• frasuyet
  • 55 Points
  • Member since 2007

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I am using a static resource which is our company's logo in a visualforce email.  I get the image to show up when previewing from the app but not when the email is delivered.  I noticed another post that indicates you may need to construct the url for the image in a different way (like in a controller class).  Any ideas?


<apex:image value="{!URLFOR($Resource.ZayoLogo)}"/>



  • December 14, 2009
  • Like
  • 0

I started using the standalone version of the Force.com IDE (not to be confused with the Force.com IDE plug-in for Eclipse) and I am noticing that I can't run test.


When right clicking on the test class | Force.com | Run Test is not available in the fly out menu. @isTest annotation is being used wthin the class. 


What am I missing? Has to be basic.

The trigger below is working as it should, two field values from the contract are updating the reciporating fields on the related account record. The trigger is not bulfied and I am trying to figure the struture so it could support bulk updates to the contract object. 


Any comments on how this trigger could be bulkified?  Thanks in advance for the guidence.



trigger UpdateAccountTxnsArc1 on Contract (after update) {
    public Id aId;
    public Id cId;
    for(Contract c : Trigger.New){
        cId = c.Id;
        if(c.Air_Transactions__c != Null 
           && c.Est_Annual_Air_Spend__c != Null 
           && c.AccountId != Null 
           && c.Status == 'Active'
           && c.RecordTypeId == '012600000000zk') { 
            aId = c.AccountId;
        Account acct = [Select Contracted_Air_Transactions_Acct__c From Account Where Id = :aId];
        for(Contract con : Trigger.New){
           acct.Contracted_Air_Transactions_Acct__c = con.Air_Transactions__c;
           acct.ARC__c = con.Est_Annual_Air_Spend__c;
    update acct;    






With some help, I've developed the trigger below that is fully funtional and operates as designed. In a nut shell, it performs two primary functions.


  1. Sends an email to the contact - assuming that the criteria is satisfied
  2. Updates the contact to indicate that an email has been sent. (This could be satisifed w/ activity reporting but deferred to a tracking within the contact since direct contact reporting is simplier than the often inferred reporting that occurs with activities)

With the update of epc_invite_sent__c at the end of the statement, this trigger fires twice (assuming the criteria is met initially) once to send the email and again to make the update to epc_invite_sent__c. The trigger then exits if the IF statement is not satisfied.


Being a neophyte developer, I am wondering if this is the best approach for the trigger to fire twice. Though it works, I am thinking that there might be a better approach that I am not aware of that might be more efficient and or less "expensive" from a query stand point.


Welcome the thoughts and best practice pointers. Thanks.



trigger EPC_Invite_EmailMessage on Contact (after insert, after update) {

  for (Contact c : Trigger.new){
    Account a = [Select id, ESR_or_GDS__c, Parent_Chain__c From Account Where Id = :c.AccountId];
    if(c.HasOptedOutofEmail == FALSE &&
       c.RecordTypeId == '012500000009AB1' && //Standard Contact
       c.EPC_Invite_Sent__c == FALSE &&
       c.Opt_out_acme_Partner_Central__c == FALSE &&
       c.No_Longer_There_Do_not_email__c == FALSE &&
       c.EPC_Invite_Sent__c == FALSE &&
       a.ESR_or_GDS__c == 'ESR' &&
       a.Parent_Chain__c != Null &&
      (a.Parent_Chain__c != 'a0L50000000LQWw' || 
       a.Parent_Chain__c != 'a0L70000002eIb3' || 
       a.Parent_Chain__c != 'a0L50000000LQYL')) {

       String template = ''; // initialize variable to hold template name filled in below
       if(c.Language__c == 'Arabic'||   
          c.Language__c == 'Armenian'|| 
          c.Language__c == 'Bengali'||
          c.Language__c == 'English'||
          c.Language__c == 'Hindi (urdu)'||
          c.Language__c == 'Lithuanian'||
          c.Language__c == 'Malay (Malaysia)'||
          c.Language__c == 'Romanian'||
          c.Language__c == 'Serbian'||
          c.Language__c == 'Slovak'||
          c.Language__c == 'Ukrainian') {
         //set to english template
         template = 'EPC Invite - English';
       else {
         //set to english template 
         template = 'EPC Invite - ' + c.Language__c;
       Messaging.SingleEmailMessage message = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
       message.setTemplateId([select id from EmailTemplate where Name = :template].id);
       // String to hold the email addresses to which the email is being sent. 
       message.setToAddresses (new String[] {c.Email});

