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In my Validation rule:  If the type is Reseller Standard or Reseller Premium and the Partner Account is blank  then send an error that partner is required.  This gets no errors but does not give an error message

 TEXT(Type) = "Reseller Standard",
  OR(TEXT(Type) = "Reseller Premium))",

I am trying to resolve a conflict from the existing Apex code. We have enrolments coming in from a different system but some of these are not being pushed to salesforce because of Apex CPU time limit exceeded error. it is identified that these are coming from one of the codes. Any recommendations to improve the code to avoid this error?

trigger UpdateLocalObjectsFromEnlighten on enlighten__Enrollment__c (after insert, after update) {
  if(TriggerUtilities.bPreventTriggers == true)
  UpdateLocalObjectsFromEnHandler handler = new UpdateLocalObjectsFromEnHandler();
  handler.doIt(trigger.new, trigger.oldMap);

public with sharing class UpdateLocalObjectsFromEnHandler {
    private string debugInfo = '';
    private void addDebug(string inf) {
        debugInfo += inf + '\n';
    public void doIt(List<enlighten__Enrollment__c> newVals, Map<id, enlighten__Enrollment__c> oldVals) {
        // all items to update
        // we need the first and last activities related to each enrolment, if available
        Map<string, ActivityInfo> activities = new Map<string, ActivityInfo>();
        enlighten__Course_Activity__c[] cas = 
        [select enlighten__Activity_Time__c, enlighten__Enrollment__c, enlighten__Module__r.name
        from enlighten__Course_Activity__c
        where enlighten__Enrollment__c in :newVals
        and (enlighten__Module__r.name = 'Module 1 Quiz' or
            enlighten__Module__r.name like '%final exam%')];
        addDebug('found ' + cas.size() + ' records');
        for(enlighten__Course_Activity__c ca : cas) {
            if(!activities.containsKey(ca.enlighten__Enrollment__c)) {
                activities.put(ca.enlighten__Enrollment__c, new ActivityInfo());
            if(ca.enlighten__Module__r.name == 'Module 1 Quiz') {
                activities.get(ca.enlighten__Enrollment__c).Started = ca.enlighten__Activity_Time__c;
                addDebug('Module 1 Quiz @ ' + ca.enlighten__Activity_Time__c);
            } else if(ca.enlighten__Module__r.name.toLowerCase().contains('final exam')) {
                activities.get(ca.enlighten__Enrollment__c).Completed = ca.enlighten__Activity_Time__c;
                addDebug('Final Exam @ ' + ca.enlighten__Activity_Time__c);
            } else {
                addDebug(ca.enlighten__Module__r.name + ' not found');
        Set<id> toFind = new Set<id>();
        //System.debug('-------------- start');
        for(enlighten__Enrollment__c i : newVals) {
            if(!toFind.contains(i.id)) {
                System.debug('********* ' + i.id);
        enlighten__Enrollment__c[] recs = 
        [select id, enlighten__Contact__c, enlighten__Course_Score__c, enlighten__Percent_Complete__c, 
            enlighten__Course_Enroll_Date__c, enlighten__Course_Complete_Date__c, enlighten__Status__c, 
            enlighten__Course__r.enlighten__Course_ID__c, enlighten__Enroll_End_Date__c, enlighten__Course_Complete__c,
        from enlighten__Enrollment__c 
        where id in: toFind];
        //System.debug('-------------- ' + recs.size());
        Set<string> CourseNames = new Set<string>();
        Set<id> contacts = new Set<id>();
        // Loop and find all the SF course names (removing dash as needed)
        // and related contacts
        for(enlighten__Enrollment__c e : recs) {
            if(e.enlighten__Course__c == null) {
                //System.debug('enlighten__Course__c does not have a value (1)');
            string CourseName = e.enlighten__Course__r.enlighten__Course_ID__c;
            if(CourseName != '' && CourseName != null) {
                //System.debug('enlighten course name:' + CourseName);
                integer dash = CourseName.lastIndexOf('-');
                if(dash > -1) {
                   CourseName = CourseName.substring(0, dash).trim();
                if(!CourseNames.contains(CourseName)) {
                if(!contacts.contains(e.enlighten__Contact__c)) {
            } else {
                //System.debug('CourseName from enlighten is empty or null');
        // now get potential matches -- this might retrieve more than needed but will be filtered below
        List<Student_Course_List__c> scls = 
            [select id, Student__c, course__c, course__r.name, Percent_Complete1__c, Percent_Grade__c,
                Number_Grade__c, Actual_End_Date__c, Actual_Start_Date__c, Scheduled_End_Date__c,
                Last_Access__c, Enlighten_Enrollment_ID__c, Course_Status__c
            from student_course_list__c 
            where Course__r.name in:  CourseNames
            and   Student__c in: contacts];
        //System.debug('=============SCL ==' + scls.size());
        // create a composite key of student+course name
        Map<string, Student_Course_List__c> sclLookup = new Map<string, Student_Course_List__c>();
        for(Student_Course_List__c scl: scls) {
            sclLookup.put(scl.Student__c + scl.course__r.name, scl);
        Map<id, Student_course_list__c> toUpdate = new Map<id, Student_Course_List__c>();
        // loop again and find any student courses registrations that match the enlighted update
        for(enlighten__Enrollment__c e : recs) {
            if(e.enlighten__Course__c == null) {
                //System.debug('enlighten__Course__c does not have a value (2)');               
            string cn = e.enlighten__Course__r.enlighten__Course_ID__c;

