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DML operation failing in trigger
hello all,
I am writing a trigger that sums up the invoice balances from a managed package object Zuora__ZInvoice__c custom field(Zuora__Balance2__c) to a field open_balance__c on the account. I wrote a corresponnding test class for the same and my test classes assertion method is failing. Am not sure why DML operation is failing.
trigger UpdateOpenBalance on Zuora__ZInvoice__c (after insert, after update) {
Set<Id> Acc = new Set<Id>();
List<account> ade = new List<account>();
for(Zuora__ZInvoice__c zi : trigger.new){
else if (Trigger.isUpdate){
List<Account> AccountsImpacted = [SELECT Id,Open_Balance__c FROM Account WHERE Id IN :Acc];
List<Zuora__ZInvoice__c> Invoices = [SELECT Id,Zuora__Balance2__c,Zuora__Account__c FROM Zuora__ZInvoice__c WHERE Zuora__Account__c IN:AccountsImpacted];
Set<Zuora__ZInvoice__c>InvToAdd = new Set<Zuora__ZInvoice__c>();
for(Zuora__ZInvoice__c inv : Invoices){
if(AccountsImpacted.size() > 0){
for( Account a : AccountsImpacted){
a.Open_Balance__c = 0.00;
for( Zuora__ZInvoice__c zd : InvToAdd){
a.Open_Balance__c = a.Open_Balance__c + zd.Zuora__Balance2__c ;
update ade ;
Apex Test Class
@istest(SeeAllData = true)
public class TestUpdateOpenBalance{
public static testmethod void UpdateOpenBalance(){
Account a = new Account();
// a.RecordType = 'Client';
a.name = 'Test Account';
a.Type_of_Client__c = 'Commercial';
insert a;
Profile profileId = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'Standard User' LIMIT 1];
User u = new User();
u.LastName = 'Test Code';
u.Email = 'test@test.com';
u.Alias = 'Tcode';
u.Username = 'ramupdhay@chatopadhay.com';
u.CommunityNickname = 'test12';
u.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US';
u.TimeZoneSidKey = 'GMT';
u.ProfileID = profileId.id;
u.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
u.EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8';
insert u;
a.CS_Primary__c = u.id;
update a;
Zuora__CustomerAccount__c ba = new Zuora__CustomerAccount__c();
ba.name = 'Test Test';
ba.Zuora__Account__c = a.id;
ba.Zuora__Credit_Balance__c = 10.00;
insert ba;
Zuora__ZInvoice__c zi = new Zuora__ZInvoice__c();
zi.Name = 'Test Invoice';
zi.Zuora__Account__c = a.id;
zi.Zuora__Balance2__c = 10.00;
insert zi;
zi.Zuora__Balance2__c = 20.00;
update zi;
I am writing a trigger that sums up the invoice balances from a managed package object Zuora__ZInvoice__c custom field(Zuora__Balance2__c) to a field open_balance__c on the account. I wrote a corresponnding test class for the same and my test classes assertion method is failing. Am not sure why DML operation is failing.
trigger UpdateOpenBalance on Zuora__ZInvoice__c (after insert, after update) {
Set<Id> Acc = new Set<Id>();
List<account> ade = new List<account>();
for(Zuora__ZInvoice__c zi : trigger.new){
else if (Trigger.isUpdate){
List<Account> AccountsImpacted = [SELECT Id,Open_Balance__c FROM Account WHERE Id IN :Acc];
List<Zuora__ZInvoice__c> Invoices = [SELECT Id,Zuora__Balance2__c,Zuora__Account__c FROM Zuora__ZInvoice__c WHERE Zuora__Account__c IN:AccountsImpacted];
Set<Zuora__ZInvoice__c>InvToAdd = new Set<Zuora__ZInvoice__c>();
for(Zuora__ZInvoice__c inv : Invoices){
if(AccountsImpacted.size() > 0){
for( Account a : AccountsImpacted){
a.Open_Balance__c = 0.00;
for( Zuora__ZInvoice__c zd : InvToAdd){
a.Open_Balance__c = a.Open_Balance__c + zd.Zuora__Balance2__c ;
update ade ;
Apex Test Class
@istest(SeeAllData = true)
public class TestUpdateOpenBalance{
public static testmethod void UpdateOpenBalance(){
Account a = new Account();
// a.RecordType = 'Client';
a.name = 'Test Account';
a.Type_of_Client__c = 'Commercial';
insert a;
Profile profileId = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'Standard User' LIMIT 1];
User u = new User();
u.LastName = 'Test Code';
u.Email = 'test@test.com';
u.Alias = 'Tcode';
u.Username = 'ramupdhay@chatopadhay.com';
u.CommunityNickname = 'test12';
u.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US';
u.TimeZoneSidKey = 'GMT';
u.ProfileID = profileId.id;
u.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
u.EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8';
insert u;
a.CS_Primary__c = u.id;
update a;
Zuora__CustomerAccount__c ba = new Zuora__CustomerAccount__c();
ba.name = 'Test Test';
ba.Zuora__Account__c = a.id;
ba.Zuora__Credit_Balance__c = 10.00;
insert ba;
Zuora__ZInvoice__c zi = new Zuora__ZInvoice__c();
zi.Name = 'Test Invoice';
zi.Zuora__Account__c = a.id;
zi.Zuora__Balance2__c = 10.00;
insert zi;
zi.Zuora__Balance2__c = 20.00;
update zi;
- Shivani Desai 13
- April 13, 2017
- Like
- 0
Test class unable to enter a for loop
Hi All.
