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Can anybody help me How many ways we can capture the leads?????????

I was adding a workflow in my application like this :


IF( ISNULL(Credit__c) ,
Account__r.Available_Balance__c = Account__r.Available_Balance__c - debit__c,
Account__r.Available_Balance__c = Account__r.Available_Balance__c + Credit__c


means if credit filed is not null it will add it to available belence field in the related object 

else will deduct debit from available balance.


But its giving sysntax error : Error: Formula result is data type (Boolean), incompatible with expected data type (Currency).


How to achieve it.


Hi everybody,


I created a custom field that shows me for how long the status of a lead has been on "open". Now I want to be informed by mail as soon as a lead (or even better: a group of leads) exceeds a specified time span the lead has been on "open". 

Does anybody of you have any idea how this can be done?


Thanks in advance for your support.



Hello all,


I recently came across a post on the success forums that contained a trigger that would update the lead status field on the lead record to "Working - Contacted", when an activity record had been added to the lead and was completed. 


I wanted to implement this trigger into our own org, however, for reasons I am hoping to get help with, the trigger also made it so you could not add activities on any other record (account, contact, opportunity, etc.).


Below is the trigger in question:


trigger changeLeadStatus on Task (before insert, before update) {
    String desiredNewLeadStatus = 'Working - Contacted';

    List<Id> leadIds=new List<Id>();
    for(Task t:trigger.new){
            if(String.valueOf(t.whoId).startsWith('00Q')==TRUE){//check if the task is associated with a lead
            }//if 2
        }//if 1
    List<Lead> leadsToUpdate=[SELECT Id, Status FROM Lead WHERE Id IN :leadIds AND IsConverted=FALSE];
    For (Lead l:leadsToUpdate){
        update leadsToUpdate;
    }catch(DMLException e){
        system.debug('Leads were not all properly updated.  Error: '+e);



And here is the error message I receive when this trigger is active and I attempt to create task record against an account record:


Error: Invalid Data. 
Review all error messages below to correct your data.
Apex trigger changeLeadStatus caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: changeLeadStatus: execution of BeforeUpdate caused by: System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object: Trigger.changeLeadStatus: line 7, column 1


Does anyone know how I could go about modifying this trigger so that I still log activites elsewhere in Salesforce?


I have created 2 data objects for Master & Detail (named Person & Car) with ID & Name fields/columns in each of them. Then i have created a MasterDetail Relation for in Car for Person so a Person can have multiple cars.


Here is the error i get in Visual Force Page and i have been stuck on this for a while if anyone can help it will be appreciated:


Invalid parameter for function URLFOR
Error is in expression '{!URLFOR($Action.Car__c.View,PC.Name)}' in component <apex:outputLink> in page personcarmasterdetail



And here is my VF Page:


<apex:page standardController="Person__c" id="thePage">

<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="1" >
<apex:inputField value="{!Person__c.ID__c}">
<apex:inputField value="{!Person__c.Name__c}">
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Person__c.Cars__r}" var="PC" title="Cars" >
<apex:column headerValue="Car ID">
<apex:column headerValue="Car Name">
<apex:outputLink >
<!-- <apex:relatedList list="Cars__r"/> -->


Please help.



I am trying to set up a Workflow Rule to send an email to a certain department when a Lead is converted to an Account.  Here is the Workflow formula:

 IsConverted  = true,
OR (ISPICKVAL (LeadSource, 'Trial Lead')), (ISPICKVAL (LeadSource, 'Campaign Lead')), (ISPICKVAL (LeadSource, 'Web Lead ')), (ISPICKVAL (LeadSource, 'Free 30-day Trial'))

 When I convert the test Lead, nothing is sent.  The Workflow Rule is active and I have added the respective email notification as well.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I am trying to get current date, when any body select status picklist from deferred,declined or closed. I wrote the formula for it but the problem is when resolved date is set to current date but if I open that request after it is closed after two or three days , it is changing my date to current date ( New). The formula is below.

