• JonTresko
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while  trying to Import the CSV file into the salesforce sandbox through data loader into article types


1) I couldnt map the data category group during mapping ( I mean there is no such field shows up in data loader in order to map the column in the file from the article type object). So how to get the salesforce data category field in the data loader fromt he article type object?


2) By referecing the below link, it was mentioned that only HTML file path needs to be provided into the rich text editor fields in the articles while importing, but i could import the raw text. Does this happen only in Developer sandbox or in production too ?





  • July 31, 2013
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I'm seeking advice on how to best capture monthly sales in Salesforce by a sales team that each have multiple accounts.  We are only looking for monthly total revenue by representative at this point.  


Currently, I have to create a new monthly  Opportunity each month (closed won) for each Account to capture monthly sales and then create dashboards and sales data tracking within Salesforce.  I'm sure there is a better way that doesn't necessitate creating monthly Opportunities per Account.  Clearly that messes up staging and pipeline.


Of course I can do this simply in Excel, but it would be great to utilize the power of Salesforce and share this data across the sales teams using Salesforce.


We're using the Professional edition.


Any help will be appreciated.



  • July 28, 2013
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I have enabled Salesforce to salesforce connectivity between 2 sandboxes. Now i need check the logs when a record is shared between the sandboxes.

I tried adding "Connection User" in the debug logs, but got an error message "Error: No Matching user found".

Can anyone help me on how can i find the logs while sharing the records?


Thanks in advance!


Manasa R


We're looking to build out own Salesforce CTI adapter that connects our Digium Switchvox PBX to Salesforce. Switchvox is asterisk based, but has its own API. - http://developers.digium.com/switchvox/wiki/index.php/Main_Page

We are looking to do a complete integration for inbound and outbound calls.

Record all calls in Activity history or new custom object for Phone calls (to track calls not associated with salesforce records), with a link to the call recording stored on FTP. - Most people parse the xml files with recordings.

Need Full integration between Switchvox and salesforce
- Switchvox can trigger a post to salesforce on all calls, or at any other event, such as on call answer, on incoming call, on outgoing call, etc...

- In salesforce, need to track call statistics in relation to campaigns - each campaign uses a unique 800#, which is a field in campaigns as external ref ID
- Show activity history and reporting on calls by campaign, tracked separately via separate 800#’s - 800#’s for campaign can be stored in lead records and campaign records

Even if call isn’t answered, call should be logged as incomplete or missed, then trigger workflow rules to ensure these calls are followed up.

For all calls, log a link in call log record to call recording (download link from FTP server)

When calls are not answered by the sales team, they are forwarded to our answering service. the answering service then sends an email with call details. We need to have these emails accepted by salesforce, match up with the call record, then assigned and followed up via workflow & Assignment rules.

Let me know, thank you...

  • October 24, 2012
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Hi all,


I am trying to make a field which displays this:


48 x 180 (8,640)


But I'm getting this (no separators):


48 x 180 (8640)


Here's the code I'm using:


TEXT(Lot__r.Unit_Count__c) & " x " & TEXT(Lot__r.kg_unit__c) &" (" & TEXT((Lot__r.Unit_Count__c * Lot__r.kg_unit__c)) & ")"


Is there a simple way to insert comma separators in TEXT numbers - or perhaps a better way to do this? I am stumped and think the only way must be to write some combination of RIGHT and TRIM statements - or something else? This must have come up before, right?


It's easy in APEX:


<apex:outputText value="{0, number, ###,###,###,###}"><apex:param value="{!Quote.Total_Price__c}"/></apex:outputText>


...but does not work in formula fields.


What am I missing? Thanks much for any help.






Who has experience with this app? I am using it to sychronize opportunity product custom fields with quote item custom fields. It works fine however I as soon as the custom fields work with default values, validation rules, workflows I get error messages...  Can anybody help? - Thanks in advance. Reto