• srlawr uk
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 my requirement is like this::::::
 costumer  will login in with the salesforce credentials and perform some operations then after saving data it should not be save in salesforce database....
is it possible ..please let me know....send me the links and infromation about how to store data in sql server
I am working on inbound email service to update a field in Salesforce. 
When I receive an email from a specific email address, I need to look for the email content to see if it contains words "FULL OUT". If it does, I need to find the serial number on the email content to match a record Container (API: Container__c) in Salesforce. Then update Status field (picklist; API: Status__c) on that Container record. How to write the Apex code to look for the words? Please see the example email below: 
From: xxx@gmail.com

Service FULL OUT was performed for shipments listed below
ABCDEF123: (this is the serial number and a container name in Salesforce) I need to find this serial number in email and see if a container record is created in Salesforce. 
Size: 12
Destination: NY
Delivery Date: 01/18/2018
Hi Guys,

It is quite a while I do not touch Salesforce so this may be easier than I think. I have a custom object, change request box. I need a field that shows the line manager of the requestor. I thought I could do a formula field as the User object already have a Manager field, so I would just pick that up. However, the only option I see is a ManagerID. There is any way I can get the Manager name instead? When I do the formula field, should not just display an option for it and automatically pick up the line manager from the lookup(user) field I have in the object (requestor)? Thank you :)

I have created one org. Now I want external user and internal user can have access to some of their record. It can be possible that total of users will be more than 10,000 but I don't have a big company to buy so many user licenses. Is there any other way?

I created for a custom object (Demo__c) with a button that will render the record as a Visualforce Page PDF. I have a Master-Detail field in the Demo object that lookup the standard Account object. When I added the following code {!Demo__c.Account__c} and generated the PDF, it shows up in the PDF as the Account ID opposed to the Name displayed on the object. See PDF Example below: 

PDF Example: "We are proud to announce that we now have a partnership with {!Demo__c.Account__c} (01214141421241b <--should display the Account name) for 3 years."

How can I have it display Account name AND the respective Account's BillingAddress?  
Hi All,

We've implemented a custom solution for our web to lead form using the soap client rather than an API form post solution.

We've received a request that the API references need to be updated and need to understand what should be updated  within the soap client wsdl's setup.

Could we manually make these changes or could we download and updated soap client with these references already in place.
Below is the Email Notification from Salesforce with respect to Web to case and web to lead. 
I am not sure what changes required to do to my Enterprice Edition as per added notification here. 
can you help me to do required changes,if you can add snippet/screenshots helps me to fix early. 

Thanks ​

User-added image

Hello, I need help writing a formula to calculate the amount of years a contact has held a position once the Position Start Date has been populated and then for the calculation to stop once the Position Stop Date field is populated. 

This is what I have so far, but i'm having trouble making the calculation stop once the position stop date field is populated

IF(ISBLANK( Position_Start_Date__c ), NULL, TEXT(FLOOR((Today()- Position_Start_Date__c)/365))& " "&"Years")
Im trying to write a test class for the below code. Ive written test classes before for things but for the life of me I cannot figure out how to get this to work with it. I feel like im missing something obvious. My apex class is below. The public list is passing the rest isnt.
public with sharing class CAengineerInvoices {

  List<Service_Booking__c> CAengineerInvoices;
      Service_Booking__c NetTotal;
      Service_Booking__c GrossTotal;
    public List <Service_Booking__c> getCAengineerInvoices(){
      CAengineerInvoices = [SELECT   Eng_Qty__c, CA_Gross_Amount__c, CA_Gross_Total_VF__c, Description_Of_Work__c, Description_of_Additional_work__c,Service_Company_Name__c, Company_Name__c, Registration_s__c, Name, Booking_Date_Time__c, CA_Eng_Net_Price__c, KM_Over__c, CA_Tax_Amount__c,Gross_Amount__c, Booking_Date_Time_Fomrula__c
                     FROM Service_Booking__c
                     WHERE Booking_Confirmed__c = True AND Service_Company__c = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('Id')];
      return CAengineerInvoices;

