• babu Balagani
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Whenr ever I click on a button called "Capture" Webcam should be enabled and able to take snaps .

Please help me in this
Thanks in Advance
Rakesh Babu

BAIDU MAPS(china) intigration with salesforce.


Can any one provide me the steps and any javascript to run/ show the maps in VF page by using "BAIDU MAPS", because google is blocked in chaina.

Thanks in advance


Can any one provide me the steps and any javascript to run/ show the maps in VF page by using "BAIDU MAPS", because google is blocked in chaina.

Thanks in advance


2 users
same role & profile
User1 can able to search for Line order Items
User2 not able to search for Line Order Items

Can any give me Idea plz....!!

I am trying to insert 100 records through data loader.

Dataloading is failed.

In error excell file, In error column , I am not able to see any type of eroor.

In Error column its showing empty.

Can any help me why its showing empty values in error column in excel file when data loaded

Hi All,

By this code I am trying to do pagination.

list of records = 131.

when I am trying to click on (>>) button a nd imediately when I click on (<) button, it shown the error as: List index out of bounds: -69
please help me.

Thanks in advance

public List<wrapper> getInventories()
        if(StIndex == 0)
            fir = false;
            last = true;
            if (lstWrapper.size()==0){
            start_record = 0;
            else start_record = 1;
            total_records = lstWrapper.size();
                end_record = lstWrapper.size();
                last = false;
                last = true;
                end_record = totalNumberOfRecord;
        else if(EndIndex == lstWrapper.size()-1)
            fir = true;
            last = false;
            end_record =lstWrapper.size();
            fir = true;
            last = true;
        if(StIndex != -1 && EndIndex != -1)
            List<wrapper> lstW = new List<wrapper>();
            if(EndIndex > lstWrapper.size()-1)
                EndIndex = lstWrapper.size()-1;
            for(integer i=StIndex;i<=EndIndex;i++)
                lstW.add(lstWrapper[i]);   >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  error
            return lstW;
        return lstWrapper;
   public pagereference next()
              if(EndIndex == lstWrapper.size()-1){
                return null;
            StIndex = EndIndex+1;
            EndIndex = EndIndex + totalNumberOfRecord;
            if(EndIndex > lstWrapper.size()-1){
                EndIndex = lstWrapper.size()-1;
            system.debug('EndIndex -----'+EndIndex);
            return null;          
        public pagereference previous()
             if(StIndex == 0){
                return null;
            if(EndIndex < StIndex)
              StIndex = lstWrapper.size() - totalNumberOfRecord; 
            EndIndex = StIndex-1;
            StIndex = StIndex - totalNumberOfRecord;
            system.debug('EndIndex -----'+EndIndex);
            return null;
        public pagereference first()
             if(StIndex == 0){
                return null;
            StIndex = 0;
            if(EndIndex > lstWrapper.size()-1){
               EndIndex = lstWrapper.size()-1;
                EndIndex = totalNumberOfRecord-1;
            system.debug('EndIndex -----'+EndIndex);
            return null;    
        public pagereference last()
             if(EndIndex == lstWrapper.size()-1){
                return null;
            EndIndex = lstWrapper.size()-1;                        
            StIndex = lstWrapper.size()-totalNumberOfRecord;
            system.debug('EndIndex -----'+EndIndex);
            return null;   

My test classes are appearing in codecoverage box in developer console.
Previously I used to see only classes in codecoverage box , but now test classes are appearing. And showing Work_Test as 0%.
My Class is Work.
Test Class is Work_Test.
Both were appering in codecoverage box.

Whenr ever I click on a button called "Capture" Webcam should be enabled and able to take snaps .

Please help me in this
Thanks in Advance
Rakesh Babu

BAIDU MAPS(china) intigration with salesforce.


Can any one provide me the steps and any javascript to run/ show the maps in VF page by using "BAIDU MAPS", because google is blocked in chaina.

Thanks in advance


My test classes are appearing in codecoverage box in developer console.
Previously I used to see only classes in codecoverage box , but now test classes are appearing. And showing Work_Test as 0%.
My Class is Work.
Test Class is Work_Test.
Both were appering in codecoverage box.