My business logic needs me to update the value of the highest package name associated to an account. This package name is listed on my custom product object. I wrote a trigger on product that checks for the product value and updates the account. But the test class is not entering the product loop no matter what I do and neither is my test percentage increasing.
trigger UpdatePackageName on Product__c (after insert,after update) {
List<Product__c> pack = new list<product__c>();
List<Account>acc = new list<account>();
List<Account>act = new list<account>();
List<Id>at = new list<Id>();
for( product__c pro: trigger.new){
if (pro.Product_Family__c == 'SiteCompli NY'){
if( pro.Product__c != 'FDNY Compliance'){
if(pro.Opportunity_Account__c!= null){
acc= [SELECT Id, Package_Name__c FROM Account WHERE ID IN :at];
for(Account a: acc){
for( product__c pr: pack){
if(pr.Product_Family__c == 'SiteCompli NY'){
if(pr.Product__c != 'FDNY Compliance'){
if(pr.Opportunity_Account__r.id == a.id){
if(a.package_name__c != pr.Product__c){
if(pr.product__c =='Platinum'&& a.package_name__c!='Platinum'){
a.package_name__c = 'Platinum';
else if(pr.product__c == 'Gold' && a.package_name__c!='Platinum'){
a.package_name__c = 'Gold';
else if(pr.product__c == 'Silver'&& (a.package_name__c!='Platinum'||a.package_name__c!='Gold')){
a.package_name__c = 'Silver';
else if(a.package_name__c == 'Grandfather - SC'||a.package_name__c == 'Grandfather - ENY'){
a.package_name__c = pr.product__c;
update act;
Test Class:
@istest(SeeAllData = true)
public class TestUpdatePackageNameanything{
public static testmethod void testUpdatePackageName (){
Profile profileId = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'Standard User' LIMIT 1];
Profile Prof = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'System Administrator' LIMIT 1];
User u = new User();
u.LastName = 'Test Code';
u.Email = 'test@test.com';
u.Alias = 'Tcode';
u.Username = 'ramupdhay@chatopadhay.com';
u.CommunityNickname = 'test12';
u.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US';
u.TimeZoneSidKey = 'GMT';
u.ProfileID = profileId.id;
u.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
u.EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8';
insert u;
User ut = new User();
ut.LastName = 'Worm';
ut.Email = 'test@gmail.com';
ut.Alias = 'Tworm';
ut.Username = 'test@worm.com';
ut.CommunityNickname = 'testworm12';
ut.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US';
ut.TimeZoneSidKey = 'GMT';
ut.ProfileID = profileId.id;
ut.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
ut.EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8';
insert ut;
Account a = new account(name='Test Account',Sales_Associate__c=ut.id,Sales_Owner__c=u.id,package_name__c='');
insert a;
Id abc = a.id;
Contact c = new contact(firstname = 'Test',lastname = 'McAllister',accountId=a.id);
insert c;
Opportunity O = new Opportunity(name = 'Test Opportunity', CloseDate = date.newInstance(2016,7,12),StageName='Needs Analysis');
O.AccountId = a.id;
O.primary_contact__c= c.id;
insert O;
Product__c p = new product__c(Product__c = 'Gold',Product_Family__c = 'Sitecompli NY',Billing_Frequency__c = 'Annually',Term_Length_Months__c = 12,Total_Commitment_Amount__c=400.00,Commitment_Terms__c='Specific', Opportunity__c = o.id, Contract_Start_Date__c = date.newInstance(2017,2,1),First_Bill_Date__c = date.newInstance(2017,2,1),auto_renew__c = true) ;
insert p;
p.Opportunity_Account__c = abc;
update p;
// p.Opportunity_Primary_Contact__c = c.id;
Product__c pt = new product__c(Product__c = 'Silver',Product_Family__c = 'Sitecompli NY',Billing_Frequency__c = 'Annually',Term_Length_Months__c = 12,Total_Commitment_Amount__c=400.00,Commitment_Terms__c='Specific', Opportunity__c = o.id, Contract_Start_Date__c = date.newInstance(2017,2,1),First_Bill_Date__c = date.newInstance(2017,2,1)) ;
insert pt;
p.Opportunity_Account__c = abc;
update pt;
O.StageName = 'Closed/Won';
update o;
p.product__c = 'Silver';
update p;
update pt;
public static testmethod void testUpdatePackageName1 (){
Profile profileId = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'Standard User' LIMIT 1];
Profile Prof = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'System Administrator' LIMIT 1];
User u = new User();
