• surya7628@gmail.com K
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Hi All,

I have a requirement of sent  emails to the particular PDL's using single email message method.Is it poosible, please anybody suggest to do this.


I need to create the reports, in that reports i need to disply some symbols like + , - , * , ? for positive value(+), minus value(-), missing value(?) , nutral value (*) thease value i have in respected fields, hear i need to display the values if positive value is there then i need to disply restive symbol in graph.Please suggest me is there any way to disply in salesforce reports.

i want to display the graphs(dash board) in pdf,i can able to disply the graphs in pdf, but hear it is not varying based on record values it is showing one graph(dashboard)for every record,please help on this,see the below tag what ever i have used in vf page

<img src="https://itssrc-dev-ed.my.salesforce.com/servlet/servlet.ChartServer?rsid=0FL28000000Jo5M&ruid=00528000001ntny&did=01Z28000000eStI&s=7&fs=10&tfg=12&tfs=-16777216&explode=0&c=pie&cs=0&title=&eh=no&compo=yes&fg=-16777216&bg1=-1&bg2=-1&bgdir=2&dl1=Utility+Name&dl2=&l=2&sax=yes&Yman=no&nc=0&actUrl=%2F00O280000055Y0T&sd=1&scv=yes&sct=no&spt=no&bd=yes&cu=INR&ab=X&u=0&vt=0&ab2=Y&u2=0&vt2=0&vl0=Sum+of+TimeLineScore&spoc=no&topn=no&gc0=-1&gc1=-1&gc2=-1&sona=0&refreshts=1458279436000"/>
Hi All,

I want to disable the global search for particular users,i have disabled the chatter in chatte section,please give me suggestion how to disable the global search.
see the below screen shot where i have disabled
User-added image

see the below screen shot for what i want to disable 

User-added image

Hi All,
I need to update the record in mongo db,hear i have the mongo db record id in salesforce, based on that id i need to update the status from
(in process to completed) when ever user changed the status from 'in process' to 'completed' in salesforce.

I am getting the error like (DEBUG|ResponceSystem.HttpResponse[Status=Unsupported Media Type, StatusCode=415]),please suggest me.

i have used below code:

public class AuthCallout {
    String payLoad = 'slug={!order.Mongo_DB_Order_ID__c}&OrderStatus={!order.Staus}';

    public void basicAuthCallout(){
        HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
        HttpResponse res1 = http.send(req);
Hi All,

I need to update the record in mongo db,hear i have the mongo db record id in salesforce, based on that id i need to update the status from
(in process to completed) when ever user changed the status from 'in process' to 'completed' in salesforce.

Below code i have used for get method, Please suggest me how to upadate the record in mongo db with using of POST method.

public class AuthCallout {
    public void basicAuthCallout(){
        HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
        //req.setEndpoint('https://api.mongolab.com/api/1/databases/itsstest/collections/testorders/56bd8143c29ad480106dd219 apiKey=K6PuNd6v3s8PKcUk1nby7tQQ9viniTkW');
        req.setEndpoint('https://api.mongolab.com/api/1/databases/itsstest/collections/testorders/{!order.Mongo_DB_Order_ID__c} apiKey=K6PuNd6v3s8PKcUk1nby7tQQ9viniTkW');
        // Specify the required Mongo DB Order Id and status to access the endpoint
        // As well as the header and header information
        //String mongodborderid= '{!order.Mongo_DB_Order_ID__c}';
        //String status= '{!order.status}';
       // Blob headerValue = Blob.valueOf status);
        //String authorizationHeader = 'BASIC ' + EncodingUtil.base64Encode(headerValue);
        //req.setHeader('Authorization', authorizationHeader);
        // Create a new http object to send the request object
        // A response object is generated as a result of the request  
        Http http = new Http();
        HTTPResponse res = http.send(req);
Hi All,

I have created the vf page for report,earlier i have created the formula field(type is text) for this vf page.In that formula field i gave the below link with id this is working

Formula filed : HYPERLINK('https://c.ap2.visual.force.com/apex/NTReport2?id='+Id,'PDF')

But i need to use the above url in button (detail page button),i have tried below both urls it is not working



Hi All,

I have created the vf page for report,earlier i have created the formula field(type is text) for this vf page.In that formula field i gave the below link with id this is working

Formula filed : HYPERLINK('https://c.ap2.visual.force.com/apex/NTReport2?id='+Id,'PDF')

But i need to use the above url in button (detail page button),i have tried below both urls it is not working




Now i want to change 
Hello All,
I am trying to attach the csv file to attachments by clicking on the button.In button i have wrote the java script.But it is not working. Actully my requirement is i need to attach the csv file to attachment(standard salesforce attachment) for particular object,that record is i am getting from controller.

