• Bryan Dingwall
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We are an ISV who are developing integration with the Open CTI interface for integrating Cisco voice and video functionality:


  1. When utilizing Open CTI adapter interface with the Service Console window, it appears the settings in the linked image below for "Screen pops open within: New Browser window or tab" does not work and always opens in the main existing view. This settings works in the normal Sales Cloud view.

    This is potentially critical for end users who may be editing an existing record, which is why w
    e use sforce.interaction.screenPop with force=false, which is per documentation

    should avoid screenpop while user editing something on SF. However, regardless of whether force=true or false screenpop still show even if user edits something. Any comments?

  2. Once CTI adapter is enabled it appears on all SF pages. This potentially might cause race conditions such as multiple activity entries created or contacts or multiple screen pops since all SF pages are completely independent. We have some logic to avoid this but it may not be fully reliable. Are there any suggestions on how to handle this properly?

  3. Phone numbers search gives unreliable results. We have all numbers with country code in link, however, Salesforce site have all kinds of possible formattings, as a result for our own current corporate site:
    search 19057079700, results - none
    search +19057079700, results - none
    search 9057079700, results: 9057079700905-707-9700(905) 707-9700
    search (905)7079700, results: (905)7079700
    search 1 9057079700, results: 9057079700905-707-9700(905) 707-9700
    search 905 7079700, results: (905)7079700
    search 1 905 7079700, results: 905 7079700
    search 1(905)7079700: results: 905 70797001 (905) 7079700+1 (905) 7079700

    at this point we stick with searching of
    1(905)7079700 and creating new entries in format of
    +1 (905) 7079700. If there would be suggestions from SF on how phone numbers search should be handled properly it would be very helpful.