u.LastName = 'Test Code';
u.Email = 'test@test.com';
u.Alias = 'Tcode';
u.Username = 'ramupdhay@chatopadhay.com';
u.CommunityNickname = 'test12';
u.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US';
u.TimeZoneSidKey = 'GMT';
u.ProfileID = profileId.id;
u.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
u.EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8';
insert u;
User ut = new User();
ut.LastName = 'Worm';
ut.Email = 'test@gmail.com';
ut.Alias = 'Tworm';
ut.Username = 'test@worm.com';
ut.CommunityNickname = 'testworm12';
ut.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US';
ut.TimeZoneSidKey = 'GMT';
ut.ProfileID = profileId.id;
ut.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
ut.EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8';
insert ut;
Account ab = new account(name='Test Account',Sales_Associate__c=ut.id,Sales_Owner__c=u.id,package_name__c='Platinum');
insert ab;
Id abd = ab.id;
Contact c = new contact(firstname = 'Test',lastname = 'McAllister',accountId=ab.id);
insert c;
Opportunity Opp = new Opportunity(name = 'Test Opportunity', CloseDate = date.newInstance(2016,7,12),StageName='Closed/Won');
Opp.AccountId = ab.id;
Opp.primary_contact__c= c.id;
insert Opp;
Product__c pr = new product__c(Product__c = 'Platinum',Canceled_Date__c=null,Product_Family__c = 'Sitecompli NY',Billing_Frequency__c = 'Annually',Term_Length_Months__c = 12,Total_Commitment_Amount__c=400.00,Commitment_Terms__c='Specific', Opportunity__c = opp.id,First_Bill_Date__c = date.newInstance(2017,2,1)) ;
insert pr;
pr.Opportunity_Account__c = abd;
update pr;
Product__c prt = new product__c(Product__c = 'FDNY Compliance',Product_Family__c = 'Sitecompli NY',Billing_Frequency__c = 'Annually',Term_Length_Months__c = 12,Total_Commitment_Amount__c=400.00,Commitment_Terms__c='Specific', Opportunity__c = opp.id,First_Bill_Date__c = date.newInstance(2017,2,1)) ;
insert prt;
update prt;
The test coverage is stopping at if(pro.Opportunity_Account__c != null) which is a lookup field that associates the account with product. Have been trying to get this to work for 2-3 days now and nothing works. Please HELP!
My business logic needs me to update the value of the highest package name associated to an account. This package name is listed on my custom product object. I wrote a trigger on product that checks for the product value and updates the account. But the test class is not entering the product loop no matter what I do and neither is my test percentage increasing.
trigger UpdatePackageName on Product__c (after insert,after update) {
List<Product__c> pack = new list<product__c>();
List<Account>acc = new list<account>();
List<Account>act = new list<account>();
List<Id>at = new list<Id>();
for( product__c pro: trigger.new){
if (pro.Product_Family__c == 'SiteCompli NY'){
if( pro.Product__c != 'FDNY Compliance'){
if(pro.Opportunity_Account__c!= null){
acc= [SELECT Id, Package_Name__c FROM Account WHERE ID IN :at];
for(Account a: acc){
for( product__c pr: pack){
if(pr.Product_Family__c == 'SiteCompli NY'){
if(pr.Product__c != 'FDNY Compliance'){
if(pr.Opportunity_Account__r.id == a.id){
if(a.package_name__c != pr.Product__c){
if(pr.product__c =='Platinum'&& a.package_name__c!='Platinum'){
a.package_name__c = 'Platinum';
else if(pr.product__c == 'Gold' && a.package_name__c!='Platinum'){
a.package_name__c = 'Gold';
else if(pr.product__c == 'Silver'&& (a.package_name__c!='Platinum'||a.package_name__c!='Gold')){
a.package_name__c = 'Silver';
else if(a.package_name__c == 'Grandfather - SC'||a.package_name__c == 'Grandfather - ENY'){
a.package_name__c = pr.product__c;
update act;
Test Class:
@istest(SeeAllData = true)
public class TestUpdatePackageNameanything{
public static testmethod void testUpdatePackageName (){
Profile profileId = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'Standard User' LIMIT 1];
Profile Prof = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'System Administrator' LIMIT 1];
User u = new User();
u.LastName = 'Test Code';
u.Email = 'test@test.com';
u.Alias = 'Tcode';
u.Username = 'ramupdhay@chatopadhay.com';
u.CommunityNickname = 'test12';
u.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US';
u.TimeZoneSidKey = 'GMT';
u.ProfileID = profileId.id;
u.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
