• Sonia Genesse
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Good evening,

I'm looking to report on mutiple failures where a serial number appairs more than once in the SAME Object but in different records.

Currently, the report I have will show ALL failures within the last year whether or not the part failed once or mutiple times.

The example below illistrates the highlighted items that I want to show up on the report, their is only one item that doesn't have a mutiple failure (dated 7/25/2018 4th up from the bottom).

There are two fields: New Parts Serial Number and Defect Serial Number, we could have a Part being in the New Part column during one service and then it fails, and would now be in a new record in the Defect Part column..
User-added image

Could this perhaps be achieved using a Flow or Formula field on the same object?  **Note this is a custom object**

Thanks in advance!

Please help!

I updated one Trigger to Inactive in SBOX and in Eclipse Force.com IDE  as follows:

1. Trigger changed  to Inactive.
2. Saved the file.
3, Selected the two files the Trigger & Triger-meta.xml (Code and XML) using "Ctrl-click," and then right-clicked .
4. Selected Force.com | Deploy to server.
5. Provided my credentials for the Production org and follow the steps

The log is as follows, as you can see the *trigger-meta.xml failed because my Custom Pkg versions aren't the same in SBOX & PROD, 
BUT..... it  appears to have updated the package.xml this sounds like a PROBLEM ???

*** Deployment Log ***
Result: FAILED
Date: September 28, 2017 4:37:13 PM EDT
# Deployed From:
   Project name: Sandbox Trigger
   Username: sonia.genesse@ipgphotonics.com.ipgsandbox
   Endpoint: login.salesforce.com
# Deployed To:
   Username: sonia.genesse@ipgphotonics.com
   Endpoint: login.salesforce.com
# Deploy Results:
   File Name:    triggers/SVMX_WorkOrder_Trgr.trigger-meta.xml
   Full Name:  triggers/SVMX_WorkOrder_Trgr.trigger-meta.xml
   Action:  NO ACTION
   Result:  FAILED
   Problem: The specified Package Version number does not exist for that Package: SVMXC, 16.60000
   File Name:    package.xml
   Full Name:  package.xml
   Action:  UPDATED
   Result:  SUCCESS
   Problem: n/a
# Test Results:


I have created an onClick Exectue Java script button, which works well except that I need to add an addtional IF for the same picklist value:
if SVMXC__Service_Order__c.SVMXC__Order_Status__c, picklsit value = "Closed" or "Unresolved", how do I add this to my existing  script below?

if({!NOT(ISPICKVAL(SVMXC__Service_Order__c.SVMXC__Order_Status__c, "Closed"))}){
     alert("Close Work Order button has not been completed, the Work Order Order Status has not been set to Closed or Unresolved");
    window.top.location.href =


Good morning,

SF Support is unable to provide more details regarding exceeding our API Limit on Wednesday 8/17/16.

I would imagine, that there must be a log file or something that SF can look at to see how we reached this limit. Also, I had debug logs turned on for our integration user "svcboomi" starting late 8/16 through 8/17, which is always the bulk source of our API calls each day.

Looking at our report "API Calls Made Within Last 7 days" it only show 46,983 calls made on 8/17....out of our 50k limit. I'm unable to validate why these calls went over the limit. Granted they are calculated on a rolling 24 hr basis....

Since I don't want this to occur again and take me by surprise, I would like assistance in identifying the actual events that took place to drive us over the limit.

While there are no visible issues with our Boomi integration there must be something SF can do here.

This API Limited was exceed at 5:45am on Wednesday 8/17, so we need someone to review logs from 8/16 @ 5:45am to 8/17 @ 5:45am.

If anything else is needed please advise.

Thank you,
Good afternoon,

We have our ERP system integrated with SFDC via Boomi, and we often receive this error, and I was wondering if any someone coulld have a look at the latest error on 8/14/16 to see what was the response returned by SF when invoking Get Contacts method.

