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I am trying to develop a VF page Using Standard Controller as Opportunity. I want to display all the opportunity Products on the VF page along with radio buttons. User should be able to select only one opportunity product and the id of that line item has to be stored in an hidden field. How can I achieve that in Visual Force?

Thank You Inadvance for your help!!



I'm having problems with a test on two triggers. Both are working correctly but when I execute the apex test I'm receiving the message: 


System.LimitException: Too many SOQL queries: 21


Trigger.NewCaseFromOpp: line 4, column 32


The trigger is: 



trigger NewCaseFromOpp on Opportunity (after update) {

//Query for Case record types
     List<RecordType> rtypes = [Select Name, Id From RecordType where sObjectType='Case' and isActive=true];
//Create a map between the Record Type Name and Id for easy retrieval
     Map<String,String> CampaignsRecordTypes = new Map<String,String>{};
     for(RecordType rt: rtypes)
//Query for Users 

    List<User> users = [Select Name, Id From User];
//Create a map between the User Name and Id for easy retrieval

     Map<String,String> CaseUsers = new Map<String,String>{};
     for(User  usr: Users)

 for (Opportunity opp : Trigger.new) 
    if ( (opp.approval_status__c == 'Approved by AD' ) &&
         (trigger.oldMap.get(opp.id).approval_status__c != 'Approved by AD' ) && 
         (opp.Implementation_DirectTrack__c == 'Yes') )
       Case c = new Case ( 
       Opportunity__c = opp.Id, 
       Status = 'New', 
       Origin = 'Web', 
       Type = 'Internal Case', 
       Reason = 'Campaign  Setup', 
       Subject = 'New Direct Track Implementation', 
       OwnerId = CaseUSers.get('Traffic List') ); 
       insert c; 
    else if ((opp.approval_status__c == 'Approved by AD' ) &&
         (trigger.oldMap.get(opp.id).approval_status__c != 'Approved by AD' ) && 
         (opp.Implementation_DirectTrack__c == 'No'))
       Case c = new Case ( 
       Opportunity__c = opp.Id, 
       Status = 'New', 
       Origin = 'Web', 
       Type = 'Internal Case', 
       Reason = 'Campaign  Setup', 
       Subject = 'New Affiliation Campaign', 
       OwnerId = CaseUSers.get('Traffic List')  ); 
       insert c; 

The goal of this trigger is inserting a case (depending on some conditions on Opportunity) populating some fields and assigning to a specific Record Type and Owner.


The test is:



 * This class tests the trigger named AddCampaign.
private class TriggerCampaignAndCaseTest {

    static testMethod void TriggerCampaignAndCaseTest() {       
//Data Prep
        User user = [Select Id,Name,ProfileId,TimeZoneSidKey,LocaleSidKey,EmailEncodingKey,LanguageLocaleKey  from User limit 1];
        User user1 = new User ();
        user1.LastName = 'Tester';
        user1.ProfileId = user.ProfileId;
        user1.TimeZoneSidKey = user.TimeZoneSidKey;
        user1.LocaleSidKey = user.LocaleSidKey;
        user1.EmailEncodingKey = user.EmailEncodingKey;
        user1.LanguageLocaleKey = user.LanguageLocaleKey;
        user1.alias = 'tst';
        user1.Email = 'tester@test.com';
        user1.Username = 'tester@test.com';  
        insert user1;
//Create Account, Opportunity, Product, etc.
        Account acct1 = new Account(name='test Account One1');
        acct1.Type = 'Advertiser';
        insert acct1;
//Create Opportunity on Account
        Opportunity Oppty1 = new Opportunity(name='test Oppty One1');
        Oppty1.AccountId = acct1.Id;
        Oppty1.StageName = 'Test';
        Oppty1.CloseDate = Date.today();
        Oppty1.AED__Campaign_Start_Date__c = Date.today();
        Oppty1.AED__Campaign_Close_Date__c = Date.today()+1;
        Oppty1.AED__Invoice_Client_Name__c = acct1.Id;
        Oppty1.AED__Country__c = 'Spain';
        Oppty1.Campaign_Name_Agreement__c = 'test Oppty One1' ;
        Oppty1.Implementation_DirectTrack__c = 'Yes';
        Oppty1.Implementation_DT_Status__c = '1. Create Campaign';
        Oppty1.Approval_Status__c = 'Waiting for Approval';
        insert Oppty1; 

// Create Products 
         Product2 testprod1 = new Product2 (name='test product one1');
         testprod1.productcode = 'test pd code1one';
         insert testprod1;      

// Get Pricebook
         Pricebook2 testpb = [select id from Pricebook2 where IsStandard = true];            
// Add to pricebook
         PricebookEntry testpbe1 = new PricebookEntry ();
         testpbe1.pricebook2id = testpb.id;
         testpbe1.product2id = testprod1.id;
         testpbe1.IsActive = True;
         testpbe1.UnitPrice = 250;
         testpbe1.UseStandardPrice = false;
         insert testpbe1;  
//Create Opportunity on Account
        Opportunity Oppty2 = new Opportunity(name='test Oppty One2');
        Oppty2.AccountId = acct1.Id;
        Oppty2.StageName = 'Test';
        Oppty2.CloseDate = Date.today();
        Oppty2.AED__Campaign_Start_Date__c = Date.today();
        Oppty2.AED__Campaign_Close_Date__c = Date.today()+1;
        Oppty2.AED__Invoice_Client_Name__c = acct1.Id;
        Oppty2.AED__Country__c = 'Spain';
        Oppty2.Campaign_Name_Agreement__c = 'test Oppty One2' ;
        Oppty2.Implementation_DirectTrack__c = 'No';
        Oppty2.Approval_Status__c = 'Waiting for Approval';
        insert Oppty2;              
// Create Products          
         Product2 testprod2 = new Product2 (name='test product two2');
         testprod2.productcode = 'test pd code2two';
         insert testprod2;

// Add to pricebook
         PricebookEntry testpbe2 = new PricebookEntry ();
         testpbe2.pricebook2id = testpb.id;
         testpbe2.product2id = testprod2.id;
         testpbe2.IsActive = True;
         testpbe2.UnitPrice = 250;
         testpbe2.UseStandardPrice = false;
         insert testpbe2;
    Oppty1.Approval_Status__c = 'Approved by AD';
    Oppty2.Approval_Status__c = 'Approved by AD';
    update Oppty1;
    update Oppty2;
                //And now you want execute the startTest method to set the context 
                //of the following apex methods as separate from the previous data 
                //preparation or DML statements.  
          // add the line item which should call the trigger
          // with this line item it should fail out quickly 
          // As Auto Schedule is false
    OpportunityLineItem oli1 = new OpportunityLineItem();
    oli1.Quantity = 1;
    oli1.TotalPrice = 1;
    oli1.PricebookEntryId = testpbe1.id;
    oli1.OpportunityId = Oppty1.id;
    oli1.AED__Sales_Mode__c = 'CPA';
    oli1.AED__Country__c = 'IT';
    insert oli1;   
          // add the line item which should call the trigger
          // Auto Schedule is true so it should build the schedule.
    OpportunityLineItem oli2 = new OpportunityLineItem();
    oli2.Quantity = 1;
    oli2.TotalPrice = 1;
    oli2.PricebookEntryId = testpbe2.id;
    oli2.OpportunityId = Oppty2.id;    
    oli2.AED__Sales_Mode__c = 'CPA';
    oli2.AED__Country__c = 'IT';
    insert oli2;




Both triggers are tested 100%.


Thanks in advance for your help.

