• pranoti patil
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i have one object which contains 20 lacks of records with each record having 2 r more attachments, i need those records and attachments to copy another object, every thing is done except attachments can anybody suggest me.
Hello All,

I need an urgent help as my miletone timer has stopped and it is showing me the same time even if I refresh the page after 5 minutes. I have tested the same into my Developer Org and it is working fine. I also checked for the stopped button and it is set to false. Also, I am damn sure that no oine has changed the setting into Sandbox Instance.

Please help me:)
Amit Singh
I want to count number of times a particular field called abholort is repeated and display it in the vf page table.
public List<String> ShowSuggestions = new List<String>();

    public List<String> getSuggestions() {
        ShowSuggestions =  [select Abholort__c, COUNT(Name)  from Fahrzeuge__c
                            GROUP BY  Abholort__c ]; 
        return ShowSuggestions;               
VF page
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Suggestions}" var="showsugg"   >
                     <apex:column value="{!showsugg.COUNT(Name)}"  />  
                     <apex:column value="{!showsugg.Abholort__c}"  /> 
I am getting an error of Illegal assignment from list to list. Can anybody let me know where am I wrong.


i have one object which contains 20 lacks of records with each record having 2 r more attachments, i need those records and attachments to copy another object, every thing is done except attachments can anybody suggest me.
I have a batch Apex job that was failing however I did not get any error emails even though I have got myself set up to receive 'Apex Exception Email'  Any ideas on how to set up proper alerting for this or why this did not work? 
Can some one provide me the code to open the milestone. I have triged the code and getting the error that you can not change the completion date of milestone that already exited the entitlement process.
public static void reopenMilestone(List<Id> caseIds, String milestoneName, DateTime complDate, Map<Id, String> case_Map) {
    System.debug('#### complDate = '+complDate);
    List<Case> caseList = new List<Case>();
    List<Entitlement> ent = [Select Id From Entitlement LIMIT 1];
    List<CaseMilestone> cmsToUpdate = [select Id, startDate, completionDate,MileStoneTypeId, caseId from CaseMilestone cm where caseId in :caseIds and cm.MilestoneType.Name=:milestoneName limit 1];
    if (cmsToUpdate.isEmpty() == false){
        for (CaseMilestone cm : cmsToUpdate){
            cm.completionDate = null;
            cm.startDate = System.now();
        System.debug('#### cmsToUpdate = '+cmsToUpdate);
        System.debug('#### caseList = '+caseList);
        runOnce = true;
        update cmsToUpdate;
Please help me.
AMit SIngh
Hello All,

I need an urgent help as my miletone timer has stopped and it is showing me the same time even if I refresh the page after 5 minutes. I have tested the same into my Developer Org and it is working fine. I also checked for the stopped button and it is set to false. Also, I am damn sure that no oine has changed the setting into Sandbox Instance.

Please help me:)
Amit Singh

Hi Everyone,
       I am looking for a solution for the following problem.


There is an object called "Test Object". It has 13 fields in total. Let's annotate them F1-F10 (ALL CHECKBOXES)  and U1-U3 (All user lookups).

OWD: Public Read/Write
All Profiles (except Admin): Read Only on Record and only F1-F5 are visible, F6-F10 are hidden.
Super User: Read/Write (using permission set on all fields F1-F10 AND U1-U3)

Now as per the requirement, whenever the super user edits a record and adds U1,U2,U3 to it 2 things should happen:

1. U1,U2,U3 should get Read/Write on Record (done this by Apex sharing).
2. U1,U2,U3 should get access to all fields : Specially F6-F10 that are hidden by default due to profiles.

Is there a way to show fields (that are hidden at profile level) to U1,U2 and U3 only  on a record by record basis.

Please let me know. Thanks.


I want to count number of times a particular field called abholort is repeated and display it in the vf page table.
public List<String> ShowSuggestions = new List<String>();

    public List<String> getSuggestions() {
        ShowSuggestions =  [select Abholort__c, COUNT(Name)  from Fahrzeuge__c
                            GROUP BY  Abholort__c ]; 
        return ShowSuggestions;               
VF page
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Suggestions}" var="showsugg"   >
                     <apex:column value="{!showsugg.COUNT(Name)}"  />  
                     <apex:column value="{!showsugg.Abholort__c}"  /> 
I am getting an error of Illegal assignment from list to list. Can anybody let me know where am I wrong.


Howdy Salesforce developers
I'm getting this error often. I'm running my batches in queue.
Any one have any idea how can we prevent this error. This error occur when Single record try to update by 2 jobs at same time.

Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id a145000000C6g5HAAR; first error: UNABLE_TO_LOCK_ROW, unable to obtain exclusive access to this record or 1 records: a145000000C6g5HAAR: []
User-added image
I need a query , when i query i want to get rectly created records , i.e c3 and c6 contacts only i need.
How shall write query.
Could please hel me

Hi Everyone,
       I am looking for a solution for the following problem.


There is an object called "Test Object". It has 13 fields in total. Let's annotate them F1-F10 (ALL CHECKBOXES)  and U1-U3 (All user lookups).

OWD: Public Read/Write
All Profiles (except Admin): Read Only on Record and only F1-F5 are visible, F6-F10 are hidden.
Super User: Read/Write (using permission set on all fields F1-F10 AND U1-U3)

Now as per the requirement, whenever the super user edits a record and adds U1,U2,U3 to it 2 things should happen:

1. U1,U2,U3 should get Read/Write on Record (done this by Apex sharing).
2. U1,U2,U3 should get access to all fields : Specially F6-F10 that are hidden by default due to profiles.

Is there a way to show fields (that are hidden at profile level) to U1,U2 and U3 only  on a record by record basis.

Please let me know. Thanks.