The error occurred while processing response received from the server. Boomi connector sends a request with "Content-Encoding: gzip" and expects a response from the server to have the same "Content-Encoding: gzip".

Per Boomi the root cause of the issue might be on eof the following, though they can't help me any further:

a) "done" flag on initial/first response was incorrectly set to query for more data.
b)  The server returned a response of different encoding, other than "gzip" - null response was returned for example
Error received executing Salesforce Get; Caused by: com.boomi.util.retry.RetryException: com.boomi.model.connector.common.salesforce.SalesforceException: Error received for Salesforce Query More; Caused by: com.boomi.model.connector.common.salesforce.SalesforceException: Error received for Salesforce Query More; Caused by: Error received for Salesforce Query More; Caused by: Error invoking soap operation; Caused by: The server sent HTTP status code 200: OK; Caused by: Not in GZIP format

Thank you in advance,
I'd like to create a couple of fields that will query our LDAP server for a list of user names, I'm just looking to pull in the persons name and populate the custom fields.

Can this be accomplished without SSO or SAML?

Could an External  Obeject/External Data Souirce be used without the need for Lighting Connect (30k).

This is a simple need in theory, but of high value to our proejct.I'm not looking to add any additional cost to accomplish this task.

Any thoughts? Has anyone implemented this this successfully?

Many thanks!
Good Afternoon!

I performed a Change Set deployment from Sandbox to PROD, and I'm receiving a Code Coverage Failure for one of my Triggers.
I have two other Triggers in Sandbox that also have 0% Test Coverage, and these two are not failing the deployment. 

Component Errors
API Name
Line   Column   Error Message
0              0      PopulateProduct, Details: Test coverage of selected Apex Trigger is 0%, at least 1% test coverage is required.

Could this be a coding issue, since I'm also receiving another failure as follows:

Component Errors

API Name
Line  Column   Error Message
0        0           SVMX_SFM_Extensions_UT.testclass(), Details: System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object                                        Class.SVMX_SFM_Extentions.SVMX_GenSrvRpt: line 79, column 1 Class.SVMX_SFM_Extentions.SVMX_GenSrvRpt_WS:                             line 47, column 1 Class.SVMX_SFM_Extensions_UT.testclass: line 88, column 1

Apex Test Failures

Class Name                            Method Name    Error Message
SVMX_SFM_Extensions_UT    testclass           SVMX_SFM_Extensions_UT testclass System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a                                                                        null object Stack Trace: Class.SVMX_SFM_Extentions.SVMX_GenSrvRpt: line 79, column 1                                                                          Class.SVMX_SFM_Extentions.SVMX_GenSrvRpt_WS: line 47, column 1                                                                                                        Class.SVMX_SFM_Extensions_UT.testclass: line 88, column 1

Assistance is much appreciated!


I have a custom button on a Custom Object.

Currently it's set as:

Behavior = Display in existing window with sidebar and Content Source = URL

I would like to add an alert if one field (!SVMXC__Service_Order__c.QA_Approved_By__c) on the Work Order object is NULL.

Currently I have the following, and it's comming back as "URL no longer Exists"

if('{!SVMXC__Service_Order__c.QA_Approved_By__c}' = NULL )
window.alert("QA Approved By is NULL, cannot Print IEF form");
window.open("/apex/loop__looplus?sessionId={!$Api.Session_ID}&eid={!SVMXC__Service_Order__c.Id}&redirectURL = "&ddpIds=a1y31000001Qqvi");


Hi Pcon
I realize after looking at the 2 additional Triggers needed, that they are a bit different. In these I would need to access the Detail object, not sure how to approach this.
Is this something you can help me with?
I need to have the trigger update the Parts_Order_Line__c  (lookup) on the SVMXC__RMA_Shipment_Order__c object, the detail object is SVMXC__RMA_Shipment_Line__c the Line Number field = NAME.
Once populated both the Product__c and the Parts_Order_Line_Serial_Number__c (both formula text fields) would need to be populated.
The Order Number on the SVMXC__RMA_Shipment_Order__c object = NAME and on the detail object SVMXC__RMA_Shipment_Line__c = SVMXC__RMA_Shipment_Order__c