Resolved Date=

IF( OR(ISPICKVAL(Status__c ,'Declined - Business Lead (Closed)'),ISPICKVAL(Status__c ,'Declined - Change Control (Closed)'),ISPICKVAL(Status__c ,'Deferred - Business Lead (Closed)'),ISPICKVAL(Status__c ,'Resolved - CRM (Closed)')),TODAY(), null)


I closed one req on 14th April , resolved date field shows thevalue 14th April but if I open that req after two days the resolved date field change its value from 14th to 16th without doing anything. Please help me.


My company Rise Analytics is working on a project requiring someone with good knowledge of Salesforce and its capabilities, and good writing skills. The project involves writing a how-to report to communicate to end users. It would teach users some basic ways to customize and extend Salesforce, including step-by-step directions. Would be best for a business analyst type person and not strictly a developer.



 I have been a admin in SF for 3 years. I am currently trying to learn the dev side of things. I do not have a background in programming, but I can pick things up pretty quickly. I was scheduled to take the APEX training this year and recently learned that it probably won't be happening. Thing is it does not stop anyone from wanting me to create things for them. (As you can see from my other posts on here!). I have taken the dev course about 2 years ago, but never got certified.


My question is - without knowing Java, and trying to learn APEX, where would you suggest I go to learn on my own?



“Hello! I work for a non-profit and we're desperately trying to find a Salesforce developer to assist us with creating a registration solution that will integrate into our current salesforce instance. Anyone know how I can find volunteer developers?”

Our company is very customized and I am stuck right now.  How our account system is set up is that we have five different account record types: Account - Payer, Account - Provider, etc..  I am trying to set it up so that particular profiles can edit some account record types but still see all of them.  For example, I would like my sales team to be able to edit the payer accounts but not touch our provider accounts.


Is this possible?  Would I need to create permission sets in order to do this? 


Any help is greatly appreciated!!!


Thanks in advance!

  • July 09, 2013
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Can anybody help me How many ways we can capture the leads?????????



I want to throw the error message for comments field if everytime Date field is updated


I have written the formula below but whenever comments field is not blank it is not working properly.




Can anyone help?

I have a Org where User are divided into 3 Salesforce types.


i have also rules which are different according to each salesforce type


What is the way that I need to satisy to Different user types.


Do I need to create 3 Vf page's and assign to different salesforce type User's

I was adding a workflow in my application like this :


IF( ISNULL(Credit__c) ,
Account__r.Available_Balance__c = Account__r.Available_Balance__c - debit__c,
Account__r.Available_Balance__c = Account__r.Available_Balance__c + Credit__c


means if credit filed is not null it will add it to available belence field in the related object 

else will deduct debit from available balance.


But its giving sysntax error : Error: Formula result is data type (Boolean), incompatible with expected data type (Currency).


How to achieve it.


I want to regularly send all account information from salesforce to another external system that will accept it as xml. I have the end point url for the external system and the fields that needs to be sent. 

How do I go about creating this? I assume I will have to schedule this to run daily at a particular time.

Please help.



Do you know if i can add a custom button on product section on opportunity?That is near the buttons ADD PRODUCT_CHOOSE PROCE BOOK_SORT


To solve this I have created a Detail Page custom button (OpportunityProduct---->Buttons and Links).

After I have added it to the page layout.

I don't see this button nowhere and i don't know if it's the right button's type.

Where can i find it?




Thank you in advantage



  • May 17, 2013
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We have the system set up so that when a case comes in from a customer it is auto assigned to the dealer queue (through Assignment Rules).  That dealer queue is to get emaileds.  If the priority is P1 or P2 our technicians are to also get an email and the case owner is then assigned to our technicians queue (Support Advocates Queue).  


Only problem is, the case isn't sitting long enough in the dealer queue for the dealers to get the email.  The time restrictions on workflows 1 hour is too long for our SLAs.  Is there a way to guarantee an email goes to the dealer while the case is getting assigned to another queue?

  • May 16, 2013
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Hi everybody,


I created a custom field that shows me for how long the status of a lead has been on "open". Now I want to be informed by mail as soon as a lead (or even better: a group of leads) exceeds a specified time span the lead has been on "open". 

Does anybody of you have any idea how this can be done?


Thanks in advance for your support.



Hello all,


I recently came across a post on the success forums that contained a trigger that would update the lead status field on the lead record to "Working - Contacted", when an activity record had been added to the lead and was completed. 


