• Ryan William Schorr
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In the "Using Numbers, Currency, and Percentages in Formulas" challenge, the following mathematical formula is given:

V = πr2h

Instead of 2h, should that be r to the power of 2? The challenge completes when I use the following formula:

V = πr^2h
Module - Advanced Formulas
Unit - Leveling Up with Advanced Formulas

The Loss Reason Required field to add says &Profile.Name

Should it be $Profile.Name - When I check Syntax I get an error. I see the $Profile.Name in the list of available fields.

  &Profile.Name <> "System Administrator",
  ISPICKVAL(StageName, "Closed Lost"),
  ISPICKVAL(Loss_Reason__c, "")
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The 'Day_of_the_Week__c' is not reporting the correct day of the week (Monday, Tuesday, etc.)

I created the field on the Contact object  per the requirements and created the formula to return a text field with the day of the for "today". I tested my formula and it works but it does not pass the check challenge. The formula I am using is:
CASE(MOD(Today()- DATE(1900,1,7), 7), 0, 'Sunday', 1, 'Monday',2,'Tuesday',3,'Wednesday',4,'Thursday',5,'Friday',6,'Friday','error')

In the "Using Numbers, Currency, and Percentages in Formulas" challenge, the following mathematical formula is given:

V = πr2h

Instead of 2h, should that be r to the power of 2? The challenge completes when I use the following formula:

V = πr^2h
So far I'm 0 for 2 on the new formula trails. I know there's a bug in the checkbox and I think the instructions on Volume of a Cylinder should be clearer. Instead of stating the formula as V=πr2h; you should superscript the 2 or at least use ^2 to make that clear. Unless I misread the instructions twice, it doesn't mention that anywhere. My geometry is rusty, so I had to Google the formula.

Admin Advanced >  Advanced Formulas > Using Basic Logic in Checkbox Formulas

The formula I used is:
NOT(IsClosed) && (CloseDate <= (Today() - 1))
Also tried:
AND(NOT(IsClosed),(CloseDate <= (Today() - 1)))

The error code I get is:

"Hey McFly, unless you are planning to go back in time, please update your close date"

Trialhead is giving the error:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The validation rule does not reference the 'IsClosed' and 'CloseDate' fields correctly. Take a look at the requirements again.

When I test it out myself, it's working as expected. Any ideas on what it could be?
issue in completing challenge under Data security (Defining Sharing Rules) I have done all things ,like making Organization-Wide Defaults as Private and creating a group for rule Training coordinator and providing readonly access for Project data based on priority. but still getting error as "The sharing rule did not behave as expected. "
In Trailhead > Reports & Dashboards > Extending Reports using the AppExchange 

I get the the follwoing error message even though the "Wedges" are setup correctly on the "New Trend by Source" Pie Chart.   Images attached showing error message & visual of Pie Chart.
Any input or wisdom would be greatly appreciated. 
Joe JohnsonError MessagePie Chart
We're having trouble with the "Extending Reports using the AppExchange" module in Trailhead

We keep getting the same error when checking the challenge at the end of the module:

Challenge not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'LEAD Trend by Source' dashboard component does not have the wedges set to 'Lead Source'.

Wedges ARE set to 'Lead Source', did anybody get this error message? do you know what the solution may be? Thank you!
Hi all, I'm getting this error message from the checker "Challenge not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'Basic Account User' profile did not have the appropriate object and field-level security for the Account object"
I think I've tried every possible way to set up the Basic Account User and Pofiles. I have tried allowing the filed in the profile but not in the permission set, and vice versa as well as a mix of the two. How am I supposed to set up the Basic Account User?? I have been editing the Account settings under the Standard Object Permissions section of the profile, but if there is something else I am supposed to be editing, please let me know. Thanks!
i am new to salesforce platform.
Install a simple Apex class, write unit tests that achieve 100% code coverage for the class, and run your Apex tests.The Apex class to test is called 'VerifyDate', and the code is available here. Copy and paste this class into your Developer Edition via the Developer Console.
'VerifyDate' is a class which tests if a date is within a proper range, and if not will return a date that occurs at the end of the month within the range.
The unit tests must be in a separate test class called 'TestVerifyDate'.
The unit tests must cover scenarios for all lines of code included in the Apex class, resulting in 100% code coverage.
Run your test class at least once (via the Developer Console) before attempting to verify this challenge.

In the above challege i am not able to write a 'TestVerifyDate' class. I dont unsertstand how to write it for a date.
plz help..


I am working on IP Adress field. i am trying out a validation rule for IP format. below is the formula i used


{3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$" ))


It shows up a message saying Error: Syntax error. Missing " , not sure y, pl help sort out this


Thanks in Advance


  • July 14, 2011
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