• Andrew Wolder
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   I want to embed a lightning app inside a visual force page, and I have read that it is supported, yet cannot get it to work.  I followed the guide here: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.198.0.lightning.meta/lightning/components_visualforce.htm, and replicated their code example exaclty in my org.  I created the example app using the developer console, and validated that it exists.  Does anyone have any working code examples to show how I can get this to work?



Hi All,
    I am having an issue, which I haven't been able to solve.  in my Apex controller, I have a defined a public class as follows:
public class ContactsAndUser {
        public String userName      {get; set;}
        public String userEmail     {get; set;}
        public String userId        {get; set;}
        public String conImage      {get; set;}
        public String role          {get; set;}

I am populating this class from a soql query into an array as follows ( The idea is to populate the List ContactList from users from the Case Object, Opportunity, User, and Contact Object to make a list of everyone associated wtih a deal ):

list<ContactsAndUser> contactList       = new list<ContactsAndUser>();  
              ContactsAndUser newUser = new ContactsAndUser();
              newUser.userEmail    = ownerInfo[0].Email;
              newUser.userName     = ownerInfo[0].Name;
              newUser.userId       = ownerInfo[0].Id;
              newUser.conImage     = ownerInfo[0].SmallPhotoUrl;
              newUser.role         = '[ Case Owner ]';

When i debug the function (system.debug('LIGHTNING DEBUG ' + contactList);) I see a populated result in the logs, however, the result items are enclosed in [] square brackets instead of {}. i.e. LIGHTNING DEBUG (ContactsAndUser:[conImage=https://ciscosales--gve--c.xx.content.force.com/profilephoto/005/T, role=[ Case Owner ], userEmail=email=example.com@example.com, userId=00580000007IKULAA4, userName=Leads & Prospects Management Site Guest User])
In this example above, the response.getReturnValue() on my lightning event comes back empty.

If I run the same against the standard opportunity or case object as follows:

List<Opportunity> opportunities =
                [SELECT Id, Name, CloseDate FROM Opportunity];
        system.debug('LIGHTNING DEBUG ' + opportunities);
        return opportunities;
I notice the debug log returns the result encapulated in {} curly brackets instead of square brackets, and the result is returned in the response.getReturnValue() event.

Sorry for the very detailed description of the issue, but hoping for some input so I can get this working.

Best Regards,

   I cannot login to developer.salesforce.com, with my company salesforce account.  It redirects to a 500 server error page.  I can login using my company account, to our regular salesforce instance, as well as the success.salesforce.com site, etc with no problem. Ou company uses our own oauth2 single sign on system. I am logged in now using my lightning preview account, but that will time out in 30 days, and i want the my trailhead credits to be associated with my company account.  Can anyone help fix this?



   I want to embed a lightning app inside a visual force page, and I have read that it is supported, yet cannot get it to work.  I followed the guide here: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.198.0.lightning.meta/lightning/components_visualforce.htm, and replicated their code example exaclty in my org.  I created the example app using the developer console, and validated that it exists.  Does anyone have any working code examples to show how I can get this to work?



Hi All,
    I am having an issue, which I haven't been able to solve.  in my Apex controller, I have a defined a public class as follows:
public class ContactsAndUser {
        public String userName      {get; set;}
        public String userEmail     {get; set;}
        public String userId        {get; set;}
        public String conImage      {get; set;}
        public String role          {get; set;}

I am populating this class from a soql query into an array as follows ( The idea is to populate the List ContactList from users from the Case Object, Opportunity, User, and Contact Object to make a list of everyone associated wtih a deal ):

list<ContactsAndUser> contactList       = new list<ContactsAndUser>();  
              ContactsAndUser newUser = new ContactsAndUser();
              newUser.userEmail    = ownerInfo[0].Email;
              newUser.userName     = ownerInfo[0].Name;
              newUser.userId       = ownerInfo[0].Id;
              newUser.conImage     = ownerInfo[0].SmallPhotoUrl;
              newUser.role         = '[ Case Owner ]';

When i debug the function (system.debug('LIGHTNING DEBUG ' + contactList);) I see a populated result in the logs, however, the result items are enclosed in [] square brackets instead of {}. i.e. LIGHTNING DEBUG (ContactsAndUser:[conImage=https://ciscosales--gve--c.xx.content.force.com/profilephoto/005/T, role=[ Case Owner ], userEmail=email=example.com@example.com, userId=00580000007IKULAA4, userName=Leads & Prospects Management Site Guest User])
In this example above, the response.getReturnValue() on my lightning event comes back empty.

If I run the same against the standard opportunity or case object as follows:

List<Opportunity> opportunities =
                [SELECT Id, Name, CloseDate FROM Opportunity];
        system.debug('LIGHTNING DEBUG ' + opportunities);
        return opportunities;
I notice the debug log returns the result encapulated in {} curly brackets instead of square brackets, and the result is returned in the response.getReturnValue() event.

Sorry for the very detailed description of the issue, but hoping for some input so I can get this working.

Best Regards,

Hi good people,
I'm building a Lightning Experience prototype for the desktop.
I have placed a Lightning component on the Opportunity detail page. This component will display the results of a server-side query that uses the Opportunity id (and other Opportunity data) as filters in the query.
The component is linked to an Apex class (controller="xxx") and implements force:recordTab.
How do I pass details of the Opportunity record through to the Apex class?
Thanks in advance!
  • September 16, 2015
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