• arndt.karen
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I am working on the Process Builder challenge where I needed to create a process called, Case to Escalate on High Priority.  It is updating the status field and sending an email to the case owner.  When I ask Trail Head to check my challenge I am getting the following:

Challenge not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'Case Escalate on High Priority' Workflow rule was not found. Either it was not created, not associated with Case, or not activated.

What should I do?

Hi Trailheaders!  Has anyone completed the Challenge for the "Automated Time-Based Actions with Workflow" section.

I am getting this reason: The 'Set Case to Escalated' Workflow field update action was not found

It states in the Challenge: NOTE: Since Workflow rules only fire on record save, normally you would implement this with a time-triggered workflow action...so I created it as a Time-Based action.

User-added image

Has anyone completed this Challenge successfully?

I'm interested in reccommendations/input on freelancers with proven salesforce experience, either within the community or operating on sites like Elance/Odesk, Freelancer, etc. for future small to mid-sized projects.  Nothing concrete at the moment, but I'd like to assemble a go-to roster of sorts for future reference concerning people with web design, mobile app design, and API/Web-Services implementation.  I'd prefer operators with a measurable track record, either with recorded rankings on the sites mentioned, a reviewable portfolio of completed projects, etc. if anyone had any suggestions or could point me in the direction of some sort of repository which may have the information I'm interested in.