       // Send message under cover of org wide email address xreply@acme.com instead of user that executed trigger

       // Send the email that has been created.  
       Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.Email[] {message});
       Contact contact = [Select ID
                           From Contact
                          Where Id = :c.Id];
       contact.EPC_Invite_Sent__c = true;       
       update contact;






Looking for general guidance with some visualforce development. I’d like to build a vf widget that will conditionally display contacts associated with an account within a case. 


For example: If an account has 10 contacts only display the 5 contacts that have a contact.role__c of ''x'' within the case.


I’ve been playing with my apex:outputField hello world sample below and can bring in the account data - that's the easy part. Next steps is to get the contacts that are of interest which is the part that I am missing.


What’s the approach that would work to query the contacts (through the related account) and display within the case? A simple sample would be very helpful to get me going.





<apex:page StandardController="Case" showHeader="false" sidebar="false">
    .pbsection td{
        color: #5a5a5a;
        padding-top: 0px;
        padding-bottom: 0px;
    .apexp .individualPalette .accountBlock .bPageBlock .pbBody .pbSubsection .detailList .labelCol {
        padding-top: 2px;
        padding-bottom: 2px;  
    .apexp .individualPalette .caseBlock .bPageBlock .pbBody .pbSubsection .detailList .dataCol {
        padding-top: 2px;
        padding-bottom: 2px;  
     .apexp .individualPalette .caseBlock .bPageBlock .pbBody .pbSubheader
            color: #5a5a5a;
            font-size: 14px;
            height: 0px;
     .apexp .individualPalette .caseBlock .bPageBlock {           
            border-top: 0px;
            border-bottom: 0px;
<apex:form styleClass="pbsection">
    <apex:pageBlock mode="view" >
        <apex:pageBlockSection columns="2" >
            <apex:outputField value="{!case.CaseNumber}"/>
            <apex:outputField value="{!case.account.name}"/>
            <apex:outputField value="{!case.account.rating}"/>
            <apex:outputField value="{!case.ClosedDate}"/>
            <apex:outputField value="{!case.CreatedDate}"/>                                            
        <apex:pageBlockSection columns="1" showHeader="true">
            <apex:outputField value="{!case.description}"/>







What is the best approach for a trigger to only fire once, after my IF condition has been met? The code below operates as it should once the IF condition is met - case is created.
However, the account could remain in the IF condition state for a couple of days. In the mean time, a simple update to the account could occur (e.g. phone number update) which would fire the trigger (again) thus a second (duplicate) case is created - not so good.
Where does my code need to be modified to prevent this behavior? I only need to have the trigger fire once when the original IF statement criteria is met. Of course, if the account falls out of the IF statment condition and then back in, the trigger would fire again - that's expected behavior.





trigger CreateVenereRequestIdCase on Account (before update) {

Case[] newCase = new Case[0];
for (Account a : Trigger.new) {
Account beforeUpdate = System.Trigger.oldMap.get(a.Id);
if((a.RecordTypeId == '012700000009Tor' || a.RecordTypeId == '012700000009JNI')
&& a.Venere_Module_ID__c == null && a.Venere_ID__c == null && a.Request_Venere_ID__c == TRUE && beforeUpdate.Request_Venere_ID__c == FALSE)
system.debug('Here is the account id: ' + a.Id);
newCase.add(new Case(
accountID = a.id,
Origin = 'Market Manager',
Priority = 'Medium',
RecordTypeID = '012T00000000Obu', //HDM - Venere Request ID
Status = 'New',
Subject = 'Venere ID Request',
Description = 'Please create a new Venere ID for ' + a.Name)

insert newCase;








I've configured the data loader to run in batch mode using the command line interface. I am excuting my process bean from the command line using the syntax below. No problems worked as I expected.


C:\Program Files\salesforce.com\Apex Data Loader 17.0\bin>process ../conf Extract_Accounts_NRT_BatchProcess


I now want to automate this process using a Windows Scheduler task to kick off the process. My scheduled task never runs because I assume my Run: syntax is incorrect. I've tried the following combinations without success. Any ideas of the correct sytnax I should use to kick off the process bean using a Windows Scheduler task?