I wanted to implement this trigger into our own org, however, for reasons I am hoping to get help with, the trigger also made it so you could not add activities on any other record (account, contact, opportunity, etc.).


Below is the trigger in question:


trigger changeLeadStatus on Task (before insert, before update) {
    String desiredNewLeadStatus = 'Working - Contacted';

    List<Id> leadIds=new List<Id>();
    for(Task t:trigger.new){
            if(String.valueOf(t.whoId).startsWith('00Q')==TRUE){//check if the task is associated with a lead
            }//if 2
        }//if 1
    List<Lead> leadsToUpdate=[SELECT Id, Status FROM Lead WHERE Id IN :leadIds AND IsConverted=FALSE];
    For (Lead l:leadsToUpdate){
        update leadsToUpdate;
    }catch(DMLException e){
        system.debug('Leads were not all properly updated.  Error: '+e);



And here is the error message I receive when this trigger is active and I attempt to create task record against an account record:


Error: Invalid Data. 
Review all error messages below to correct your data.
Apex trigger changeLeadStatus caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: changeLeadStatus: execution of BeforeUpdate caused by: System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object: Trigger.changeLeadStatus: line 7, column 1


Does anyone know how I could go about modifying this trigger so that I still log activites elsewhere in Salesforce?


I have created numerous products in the Product object, however, all of these products draw from the same inventory. 


Basically I sell Ad Space (that's the true product)


However the products I defined in the Product object are the numerous monthly subscriptions to this adspace --> we sell 3 month, 6 month, and 9 month subscriptions. I created numerous Monthly Subscription Products to handle the revenue schedules. 


Where can I define inventory? Should I create a separate inventory object?


Thank you for any help!

I have created 2 data objects for Master & Detail (named Person & Car) with ID & Name fields/columns in each of them. Then i have created a MasterDetail Relation for in Car for Person so a Person can have multiple cars.


Here is the error i get in Visual Force Page and i have been stuck on this for a while if anyone can help it will be appreciated:


Invalid parameter for function URLFOR
Error is in expression '{!URLFOR($Action.Car__c.View,PC.Name)}' in component <apex:outputLink> in page personcarmasterdetail



And here is my VF Page:


<apex:page standardController="Person__c" id="thePage">

<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="1" >
<apex:inputField value="{!Person__c.ID__c}">
<apex:inputField value="{!Person__c.Name__c}">
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Person__c.Cars__r}" var="PC" title="Cars" >
<apex:column headerValue="Car ID">
<apex:column headerValue="Car Name">
<apex:outputLink >
<!-- <apex:relatedList list="Cars__r"/> -->


Please help.



I want to create a master child relationship but I would like to do this off of the

Custom Fields & Relationships rather than the Standard Fields is this possible.


The way that I have set up my tables and objects are:


Questions (as a table)


Answers ( as a table)


It would be great to link the two via pick list such as


Question Tab

Question Number





Answer Tab

Question Number





This really doesnt seem possible. It appears if i want something like this: It would be more like the Question Tab: Question Number Standard field as either auto num or text


Then select the Question Number Standard as the corresponding one i want to answer


I would rather link the two tables via  pick list - less user errors.






I am trying to set up a Workflow Rule to send an email to a certain department when a Lead is converted to an Account.  Here is the Workflow formula:

 IsConverted  = true,
OR (ISPICKVAL (LeadSource, 'Trial Lead')), (ISPICKVAL (LeadSource, 'Campaign Lead')), (ISPICKVAL (LeadSource, 'Web Lead ')), (ISPICKVAL (LeadSource, 'Free 30-day Trial'))

 When I convert the test Lead, nothing is sent.  The Workflow Rule is active and I have added the respective email notification as well.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

We developed and implimented Salesforce but now need more and future development.


We are not utilizing Salesforce as well as we should be and we need to add a new company as well.


Please do respond quickly if you can help. We are located in Florida and use the cloud.



Roderick Kabel

Marketing & SEO Director


  • April 22, 2013
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I have a drop down picklist that if one of the options are chose I would like to Show another field. I know how to do dependancies, but want something a bit different just want this field to show up if they choose X.


thanks in advance..