See the below code for Button:

alert("This is {!Order.Id}");
alert("The order is {!Order.Id}");
    var OrderId="{!Order.Id}";
    var result = sforce.apex.execute("ntcsvController","csvGenerator",{ordid : OrderId});


Controller code:

public class ntcsvController {

    public id orderid{get;set;}
    public list<NTCSV__c> ntcsvrecordslist {get;set;}
    public string csvstring{get;set;}
    /*public ntcsvController (id ordid) {
    public void csvGenerator(id ordid){
        orderid =ordid;
        list<NTCSV__c> ntcsvrecordslist =[SELECT ActPayAmt_Rs__c,ActPayDate__c,Actual_Pay_Mode__c,Carried_forward_bal_from_Previous_Montth__c,
        Total_Amount_Due_Rs__c,Type_Of_Utility__c FROM NTCSV__c where Order__r.id = :ordid];
        string csvhearder='ActPayAmt_Rs__c,ActPayDate__c,Actual_Pay_Mode__c,Carried_forward_bal_from_Previous_Montth__c,';

        string finalstr = csvhearder ;
        for(NTCSV__c nt:ntcsvrecordslist ){
            string recordString='"'+nt.ActPayAmt_Rs__c+'","'+nt.ActPayDate__c+'","'+nt.Actual_Pay_Mode__c+'","'+nt.Carried_forward_bal_from_Previous_Montth__c+'","';
            recordString=recordString+ nt.City__c+'","'+nt.ConnectionConsumerName__c+'","'+nt.ConnectionConsumerUniqueNumber__c+'","'+nt.Connection_City__c+'","'+nt.Connection_Country__c+'","'+nt.Connection_Pincode__c+'","';
            recordString=recordString+ nt.Connection_Since__c+'","'+nt.Connection_State__c+'","'+nt.Connection_Street__c+'","'+nt.Country__c+'","'+nt.CreatedById+'","'+nt.CreatedDate+'","'+nt.Current_Month_OS_Amount_Due_Rs__c+'","';
            recordString=recordString+ nt.DataProvided__c+'","'+nt.DueDate__c+'","'+nt.FFOrderNumber__c+'","'+nt.Id+'","'+nt.IsDeleted+'","'+nt.LastModifiedById+'","'+nt.LastModifiedDate+'","'+nt.LastReferencedDate+'","'+nt.LastViewedDate+'","';
            recordString=recordString+ nt.Loan_Applicant_City__c+'","'+nt.Loan_Applicant_Country__c+'","'+nt.Loan_Applicant_Email__c+'","'+nt.Loan_Applicant_Mobile__c+'","'+nt.Loan_Applicant_Name__c+'","';
            recordString=recordString+ nt.Loan_Applicant_PAN__c+'","'+nt.Loan_Applicant_Pin_Code__c+'","'+nt.Loan_Applicant_State__c+'","'+nt.Loan_Applicant_Street__c+'","'+nt.MandatoryPeriod__c+'","'+nt.MonthsBack__c+'","';
            recordString=recordString+ nt.Name+'","'+nt.Name_Of_Utility_Providing_Connection__c+'","'+nt.Order__c+'","'+nt.OwnerId+'","'+nt.Penalty_Amt_levied_in_Cur_Month_for_dela__c+'","'+nt.Period__c+'","'+nt.Pincode__c+'","';
            recordString=recordString+ nt.Relationship_with_Borrower__c+'","'+nt.Service_Discontinuity_Note_Negative__c+'","'+nt.State__c+'","'+nt.Street__c+'","'+nt.Subsidy_Deduction_Amount_Rs__c+'","'+nt.SystemModstamp+'","';
            recordString=recordString+ nt.Total_Amount_Due_Rs__c+'","'+nt.Type_Of_Utility__c+'"\n';
            finalstr = finalstr + recordString;
        Attachment attachment = new Attachment();
        attachment.Body = Blob.valueOf(finalstr);
        attachment.Name = 'csvFile.csv';
        attachment.ParentId =orderid;
        insert attachment;    
Hi All,

I want to disable the global search for particular users,i have disabled the chatter in chatte section,please give me suggestion how to disable the global search.
see the below screen shot where i have disabled
User-added image

see the below screen shot for what i want to disable 

User-added image

I am using visualforce site, there I have a inputtext button which is binded to contact standard button "Birthdate". The date formate in Birthdate field field is MM/DD/YYYY. But when my visualforce site getting loaded it shows the format like "Fri May 20 00:00:00 GMT 2016". I want to show the date in MM/DD/YYYY format only. Please help.

Visualforce code is below:
<apex:inputText id="brhdate" size="10" value="{!contactEdit.Birthdate}"  html-readonly="true" onmouseover="initialiseCalendar(this, '{!$Component.brhdate}')" />

This is a inputText field so we can also enter value using calender. But it also should appear the value if it exist in that contact already.
My problem is while site is loaded, this field shows existing date in different format like "Fri May 20 00:00:00 GMT 2016". Please tell me how can I show the date in MM/DD/YYYY.