User-added image

Need to have the trigger update the Work_Detail__c (lookup) on the  SVMXC__Service_Order__c object, the detail object is SVMXC__Service_Order_Line__c the Work Detail Line Number field = NAME, update where SVMXC__Line_Type__c (picklist)  = ‘Parts’
Once updated the Work_Detail_Part__c  (formula text field) would need to be populated.
The Work Order number (Service Order Number) on the SVMXC__Service_Order__c object  = NAME, the Work Order number on the detail object SVMXC__Service_Order_Line__c = SVMXC__

User-added image
User-added image

Thanks for any assistance you can provide!
I realize after looking at the 2 additional Triggers needed, that they are a bit different. In these I would need to access the Detail object, not sure how to approach this.
Is this something you can help me with?
I need to have the trigger update the Parts_Order_Line__c  (lookup) on the SVMXC__RMA_Shipment_Order__c object, the detail object is SVMXC__RMA_Shipment_Line__c the Line Number field = NAME.
Once populated both the Product__c and the Parts_Order_Line_Serial_Number__c (both formula text fields) would need to be populated.
The Order Number on the SVMXC__RMA_Shipment_Order__c object = NAME and on the detail object SVMXC__RMA_Shipment_Line__c = SVMXC__RMA_Shipment_Order__c

User-added image

Need to have the trigger update the Work_Detail__c (lookup) on the  SVMXC__Service_Order__c object, the detail object is SVMXC__Service_Order_Line__c the Work Detail Line Number field = NAME, update where SVMXC__Line_Type__c (picklist)  = ‘Parts’
Once updated the Work_Detail_Part__c  (formula text field) would need to be populated.
The Work Order number (Service Order Number) on the SVMXC__Service_Order__c object  = NAME, the Work Order number on the detail object SVMXC__Service_Order_Line__c = SVMXC__Service_Order__c
User-added image

User-added image

Thanks for any assistance you can provide!

Hi All, 

I have a Custome Object called Service_Record_History__c that requires a Trigger to update a Lookup field named Installed_Product__c.

This is the first trigger I am attempting to write, so please bare with me! :)

Below is the Trigger I have written, and I'm receiving this error:   Error: Compile Error: Illegal assignment from List<SVMXC__Installed_Product__c> to Id at line 6 column 13

Also, in my Select statement I'm concerned that it is selecting ALL SVMXC__Installed_Product__c ID's rather than the specific related ID that is needed.

trigger InstallProductID_Trgr  on Service_Record_History__c ( before insert, before update ) {

for (Service_Record_History__c  c  :Trigger.new) {
        if(c.Installed_Product__c <> null)

            c.Installed_Product__c =  [SELECT Name FROM SVMXC__Installed_Product__c];

Good evening,

I'm looking to report on mutiple failures where a serial number appairs more than once in the SAME Object but in different records.

Currently, the report I have will show ALL failures within the last year whether or not the part failed once or mutiple times.

The example below illistrates the highlighted items that I want to show up on the report, their is only one item that doesn't have a mutiple failure (dated 7/25/2018 4th up from the bottom).

There are two fields: New Parts Serial Number and Defect Serial Number, we could have a Part being in the New Part column during one service and then it fails, and would now be in a new record in the Defect Part column..
User-added image

Could this perhaps be achieved using a Flow or Formula field on the same object?  **Note this is a custom object**

Thanks in advance!

Please help!