            if(cn != '' && cn != null) {            
                integer dash = cn.lastIndexOf('-');
                if(dash > -1) {
                   cn = cn.substring(0, dash).trim();
                //System.debug('***********************************updating ' + cn);
                // update the fields
                if(sclLookup.containsKey(e.enlighten__Contact__c + cn)) {
                    Student_Course_List__c item = sclLookup.get(e.enlighten__Contact__c + cn);
                    addDebug('found ' + e.enlighten__Contact__c + cn + ' status is ' + item.Course_Status__c);
                    if(item.Course_Status__c != 'Released') {
                        item.Percent_Complete1__c = e.enlighten__Percent_Complete__c;
                        item.Percent_Grade__c = e.enlighten__Course_Score__c;
                        item.Number_Grade__c = e.enlighten__Course_Score__c;
                        //item.Enrollment_Status__c = e.enlighten__Status__c;
                        item.Actual_Start_Date__c = e.enlighten__Course_Enroll_Date__c;
                        item.Scheduled_End_Date__c = e.enlighten__Enroll_End_Date__c;
                        //item.Course_Completed__c = e.enlighten__Course_Complete__c; 
                        //item.Last_Access__c = e.enlighten__Last_Access__c; // not being used
                        //item.Percent_Complete__c = e.enlighten__Percent_Complete__c;
                        item.Enlighten_Enrollment_ID__c = e.id;
                        //item.Course_Complete__c = e.enlighten__Course_Complete__c; // handled by formula
                        ActivityInfo act = activities.get(e.id);
                        if(act != null) {
                            if(act.Started != null) {
                                item.Activity_Started__c = act.Started;
                                addDebug('setting Activity_Started__c ' + act.Started);
                            } else {
                                addDebug('no start date for ' + e.id);
                            if(act.Completed != null) {
                                item.Activity_Completed__c = act.Completed;
                                addDebug('setting Activity_Completed__c ' + act.Completed);                         
                            } else {
                                addDebug('no end date for ' + e.id);
                        } else {
                            addDebug('not found for ' + e.id);
                        // if more than one update for this student course registration, use the most recent one
                        toUpdate.put(item.id, item);
                        //System.debug('updating SCR ' + item.id + ' contact ' + e.enlighten__Contact__c + ' ' + cn);
                } else {
                    addDebug('did not find ' + e.enlighten__Contact__c + cn);
        } // end for