"C:\Program Files\salesforce.com\Apex Data Loader 17.0\bin\process.bat" Extract_Accounts_NRT_BatchProcess

process.bat "C:\Program Files\salesforce.com\Apex Data Loader 17.0\bin" Extract_Accounts_NRT_BatchProcess







I'd like to create a validation rule that prevents a user from saving a task with a type of "email" when the subject of the task does not begin with "email". The subject and type are native activity fields -text and picklist data types respectively.
For example, if a task subject begins with "Call" the task type could not be "email". It would have to be "call" or "other" for example.
The frame work for my validation rule is below but I am getting an error of "Error: Incorrect number of parameters for function IF(). Expected 3, received 2"
Any ideas? Thanks.


IF(NOT(BEGINS (Subject, "Email")), NOT(CONTAINS(TEXT(Type), "Email"))) 

Message Edited by frasuyet on 09-17-2009 12:44 PM

The intent of the trigger below is to update two opportunitylineitem data elements after the opportunity (after update) trigger fires. The trigger is fired using the same opportunitylineitem that is suppose to be updated by the trigger. 
The trigger does not fire when I insert a opportunitylineitem but it does when I delete an opportunitylineitem. Any ideas why it would not trigger on insert?
Can you not update the record that fired a trigger in an after update/after insert opportunity trigger?


trigger ChannelCommissioningSalesPrieceCalculation on Opportunity (after update) { //a list of unique Product from above List<Product2> lProduct2 = [Select p.Id, p.Channel_Commission__c From Product2 p]; Map<string, Boolean> mProduct2= new Map<string, Boolean>(); List<Opportunity> lOpportunity =[Select o.Id, (Select Id, Channel_Commissioning__c, Cost__c, TotalPrice, UnitPrice From OpportunityLineItems) from Opportunity o where o.Id =: Trigger.new[0].Id ]; List<OpportunityLineItem> lOpportunityLineItem = lOpportunity[0].OpportunityLineItems; Decimal dTotal=0; Decimal dChannel_Commissioning =0; String aId = '00k8000000BpaHc'; for (Integer i=0; i<lOpportunityLineItem.size(); i++) { if (true== mProduct2.get(lOpportunityLineItem[i].Id)) { aId = lOpportunityLineItem[i].Id; dChannel_Commissioning = lOpportunityLineItem[i].Channel_Commissioning__c; } else { dTotal += lOpportunityLineItem[i].TotalPrice; } } System.Debug('---------------------------------'); System.Debug(dTotal); System.Debug(dChannel_Commissioning); System.Debug(aId); System.Debug(lOpportunityLineItem.size()); System.Debug('---------------------------------'); if (0 != dChannel_Commissioning) { //OpportunityLineItem is updated with UnitPrice and Cost based on calculation. OpportunityLineItem aOpportunityLineItem = new OpportunityLineItem(Id= aId); aOpportunityLineItem.UnitPrice = 100*(dTotal/(dChannel_Commissioning )); aOpportunityLineItem.Cost__c= 100*(dTotal/(dChannel_Commissioning )); update aOpportunityLineItem; } }


Using a C# receiver we currently are executing an Apex class using a user name and password. This is working as planned and the login code segment is below:
SForce.SforceService sfdc = new SForce.SforceService();
SForce.LoginResult lr = sfdc.login("un@acme.com", "passwordU6RQC66T6hpZTuaY960FX3QvS");

Instead of using user credentials, we'd like to execute the same Apex class with the Session id that is being passed in the outbound message. When we make the change to the code segment we are finding that the Apex class does not execute. The login code segment is below: 
String strSessionID = notifications1.SessionId;
SForce.LoginResult lr = new LoginResult();
lr.sessionId = strSessionID;
lr.serverUrl = https://cs2.salesforce.com/home/home.jsp;

Are there any omissions in the sesson id code segment (above) that would prevent us from executing the Apex class? Welcome the thoughts and comments.
Using Visualforce, is is possible to rewrite the My Task component within the Home tab? I am looking to add additional columns (custom fields) to the native: Complete, Date, Subject, Name, and Related To columns?  In addition, with my "new" My Task component, is is possible to imbed SOQL to sort Tasks by Priority AND then Due Date. Currently, the native sort is by Due Date only.