I updated one Trigger to Inactive in SBOX and in Eclipse Force.com IDE  as follows:

1. Trigger changed  to Inactive.
2. Saved the file.
3, Selected the two files the Trigger & Triger-meta.xml (Code and XML) using "Ctrl-click," and then right-clicked .
4. Selected Force.com | Deploy to server.
5. Provided my credentials for the Production org and follow the steps

The log is as follows, as you can see the *trigger-meta.xml failed because my Custom Pkg versions aren't the same in SBOX & PROD, 
BUT..... it  appears to have updated the package.xml this sounds like a PROBLEM ???

*** Deployment Log ***
Result: FAILED
Date: September 28, 2017 4:37:13 PM EDT
# Deployed From:
   Project name: Sandbox Trigger
   Username: sonia.genesse@ipgphotonics.com.ipgsandbox
   Endpoint: login.salesforce.com
# Deployed To:
   Username: sonia.genesse@ipgphotonics.com
   Endpoint: login.salesforce.com
# Deploy Results:
   File Name:    triggers/SVMX_WorkOrder_Trgr.trigger-meta.xml
   Full Name:  triggers/SVMX_WorkOrder_Trgr.trigger-meta.xml
   Action:  NO ACTION
   Result:  FAILED
   Problem: The specified Package Version number does not exist for that Package: SVMXC, 16.60000
   File Name:    package.xml
   Full Name:  package.xml
   Action:  UPDATED
   Result:  SUCCESS
   Problem: n/a
# Test Results:


I have created an onClick Exectue Java script button, which works well except that I need to add an addtional IF for the same picklist value:
if SVMXC__Service_Order__c.SVMXC__Order_Status__c, picklsit value = "Closed" or "Unresolved", how do I add this to my existing  script below?

if({!NOT(ISPICKVAL(SVMXC__Service_Order__c.SVMXC__Order_Status__c, "Closed"))}){
     alert("Close Work Order button has not been completed, the Work Order Order Status has not been set to Closed or Unresolved");
    window.top.location.href =


Good morning,

SF Support is unable to provide more details regarding exceeding our API Limit on Wednesday 8/17/16.

I would imagine, that there must be a log file or something that SF can look at to see how we reached this limit. Also, I had debug logs turned on for our integration user "svcboomi" starting late 8/16 through 8/17, which is always the bulk source of our API calls each day.

Looking at our report "API Calls Made Within Last 7 days" it only show 46,983 calls made on 8/17....out of our 50k limit. I'm unable to validate why these calls went over the limit. Granted they are calculated on a rolling 24 hr basis....

Since I don't want this to occur again and take me by surprise, I would like assistance in identifying the actual events that took place to drive us over the limit.

While there are no visible issues with our Boomi integration there must be something SF can do here.

This API Limited was exceed at 5:45am on Wednesday 8/17, so we need someone to review logs from 8/16 @ 5:45am to 8/17 @ 5:45am.

If anything else is needed please advise.

Thank you,
Good afternoon,

We have our ERP system integrated with SFDC via Boomi, and we often receive this error, and I was wondering if any someone coulld have a look at the latest error on 8/14/16 to see what was the response returned by SF when invoking Get Contacts method.

The error occurred while processing response received from the server. Boomi connector sends a request with "Content-Encoding: gzip" and expects a response from the server to have the same "Content-Encoding: gzip".

Per Boomi the root cause of the issue might be on eof the following, though they can't help me any further:

a) "done" flag on initial/first response was incorrectly set to query for more data.
b)  The server returned a response of different encoding, other than "gzip" - null response was returned for example
Error received executing Salesforce Get; Caused by: com.boomi.util.retry.RetryException: com.boomi.model.connector.common.salesforce.SalesforceException: Error received for Salesforce Query More; Caused by: com.boomi.model.connector.common.salesforce.SalesforceException: Error received for Salesforce Query More; Caused by: Error received for Salesforce Query More; Caused by: Error invoking soap operation; Caused by: The server sent HTTP status code 200: OK; Caused by: Not in GZIP format

Thank you in advance,
I'd like to create a couple of fields that will query our LDAP server for a list of user names, I'm just looking to pull in the persons name and populate the custom fields.