        update toUpdate.values();
        // now update number of courses on this day
        List<Student_Course_List__c> countCoursesEnrolled = new List<Student_Course_List__c>();
        Map<string, integer> sums = new Map<string, integer>();
        string lastKey = '';
        string key = '';
        integer courseCount = 0;
        scls = 
            [select id, Student__c, Count_of_Courses_Enrolled__c, 
             Full_Time__c, Course__r.Course_Length_Days__c
            from student_course_list__c 
            where Student__c in: contacts
            and Enlighten_Enrollment_ID__r.enlighten__Course_Enroll_Date__c != null
            and Asynchronous__c = true
            order by Student__c, Enlighten_Enrollment_ID__r.enlighten__Course_Enroll_Date__c];      
        integer totalRecs = scls.size();
        integer recCount = 0;
        //System.debug('----totalRecs ' + totalRecs);
        // summarize by student + date + course length  
        for(Student_Course_List__c s2 : scls) {
            Date dt = s2.Enlighten_Enrollment_ID__r.enlighten__Course_Enroll_Date__c;
            key = s2.student__c + String.valueOf(dt) + String.valueOf(s2.Course__r.Course_Length_Days__c);
            //System.debug('key=' + key);
            if(key != lastKey || recCount == totalRecs) {
                if(key == lastKey) {
                sums.put(lastKey, courseCount);
                courseCount = 0;
            lastKey = key;
            //System.debug('lastKey=' + lastKey);
        //System.debug('doing updates, if any===============');
        // now go through and see if any of the values need to be updated
        for(Student_Course_List__c s2 : scls) {
            Date dt = s2.Enlighten_Enrollment_ID__r.enlighten__Course_Enroll_Date__c;           
            key = s2.student__c + string.valueOf(dt) + String.valueOf(s2.Course__r.Course_Length_Days__c);  
            //System.debug('key=' + key);       
            integer sumVal = sums.get(key);
            //System.debug('sumVal=' + sumVal);
            if(s2.Count_of_Courses_Enrolled__c != sumVal) {
                s2.Count_of_Courses_Enrolled__c = sumVal;
        // Count_of_Courses_Enrolled
        if(countCoursesEnrolled.size() > 0) {
            update countCoursesEnrolled;
    private class ActivityInfo {
        public string EnrolmentId { get; set;}
        public DateTime Started { get; set;}
        public DateTime Completed { get; set;}


Please bear with me as I'm still a newbie in VF. I am trying to embed a Dashboard - Table Component in visualforce but I've not been successful. Is it possible? My table has only two columns and I want to display this component on the Account detail that filters the Account Id.

If not, is it possible to embed just a report or possibly a joined report into a VF with Account ID as a filter?

Thank you in advance.
Hi Experts,

Coding NewB here. I am trying to make the Partner role removed when I create a Partner for a Account. I understand that it is not customizable on edit page.

On the Account standard object we have the related list "Partners"; when you create new Partner; it provide the option to select a Partner (Account) and " role" in the drop down, i wanted it to be removed.

Has anyone implemented this using VF? Thanks.. I would appreciate any codes that can be shared. Thanks

User-added image
I am trying to make the Partner role as removed when I select a Partner for a Account. I understand that it is not customizable.

On the Account standard object we have the related list "Partners"; when you create new Partner; it provide the option to select a Partner (Account) and " role" in the drop down, i wanted it to be removed.

Has anyone implemented this using VF? Thanks.. I would appreciate any codes that can be shared. Thanks
Hi Experts,

Salesforce NewB here. I just need some help reaching 100% code coverage. I am only getting 34% Code Coverage.