u.EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8';
insert u;
User ut = new User();
ut.LastName = 'Worm';
ut.Email = 'test@gmail.com';
ut.Alias = 'Tworm';
ut.Username = 'test@worm.com';
ut.CommunityNickname = 'testworm12';
ut.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US';
ut.TimeZoneSidKey = 'GMT';
ut.ProfileID = profileId.id;
ut.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
ut.EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8';
insert ut;
Account a = new account(name='Test Account',Sales_Associate__c=ut.id,Sales_Owner__c=u.id,package_name__c='');
insert a;
Id abc = a.id;
Contact c = new contact(firstname = 'Test',lastname = 'McAllister',accountId=a.id);
insert c;
Opportunity O = new Opportunity(name = 'Test Opportunity', CloseDate = date.newInstance(2016,7,12),StageName='Needs Analysis');
O.AccountId = a.id;
O.primary_contact__c= c.id;
insert O;
Product__c p = new product__c(Product__c = 'Gold',Product_Family__c = 'Sitecompli NY',Billing_Frequency__c = 'Annually',Term_Length_Months__c = 12,Total_Commitment_Amount__c=400.00,Commitment_Terms__c='Specific', Opportunity__c = o.id, Contract_Start_Date__c = date.newInstance(2017,2,1),First_Bill_Date__c = date.newInstance(2017,2,1),auto_renew__c = true) ;
insert p;
p.Opportunity_Account__c = abc;
update p;
// p.Opportunity_Primary_Contact__c = c.id;
Product__c pt = new product__c(Product__c = 'Silver',Product_Family__c = 'Sitecompli NY',Billing_Frequency__c = 'Annually',Term_Length_Months__c = 12,Total_Commitment_Amount__c=400.00,Commitment_Terms__c='Specific', Opportunity__c = o.id, Contract_Start_Date__c = date.newInstance(2017,2,1),First_Bill_Date__c = date.newInstance(2017,2,1)) ;
insert pt;
p.Opportunity_Account__c = abc;
update pt;
O.StageName = 'Closed/Won';
update o;
p.product__c = 'Silver';
update p;
update pt;
public static testmethod void testUpdatePackageName1 (){
Profile profileId = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'Standard User' LIMIT 1];
Profile Prof = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'System Administrator' LIMIT 1];
User u = new User();
u.LastName = 'Test Code';
u.Email = 'test@test.com';
u.Alias = 'Tcode';
u.Username = 'ramupdhay@chatopadhay.com';
u.CommunityNickname = 'test12';
u.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US';
u.TimeZoneSidKey = 'GMT';
u.ProfileID = profileId.id;
u.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
u.EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8';
insert u;
User ut = new User();
ut.LastName = 'Worm';
ut.Email = 'test@gmail.com';
ut.Alias = 'Tworm';
ut.Username = 'test@worm.com';
ut.CommunityNickname = 'testworm12';
ut.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US';
ut.TimeZoneSidKey = 'GMT';
ut.ProfileID = profileId.id;
ut.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
ut.EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8';
insert ut;
Account ab = new account(name='Test Account',Sales_Associate__c=ut.id,Sales_Owner__c=u.id,package_name__c='Platinum');
insert ab;
Id abd = ab.id;
Contact c = new contact(firstname = 'Test',lastname = 'McAllister',accountId=ab.id);
insert c;
Opportunity Opp = new Opportunity(name = 'Test Opportunity', CloseDate = date.newInstance(2016,7,12),StageName='Closed/Won');
Opp.AccountId = ab.id;
Opp.primary_contact__c= c.id;
insert Opp;
Product__c pr = new product__c(Product__c = 'Platinum',Canceled_Date__c=null,Product_Family__c = 'Sitecompli NY',Billing_Frequency__c = 'Annually',Term_Length_Months__c = 12,Total_Commitment_Amount__c=400.00,Commitment_Terms__c='Specific', Opportunity__c = opp.id,First_Bill_Date__c = date.newInstance(2017,2,1)) ;
insert pr;
pr.Opportunity_Account__c = abd;
update pr;
Product__c prt = new product__c(Product__c = 'FDNY Compliance',Product_Family__c = 'Sitecompli NY',Billing_Frequency__c = 'Annually',Term_Length_Months__c = 12,Total_Commitment_Amount__c=400.00,Commitment_Terms__c='Specific', Opportunity__c = opp.id,First_Bill_Date__c = date.newInstance(2017,2,1)) ;
insert prt;
update prt;
The test coverage is stopping at if(pro.Opportunity_Account__c != null) which is a lookup field that associates the account with product. Have been trying to get this to work for 2-3 days now and nothing works. Please HELP!