What controllers would I need to focus on to get things kick started?
I am building a new custom detail button using some syntax that was posted within the community.  I've re-engineered the syntax to work in my environment and get no errors when I save/check the syntax.
The button lives on the opportunity and its intent is to create a new Project record. When I click on the button I get an Insufficient Privileges error which is odd since I am sys admin and I am able to create a new project and account without the use of the button.
I am guessing, that my syntax below has some residue that doesn't jive with my org. I am guessing it's the /a0M/e but not sure. I verified that the field id 00N600...for Opportunity.Account is correct.

Any ideas of why the insufficient privileges and what the /a0M/e could represent?
The concept of selling 'x amount of widgets' doesn't apply to our business so the Quantity field on the opportunity product layout is a bit irrelavant. The Quanity field is always one (1) - every single time a product is added to an Opportunity record.
Knowing the above, is there a way to default the Quanity field on the opportunity product layout always to one (1)? Any ideas?
Hi Folks,

I wanted to query metadata components( Fields, Objects, Validation Rules, Workflow Rules, Approval Process..etc) by using SOQL query in Apex. So, Could you please anyone check let me know do we have any workaround for this.

i'm just curious about whether is it possible by using Query or not.


I started using the standalone version of the Force.com IDE (not to be confused with the Force.com IDE plug-in for Eclipse) and I am noticing that I can't run test.


When right clicking on the test class | Force.com | Run Test is not available in the fly out menu. @isTest annotation is being used wthin the class. 


What am I missing? Has to be basic.



I am following the Warehouse app Tutorial.

I am at Tutorial #7.

Just finished down-loading the Force.com IDE but don't know how to create a project.

The instruction are saying to select FILe->New but under File the only options I am getting are: Exit, Open File and Convert Line delimiters to...


Help will be much appreciated!


New to SF

The trigger below is working as it should, two field values from the contract are updating the reciporating fields on the related account record. The trigger is not bulfied and I am trying to figure the struture so it could support bulk updates to the contract object. 


Any comments on how this trigger could be bulkified?  Thanks in advance for the guidence.



trigger UpdateAccountTxnsArc1 on Contract (after update) {
    public Id aId;
    public Id cId;
    for(Contract c : Trigger.New){
        cId = c.Id;
        if(c.Air_Transactions__c != Null 
           && c.Est_Annual_Air_Spend__c != Null 
           && c.AccountId != Null 
           && c.Status == 'Active'
           && c.RecordTypeId == '012600000000zk') { 
            aId = c.AccountId;
        Account acct = [Select Contracted_Air_Transactions_Acct__c From Account Where Id = :aId];
        for(Contract con : Trigger.New){
           acct.Contracted_Air_Transactions_Acct__c = con.Air_Transactions__c;
           acct.ARC__c = con.Est_Annual_Air_Spend__c;
    update acct;    






With some help, I've developed the trigger below that is fully funtional and operates as designed. In a nut shell, it performs two primary functions.


  1. Sends an email to the contact - assuming that the criteria is satisfied
  2. Updates the contact to indicate that an email has been sent. (This could be satisifed w/ activity reporting but deferred to a tracking within the contact since direct contact reporting is simplier than the often inferred reporting that occurs with activities)

With the update of epc_invite_sent__c at the end of the statement, this trigger fires twice (assuming the criteria is met initially) once to send the email and again to make the update to epc_invite_sent__c. The trigger then exits if the IF statement is not satisfied.


Being a neophyte developer, I am wondering if this is the best approach for the trigger to fire twice. Though it works, I am thinking that there might be a better approach that I am not aware of that might be more efficient and or less "expensive" from a query stand point.