Can this be accomplished without SSO or SAML?

Could an External  Obeject/External Data Souirce be used without the need for Lighting Connect (30k).

This is a simple need in theory, but of high value to our proejct.I'm not looking to add any additional cost to accomplish this task.

Any thoughts? Has anyone implemented this this successfully?

Many thanks!
Good Afternoon!

I performed a Change Set deployment from Sandbox to PROD, and I'm receiving a Code Coverage Failure for one of my Triggers.
I have two other Triggers in Sandbox that also have 0% Test Coverage, and these two are not failing the deployment. 

Component Errors
API Name
Line   Column   Error Message
0              0      PopulateProduct, Details: Test coverage of selected Apex Trigger is 0%, at least 1% test coverage is required.

Could this be a coding issue, since I'm also receiving another failure as follows:

Component Errors

API Name
Line  Column   Error Message
0        0           SVMX_SFM_Extensions_UT.testclass(), Details: System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object                                        Class.SVMX_SFM_Extentions.SVMX_GenSrvRpt: line 79, column 1 Class.SVMX_SFM_Extentions.SVMX_GenSrvRpt_WS:                             line 47, column 1 Class.SVMX_SFM_Extensions_UT.testclass: line 88, column 1

Apex Test Failures

Class Name                            Method Name    Error Message
SVMX_SFM_Extensions_UT    testclass           SVMX_SFM_Extensions_UT testclass System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a                                                                        null object Stack Trace: Class.SVMX_SFM_Extentions.SVMX_GenSrvRpt: line 79, column 1                                                                          Class.SVMX_SFM_Extentions.SVMX_GenSrvRpt_WS: line 47, column 1                                                                                                        Class.SVMX_SFM_Extensions_UT.testclass: line 88, column 1

Assistance is much appreciated!


I have a custom button on a Custom Object.

Currently it's set as:

Behavior = Display in existing window with sidebar and Content Source = URL

I would like to add an alert if one field (!SVMXC__Service_Order__c.QA_Approved_By__c) on the Work Order object is NULL.

Currently I have the following, and it's comming back as "URL no longer Exists"

if('{!SVMXC__Service_Order__c.QA_Approved_By__c}' = NULL )
window.alert("QA Approved By is NULL, cannot Print IEF form");
window.open("/apex/loop__looplus?sessionId={!$Api.Session_ID}&eid={!SVMXC__Service_Order__c.Id}&redirectURL = "&ddpIds=a1y31000001Qqvi");


I realize after looking at the 2 additional Triggers needed, that they are a bit different. In these I would need to access the Detail object, not sure how to approach this.
Is this something you can help me with?
I need to have the trigger update the Parts_Order_Line__c  (lookup) on the SVMXC__RMA_Shipment_Order__c object, the detail object is SVMXC__RMA_Shipment_Line__c the Line Number field = NAME.
Once populated both the Product__c and the Parts_Order_Line_Serial_Number__c (both formula text fields) would need to be populated.
The Order Number on the SVMXC__RMA_Shipment_Order__c object = NAME and on the detail object SVMXC__RMA_Shipment_Line__c = SVMXC__RMA_Shipment_Order__c

User-added image

Need to have the trigger update the Work_Detail__c (lookup) on the  SVMXC__Service_Order__c object, the detail object is SVMXC__Service_Order_Line__c the Work Detail Line Number field = NAME, update where SVMXC__Line_Type__c (picklist)  = ‘Parts’
Once updated the Work_Detail_Part__c  (formula text field) would need to be populated.
The Work Order number (Service Order Number) on the SVMXC__Service_Order__c object  = NAME, the Work Order number on the detail object SVMXC__Service_Order_Line__c = SVMXC__Service_Order__c
User-added image

User-added image

Thanks for any assistance you can provide!