• Mark Root
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  • Member since 2013
  • Co-Founder & Director of Product Design
  • edjix, LLC

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I'm not able to get my apex:commandButtons to display the color of my Theme (see below). The following are the key elements of my VFpage. What am I doing wrong? Thank you.

<apex:page docType="html-5.0">
<apex:slds />

<apex:commandButton styleClass="slds-button slds-button_brand" value="Save" />

Custom button colors don't match Theme's brand color
We are now getting the following error when running one of our AppExchange apps on the Summer '17 sandbox preview.  All we've done is create a Visualforce page that references a component in our managed package app but none of the resources are loading.  Even adding a CORS entry does not resolve the problem.  All critical updates have been activated for the org and nothing has changed in our code.  Reverting to API version 39 for the VFpage does not resolve the issue, either.  Is there a bug with the Summer '17 release?

ERROR: Access to Font at 'https://rmhdsm--dev2.cs41.my.salesforce.com/visualforce/{snip}journal.ttf' from origin 'null' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'null' is therefore not allowed access.
I need to upgrade an Apex Class of a managed package from API version 24 to version 38 in order to take advantage of the relatively new Work Order object.  Because the Class uses an older API version, it contains a global static test method which I'm unable to remove because it's part of a managed package.  I'm also not able to comment it out using @deprecate and so what can I do to get around this problem?
I'm working with an EE Salesforce org that's exhibiting some strange behaviour when it comes to Visualforce pages.

Normally, when I create a Visualforce page and then preview it, the domain changes because of the cross-domain security fix that was introduced a while back.  For example, the following is what the full URL of a VF page called "test" should be:


Here's what I'm getting on this particular org, though:


How is that possible?  I cannot seem to find anything that overrides the new visual.force.com domain with the old salesforce.com technique.  Has anyone seen this before or is there some kind of setting I'm not familiar with?  Thanks.

Until Winter '16 I was able to log into customer sites via "Grant Account Login Access" and use dataloader.io to load data for them. When I try to do this now, though, I get an insufficient privileges error in Salesforce. Is there any way I can get around this new limitation? Thanks.
I have a flow that loops through a screen displaying a list of dynamic multi-select checkboxes.  Problem is, when the loop comes back around to display the next screens of options, the checkboxes are retained from the previously submitted screen.  Without adding another "blank" screen, which does at least clear the cached values, is there a way to clear the values programmatically?  I would think turning off the "Previous" button would do this automatically, but it doesn't.
I'm trying to use JSON to update posts on a WordPress website but am getting the following error saying the URL is not a valid endpoint. The endpoint works, though, and so is there something else that needs to be done to allow this data transfer to go through?  If I remove the "boaterspoint" subdomain and point to the root, which has a different WordPress site associated with it, everything works fine.  Any ideas?

07:10:24.459 (459013285)|CALLOUT_REQUEST|[103]|System.HttpRequest[Endpoint=http://boaterspoint.teammarinedealer.com/wp-json.php/posts/, Method=POST]

07:10:24.461 (461177013)|EXCEPTION_THROWN|[103]|System.CalloutException: Unauthorized endpoint, please check Setup->Security->Remote site settings. endpoint = http://boaterspoint.teammarinedealer.com/wp-json.php/posts/
We have successfully created our own branded signup form for our Free Trial and it works perfectly off of our website.  Is there a way we could do the same thing for our Test Drive site, though, so that we wouldn't have to shuffle people off to our AppExchange listing just to try out the solution?  Most of our prospects aren't on Salesforce yet and so sending them to the AppExchange is not as seamless as we'd like it to be.  We would still want to capture their basic contact information and generate a new Lead, of course, but this would all be done on our site just like our branded Trialforce signup form works.
We are currently an ISV partner but have developed a Force.com OEM solution.  Will the current $2,700 AppExchange Security Review listing process still apply to us or is there some other OEM Security Review we can go through?  We do not intend to list on the AppExchange, because none of our customers use Salesforce, and so where will we be submitting for SR?
I would like to have a Trialforce template preconfigured with person accounts enabled so that when a new trial org is created it has person accounts already turned on.  Will this be a problem?
Anyone know how I could set up a little tour of new features or fields that have been added to a SF org so users could be notified, similar to what SF does for us with their new features?  We could code something in VF to handle it but we'd need a way of knowing whether or not the user had visited that area of the site already.
We are now getting the following error when running one of our AppExchange apps on the Summer '17 sandbox preview.  All we've done is create a Visualforce page that references a component in our managed package app but none of the resources are loading.  Even adding a CORS entry does not resolve the problem.  All critical updates have been activated for the org and nothing has changed in our code.  Reverting to API version 39 for the VFpage does not resolve the issue, either.  Is there a bug with the Summer '17 release?