	public Service_Booking__c getNetTotal() {
       NetTotal = new Service_Booking__c(CA_Eng_Net_Price__c = 0);
       for(Service_Booking__c CAI : getCAengineerInvoices()){
           NetTotal.CA_Eng_Net_Price__c += CAI.CA_Eng_Net_Price__c;
           return NetTotal;

	public Service_Booking__c getGrossTotal() {
       GrossTotal = new Service_Booking__c(CA_Gross_Total_VF__c = 0);
       for(Service_Booking__c GT : getCAengineerInvoices()){
           GrossTotal.CA_Gross_Total_VF__c += GT.CA_Gross_Total_VF__c;
           return GrossTotal;
	public Account getAccount() {
        return [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account
                WHERE Id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('Id')];

Hi Team,
I need your help in getting a doubt clearified.
I have got to write a test class for trigger and the corresponding handler class. I have written the test class and the test coverage is 100% - trigger and 89% - Handler class.
But when I am runnign the test class, its failing. Saying 1/2 methods passed. I had to cover negetive scenario aswell because it was a catch portion which I needed to cover thus created a knowing error in the negetive test method. 
Kindly lemme know if passing of the test classes is as important as covering the classes and triggers for successful deployment? In other words, I need atleast 75% coverage and a passes test clas for successful deployment.
When a new opportunity is created I need a trigger that will create a new record in a custom object "Project Requirements." When creating a new Project Requirement record the only required fields are the name of the project requirement(default field) and the opportunity (Master-Detail field). When i create a new opportunity it does not seem to fire this trigger even though it is active. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. I have attempted to pass values to the "Opportunity" field or the "Name" field but that results in either a compilation error or the trigger still does not work.

trigger Project_Requirement on Opportunity (after insert) {
    List <Project_Requirement__c> reqToInsert = new List <Project_Requirement__c>();
    for (Opportunity o : Trigger.new) {
        Project_Requirement__c r = new Project_Requirement__c ();
    try {
        insert reqToInsert; 
    } catch (system.Dmlexception e) {
        system.debug (e);

I wanted to know if it's possible to query via the REST API the number of validation rules in use by an Object? We're starting a rollout of Salesforce Enterprise and from what I've read there is a limit of 100 validation rules for a single object. I'd like to programmatically setup a job on an external server that queries things like validation rules and if we approach some sort of threshold to email/alert out.


For this challenge, I have written below code:

public class AccountHandler {
    public static Account insertNewAccount(string str1)
        Account acct=new Account(Name=str1);
        insert acct;
        return acct;
        catch (DMLException e)
            System.debug('A DML exception has occurred: ' +
          return (NULL);
This shows 0 compile time error, as well as I got the points for this.
However, when I debug it through, 'Open Execute Anonymus Window' by passing paramter 'AcmeTest' , as shown below.
It gives error- Line 1, column:33
Variable doesn't exist:acmeTest

what I am missing, here?
As I am only a contract employee and I am sick of starting new each time I move to a new org to work in, I thought it time to ask the question. How do I change my trailhead email for logging in from my work (current employer) email to my 'personal work' email.
Hello team, 
I need to get the boolean from a selectList. 
For example I have the following code.
<apex:selectList id="chooseRule" value="{!}" size="1">
                                <apex:selectOption itemEscaped="false" itemValue="bContains" itemLabel="Contains"/>
                                <apex:selectOption itemEscaped="false" itemValue="bStart" itemLabel="Start with"/>
                                <apex:selectOption itemEscaped="false" itemValue="bNotEqual" itemLabel="Not Equal to"/>

How can I show in my code behind, something like: 
If(bContains.isSelected){ do something}

Something like that?. 
Hi all, 

I'm trying to create a trigger that will automatically change an opportunity stage once a certain task is completeted. The code is here:

trigger changeOpportunityStage on Task (before insert, after update) {

    Set<Id> oppIds = new Set<Id>();  
    for(Task t:trigger.new){
        String wId = t.WhatId;
              if(wId!=null && wId.startsWith('006') && t.Status == 'Completed' && t.Subject.Contains('Account - Initial Report')){
   List<Opportunity> opps = [select Id, StageName from opportunity where id in: oppIds AND ( RecordType.name = 'Influencer' or RecordType.name = 'Creative')];    
        for(Opportunity opp : opps){
          if(opp.StageName == 'Closed Won')
          opp.StageName = 'Report Sent';
        update opps;
    }catch(DMLException e){
        system.debug('Opportunities were not all properly updated.  Error: '+e);