- Shivani Desai 13
- February 06, 2017
- Like
- 0
DML operation failing in trigger
hello all,
I am writing a trigger that sums up the invoice balances from a managed package object Zuora__ZInvoice__c custom field(Zuora__Balance2__c) to a field open_balance__c on the account. I wrote a corresponnding test class for the same and my test classes assertion method is failing. Am not sure why DML operation is failing.
trigger UpdateOpenBalance on Zuora__ZInvoice__c (after insert, after update) {
Set<Id> Acc = new Set<Id>();
List<account> ade = new List<account>();
for(Zuora__ZInvoice__c zi : trigger.new){
else if (Trigger.isUpdate){
List<Account> AccountsImpacted = [SELECT Id,Open_Balance__c FROM Account WHERE Id IN :Acc];
List<Zuora__ZInvoice__c> Invoices = [SELECT Id,Zuora__Balance2__c,Zuora__Account__c FROM Zuora__ZInvoice__c WHERE Zuora__Account__c IN:AccountsImpacted];
Set<Zuora__ZInvoice__c>InvToAdd = new Set<Zuora__ZInvoice__c>();
for(Zuora__ZInvoice__c inv : Invoices){
if(AccountsImpacted.size() > 0){
for( Account a : AccountsImpacted){
a.Open_Balance__c = 0.00;
for( Zuora__ZInvoice__c zd : InvToAdd){
a.Open_Balance__c = a.Open_Balance__c + zd.Zuora__Balance2__c ;
update ade ;
Apex Test Class
@istest(SeeAllData = true)
public class TestUpdateOpenBalance{
public static testmethod void UpdateOpenBalance(){
Account a = new Account();
// a.RecordType = 'Client';
a.name = 'Test Account';
a.Type_of_Client__c = 'Commercial';
insert a;
Profile profileId = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'Standard User' LIMIT 1];
User u = new User();
u.LastName = 'Test Code';
u.Email = 'test@test.com';
u.Alias = 'Tcode';
u.Username = 'ramupdhay@chatopadhay.com';
u.CommunityNickname = 'test12';
u.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US';
u.TimeZoneSidKey = 'GMT';
u.ProfileID = profileId.id;
u.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
u.EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8';
insert u;
a.CS_Primary__c = u.id;
update a;
Zuora__CustomerAccount__c ba = new Zuora__CustomerAccount__c();
ba.name = 'Test Test';
ba.Zuora__Account__c = a.id;
ba.Zuora__Credit_Balance__c = 10.00;
insert ba;
Zuora__ZInvoice__c zi = new Zuora__ZInvoice__c();
zi.Name = 'Test Invoice';
zi.Zuora__Account__c = a.id;
zi.Zuora__Balance2__c = 10.00;
insert zi;
zi.Zuora__Balance2__c = 20.00;
update zi;
I am writing a trigger that sums up the invoice balances from a managed package object Zuora__ZInvoice__c custom field(Zuora__Balance2__c) to a field open_balance__c on the account. I wrote a corresponnding test class for the same and my test classes assertion method is failing. Am not sure why DML operation is failing.
trigger UpdateOpenBalance on Zuora__ZInvoice__c (after insert, after update) {
Set<Id> Acc = new Set<Id>();
List<account> ade = new List<account>();
for(Zuora__ZInvoice__c zi : trigger.new){
else if (Trigger.isUpdate){
List<Account> AccountsImpacted = [SELECT Id,Open_Balance__c FROM Account WHERE Id IN :Acc];
List<Zuora__ZInvoice__c> Invoices = [SELECT Id,Zuora__Balance2__c,Zuora__Account__c FROM Zuora__ZInvoice__c WHERE Zuora__Account__c IN:AccountsImpacted];
Set<Zuora__ZInvoice__c>InvToAdd = new Set<Zuora__ZInvoice__c>();
for(Zuora__ZInvoice__c inv : Invoices){
if(AccountsImpacted.size() > 0){
for( Account a : AccountsImpacted){
a.Open_Balance__c = 0.00;
for( Zuora__ZInvoice__c zd : InvToAdd){
a.Open_Balance__c = a.Open_Balance__c + zd.Zuora__Balance2__c ;
update ade ;
Apex Test Class
@istest(SeeAllData = true)
public class TestUpdateOpenBalance{
public static testmethod void UpdateOpenBalance(){
Account a = new Account();
// a.RecordType = 'Client';
a.name = 'Test Account';
a.Type_of_Client__c = 'Commercial';
insert a;
Profile profileId = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'Standard User' LIMIT 1];
User u = new User();
u.LastName = 'Test Code';
u.Email = 'test@test.com';
u.Alias = 'Tcode';
u.Username = 'ramupdhay@chatopadhay.com';
u.CommunityNickname = 'test12';
u.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US';
u.TimeZoneSidKey = 'GMT';
u.ProfileID = profileId.id;
u.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
u.EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8';
insert u;
a.CS_Primary__c = u.id;
update a;
Zuora__CustomerAccount__c ba = new Zuora__CustomerAccount__c();
ba.name = 'Test Test';
ba.Zuora__Account__c = a.id;
ba.Zuora__Credit_Balance__c = 10.00;
insert ba;
Zuora__ZInvoice__c zi = new Zuora__ZInvoice__c();
zi.Name = 'Test Invoice';
zi.Zuora__Account__c = a.id;
zi.Zuora__Balance2__c = 10.00;
insert zi;
zi.Zuora__Balance2__c = 20.00;
update zi;
- Shivani Desai 13
- April 13, 2017
- Like
- 0
Test class unable to enter a for loop
Hi All.
