageLoad, false);
<form method="post" id="prechatForm">

<!-- Detail inputs -->
First Name: <input type="text" name="liveagent.prechat:First Name" id="First_Name__c" /><br /><br />
Last Name: <input type="text" name="liveagent.prechat:Last Name" /><br /><br />
Dealership Name: <input type="text" name="liveagent.prechat:Dealership Name" /><br /><br />

<input type="submit" value="Request Chat" id="prechat_submit" />

I'm trying to create a trigger that updates all my accounts with this field C_digo_do_Cliente__c

trigger aiu_IfaceLimiteCreditoDiario on IfaceLimiteCreditoDiario__c (after insert, after update) {

		List<Account> acc = new List<Account>();
		List<C_digo_do_Cliente__c> cod = new List<C_digo_do_Cliente__c>();

		for(IfaceLimiteCreditoDiario__c iface : Trigger.new){
		Account = [Select a.TipoLimite__c, a.LimiteCredito__c, a.C_digo_do_Cliente__c From Account a]
		for(Account inter: Account.LimiteCredito__c ){
		for(IfaceLimiteCreditoDiario__c inter : Account.C_digo_do_Cliente__c)

someone could help me to solve this?

I am looking to disable couple of fields when I launch my Visual Force Page from a Custom Button, can I get som help in terms of a sample code ?  I know this is basic but am new to Apex and Visual Force. Appreciate the help

Hello! Can somebody help me unlock a field and rearrange my fields in the account object? Please? thanks.

We are using standard Orders Object with 3 additional custome fileds.  And ofcourse we have overridden the order creation page with our own VF page (new button).

My needs
on Orders List view we have Record type views like hub ordes, pen orders  including standard types like All activated orders, All Orders.
List view page has one default column called Action (Edit  del)

I see del invisible for the orders in status of approved. Looks it is standard functionalit.

Can it be possible to do enable or disable "Edit" based on the status of orders using standard salesforce. Want to avoid using VF page. 

I appreaciate  your time 

Hi Everyone,
   Can anyone tell me what is s controls and how to create s controls??
We've attempted to setup a private sharing model for Projects (and subsequently Phases and Tasks because of the master detail relationship), and we're running into issues.

Our application has three Apex Sharing rules that should open up tasks, phases, and projects when users are 'assigned' to project tasks. This has worked in the past, but it no longer works as anticipated.

Background information on the application:

When users are 'assigned' to tasks, a work record (record type = time entry) is created. When logged in as an admin, you'll see in this report that the base user has been assigned to two separate projects.

When you login as the base user, first go to the Projects tab, and choose to view all projects. You'll see one project, but not the other.  Then, select the My Assignments page. You'll see the assignments for one project, but not the other.  Basically, what this means is that the records are being created.  The sharing is just no longer taking place.

This has not been an issue before the Summer '14 release, so I wonder if this could be related? Have there been changes to the sharing settings within the SF platform that could be impacting the apex sharing rules in our package?

Thanks for the help.

Is there a client-side way of passing a value from within an apex:repeat to a javascript function?


Basically, my list is iterated, with each unique itemLat / itemLon, and I'd need to pass the specific lat/lon back to a javascript function for some processing. Any ideas on how to approach this?


The reason I'd want to do this is because I have a separate JS function that does some JS remoting, so ideally, i'd like to just pass the new params to that function so it can do it's work in the controller, but with the new lat/lon as the starting parameters.


   <apex:repeat var="frm" id="searchResult" value="{!newSearchList}">
     <div id="search-item">
       <p style="font-size:12px">
         <apex:outputLink value="javascript&colon;void(0)" 
onclick="setCoords(itemLat, itemLon);" id="itemLink"> <b>{!frm.Customer_gne__r.Name}</b> <apex:param name="itemLat" value="{!frm.Test_Lat__c}"/> <apex:param name="itemLon" value="{!frm.Test_Lon__c}"/> </apex:outputLink><br/> {!frm.Primary_Address_gne__r.Name}, {!frm.Primary_Address_gne__r.City_vod__c}<br/> {!frm.Primary_Address_gne__r.Phone_vod__c}<br/> </p> </div> </apex:repeat>
//Snippet function setCoords(passedLat,passedLon) { alert("testing the alert!" + passedLat + " " + passedLon); }


  • October 11, 2012
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Hi guys,

I'm experiencing some unexpected behavior when trying to use the apex:repeat function to render tabs....

Basically it seems that tabs cannot be created on demand?  My controller is definitely returning data... as the second page block in my sample will show... repeat works - just the tabs are not rendered..

I'm sure any of you guys can see where I was going with this - and I guess I can achieve a similar result by dropping down to boring old html - just trying to use the standard components (as per best practice)

Any assistance greatly appreciated - as the purist coder me is seriously disturbed at the moment...

here is my 'simplified' and easily testable page & controller

<apex:page controller="clsRecordType">
    <apex:pageBlock >
        <apex:tabPanel id="theTabPanel">
            <apex:tab label="Account Types"/>
            <apex:repeat value="{!RecordTypes}" var="types">
                <apex:tab label="{!types.Name}"/>     

    <apex:pageBlock >
        <apex:repeat value="{!RecordTypes}" var="types">

and the controller

public class clsRecordType {

    list<RecordType> lrecordtypes;

    public list<RecordType> getRecordTypes() {
        if(lrecordtypes==null) lrecordtypes = [Select Name, Id, Description From RecordType  where SobjectType = 'Account' and IsActive=True];
        return lrecordtypes;