It works perfectly in sandbox and I've been trying to deploy it to production. However, my apex text class has been flagging up this error and I don't know how to resolve this issue:

testChangeOpportunityStage.testChangeOpportunityStatusTrigger(), Details: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION, Name ID: id value of incorrect type: 00624000008UJnkAAG: [WhoId] Class.testChangeOpportunityStage.testChangeOpportunityStatusTrigger: line 14, column 1

Here is my test class:

private class testChangeOpportunityStage {
    static testMethod void testChangeOpportunityStatusTrigger(){
      String desiredNewOpportunityStage='Report Sent';
      Account a = new Account(Name ='testing acc');
insert a;
        Opportunity opp= new Opportunity (Name='triggertest', Account = a, AccountId=a.Id, CloseDate = System.today(), StageName='Closed Won');
        insert opp;
        Task t=new Task (whoId=opp.Id, subject='Account - Initial Report', Status='Completed');

            insert t;
        Opportunity opp2=[Select Id, StageName FROM Opportunity WHERE Id=:opp.Id];

Thanks a lot!

Hi Everyone,

I have a query over the validation rule execution place.
I know that validation rule varifies a record before the record is saved.

For Ex:
I am creating a Custom Object named as "NewYear" with a field "Name Please" and applied a validation rule as " ISBLANK( Name_Please__c ) ".
Now when i will create a record for the "NewYear" object without specifying the "Name Please" field and hits the save button then my request goes to the Salesforce Application Server and verifes if the record request fullfills all the validation rules.
And If all the validation rules are passed then only my request will be sent to the Salesforce Database Server to create the Record for "NewYear" object.

Please comment whether my understanding is correct and do comment if i am wrong and there is some different flow is present. 

I am having issues refreshing a page when I click save on my visualforce page.  I want to keep the current url but when I try and pass the url from the controller it loses the reference to the timecard id in the url:
public PageReference save(){
PageReference pageRef = new PageReference(ApexPages.currentPage().getUrl());
return pageRef
and the logs show: 09:18:52:328 CODE_UNIT_FINISHED VF: /apex/TestAccountPage but the link I am using is /apex/TestAccountPage?timecardId={!timecard.id}
I have also tried to implement it in the visual force page which would be my preference using the onclick in the commandbutton:
onclick="window.location= ' /apex/TestAccountPage?timecardId={!timecard.id} ' "

but it also just goes to the /apex/testaccountpage when i click the button.  Any help?
  • January 08, 2016
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I am trying to get a Canvas app working in a Lightning Component (exactly as the docs say should be possible) but I am up against an undebuggable error message. Here is what I have tried, and the problem I face:

The error message we are getting in our Lightning Component is this:

js error

It's obviously some sort of Javascript error, but we get no console log relating to it, or indeed can put any breakpoints in the Lightinng Javascript to intercept it. There is no way it's coming from our canvas app, as I can explain...

Having had this problem with our "solution" we began boiling it down. We made the contents of our connected app just the word "Hello" in some HTML tags (not even "Hello World"!) - and then with this canvas app put on a standard visualforce page with the old school apex:canvasApp tag - we have no problem. We can also see it in the canvas app previewer. The connected app is ok.

In another test, I replaced the Lightning Component's force:canvasApp tag with just the words "I am content" - which immediatly appears in our app, in our page - no problem. So I know the Component/App/Visualforce (that's how we are embedding it) works ok too.

The problem comes when we replace the words "I am content" in the Lightning Componenet with the force.canvasApp tag - we suddenly start getting this crappy Javascript error.

My usage of this tag is literally as simple as:
<force:canvasApp applicationName="canvasApi" namespacePrefix="orgNamespace"  />
Which is as far as I can tell the "correct usage" - as per the skeletal docs.

