• Sankaranarayanan Venkatachalam
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I am trying to complete my LEx Specialist Sperbadge. In Challenge 2, I am getting the below error:
User-added image

The requirement given is:
User-added image
When I see my Opportunities, I can see:
User-added image

I am not able to figure out what the issue is. I have tried deleting the existing Sales Path and created one again. Did not work. I am stuck in Challenge 2. Kindly help.

Can you please let me know how to create an Account in Salesforce using the REST API.
i also need to know where i can find my clientId and Client Secret to get the access token
    for (User use : Trigger.new) {
        String accid = use.AccountId;
        List<Account> account = [SELECT AccountNumber FROM Account WHERE Primary_Id__c = :accid];
        if(account != null && account.size()>0)
             use.Primary_id__c = account[0].AccountNumber;
Hi Expert,

Iam getting error "System.LimitException: Too many SOQL queries: 101" when i write test class for "update Estimated Cost", iam not able to run it,
and getting error too many soql queries, from other apex class-  "updatePortfolioActualCost", and i have also writen in my test class- seeAllData = false, but it is checking for the other class too. can anybody help me on this.

test class- 

@isTest(seeAllData = false)
private class UpdateEstimatedCostTest
    static testMethod void verifyEstimatedCost()
      CloudbyzITPM__Project_Portfolio__c portfolio1 = new CloudbyzITPM__Project_Portfolio__c(Name = 'Porfolio 1', CloudbyzITPM__Estimated_Costs__c=13.00);
      CloudbyzITPM__Project_Portfolio__c portfolio2 = new CloudbyzITPM__Project_Portfolio__c(Name = 'portfolio 1.1',CloudbyzITPM__Estimated_Costs__c=17.00);
     insert portfolio1;
     insert portfolio2;
     CloudbyzITPM__Project_Portfolio__c portfolio1_1 = [Select id,name,CloudbyzITPM__Estimated_Costs__c from CloudbyzITPM__Project_Portfolio__c where id = :portfolio1.id];
     CloudbyzITPM__Project_Portfolio__c portfolio2_2 = [Select id,name,CloudbyzITPM__Estimated_Costs__c from CloudbyzITPM__Project_Portfolio__c where id = :portfolio2.id];
     CloudbyzITPM__Project__c affectedPro = new CloudbyzITPM__Project__c(Name = 'Project 1');
    // creating project without portfoilio and planned estimated cost
     insert affectedPro;
     CloudbyzITPM__Project__c affectedPro1 = new CloudbyzITPM__Project__c(Name = 'Project 2', CloudbyzITPM__Project_Portfolio__c= portfolio1_1.id );
     insert affectedPro1;
     CloudbyzITPM__Project__c affectedPro1_1 = [Select id,name,CloudbyzITPM__Planned_Estimated_Costs__c,CloudbyzITPM__Project_Portfolio__c from CloudbyzITPM__Project__c where id = :affectedPro1.id limit 1]; 
  // change the portfolio value of a project
     affectedPro1_1.CloudbyzITPM__Project_Portfolio__c = portfolio2_2.id;
     update affectedPro1_1;
     // remove planned estimated cost of project mapped to a portfoilo
     affectedPro1_1.CloudbyzITPM__Planned_Estimated_Costs__c = null;
     update affectedPro1_1;
   // change the portfolio and update the estimated cost
     affectedPro1_1.CloudbyzITPM__Planned_Estimated_Costs__c = 450;
     update affectedPro1_1;
   //remove portfoilio with actual hours
    affectedPro1_1.CloudbyzITPM__Project_Portfolio__c = null;
    update affectedPro1_1;
     CloudbyzITPM__Project__c affectedPro2 = new CloudbyzITPM__Project__c(Name = 'Project 3', CloudbyzITPM__Planned_Estimated_Costs__c =200.00);
    // creating project without portfolio and with estimated cost
     insert affectedPro2;
     update portfolio1;
     update portfolio2;
     update portfolio1;
     update portfolio2_2;
    CloudbyzITPM__Project__c affectedPro2_1 = [Select id,name,CloudbyzITPM__Planned_Estimated_Costs__c,CloudbyzITPM__Project_Portfolio__c from CloudbyzITPM__Project__c where id = :affectedPro2.id limit 1]; 
    // change the value of estimated cost of project which is mapped to a portfolio
    update affectedPro2_1;
    update affectedPro2;
    delete affectedPro2_1;
    delete affectedPro;