My business logic needs me to update the value of the highest package name associated to an account. This package name is listed on my custom product object. I wrote a trigger on product that checks for the product value and updates the account. But the test class is not entering the product loop no matter what I do and neither is my test percentage increasing.
trigger UpdatePackageName on Product__c (after insert,after update) {
List<Product__c> pack = new list<product__c>();
List<Account>acc = new list<account>();
List<Account>act = new list<account>();
List<Id>at = new list<Id>();
for( product__c pro: trigger.new){
if (pro.Product_Family__c == 'SiteCompli NY'){
if( pro.Product__c != 'FDNY Compliance'){
if(pro.Opportunity_Account__c!= null){
acc= [SELECT Id, Package_Name__c FROM Account WHERE ID IN :at];
for(Account a: acc){
for( product__c pr: pack){
if(pr.Product_Family__c == 'SiteCompli NY'){
if(pr.Product__c != 'FDNY Compliance'){
if(pr.Opportunity_Account__r.id == a.id){
if(a.package_name__c != pr.Product__c){
if(pr.product__c =='Platinum'&& a.package_name__c!='Platinum'){
a.package_name__c = 'Platinum';
else if(pr.product__c == 'Gold' && a.package_name__c!='Platinum'){
a.package_name__c = 'Gold';
else if(pr.product__c == 'Silver'&& (a.package_name__c!='Platinum'||a.package_name__c!='Gold')){
a.package_name__c = 'Silver';
else if(a.package_name__c == 'Grandfather - SC'||a.package_name__c == 'Grandfather - ENY'){
a.package_name__c = pr.product__c;
update act;
Test Class:
@istest(SeeAllData = true)
public class TestUpdatePackageNameanything{
public static testmethod void testUpdatePackageName (){
Profile profileId = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'Standard User' LIMIT 1];
Profile Prof = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'System Administrator' LIMIT 1];
User u = new User();
u.LastName = 'Test Code';
u.Email = 'test@test.com';
u.Alias = 'Tcode';
u.Username = 'ramupdhay@chatopadhay.com';
u.CommunityNickname = 'test12';
u.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US';
u.TimeZoneSidKey = 'GMT';
u.ProfileID = profileId.id;
u.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
u.EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8';
insert u;
User ut = new User();
ut.LastName = 'Worm';
ut.Email = 'test@gmail.com';
ut.Alias = 'Tworm';
ut.Username = 'test@worm.com';
ut.CommunityNickname = 'testworm12';
ut.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US';
ut.TimeZoneSidKey = 'GMT';
ut.ProfileID = profileId.id;
ut.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
ut.EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8';
insert ut;
Account a = new account(name='Test Account',Sales_Associate__c=ut.id,Sales_Owner__c=u.id,package_name__c='');
insert a;
Id abc = a.id;
Contact c = new contact(firstname = 'Test',lastname = 'McAllister',accountId=a.id);
insert c;
Opportunity O = new Opportunity(name = 'Test Opportunity', CloseDate = date.newInstance(2016,7,12),StageName='Needs Analysis');
O.AccountId = a.id;
O.primary_contact__c= c.id;
insert O;
Product__c p = new product__c(Product__c = 'Gold',Product_Family__c = 'Sitecompli NY',Billing_Frequency__c = 'Annually',Term_Length_Months__c = 12,Total_Commitment_Amount__c=400.00,Commitment_Terms__c='Specific', Opportunity__c = o.id, Contract_Start_Date__c = date.newInstance(2017,2,1),First_Bill_Date__c = date.newInstance(2017,2,1),auto_renew__c = true) ;
insert p;
p.Opportunity_Account__c = abc;
update p;
// p.Opportunity_Primary_Contact__c = c.id;
Product__c pt = new product__c(Product__c = 'Silver',Product_Family__c = 'Sitecompli NY',Billing_Frequency__c = 'Annually',Term_Length_Months__c = 12,Total_Commitment_Amount__c=400.00,Commitment_Terms__c='Specific', Opportunity__c = o.id, Contract_Start_Date__c = date.newInstance(2017,2,1),First_Bill_Date__c = date.newInstance(2017,2,1)) ;
insert pt;
p.Opportunity_Account__c = abc;
update pt;
O.StageName = 'Closed/Won';
update o;
p.product__c = 'Silver';
update p;
update pt;
public static testmethod void testUpdatePackageName1 (){
Profile profileId = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'Standard User' LIMIT 1];
Profile Prof = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'System Administrator' LIMIT 1];
User u = new User();
u.LastName = 'Test Code';
