• Shiva Kumar 82
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Is there a way to insert data into a custom field of type text via SOAP or REST API.
Do we have any endpoints/header/body. 
The custom field will be under a custom object say Mycustomobject__c --> MyCustomField__c
I am not able to find SforceService class in enterprise wsdl as well as partner wsdl version 34.

Has anyone been able to use this version ?
How to create a user account using c# in salesforce.
Which API to be used ?
Is there a way to insert data into a custom field of type text via SOAP or REST API.
Do we have any endpoints/header/body. 
The custom field will be under a custom object say Mycustomobject__c --> MyCustomField__c



  I am new to SalesForce and Am newbie learning Visual Force and Apex Codding. I created a new custom object with name customer_details_c and desinged a page using visual force. 


 In customer_details_c object it has First_Name_c and Last_Name_c as two custom fields. 


 Now My requirement is to create a class or controller to insert the data into customer_details_c object. Please suggest me know. How to write the class or controler with an example. 




I am newbie. I want to create a user with SOAP Partner WSDL. Here are steps I’ve already taken:


-       Downloaded the partner WSDL

-       Reference that file in Virtual Studio 2010


Now can you give me an example code that create a new user using C# and how I can use “using” statement to import salesforce names spaces.


Thanks a lot

  • October 16, 2012
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