My goal of my trigger is to update the checkbox on the Lead record based on the Attachment Name.

trigger OnboardingDocumentCheckboxes on Attachment (after insert, before delete, after delete) 
        List<Lead> lead = [select id, 
                           from Lead where id =: Trigger.New[0].ParentId];          
             for(Attachment att : trigger.New){
                    lead[0].Box1_Uploaded__c = True;
                } else if (att.Name.startsWith('TEST2')){
                    lead[0].Box2_Uploaded__c = True;
                } else if (att.Name.startsWith('TEST3')){
                    lead[0].Box3_Uploaded__c = True;
            update lead;          
        List<Lead> lead = [select id,
                           from Lead where id =: Trigger.old[0].ParentId]; 
            List<Attachment> attach = [Select id from Attachment where parentid = :lead[0].id]; 
            for(Attachment att : trigger.Old){          
                    lead[0].Box1_Uploaded__c = True;
                } else if (att.Name.startsWith('TEST2')){
                    lead[0].Box2_Uploaded__c = True;
                } else if (att.Name.startsWith('TEST3')){
                    lead[0].Box3_Uploaded__c = True;
            update lead;          
// All test methods in this class can access all data.

public class TestOnboardingDocumentCheckboxes {

    static testMethod void testAttachments() {
        Lead testLead = new Lead();
        testLead.Company = 'Test Company';
        testLead.LastName= 'TestLastName';
        testLead.Lead_Status_NEW__c = 'New';
        insert testLead;
    Attachment attach=new Attachment();
        attach.Name='Unit Test Attachment';
        Blob bodyBlob=Blob.valueOf('UnitTest Attachment Body');
        insert attach;  
        List<Attachment> attachments=[select id, name from Attachment where parent.id=:testLead.id]; 
        System.assertEquals(1, attachments.size()); 
I would appreciate any help. Thank you.
Hi Experts,

Salesforce NewB here. I just need some help reaching 100% code coverage. I am only getting 34% Code Coverage.

My goal of my trigger is to update the checkbox on the Lead record based on the Attachment Name.

trigger OnboardingDocumentCheckboxes on Attachment (after insert, before delete, after delete) 
        List<Lead> lead = [select id, 
                           from Lead where id =: Trigger.New[0].ParentId];          
             for(Attachment att : trigger.New){
                    lead[0].Box1_Uploaded__c = True;
                } else if (att.Name.startsWith('TEST2')){
                    lead[0].Box2_Uploaded__c = True;
                } else if (att.Name.startsWith('TEST3')){
                    lead[0].Box3_Uploaded__c = True;
            update lead;          
        List<Lead> lead = [select id,
                           from Lead where id =: Trigger.old[0].ParentId]; 
            List<Attachment> attach = [Select id from Attachment where parentid = :lead[0].id]; 
            for(Attachment att : trigger.Old){          
                    lead[0].Box1_Uploaded__c = True;
                } else if (att.Name.startsWith('TEST2')){
                    lead[0].Box2_Uploaded__c = True;
                } else if (att.Name.startsWith('TEST3')){
                    lead[0].Box3_Uploaded__c = True;
            update lead;          
// All test methods in this class can access all data.

public class TestOnboardingDocumentCheckboxes {

    static testMethod void testAttachments() {
        Lead testLead = new Lead();
        testLead.Company = 'Test Company';
        testLead.LastName= 'TestLastName';
        testLead.Lead_Status_NEW__c = 'New';
        insert testLead;
    Attachment attach=new Attachment();
        attach.Name='Unit Test Attachment';
        Blob bodyBlob=Blob.valueOf('UnitTest Attachment Body');
        insert attach;  
        List<Attachment> attachments=[select id, name from Attachment where parent.id=:testLead.id]; 
        System.assertEquals(1, attachments.size()); 
I would appreciate any help. Thank you.
In my Validation rule:  If the type is Reseller Standard or Reseller Premium and the Partner Account is blank  then send an error that partner is required.  This gets no errors but does not give an error message

 TEXT(Type) = "Reseller Standard",
  OR(TEXT(Type) = "Reseller Premium))",