For the record as well, whenever I try to use the Lighting App builder for almost any purpose, I get beaten to the ground with this error bubble - which I have (finally) suddenly realised is really similar looking. Is LEX/Lightning Components (with Canvas) bascially still just a lie?

error bubble

I am trying to get a Canvas app working in a Lightning Component (exactly as the docs say should be possible) but I am up against an undebuggable error message. Here is what I have tried, and the problem I face:

The error message we are getting in our Lightning Component is this:

js error

It's obviously some sort of Javascript error, but we get no console log relating to it, or indeed can put any breakpoints in the Lightinng Javascript to intercept it. There is no way it's coming from our canvas app, as I can explain...

Having had this problem with our "solution" we began boiling it down. We made the contents of our connected app just the word "Hello" in some HTML tags (not even "Hello World"!) - and then with this canvas app put on a standard visualforce page with the old school apex:canvasApp tag - we have no problem. We can also see it in the canvas app previewer. The connected app is ok.

In another test, I replaced the Lightning Component's force:canvasApp tag with just the words "I am content" - which immediatly appears in our app, in our page - no problem. So I know the Component/App/Visualforce (that's how we are embedding it) works ok too.

The problem comes when we replace the words "I am content" in the Lightning Componenet with the force.canvasApp tag - we suddenly start getting this crappy Javascript error.

My usage of this tag is literally as simple as:
<force:canvasApp applicationName="canvasApi" namespacePrefix="orgNamespace"  />
Which is as far as I can tell the "correct usage" - as per the skeletal docs.

For the record as well, whenever I try to use the Lighting App builder for almost any purpose, I get beaten to the ground with this error bubble - which I have (finally) suddenly realised is really similar looking. Is LEX/Lightning Components (with Canvas) bascially still just a lie?

error bubble

//The custom controller is as given below

public class practice {
    public String SearchText {get; set;}
    public List<Task_Tracker__c> TrackList {get; set;}
    public PageReference doSearch(){
        List<List<sobject>> records = new List<List<sobject>>();
        List<Task_Tracker__c> NewList= new List<Task_Tracker__c>();
            Date dat = Date.parse(SearchText);
            NewList = [select Name,Project__c,Description__c,Priority__c,
                       ClosedDate__c,StartDate__c from Task_Tracker__c where StartDate__c = :dat];
            NewList = [select Name,Project__c,Description__c,Priority__c,
                       ClosedDate__c,StartDate__c from Task_Tracker__c where ClosedDate__c = :dat];
            TrackList = NewList;
        else If(SearchText=='In Progress'|| SearchText=='New'||  SearchText=='On Hold' ||  SearchText=='Not Started'||
                SearchText=='Reassigned' || SearchText=='Rejected'|| SearchText=='Closed' || SearchText=='Escalated')
            NewList = [select Name,Project__c,Description__c,Priority__c,
                       ClosedDate__c,StartDate__c from Task_Tracker__c where Status__c = :SearchText];
            TrackList = NewList;
        else If(SearchText=='High'|| SearchText=='Medium'||  SearchText=='Low' )
            NewList = [select Name,Project__c,Description__c,Priority__c,
                       ClosedDate__c,StartDate__c from Task_Tracker__c where Priority__c = :SearchText];
            TrackList = NewList;
            records = [FIND :SearchText RETURNING Task_Tracker__c(Name,Project__c,Description__c,Priority__c,
                                                                  ClosedDate__c,StartDate__c)] ;
        //List of sobject, so records will be of tt
        return null;


<apex:page controller="practice">
    <apex:form >
              <apex:pageBlock >
              <apex:pageBlockSection title="Search Candidate">
              <apex:inputText label="Enter Search Text" value="{!SearchText}"/>
              <!--         <apex:inputText label="Enter Search Text" value="{!SearchDate}"/>-->
               <apex:commandButton value="Do Search" action="{!doSearch}" reRender="cd"/>
                <!--reReder to identify what to refresh-->
            <!--id to identify what to refresh --implementation of ajax-->
            <apex:pageBlockSection title="Search Details" id="cd">
                <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!TrackList}" var="can">
                             <apex:column value="{!can.Name}"/>
                    <apex:column value="{!can.Project__c}"/>
            <!--        <apex:column value="{!can.Status__c}"/>-->
                   <apex:column value="{!can.Description__c}"/>

//Can anybody hel;p me out with the test class please
Hi All. I have a custom object - name "Error_Log__c" and a custom text field - "Record_Id__c". Here Record_Id__c is the id of sobject Id (like opportunity, or account or contact or any object record id). When a Error_Log__c record is created then, a chatter post should be created and it should be posted to user "LastModifiedBy.Name" of sobject (account or contact or opportunity) record.