u.Email = 'test@test.com';
u.Alias = 'Tcode';
u.Username = 'ramupdhay@chatopadhay.com';
u.CommunityNickname = 'test12';
u.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US';
u.TimeZoneSidKey = 'GMT';
u.ProfileID = profileId.id;
u.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
u.EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8';
insert u;
User ut = new User();
ut.LastName = 'Worm';
ut.Email = 'test@gmail.com';
ut.Alias = 'Tworm';
ut.Username = 'test@worm.com';
ut.CommunityNickname = 'testworm12';
ut.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US';
ut.TimeZoneSidKey = 'GMT';
ut.ProfileID = profileId.id;
ut.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
ut.EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8';
insert ut;
Account ab = new account(name='Test Account',Sales_Associate__c=ut.id,Sales_Owner__c=u.id,package_name__c='Platinum');
insert ab;
Id abd = ab.id;
Contact c = new contact(firstname = 'Test',lastname = 'McAllister',accountId=ab.id);
insert c;
Opportunity Opp = new Opportunity(name = 'Test Opportunity', CloseDate = date.newInstance(2016,7,12),StageName='Closed/Won');
Opp.AccountId = ab.id;
Opp.primary_contact__c= c.id;
insert Opp;
Product__c pr = new product__c(Product__c = 'Platinum',Canceled_Date__c=null,Product_Family__c = 'Sitecompli NY',Billing_Frequency__c = 'Annually',Term_Length_Months__c = 12,Total_Commitment_Amount__c=400.00,Commitment_Terms__c='Specific', Opportunity__c = opp.id,First_Bill_Date__c = date.newInstance(2017,2,1)) ;
insert pr;
pr.Opportunity_Account__c = abd;
update pr;
Product__c prt = new product__c(Product__c = 'FDNY Compliance',Product_Family__c = 'Sitecompli NY',Billing_Frequency__c = 'Annually',Term_Length_Months__c = 12,Total_Commitment_Amount__c=400.00,Commitment_Terms__c='Specific', Opportunity__c = opp.id,First_Bill_Date__c = date.newInstance(2017,2,1)) ;
insert prt;
update prt;
The test coverage is stopping at if(pro.Opportunity_Account__c != null) which is a lookup field that associates the account with product. Have been trying to get this to work for 2-3 days now and nothing works. Please HELP!
My business logic needs me to update the value of the highest package name associated to an account. This package name is listed on my custom product object. I wrote a trigger on product that checks for the product value and updates the account. But the test class is not entering the product loop no matter what I do and neither is my test percentage increasing.
trigger UpdatePackageName on Product__c (after insert,after update) {
List<Product__c> pack = new list<product__c>();
List<Account>acc = new list<account>();
List<Account>act = new list<account>();
List<Id>at = new list<Id>();
for( product__c pro: trigger.new){
if (pro.Product_Family__c == 'SiteCompli NY'){
if( pro.Product__c != 'FDNY Compliance'){
if(pro.Opportunity_Account__c!= null){
acc= [SELECT Id, Package_Name__c FROM Account WHERE ID IN :at];
for(Account a: acc){
for( product__c pr: pack){
if(pr.Product_Family__c == 'SiteCompli NY'){
if(pr.Product__c != 'FDNY Compliance'){
if(pr.Opportunity_Account__r.id == a.id){
if(a.package_name__c != pr.Product__c){
if(pr.product__c =='Platinum'&& a.package_name__c!='Platinum'){
a.package_name__c = 'Platinum';
else if(pr.product__c == 'Gold' && a.package_name__c!='Platinum'){
a.package_name__c = 'Gold';
else if(pr.product__c == 'Silver'&& (a.package_name__c!='Platinum'||a.package_name__c!='Gold')){
a.package_name__c = 'Silver';
else if(a.package_name__c == 'Grandfather - SC'||a.package_name__c == 'Grandfather - ENY'){
a.package_name__c = pr.product__c;
update act;
Test Class:
@istest(SeeAllData = true)
public class TestUpdatePackageNameanything{
public static testmethod void testUpdatePackageName (){
Profile profileId = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'Standard User' LIMIT 1];
Profile Prof = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'System Administrator' LIMIT 1];
User u = new User();
u.LastName = 'Test Code';
u.Email = 'test@test.com';
u.Alias = 'Tcode';
u.Username = 'ramupdhay@chatopadhay.com';
u.CommunityNickname = 'test12';
u.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US';
u.TimeZoneSidKey = 'GMT';
u.ProfileID = profileId.id;
u.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
u.EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8';
