• coolleo88
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In the List view if the records are 2000+ , i notice that the ability to jump to last page is disabled. I can navigate to previous, next, first page but can't jump to last page.


Is there any setting I am missing?



how to import records from Junction Objects.



I have the following formula written to score opportunity records. 


IF( Total_Qualification_Score__c <= 15, "Highly Unfavorable",
IF( Total_Qualification_Score__c <= 23, "Unfavorable",
IF( Total_Qualification_Score__c <= 35, "Moderate",
IF( Total_Qualification_Score__c <= 47, "Favorable",
"Highly Favorable"))))


Problem is, I get the following error:


Error: Compiled formula is too big to execute (9,664 characters).


Apparently this is because the Total_Qualification_Score field is also a formula.  SFDC Help Desk could not help me resolve this issue and suggested I post to this discussion board.  Thoughts?



I have created a VF page with standardController="ContentVersion" and added the page to the page layout but this page is not getting displayed on the page layout.


Has anyone faced this issue before? Can someone help me with this.