ERROR: Access to Font at 'https://rmhdsm--dev2.cs41.my.salesforce.com/visualforce/{snip}journal.ttf' from origin 'null' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'null' is therefore not allowed access.
I have a flow that loops through a screen displaying a list of dynamic multi-select checkboxes.  Problem is, when the loop comes back around to display the next screens of options, the checkboxes are retained from the previously submitted screen.  Without adding another "blank" screen, which does at least clear the cached values, is there a way to clear the values programmatically?  I would think turning off the "Previous" button would do this automatically, but it doesn't.
I'm not able to get my apex:commandButtons to display the color of my Theme (see below). The following are the key elements of my VFpage. What am I doing wrong? Thank you.

<apex:page docType="html-5.0">
<apex:slds />

<apex:commandButton styleClass="slds-button slds-button_brand" value="Save" />

Custom button colors don't match Theme's brand color
I have linked my lightning component with Quick action button,
but width of that pop-up has fixed width, my requirement is I want full screen to be acquire by that component.
through mew window or new tab,
How should I achieve this
I'm bulding an Approval process, for that I'm preparing an email (Text) template to include VisualForce page link so that approvars opens that page and submit. I can get the Salesforce Base URL from apex but I have no clue how to get it form email template.
See the following template that I have gotten from APEX.
<a href='https://'+ System.URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().getHost() +  
             '/apex/GUGocardPhotoApprovalPage?ContactId='+contactID'>Click here </a>

I need to upgrade an Apex Class of a managed package from API version 24 to version 38 in order to take advantage of the relatively new Work Order object.  Because the Class uses an older API version, it contains a global static test method which I'm unable to remove because it's part of a managed package.  I'm also not able to comment it out using @deprecate and so what can I do to get around this problem?
I have a Visualforce page that prints in pdf format.  I want the barcode, which is generated by a third party site, to display in the pdf when I print it.  How can I do this? 

I have two fields in my Salesforce custom object page - one named Barcode__c for a string and one named Barcode_View__c with a formula as follows (which works fine):

In my Visualforce page, I've tried the following four codes, all of which display either a URL or a broken link, but not the barcode itself.  How do I get the barcode to appear in the pdf?
 1) This displays the URL  <apex:outputText value="{!RMAShpipmentHeader.Barcode_View__c}"> </apex:outputText>

 2) This displays a broken link <apex:image value="{!URLFOR('http://www.barcodesinc.com/generator/image.php',null,[code='{!RMAShpipmentHeader.Barcode__c}', style=325,type='C128B', width=200, height=50, xres=1, font=3])}" />   
3) This displays a broken link  <apex:image value="http://www.barcodesinc.com/generator/image.php?code={!RMAShpipmentHeader.Barcode__c}%26style=325%26‌​type=C128B%26width=200‌​%26height=50%26xres=1%26fo‌​nt=3" />
 4) This displays the URL  IMAGE("//www.barcodesinc.com/generator/image.php?code={!RMAShpipmentHeader.Barcode__c}"&"&style=325&type=C128B&width=200&height=50&xres=1&font=3","{!RMAShpipmentHeader.Barcode__c}")

How to put URL dynamically in HTML email template, i want to populate url dynamically otherwise on every instance i have to chance the URL.

Some one please suggest me what we have to do here.
I'm working with an EE Salesforce org that's exhibiting some strange behaviour when it comes to Visualforce pages.

Normally, when I create a Visualforce page and then preview it, the domain changes because of the cross-domain security fix that was introduced a while back.  For example, the following is what the full URL of a VF page called "test" should be:


Here's what I'm getting on this particular org, though:


How is that possible?  I cannot seem to find anything that overrides the new visual.force.com domain with the old salesforce.com technique.  Has anyone seen this before or is there some kind of setting I'm not familiar with?  Thanks.

I have a flow that loops through a screen displaying a list of dynamic multi-select checkboxes.  Problem is, when the loop comes back around to display the next screens of options, the checkboxes are retained from the previously submitted screen.  Without adding another "blank" screen, which does at least clear the cached values, is there a way to clear the values programmatically?  I would think turning off the "Previous" button would do this automatically, but it doesn't.
I'm trying to use JSON to update posts on a WordPress website but am getting the following error saying the URL is not a valid endpoint. The endpoint works, though, and so is there something else that needs to be done to allow this data transfer to go through?  If I remove the "boaterspoint" subdomain and point to the root, which has a different WordPress site associated with it, everything works fine.  Any ideas?