There is no relation between sobjects and Error_Log__c, but the custom text field - "Record_Id__c" is the id of sobject record id ( like account or contact or Opportunity record id, etc.).

Please let me know how to send the chatter post using dynamic soql for this. Thanks
I have this button that calls a function. How can i call this function (filterTransactions) when the page first loads?
I tried this, but it does not work.
<apex:page controller="CommunityPostedTransactionsController" action="{!filterTransactions}" showHeader="false" sidebar="false" cache="false">

Here is the button code:
<apex:commandButton action="{!filterTransactions}" value="Filter" rerender="output,selectListPanel, exportCSV" immediate="false"></apex:commandButton>

Hello guys, let's say I have the following code:
global with sharing class MyRestResource {
    global static String doPost(String name,
        String phone, String website) {
        Account account = new Account();
        account.Name = name;
        account.phone = phone;
        account.website = website;
        insert account;
        return account.Id;

I'm testing it through https://www.hurl.it/ and there is an authentication section with username and password. My question is how can I check if it is the right combination?

And what would happen if they send me the information through a webservice that's not like that website but just an endpoint to my website? 
This is in the challenge for "Visualize Your Data with the Lightning Dashboard Builder".  It repeatedly tells me
" Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Could not find a component in the 'Big Deals' dashboard with the title 'Opportunity Stages'.

But I have a component in the' Big Deals' Dashboard with the title of 'Opportunity Stages'. I've deleted and recreated it several times to no effect.
I've never seen a glitch in Trailhead before this.

I'm trying to access my Trailhead account with a verification code, but the account was created from my previous's company email which is now disabled.
I would like to either:
A) change the email associated to my old trailhead account to access it from a personal email.
B) recover my progression through trailhead in a new account.

Any Ideas to make this happen ?
Thanks !
Hi Guys.

I am going through the Basic Admin exercises. I created a custom object. intially I could not find the object in the menu ribbon. I deleted the object and created another but I could not get past the selecting the Tab Style. As soon as i click on the Tab style the page crashes then a message appears to recovery the page and starts again. I am using internet explorer and im not sure if this is the issue.
greatful for any advice

I am currently making a connected app that connects with salesforce using the OAuth Webflow access method. So I've been looking at the doc and I've put this code into my web app : 
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/sdk/js/canvas-all.js"></script>

        function loginHandler(e) {
            var uri;
            if (! Sfdc.canvas.oauth.loggedin()) {
                uri = Sfdc.canvas.oauth.loginUrl();
                    {uri : uri,
                        params: {
                            response_type : "token",
                            client_id : "3MVG9lKcPoNINVBLigmW.8dAn4L5HwY VBzxbW5FFdzvU0re2
                            redirect_uri : encodeURIComponent(
            else {
                login.innerHTML = "Login";
                Sfdc.canvas.byId("oauth").innerHTML = "";
            return false;

        // Bootstrap the page once the DOM is ready.
        Sfdc.canvas(function() {
            // On Ready...
            var login    = Sfdc.canvas.byId("login"),
                loggedIn = Sfdc.canvas.oauth.loggedin(),
                token = Sfdc.canvas.oauth.token()
            login.innerHTML = (loggedIn) ? "Logout" : "Login";
            if (loggedIn) {
                 // Only displaying part of the OAuth token for better formatting.
                Sfdc.canvas.byId("oauth").innerHTML = Sfdc.canvas.oauth.token()
                    .substring(1,40) + "…";
    <h1 id="header">Force.com Canvas OAuth App</h1>
        access_token = <span id="oauth"></span>
        <a id="login" href="#">Login</a><br/>

I understand how the code is supposed to work, but for an unknown reason, my browser console says this : 
Uncaught ReferenceError: Sfdc is not defined
    at eval (eval at <anonymous> (jquery-1.12.4.min.js?v=cWplNnVObXpZU0NRS2tueHgwYlR5bGhmcE82bVAveVVEM05xY0JDZ2xxZz01:2)
I can see that my canvas-all.js is loaded correctly, so I don't understand what the problem is.
Please Help!

