• Gowkanapalli Janardhanreddy
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HI  I have test org in this i installed patch  version (1.6.1) package . in this test i created some records .after few day i created managed package 1.7 .this link when i go to test org i updated this managed package .but it is fail. it showing error.

Your request to install package "Musqot Winter 2015" was unsuccessful. None of the data or setup information in your salesforce.com organization was affected.
If your install continues to fail, contact Salesforce CRM Support through your normal channels and provide the following information.
 Number: 1589312480-289 (1239474104)
Hi  we are developing on APP, i wrote post install scrpit class and i created maneged package .this managed package(1.1) i installed in test org.it is working fine. Afteri upload betapackage, in this time i created custom setting object is  profile list.in this object i added all lanuages systemadmin profile names and  customprofile names as a fields  .and i uploaded managed package (1.2). 

this time i upgrade latest mangaed package in test org .all thing are worked and installed.   customsetting object profile list is also created but  that object fields are not instred in test org.

please help on this query.
Hi  i added join reports in package  i created custom reporttype also,this also i added in package but when i uploading package am getting unexcepted error ,any one help me
hi i have task standard object , in this object subject pick list field is there . there i created two custom values , after i upload a package , i install this package in test org ,after i checked task subject field values that two values not came . so it is manually it is not possible , so it think it is possible through post install script , if any knows help me this one
how to avoid dupliacte records based on owner name , and not show dupliacte owners in page block table .
can any one help me 
I have create two custom pick list values in task subject field . i created package i install in test org there what ever i created values that not coming in test org . i think it is possible for post install script . any one help me this task.
am uploading package in patch org then am getting this error ?

Button or Link New_Project This component depends on another component that is not included in this package. null

this new button url is :
Button or Link URL  https://eu2.salesforce.com/a0F/e?CF00Nb0000009aC1D={!musqot__Subproject__c.Name}&CF00Nb00000099VXV={!musqot__Subproject__c.musqot__Parent_project__c}&retURL=/{!musqot__Subproject__c.Id}

HI  Team,

I have one query in managed package , i developed one object for custom page in that page i add one custom button ,when user click that button i want add one custom field how is it can help any one?
We are trying to create “Approval Process” on post install script using InstallHnadler, since we can't add approval process to the package.  When we are installing this package it’s throwing an error saying that “Package Installation failed, Post install error.” and we are unable to debug the errors.

When we run same script in our organization it runs fine.

In this script we are making Webservices callouts to create ‘RemoteSiteSetting’ with package installed organization domain and a ‘Approval Process’.
HI Inthe above line am getting error when ever i sumit to secirity review report but that funcationality is fine but i checking in security review report am getting this error
public class Testcontroller{
    public string getsname(){
        return 'raj';
    public string Tname{get; set;}
    public Account acc{get; set;}
    public Testcontroller(){
        Tname = 'ram';
        acc = new Account();
        acc = [select id,name,phone from account where name='adf'];
    public void changeTname(){
            Tname = label.namet;
            Tname = label.label_val;
     public void accsave(){
             upsert acc;
     public pageReference googlepage(){
         //agereference p = new pagereference('/001/o');
         //pagereference p = new pagereference('/apex/Testpage1');
         pagereference p = page.Testpage1;
         p.getParameters().put('id', acc.id);
         p.getParameters().put('testb', 'fdsgs');
         return p;
Hi  i added join reports in package  i created custom reporttype also,this also i added in package but when i uploading package am getting unexcepted error ,any one help me
how to avoid dupliacte records based on owner name , and not show dupliacte owners in page block table .
can any one help me 
I have create two custom pick list values in task subject field . i created package i install in test org there what ever i created values that not coming in test org . i think it is possible for post install script . any one help me this task.
I'm trying to upload a new version of a beta package but am presented with an error.

483330937-1484 (-1117812399)