07:10:24.459 (459013285)|CALLOUT_REQUEST|[103]|System.HttpRequest[Endpoint=http://boaterspoint.teammarinedealer.com/wp-json.php/posts/, Method=POST]

07:10:24.461 (461177013)|EXCEPTION_THROWN|[103]|System.CalloutException: Unauthorized endpoint, please check Setup->Security->Remote site settings. endpoint = http://boaterspoint.teammarinedealer.com/wp-json.php/posts/
I need to be able to drop and drop row within a table in Visualforce, can anyone give a pointer on how to implement this functionality. I use "pageBlockTable" component. I tried using custom JavaScript but not able to get to  <TR> from what "pageBlockTable" generates. Thanks in advance.
Hi All,

I've created a visual workflow that asks the users for a number.  It maps to a number field on the quote object.  When I try to do a fast create for quote, I get the below error.

UPSERT --- UPSERT FAILED --- ERRORS : (INVALID_TYPE_ON_FIELD_IN_RECORD) Term: value not of required type: 36 --- for SFDC record with ID : null,

The field in the quote does have the decimal places as two.  When I type in 36.00, I still get the error.  The only time I do not get the error is when I type in 36.01 or some number that has 2 decimal places.  I even created a new field to test, put decimal places as 0, and I still got the error.  Does anyone know how to create an input type field of number and have it update a field type of number?  My assignment is correct to assign the object field to the number.  The odd part about this is I am using fast create, do not have a record ID as I'm trying to create a new quote, yet it is showing that I am upserting...  The field Term is the number field that I am trying to update.  I am currently building this in my sandbox to test.  Any help would be appreciated!
We are currently an ISV partner but have developed a Force.com OEM solution.  Will the current $2,700 AppExchange Security Review listing process still apply to us or is there some other OEM Security Review we can go through?  We do not intend to list on the AppExchange, because none of our customers use Salesforce, and so where will we be submitting for SR?
I would like to have a Trialforce template preconfigured with person accounts enabled so that when a new trial org is created it has person accounts already turned on.  Will this be a problem?
Anyone know how I could set up a little tour of new features or fields that have been added to a SF org so users could be notified, similar to what SF does for us with their new features?  We could code something in VF to handle it but we'd need a way of knowing whether or not the user had visited that area of the site already.
We building integration between Salesforce and PHP.
Build REST service in PHP to fetch data from MySQL database and return data in JSON format. It is working fine for first 2-3 Callouts then Salesforce shows us Gateway timeout Error in debug logs. We tested web-service with ARC,Postman,https://www.hurl.it/ many mores and it's working fine.
Below are the HTTP Request code.
string searchText = 'buzz';
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
req.setEndpoint('http://domainname.com/api/getQueryData.php?cachebuster=' + system.now().millisecond());
req.setHeader('Accept', '*/*');
req.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-store');
string bodyReqeust = 'SELECT * FROM  tableName where '; 
bodyReqeust = bodyReqeust +' Name LIKE \'%'+searchText+'%\'';
bodyReqeust = bodyReqeust +' OR Description LIKE \'%'+searchText+'%\'';
bodyReqeust = bodyReqeust +' LIMIT 10';

map<string,object> mapRequest = new map<String,object>();

Http http = new Http();
HTTPResponse res = http.send(req);

Response :

System.HttpResponse[Status=Gateway Time-out, StatusCode=504] System.HttpResponse[Status=Gateway Time-out, StatusCode=504]"|0x207ad0fb

ERROR: The requested URL could not be retrieved http://www.freecsstemplates.org Released for free under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License

body :lang(fa) { direction: rtl; font-size: 100%; font-family: Tahoma, Roya, sans-serif; float: right; } :lang(he) { direction: rtl; } -->
"CacheHost: proxy-ord.net.salesforce.com
Err: (110) Connection timed out
TimeStamp: Mon, 11 Sep 2017 12:13:02 GMT


HTTP Request:
POST /api/getQueryData.php?cachebuster=841 HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Cache-Control: no-store
User-Agent: SFDC-Callout/41.0
Content-Type: application/json
Pragma: no-cache
Host: domainname.com
Proxy-Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 138

System.HttpResponse[Status=Gateway Time-out, StatusCode=504]

Can someone help Us?