insert u;
User ut = new User();
ut.LastName = 'Worm';
ut.Email = 'test@gmail.com';
ut.Alias = 'Tworm';
ut.Username = 'test@worm.com';
ut.CommunityNickname = 'testworm12';
ut.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US';
ut.TimeZoneSidKey = 'GMT';
ut.ProfileID = profileId.id;
ut.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
ut.EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8';
insert ut;
Account a = new account(name='Test Account',Sales_Associate__c=ut.id,Sales_Owner__c=u.id,package_name__c='');
insert a;
Id abc = a.id;
Contact c = new contact(firstname = 'Test',lastname = 'McAllister',accountId=a.id);
insert c;
Opportunity O = new Opportunity(name = 'Test Opportunity', CloseDate = date.newInstance(2016,7,12),StageName='Needs Analysis');
O.AccountId = a.id;
O.primary_contact__c= c.id;
insert O;
Product__c p = new product__c(Product__c = 'Gold',Product_Family__c = 'Sitecompli NY',Billing_Frequency__c = 'Annually',Term_Length_Months__c = 12,Total_Commitment_Amount__c=400.00,Commitment_Terms__c='Specific', Opportunity__c = o.id, Contract_Start_Date__c = date.newInstance(2017,2,1),First_Bill_Date__c = date.newInstance(2017,2,1),auto_renew__c = true) ;
insert p;
p.Opportunity_Account__c = abc;
update p;
// p.Opportunity_Primary_Contact__c = c.id;
Product__c pt = new product__c(Product__c = 'Silver',Product_Family__c = 'Sitecompli NY',Billing_Frequency__c = 'Annually',Term_Length_Months__c = 12,Total_Commitment_Amount__c=400.00,Commitment_Terms__c='Specific', Opportunity__c = o.id, Contract_Start_Date__c = date.newInstance(2017,2,1),First_Bill_Date__c = date.newInstance(2017,2,1)) ;
insert pt;
p.Opportunity_Account__c = abc;
update pt;
O.StageName = 'Closed/Won';
update o;
p.product__c = 'Silver';
update p;
update pt;
public static testmethod void testUpdatePackageName1 (){
Profile profileId = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'Standard User' LIMIT 1];
Profile Prof = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'System Administrator' LIMIT 1];
User u = new User();
u.LastName = 'Test Code';
u.Email = 'test@test.com';
u.Alias = 'Tcode';
u.Username = 'ramupdhay@chatopadhay.com';
u.CommunityNickname = 'test12';
u.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US';
u.TimeZoneSidKey = 'GMT';
u.ProfileID = profileId.id;
u.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
u.EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8';
insert u;
User ut = new User();
ut.LastName = 'Worm';
ut.Email = 'test@gmail.com';
ut.Alias = 'Tworm';
ut.Username = 'test@worm.com';
ut.CommunityNickname = 'testworm12';
ut.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US';
ut.TimeZoneSidKey = 'GMT';
ut.ProfileID = profileId.id;
ut.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
ut.EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8';
insert ut;
Account ab = new account(name='Test Account',Sales_Associate__c=ut.id,Sales_Owner__c=u.id,package_name__c='Platinum');
insert ab;
Id abd = ab.id;
Contact c = new contact(firstname = 'Test',lastname = 'McAllister',accountId=ab.id);
insert c;
Opportunity Opp = new Opportunity(name = 'Test Opportunity', CloseDate = date.newInstance(2016,7,12),StageName='Closed/Won');
Opp.AccountId = ab.id;
Opp.primary_contact__c= c.id;
insert Opp;
Product__c pr = new product__c(Product__c = 'Platinum',Canceled_Date__c=null,Product_Family__c = 'Sitecompli NY',Billing_Frequency__c = 'Annually',Term_Length_Months__c = 12,Total_Commitment_Amount__c=400.00,Commitment_Terms__c='Specific', Opportunity__c = opp.id,First_Bill_Date__c = date.newInstance(2017,2,1)) ;
insert pr;
pr.Opportunity_Account__c = abd;
update pr;
Product__c prt = new product__c(Product__c = 'FDNY Compliance',Product_Family__c = 'Sitecompli NY',Billing_Frequency__c = 'Annually',Term_Length_Months__c = 12,Total_Commitment_Amount__c=400.00,Commitment_Terms__c='Specific', Opportunity__c = opp.id,First_Bill_Date__c = date.newInstance(2017,2,1)) ;
insert prt;
update prt;
The test coverage is stopping at if(pro.Opportunity_Account__c != null) which is a lookup field that associates the account with product. Have been trying to get this to work for 2-3 days now and nothing works. Please HELP!
- Shivani Desai 13
- February 06, 2017
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