• Abhik Saha
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If you look at the general approach to write a batch, it asks to implement the Batchable interface. The sample code is like this -
global class Accountupdate implements Database.Batchable<sObject> 
Here, one thing is absurd - what is the use of datatype sObject in the interface name? Can we write an interface like this?
Also, Salesforce doc says you need to implement start method -
global (Database.QueryLocator | Iterable<sObject>) start(Database.BatchableContext bc) {}
But in an interface how can you define a method with 2 return types? Again, when you actually implement this, you are implementing with just any one of these return types - Database.QueryLocator or Iterable<sObject>. How does this work?

In a nutshell, how has salesforce written the Batchable interface?
Salesforce provides Limits.getHeapSize() to check the heap memory usage within a batch. But I want a way (that can be a complex way, no issue) to track this from outside of the batch. You can consider this as an admin process which is trying to monitor the running batch over a time period. We get job Id etc for the running batches. can we use that? I saw the REST API call for Limits is not useful for this scenario, as it returns a general/overall metrics.​
Hi, I am thinking to host my application in Heroku using work dynos. My application would call a number of API calls, that might cross the API call limit per user in Heroku. Moreover the communicated request and response data may also cross the cache limit. As I can develop both heroku app and the API, I need to know system information of a dyno, at the level of API calls. In other words, I need to know when an API is called, how long does it take to return, how much memory is used during sending a request and getting a response. How can I know all these informations? What are the commands? And is there any limitation to know these in demo version?
If you look at the general approach to write a batch, it asks to implement the Batchable interface. The sample code is like this -
global class Accountupdate implements Database.Batchable<sObject> 
Here, one thing is absurd - what is the use of datatype sObject in the interface name? Can we write an interface like this?
Also, Salesforce doc says you need to implement start method -
global (Database.QueryLocator | Iterable<sObject>) start(Database.BatchableContext bc) {}
But in an interface how can you define a method with 2 return types? Again, when you actually implement this, you are implementing with just any one of these return types - Database.QueryLocator or Iterable<sObject>. How does this work?

In a nutshell, how has salesforce written the Batchable interface?
I have following scenario to be implemented. 

The screen will ask the user how many no of contact it wants to create for an account.
Based on the input number, Contact screen has to be interated in a loop. So the loop collection variable should have same no of element equal to the number entered by user in forst screen.Any pointer how can I achieve this?

Now I am not finding any way to set the collection variable the number element I want to create contacts.

Any help is welcomed.
Hello Helper

I wowuld like  to create  an  attchment  in an apex  code

I have a List<String>   variable  n my apex  and I want  somehow  to save the strings  in a file  and attach it  to a custom object

I  know the attachment  object  and I know  I can  link this  object  with another custom object

what I do not know  is how  to add my  data  to the attachment object

I sew the field  Body  of  the Attachment  object  but I do not know  how  to  pass my  string list data  to the body

any advice is appreciated

Best  Regards

  • January 30, 2014
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Hi All,


Is there any possibility of setting Apex Batch Size in Batch Apex. If so where would I have to specify that and is it possible to increase the batch size to more than 200. 


Thanks in Advance, 





  • September 08, 2010
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