• Dave Tomkinson
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Hello All
I am trying the exercise "Implementing Global Actions with Visualforce Pages" in the trailhead module module.  
The exercise mentioned "Your users have asked for a quick way to share information about themselves with their clients from their mobile phone. Create a global action in Salesforce1 to display information similar to a user's business card (first and last name, email, phone, and title).
The global action must be labeled 'My Business Card'.
The global action must reference a Visualforce page named 'BusinessCard'.

I have created the global action and named with the label correctly as "My Business Card".  However, I am now getting an error as below
"Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'My Business Card' global action wasn't found."

We cannot create an action with the name having spaces as in "My Business Card".   

What am I doing incorrectly.  Please suggest.