Thanks you in advance.
Hi All,
I need to update the record in mongo db,hear i have the mongo db record id in salesforce, based on that id i need to update the status from
(in process to completed) when ever user changed the status from 'in process' to 'completed' in salesforce.

I am getting the error like (DEBUG|ResponceSystem.HttpResponse[Status=Unsupported Media Type, StatusCode=415]),please suggest me.

i have used below code:

public class AuthCallout {
    String payLoad = 'slug={!order.Mongo_DB_Order_ID__c}&OrderStatus={!order.Staus}';

    public void basicAuthCallout(){
        HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
        HttpResponse res1 = http.send(req);
Hello All,
I am trying to attach the csv file to attachments by clicking on the button.In button i have wrote the java script.But it is not working. Actully my requirement is i need to attach the csv file to attachment(standard salesforce attachment) for particular object,that record is i am getting from controller.

See the below code for Button:

alert("This is {!Order.Id}");
alert("The order is {!Order.Id}");
    var OrderId="{!Order.Id}";
    var result = sforce.apex.execute("ntcsvController","csvGenerator",{ordid : OrderId});


Controller code:

public class ntcsvController {

    public id orderid{get;set;}
    public list<NTCSV__c> ntcsvrecordslist {get;set;}
    public string csvstring{get;set;}
    /*public ntcsvController (id ordid) {
    public void csvGenerator(id ordid){
        orderid =ordid;
        list<NTCSV__c> ntcsvrecordslist =[SELECT ActPayAmt_Rs__c,ActPayDate__c,Actual_Pay_Mode__c,Carried_forward_bal_from_Previous_Montth__c,
        Total_Amount_Due_Rs__c,Type_Of_Utility__c FROM NTCSV__c where Order__r.id = :ordid];
        string csvhearder='ActPayAmt_Rs__c,ActPayDate__c,Actual_Pay_Mode__c,Carried_forward_bal_from_Previous_Montth__c,';

        string finalstr = csvhearder ;
        for(NTCSV__c nt:ntcsvrecordslist ){
            string recordString='"'+nt.ActPayAmt_Rs__c+'","'+nt.ActPayDate__c+'","'+nt.Actual_Pay_Mode__c+'","'+nt.Carried_forward_bal_from_Previous_Montth__c+'","';
            recordString=recordString+ nt.City__c+'","'+nt.ConnectionConsumerName__c+'","'+nt.ConnectionConsumerUniqueNumber__c+'","'+nt.Connection_City__c+'","'+nt.Connection_Country__c+'","'+nt.Connection_Pincode__c+'","';
            recordString=recordString+ nt.Connection_Since__c+'","'+nt.Connection_State__c+'","'+nt.Connection_Street__c+'","'+nt.Country__c+'","'+nt.CreatedById+'","'+nt.CreatedDate+'","'+nt.Current_Month_OS_Amount_Due_Rs__c+'","';
            recordString=recordString+ nt.DataProvided__c+'","'+nt.DueDate__c+'","'+nt.FFOrderNumber__c+'","'+nt.Id+'","'+nt.IsDeleted+'","'+nt.LastModifiedById+'","'+nt.LastModifiedDate+'","'+nt.LastReferencedDate+'","'+nt.LastViewedDate+'","';
            recordString=recordString+ nt.Loan_Applicant_City__c+'","'+nt.Loan_Applicant_Country__c+'","'+nt.Loan_Applicant_Email__c+'","'+nt.Loan_Applicant_Mobile__c+'","'+nt.Loan_Applicant_Name__c+'","';
            recordString=recordString+ nt.Loan_Applicant_PAN__c+'","'+nt.Loan_Applicant_Pin_Code__c+'","'+nt.Loan_Applicant_State__c+'","'+nt.Loan_Applicant_Street__c+'","'+nt.MandatoryPeriod__c+'","'+nt.MonthsBack__c+'","';
            recordString=recordString+ nt.Name+'","'+nt.Name_Of_Utility_Providing_Connection__c+'","'+nt.Order__c+'","'+nt.OwnerId+'","'+nt.Penalty_Amt_levied_in_Cur_Month_for_dela__c+'","'+nt.Period__c+'","'+nt.Pincode__c+'","';
            recordString=recordString+ nt.Relationship_with_Borrower__c+'","'+nt.Service_Discontinuity_Note_Negative__c+'","'+nt.State__c+'","'+nt.Street__c+'","'+nt.Subsidy_Deduction_Amount_Rs__c+'","'+nt.SystemModstamp+'","';
            recordString=recordString+ nt.Total_Amount_Due_Rs__c+'","'+nt.Type_Of_Utility__c+'"\n';
            finalstr = finalstr + recordString;
        Attachment attachment = new Attachment();
        attachment.Body = Blob.valueOf(finalstr);
        attachment.Name = 'csvFile.csv';
        attachment.ParentId =orderid;
        insert attachment;    