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Can anbody please suggest me how can i add Old / New Value in reports

Many Thanks
HI need help on this please

When case is sent via email it assign to x queue by work flow rule this work flow is on email messages
but when case sent to email it assign to other queue as assignment rule on case.

Work flow rule contains if mail id contains xxx@XX.com in to or cc.
Assignment rule contains if employee XX then assign to this queue.
I think assignment rule is overwriting can anybody please help on this
HI i have workflow rule which updates the filed as owner ship and i have assignment rule which checks the lang and assign to queue now if send mail to the queue adress which in work flow it not going to filed update but it routing by assignment rule which checks the lang and owner ship is going on assignment queue

work flow on "email message" object 

Assignment rule is on case object 

can any body help on this please 

Many thanks \
I had requirement to to copy Case email attachment to case attachments can any body suggest :)

Thanks in advance

Can any body please suggest  i have 2 queus in my org i need delete both but there some case in that queue need to transfer to another queue

for EG
Queue 1 and Queue 2 i need to delete
Queue 3  New queue
i need trnafer case r form  Queue 1 and queue 2 to Queue3 and delete  Queue 1 and queue 2
Many thanks in advance

Please help me on this i struck on this i have email templates stored in folder when selecting email template the email should go to contact and Line manger of contact  to should be Line manger CC should be Contact name 

please help me on this 

I am trying to make a validation rule that will accomplish the following, but can't get my head around the logic.

I need for case object contact name (standard filed, look up to contact) and contact name2 (custom Object Contact-name__c , look up to contact )
if contact name or contact name2 contains "S.D".(S.Dis only a temporary holding name, user should change name while working on case ) now need rule while closing Case (resolved Case cannot be resolved when the Contact Name or the Contact Name2 is: " S.D"

There should able to close case while the contact name or contact name 2 is sd 
Need how can we filter on look up filed any aynatx help full please 
 Any help is appreciated. 
user has create edit and delete option to the object owd is public read and write but user cant able to delete record in the object which created by other user with same role but diffrent profiles can any body suggest
user has create edit and delete option to the object owd is public read and write but user cant able to delete record in the object can any body suggest
hi i have custom  object cr  To be able to transfer ownership of an cr from a colleague to themselves so they can submit it on their behalf.

it can be donr by permission sets can i have nice apporch for this 

thanks in advance 

hi thanks in advance 

i need tii prevent a profile of user not edit case status ewhen it once escalted can please help me on 

hi every one 

can you please help me on it 

when i am sending forward email to create a case the is not creating in org may iknow how to slove it  that when an email is forwarded onto the ‘auto email address’ that this is not creating a case.

Hi can any  body please let me Federated SAML SSO with assumptions like what we required for use  them 


requirement:  I have N number of application I want authenticate them with salesforce we login with salesforce  how can done it any assumptions on it 


Thanks in Advance 


I had requirement to to copy Case email attachment to case attachments can any body suggest :)

Thanks in advance

hi thanks in advance 

i need tii prevent a profile of user not edit case status ewhen it once escalted can please help me on 

Can anbody please suggest me how can i add Old / New Value in reports

Many Thanks
HI need help on this please

When case is sent via email it assign to x queue by work flow rule this work flow is on email messages
but when case sent to email it assign to other queue as assignment rule on case.

Work flow rule contains if mail id contains xxx@XX.com in to or cc.
Assignment rule contains if employee XX then assign to this queue.
I think assignment rule is overwriting can anybody please help on this
HI i have workflow rule which updates the filed as owner ship and i have assignment rule which checks the lang and assign to queue now if send mail to the queue adress which in work flow it not going to filed update but it routing by assignment rule which checks the lang and owner ship is going on assignment queue

work flow on "email message" object 

Assignment rule is on case object 

can any body help on this please 

Many thanks \
I had requirement to to copy Case email attachment to case attachments can any body suggest :)

Thanks in advance

user has create edit and delete option to the object owd is public read and write but user cant able to delete record in the object which created by other user with same role but diffrent profiles can any body suggest
user has create edit and delete option to the object owd is public read and write but user cant able to delete record in the object can any body suggest
hi i have custom  object cr  To be able to transfer ownership of an cr from a colleague to themselves so they can submit it on their behalf.

it can be donr by permission sets can i have nice apporch for this 

thanks in advance 

hi thanks in advance 

i need tii prevent a profile of user not edit case status ewhen it once escalted can please help me on 

hi every one 

can you please help me on it 

when i am sending forward email to create a case the is not creating in org may iknow how to slove it  that when an email is forwarded onto the ‘auto email address’ that this is not creating a case.

Hi can any  body please let me Federated SAML SSO with assumptions like what we required for use  them 


requirement:  I have N number of application I want authenticate them with salesforce we login with salesforce  how can done it any assumptions on it 


Thanks in Advance 