Welcome the thoughts and best practice pointers. Thanks.



trigger EPC_Invite_EmailMessage on Contact (after insert, after update) {

  for (Contact c : Trigger.new){
    Account a = [Select id, ESR_or_GDS__c, Parent_Chain__c From Account Where Id = :c.AccountId];
    if(c.HasOptedOutofEmail == FALSE &&
       c.RecordTypeId == '012500000009AB1' && //Standard Contact
       c.EPC_Invite_Sent__c == FALSE &&
       c.Opt_out_acme_Partner_Central__c == FALSE &&
       c.No_Longer_There_Do_not_email__c == FALSE &&
       c.EPC_Invite_Sent__c == FALSE &&
       a.ESR_or_GDS__c == 'ESR' &&
       a.Parent_Chain__c != Null &&
      (a.Parent_Chain__c != 'a0L50000000LQWw' || 
       a.Parent_Chain__c != 'a0L70000002eIb3' || 
       a.Parent_Chain__c != 'a0L50000000LQYL')) {

       String template = ''; // initialize variable to hold template name filled in below
       if(c.Language__c == 'Arabic'||   
          c.Language__c == 'Armenian'|| 
          c.Language__c == 'Bengali'||
          c.Language__c == 'English'||
          c.Language__c == 'Hindi (urdu)'||
          c.Language__c == 'Lithuanian'||
          c.Language__c == 'Malay (Malaysia)'||
          c.Language__c == 'Romanian'||
          c.Language__c == 'Serbian'||
          c.Language__c == 'Slovak'||
          c.Language__c == 'Ukrainian') {
         //set to english template
         template = 'EPC Invite - English';
       else {
         //set to english template 
         template = 'EPC Invite - ' + c.Language__c;
       Messaging.SingleEmailMessage message = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
       message.setTemplateId([select id from EmailTemplate where Name = :template].id);
       // String to hold the email addresses to which the email is being sent. 
       message.setToAddresses (new String[] {c.Email});

       // Send message under cover of org wide email address xreply@acme.com instead of user that executed trigger

       // Send the email that has been created.  
       Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.Email[] {message});
       Contact contact = [Select ID
                           From Contact
                          Where Id = :c.Id];
       contact.EPC_Invite_Sent__c = true;       
       update contact;






Looking for general guidance with some visualforce development. I’d like to build a vf widget that will conditionally display contacts associated with an account within a case. 


For example: If an account has 10 contacts only display the 5 contacts that have a contact.role__c of ''x'' within the case.


I’ve been playing with my apex:outputField hello world sample below and can bring in the account data - that's the easy part. Next steps is to get the contacts that are of interest which is the part that I am missing.


What’s the approach that would work to query the contacts (through the related account) and display within the case? A simple sample would be very helpful to get me going.





<apex:page StandardController="Case" showHeader="false" sidebar="false">
    .pbsection td{
        color: #5a5a5a;
        padding-top: 0px;
        padding-bottom: 0px;
    .apexp .individualPalette .accountBlock .bPageBlock .pbBody .pbSubsection .detailList .labelCol {
        padding-top: 2px;
        padding-bottom: 2px;  
    .apexp .individualPalette .caseBlock .bPageBlock .pbBody .pbSubsection .detailList .dataCol {
        padding-top: 2px;
        padding-bottom: 2px;  
     .apexp .individualPalette .caseBlock .bPageBlock .pbBody .pbSubheader
            color: #5a5a5a;
            font-size: 14px;
            height: 0px;
     .apexp .individualPalette .caseBlock .bPageBlock {           
            border-top: 0px;
            border-bottom: 0px;
<apex:form styleClass="pbsection">
    <apex:pageBlock mode="view" >
        <apex:pageBlockSection columns="2" >
            <apex:outputField value="{!case.CaseNumber}"/>
            <apex:outputField value="{!case.account.name}"/>
            <apex:outputField value="{!case.account.rating}"/>
            <apex:outputField value="{!case.ClosedDate}"/>
            <apex:outputField value="{!case.CreatedDate}"/>                                            
        <apex:pageBlockSection columns="1" showHeader="true">
            <apex:outputField value="{!case.description}"/>







What is the best approach for a trigger to only fire once, after my IF condition has been met? The code below operates as it should once the IF condition is met - case is created.
However, the account could remain in the IF condition state for a couple of days. In the mean time, a simple update to the account could occur (e.g. phone number update) which would fire the trigger (again) thus a second (duplicate) case is created - not so good.
Where does my code need to be modified to prevent this behavior? I only need to have the trigger fire once when the original IF statement criteria is met. Of course, if the account falls out of the IF statment condition and then back in, the trigger would fire again - that's expected behavior.





