• Bhaskar Pramanik
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Hello Community,

I just started off with Salesforce, a couple of days ago, and right now I am going through trails. I was going through Data layer functionalities that are offered with Salesforce and I must say I've got a serious itch :D to pitch this query to community for help.
There's something called Salesforce Database, and then there are other things collectively called RDBMS.

Now my query is >>

Is Salesforce database built as a layer (extending the functionalities of traditional DBMS - mostly using its native programming language) / wrapper around some RDBMS?

If yes, then this would mean, Salesforce primarily handles all of Salesforce database features by creating extra meta data tables / heaps to hold the context of data which exists in the org.

If no, then I assume, there could be a Datastore functionality developed by Salesforce exclusively. I would love to know more about that.

Thanks to anyone who attempts to clarify ;)

If this query is already answered somewhere - stackoverflow etc, please let me have the link.

Cheers !
- Bhaskar
Choosing the profile picture in the developer community salesforce, the picture that we upload is uploading blurred.

I have tried uploading 2mb to 8mb, but still blurred.
what is the url to login to the de org... I signed up for one about a year ago. No matter where I search on salesforce, I cannot seem to find a single reference illustrating where to login to the DE org, All I can find are links to sign up... OK... tried to sign up again, and I get a message that my email is already used... Ok... Where can I go to login???