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What is the easiest way of moving data from Sandbox to developer environment? I have some tables such as leads, campaigns, ..., which have custom fields. Is there a way to move the data automatically, rather than creating the custome objects in the destination envirtoment and then go through export and import?
I want to import a set of records stored in a .csv file. Is there a way to do this without defining the custom object manullay? When using "Import custom object", the custom object should have been defined already, and it is time-consuming for me because I have too many fields to define.
Thanks for sharing your experience.

new to apex coding and wondering how I can check if a field in a custom record is empty? Particulary, I want to know what the "if condition" in apex code looks like for "integer" and "string"data types.
How can I delete all the records of a custom object in Developer Edition?
How can I delete all the records of a custom object in Developer Edition?
How can I delete all the records of a custom object in Developer Edition?