Different class where iam getting error- on line no.100 

public class updatePortfolioActualCosts 

    public static List<CloudbyzITPM__Project__c> affectedActualCosts = new List<CloudbyzITPM__Project__c>();
    public static List<CloudbyzITPM__Project__c> oldaffectedActualCosts = new List<CloudbyzITPM__Project__c>();
    public static set<ID> affc = new set<ID>();
    public static set<ID> affcold = new set<ID>();
    public static void processAfterUpdateActualCosts()
      // inserting old and new values
       affectedActualCosts = (List<CloudbyzITPM__Project__c>)Trigger.New;
       oldaffectedActualCosts = (List<CloudbyzITPM__Project__c>)Trigger.Old;
      // process after deleting the project 
         for(CloudbyzITPM__Project__c  affc1 : oldaffectedActualCosts)
      // check whether the portfolio is selescted for the project
       if(affc1.CloudbyzITPM__Project_Portfolio__c != null)
         system.debug('value of affc1'+ affc1);
         system.debug('this is the value'+ affc);
       // process after selecting the portfolio
         CloudbyzITPM__Project_Portfolio__c fn = [select id,name,CloudbyzITPM__Total_Actual_Cost__c from CloudbyzITPM__Project_Portfolio__c where id in: affc limit 1];
         list<CloudbyzITPM__Project__c> affectedActualCosts1 = [select id, name,CloudbyzITPM__Total_Actual_Cost__c, CloudbyzITPM__Project_Portfolio__c from CloudByzITPM__Project__c where CloudbyzITPM__Project_Portfolio__c = :fn.id];
         Decimal j=0;
         for(CloudbyzITPM__Project__C afc1 : affectedActualCosts1)
       if(afc1.CloudbyzITPM__Total_Actual_Cost__c !=0 && afc1.CloudbyzITPM__Total_Actual_Cost__c!=null)
         // add all the actual cost of the associated project
          j = j + afc1.CloudbyzITPM__Total_Actual_Cost__c;
        // put all the roll ups of actual cost to portfolio
         fn.CloudbyzITPM__Total_Actual_Cost__c = j;
         fn.CloudbyzITPM__Total_Actual_Cost__c = 0;
         update fn; 
         system.debug('@@@value of affc1'+ affectedActualCosts);
         for(integer i = 0; i<affectedActualCosts.size(); ++i)
       if(affectedActualCosts[i]!= null && affectedActualCosts[i].CloudbyzITPM__Project_Portfolio__c != null && oldaffectedActualCosts!= null && oldaffectedActualCosts[i]!= null && oldaffectedActualCosts[i].CloudbyzITPM__Project_Portfolio__c != null && oldaffectedActualCosts[i].CloudbyzITPM__Project_Portfolio__c != affectedActualCosts[i].CloudbyzITPM__Project_Portfolio__c)
         system.debug('value of affc1'+ affectedActualCosts[i]);
       if(affectedActualCosts[i].CloudbyzITPM__Project_Portfolio__c != null)
         system.debug('value of affc1'+ affectedActualCosts[i]);
       else if(oldaffectedActualCosts!= null && oldaffectedActualCosts[i]!= null && oldaffectedActualCosts[i].CloudbyzITPM__Project_Portfolio__c != null)
         system.debug('this is the value'+ affc);
         CloudbyzITPM__Project_Portfolio__c fn = [select id,name,CloudbyzITPM__Total_Actual_Cost__c from CloudbyzITPM__Project_Portfolio__c where id in: affcold limit 1];
         list<CloudbyzITPM__Project__c> affectedActualCosts1 = [select id, name,CloudbyzITPM__Total_Actual_Cost__c, CloudbyzITPM__Project_Portfolio__c from CloudByzITPM__Project__c where CloudbyzITPM__Project_Portfolio__c = :fn.id];
         Decimal j=0;
         for(CloudbyzITPM__Project__C afc1 : affectedActualCosts1)
      if(afc1.CloudbyzITPM__Total_Actual_Cost__c !=0 && afc1.CloudbyzITPM__Total_Actual_Cost__c!=null)
            j = j + afc1.CloudbyzITPM__Total_Actual_Cost__c;
         fn.CloudbyzITPM__Total_Actual_Cost__c = j;
         fn.CloudbyzITPM__Total_Actual_Cost__c = 0;
      update fn; 
         system.debug('this is the value'+ affc);
         CloudbyzITPM__Project_Portfolio__c fn = [select id,name,CloudbyzITPM__Total_Actual_Cost__c from CloudbyzITPM__Project_Portfolio__c where id in: affc limit 1];
         list<CloudbyzITPM__Project__c> affectedActualCosts1 = [select id, name,CloudbyzITPM__Total_Actual_Cost__c, CloudbyzITPM__Project_Portfolio__c from CloudByzITPM__Project__c where CloudbyzITPM__Project_Portfolio__c = :fn.id];
         Decimal j=0;
         for(CloudbyzITPM__Project__C afc1 : affectedActualCosts1)
      if(afc1.CloudbyzITPM__Total_Actual_Cost__c !=0 && afc1.CloudbyzITPM__Total_Actual_Cost__c!=null)
            j = j + afc1.CloudbyzITPM__Total_Actual_Cost__c;
         fn.CloudbyzITPM__Total_Actual_Cost__c = j;
         fn.CloudbyzITPM__Total_Actual_Cost__c = 0;
         update fn; 


When i have workfloew and Process builder for field updates, why should i use apex tirggers for field updates? 

I am trying to complete my LEx Specialist Sperbadge. In Challenge 2, I am getting the below error:
User-added image

The requirement given is:
User-added image
When I see my Opportunities, I can see:
User-added image

I am not able to figure out what the issue is. I have tried deleting the existing Sales Path and created one again. Did not work. I am stuck in Challenge 2. Kindly help.
