• Ruben Smith 2
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  • Member since 2015
  • Sales Ops Manager

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I have a custom object called Contracts - on the account object, I have a lookup to the Contracts object. 
I would like to have a custom button on my custom Contracts object that will allow me to relate many accounts to this contract. 

I am trying to find a way to open a case each time a custom record is edited to only meet certain criteria. I have the process setup in a manner that when certain criteria is met, a case is opened - the tircky part is for a case to open only when a certain field value is changed:
For example -
  1. Order ABC is created and the necessary criteria is met - Action: Open the case. (this part works)
  2. Order ABC is modified and only irrelevant fields are changed - Action: Do not open a Case (need help)
  3. Order ABC is modified and value in field XYZ is updated - Action Open new Case (need help).
    • ​​#3 should continue to open new cases as long as the value in field XYZ is changed.
Help please!!
Hey dev com...

Looking for the best solution to populate a field based on the Account State/ZIP.
Maybe a formula field with a CASE statement? Maybe a workflow? Process Builder?

For example;   If Account Billing State = MI and Account Billing PostalCode starts with 465 or 466 or 467 or 434, then label the field "Great  Lakes" sales area.


I need a month by month graph of total orders split out by number of first time customers vs. repeat customers,  displayed in a side by side bar graph ...how would you do it?
Hello all, 
I am preparing to write my first trigger... I would like to accomplish the follwing:
When the Opportunity is won, based on selection from opportunity stage picklist, I would like to upate the Account Status, also a picklist. 


Ruben A. Smith
I have a custom object called Contracts - on the account object, I have a lookup to the Contracts object. 
I would like to have a custom button on my custom Contracts object that will allow me to relate many accounts to this contract. 


I need a month by month graph of total orders split out by number of first time customers vs. repeat customers,  displayed in a side by side bar graph ...how would you do it?
Hello all, 
I am preparing to write my first trigger... I would like to accomplish the follwing:
When the Opportunity is won, based on selection from opportunity stage picklist, I would like to upate the Account Status, also a picklist. 


Ruben A. Smith