I've uploaded my changeset to two different sandboxes this morning, but I'm still unable to deploy them. I keep getting the message:

Change Set Unavailable
This change set is not currently available. Recently uploaded change sets may take up to 30 minutes to be available for deployment. Please wait 30 minutes and try deploying your change set again. 

It's been hours since I've uploaded it. I even tried deleting and reuploading the changeset - still I get this error message above, and am not able de deploy.

Can anyone help with the cause or a solution to this problem?

I am working through the following Trailhead and setting up Salesforce DX for the first time.

sfdx is installed on Mac.  sfdx --version returns: sfdx-cli/6.1.19-4341549 (darwin-x64) node-v8.9.4

When I attempt to login to the dev hub I am presented with a blank Google Chrome screen.  No URL.  Just a blank screen.
sfdx force:auth:web:login -d -a DevHub

Other posts suggested using:
- sfdx force:auth:web:login -h (-h is not valid)
- sfdx force:auth:web:login (same blank screen displayed)

Any help is appreciated.
I am trying to complete the data import challenge and I keep get the error message"All the contact records from the CSV file were not found in the Org" I have attempted the challenge 5 times and keep getting the same error message.

I am using the lightning:inputrichtext, but nable to get thye layout as I am looking for
<lightning:inputRichText class="slds-input" aura:id="nam" value="{!v.orr.Message__c}" />
Here is the layout that I am looking for. The Font Family will have list of fonts and the Words should give the count of characters. Can someone help me on this 
User-added image
  • January 23, 2018
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I now see that my Trailhead Playground is acting up similar to others...and I thought it was just user error!
I too am experiencing the same messages:
"Please hold while our robots build your Trailhead Playground. This may take a few minutes" and
"Our robots are still working..." while trying to complete Module Trailhead Playground Management-2nd part Create a Trailhead Playground.
I am also unable to complete Module: Accounts & Contacts-2nd part Understand Account & Contact Relationships.
Actually I'm unable to complete any Trailhead that has a challenge because my Playgrounds don't work, are competing with each other or over-riding each other.
I have a couple of My Trailhead Playgrounds and also a Developer Edition Playground which I created under an email not connected to my SalesForce account. I am hoping there is a way to delete or fix the DE Playground. I'm honestly not sure why I even ended up in the Developer areas of SF since I am not at all a developer...
I really think that if I could just wipe the Developer area clean of my interactions, maybe Trailhead would be of some use for me as an admin. Can someone help me find where to submit this as a case to a support team that feels it is part of their responsibilities. I talked to a SFguy at the Trailhead learning center at the latest SalesForce Event held in Minneapolis (Fun!), and he said he had a similar experience and support had to go in and make some changes...hoping someone can help here...I really need this to be working correctly.
I am working on inbound email service to update a field in Salesforce. 
When I receive an email from a specific email address, I need to look for the email content to see if it contains words "FULL OUT". If it does, I need to find the serial number on the email content to match a record Container (API: Container__c) in Salesforce. Then update Status field (picklist; API: Status__c) on that Container record. How to write the Apex code to look for the words? Please see the example email below: 
From: xxx@gmail.com

Service FULL OUT was performed for shipments listed below
ABCDEF123: (this is the serial number and a container name in Salesforce) I need to find this serial number in email and see if a container record is created in Salesforce. 
Size: 12
Destination: NY
Delivery Date: 01/18/2018
Hi Everyone,

Is there anyway I can have a confirmation box ask which action, from two options, I want to perform or cancel the operation?

I need a button on the Opportunity, that once pressed asks if you want to postone, close or cancel the action. First two options will change the status accordingly and the last will close the box and action nothing.

I'm familiar with the normal Yes/No confirmation box, not sure if this is possible?
