• madhavi mishra
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Hi,The  lead object  has a field "Interaction count" . It is a number field. I am using this field for  an active process builder  which is working  on the below criteria:
If any Task is created , It will add+1 to the "Interaction Count "Field. If I am creating Task by using" LoginActivity" , my interaction count is showing a increment which is good.
But If I am using "Email" , and sending an Email to the vendors, It is not considering as a Task and there is no increment in the " Interaction Count "Field. I tried Process builder and Flow but  not worked out. Can we do via "Apex coding" Any help is appreciated...
Also I have to create custome button and use Trigger
Hi ,
I am new in devlopment side. Somebody help me to write Trigger but I do not how to write Trigger Handler. Please help..

My Trigger: 
 trigger populateParentAccount on account(after insert) {
      Account[] updates = new Account[0];
      Set<Id> accountIds = new Set<Id>();
      for(Lead record: [SELECT ConvertedAccountId, Agency_Account__c FROM Lead WHERE ConvertedAccountId = :Trigger.new ORDER BY ConvertedDate DESC]) {
        // Avoid multiple leads with same account 
        if(!accountIds.add(record.ConvertedAccountId)) { 
          updates.add(new Account(Id=record.ConvertedAccountId, ParentId=record.Agency_Account__c));
      update updates;

Hi ,
 Why I am getting error :
We can't find the Cloudy Weather response sent reusable text. Ensure the Macro adds the Cloudy Weather response sent reusable text to the description.
Close errors"
My Marcros are running with no errors. Where I am doing mistake?User-added imageUser-added imageUser-added image
Hi,The  lead object  has a field "Interaction count" . It is a number field. I am using this field for  an active process builder  which is working  on the below criteria:
If any Task is created , It will add+1 to the "Interaction Count "Field. If I am creating Task by using" LoginActivity" , my interaction count is showing a increment which is good.
But If I am using "Email" , and sending an Email to the vendors, It is not considering as a Task and there is no increment in the " Interaction Count "Field. I tried Process builder and Flow but  not worked out. Can we do via "Apex coding" Any help is appreciated...
Also I have to create custome button and use Trigger

I can't seem to get past this error. 
We can't find the Cloudy Weather reusable email. Ensure the Macro uses the Cloudy Weather reusable email for the subject and body.

Here is what I  have:

User-added image

User-added image

I have created quick text, email template, and macros.

Any help is appreciated,
I'm trying to get through the service cloud superbadge, and challenge 3 is giving me this issue

"We can't find Entitlements on the Case Lightning Page. Ensure Entitlements are visible on Cases in Lightning."

I've got entitlements on the case record page, via the parent account, and I've got entitlements history via the parent Entitlement Name.. 

What is it actually looking for? 
There seems to be an import data missing which is required to complete this superbadge.  Fifth bullet under Prework and Notes says, After installing the unmanaged package, navigate to the Data Import tab on the SolarBots app and select Import.  There isn't any link for importing any file?  I was in midst of doing superbadge for reports and dashboard for classic but it expired yesterday.  So I started with this lightning one now, but stuck.