• Nitish Kumar
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Is there an API which we can use to get Production organization Id from a Sandbox ?
We have a connected app which we are using for our community users. We want to use Vidyard in the connected app , but since vidyard only works in SF1 connected app and not in any other connected app, We are trying to do a re-authentication into salesforce for using Vidyard. 
We would like to know if we can use the connected app Session ID to bypass or automatically login into Communities browser view.

Any help would be much appreciated
I am trying to create a flexipage which has visualforce page inside it. Deploying the flexipage with workbench is throwing an error Invalid component [flexipage:visualforcePage]: missing required property [pageName]. I have already have added the pageName property.My visualforce page and the package.xml is at API version 32.

Here is the Flexipage code.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<FlexiPage xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata"> 
     <componentName pageName ='VFPageAPIName' label = 'VFPageAPILabel'>flexipage:visualforcePage</componentName>
     <masterLabel>Feedback Flexipage</masterLabel>

And here is the package.xml 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Package xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata">

Will appreciate any help 

We have created an ios app with Salesforce SDK. We are facing time out issue after 12 hours , the APP freezes and needs to be reinstalled again. The app is built for community users and we would like that once the user has logged in , it should remain logged in like Salesforce 1.

Can anyone suggest what could be the possible cause of this issue. 

Thanks in Advance
We have a connected app which we are using for our community users. We want to use Vidyard in the connected app , but since vidyard only works in SF1 connected app and not in any other connected app, We are trying to do a re-authentication into salesforce for using Vidyard. 
We would like to know if we can use the connected app Session ID to bypass or automatically login into Communities browser view.

Any help would be much appreciated
We have a connected app which we are using for our community users. We want to use Vidyard in the connected app , but since vidyard only works in SF1 connected app and not in any other connected app, We are trying to do a re-authentication into salesforce for using Vidyard. 
We would like to know if we can use the connected app Session ID to bypass or automatically login into Communities browser view.

Any help would be much appreciated
I am trying to create a flexipage which has visualforce page inside it. Deploying the flexipage with workbench is throwing an error Invalid component [flexipage:visualforcePage]: missing required property [pageName]. I have already have added the pageName property.My visualforce page and the package.xml is at API version 32.

Here is the Flexipage code.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<FlexiPage xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata"> 
     <componentName pageName ='VFPageAPIName' label = 'VFPageAPILabel'>flexipage:visualforcePage</componentName>
     <masterLabel>Feedback Flexipage</masterLabel>

And here is the package.xml 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Package xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata">

Will appreciate any help 
Hi Experts,
I have a requirement to send email to a recient when a batch job gets failed. I want to test it from Developer console. Please help.

  • July 21, 2015
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Hi All,

I have the below Trigger which updates a Guest(Object) Email ID when the Contact(Object) Email ID is updated. The Error now is Im getting an Apex Time Limit Exceeded Error,As the Number of Guests is more for a single contact it is not able to change the email id to all the related guests email id.ie)not able to update the email id of all the guests associated with the single contact so the time limit exceeded error.

Please suggest ways to Support this for many Records. In a way to bulkify.
rigger CopycontactAddressToguestAddress on contact (after update) {
    Map<Id, String> m = new Map<Id, String>();
for (contact c : Trigger.new) {

        contact old = Trigger.oldMap.get(c.Id);
 if (c.Email != old.Email) {
            m.put(c.Id, c.Email);
    if (m.size() > 0) {
        Guest_New__c[] guests = [
                select Id, contact__c
                from Guest_New__c
                where contact__c in :m.keySet()
        for (Guest_New__c c : guests) {
            c.Email__c = m.get(c.Contact__c);
        update guests;

Hi 2all
i want to make a validation rule on Open Activities(standard) - at New Event. I want  to make a rule  who restrict me  to save two events on the same date (year/month/day) same hour....on the same agent.

I'm trying to create a dynamic filter where the user can select any fields from a SObject to filter the data (something like the lookup filters). It is working fine, however, the below scenario throws an error:
If the inputField is having a previous value selected (say a String) and I selected a DateTime field in the filter, it tried to convert the string into DateTime and throwing a error. Below is the line in question:
<apex:inputField value="{!inputObj[FieldName]}" required="false" rendered="true" style="width:50%"/>
Getting the below error:.
Error: Value 'Provisional' cannot be converted from Text to DateTime
FieldName refers to the field API name. Any ideas on how to solve this would be very much appreciated.

Hi this is my wrapper class.
Here i am getting the error like : Unknown property 'WrapperClassProcessSelectedclass.Wrapperclass.name'
please help me.
public class WrapperClassProcessSelectedclass {

   public list<Wrapperclass> Wrapperactlst1 {get; set;}
    public list<account> Selectedaccounts {get; set;}
    public WrapperClassProcessSelectedclass (){
            Wrapperactlst1  = new list<Wrapperclass>();
            for(account acc : [select id, name, billingcity, phone from account ])
            Wrapperactlst1.add(new wrapperclass(acc));
        public void process (){
        Selectedaccounts  = new list<account>();
            for(Wrapperclass wra : Wrapperactlst1 ){
                if(wra.isselected == true)
    public class Wrapperclass {
        public account acc {get; set;}
        public boolean isselected {get;set;}
        public Wrapperclass(account   a){
            acc =  a;
            isselected = false;

Thanks and regards,
Anji reddy