trigger CreateVenereRequestIdCase on Account (before update) {

Case[] newCase = new Case[0];
for (Account a : Trigger.new) {
Account beforeUpdate = System.Trigger.oldMap.get(a.Id);
if((a.RecordTypeId == '012700000009Tor' || a.RecordTypeId == '012700000009JNI')
&& a.Venere_Module_ID__c == null && a.Venere_ID__c == null && a.Request_Venere_ID__c == TRUE && beforeUpdate.Request_Venere_ID__c == FALSE)
system.debug('Here is the account id: ' + a.Id);
newCase.add(new Case(
accountID = a.id,
Origin = 'Market Manager',
Priority = 'Medium',
RecordTypeID = '012T00000000Obu', //HDM - Venere Request ID
Status = 'New',
Subject = 'Venere ID Request',
Description = 'Please create a new Venere ID for ' + a.Name)

insert newCase;








I followed the instructions to load Office Toolkit from the Setup section in Salesforce which installed Office Toolkit version 4, I then followed the instructions to install the Excel Connector - loaded it in through the Add-Ins, which worked. However I got an error ( and a VB Page popped up with the method for this error) that said the Connector couldn't find the library for Office Toolkit version 3.


I don't know where to find Office Toolkit version 3, let alone install it correctly, nor if after the previous effort whether the Excel Connector will work at all as it is notorious for screwing up to such an extent that one actually has to re-install Excel and Word to have any chance of it working, which I really don't want to do as the only benefit to the Excel Connector is the FIXID function which I need to use VLookup for files derived from Salesforce Reports.


So what do I need to do now that I've gotten this far, or even better, is there another way to create a function or macro to provide the FIX ID capability, as I really don't want to have to use the Excel Connector if I can avoid it?



I've configured the data loader to run in batch mode using the command line interface. I am excuting my process bean from the command line using the syntax below. No problems worked as I expected.


C:\Program Files\salesforce.com\Apex Data Loader 17.0\bin>process ../conf Extract_Accounts_NRT_BatchProcess


I now want to automate this process using a Windows Scheduler task to kick off the process. My scheduled task never runs because I assume my Run: syntax is incorrect. I've tried the following combinations without success. Any ideas of the correct sytnax I should use to kick off the process bean using a Windows Scheduler task?


"C:\Program Files\salesforce.com\Apex Data Loader 17.0\bin\process.bat" Extract_Accounts_NRT_BatchProcess

process.bat "C:\Program Files\salesforce.com\Apex Data Loader 17.0\bin" Extract_Accounts_NRT_BatchProcess







I am using a static resource which is our company's logo in a visualforce email.  I get the image to show up when previewing from the app but not when the email is delivered.  I noticed another post that indicates you may need to construct the url for the image in a different way (like in a controller class).  Any ideas?


<apex:image value="{!URLFOR($Resource.ZayoLogo)}"/>



  • December 14, 2009
  • Like
  • 0
I am building a new custom detail button using some syntax that was posted within the community.  I've re-engineered the syntax to work in my environment and get no errors when I save/check the syntax.
The button lives on the opportunity and its intent is to create a new Project record. When I click on the button I get an Insufficient Privileges error which is odd since I am sys admin and I am able to create a new project and account without the use of the button.
I am guessing, that my syntax below has some residue that doesn't jive with my org. I am guessing it's the /a0M/e but not sure. I verified that the field id 00N600...for Opportunity.Account is correct.

Any ideas of why the insufficient privileges and what the /a0M/e could represent?
The concept of selling 'x amount of widgets' doesn't apply to our business so the Quantity field on the opportunity product layout is a bit irrelavant. The Quanity field is always one (1) - every single time a product is added to an Opportunity record.
Knowing the above, is there a way to default the Quanity field on the opportunity product layout always to one (1)? Any ideas?
    I am experincing this problem with a few usres: When sending an adding and sending an email, the email will be uploaded to Salesforce but will go to the users Drafts folder in Outlook and never be sent.

Using Outlook 2003 SP2 connected to Oracle 10G with the Oralce connector for Outlook.

Any thought, suggestions or help greatly appreciated.
I have a very urgent one-off need to grab data on Opportunity records where IsDeleted=true. 
OR -- is it possible to call records in the recycle bin of type Opportunity and get more columns than you can get through the UI?
I guess you can figure out why I'd be asking ...:mansad: