• goutham k 5
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I'm getting below error when i'm checking the challenge. Please suggest me what to be done to rectify it.

There was an issue processing your verification. Please refresh the page and try again.

(TEXT(Full_Care_Confirmed__c)) == 'Yes'
((ISPICKVAL(CPQ_Order_Type__c,'Corporate-Full Care Equipment Domestic'))
ISPICKVAL(CPQ_Order_Type__c,'Corporate-Full Care International')
ISPICKVAL(CPQ_Order_Type__c,'Corporate-Full Care Demo Equipment Accept')
ISPICKVAL(CPQ_Order_Type__c,'Canada-Full Care Equipment')))

IF full care confimed picklist field is set to YES then CPQ_Order_Type__c picklist value should be any of the above
Hi All,
Need help in deleting my post 

Thanks in advance
Hi All,
I am trying to display values on Bar chart but values are displaying behind bar.
below is the snippet i'm using
<apex:barSeries title="Areas" orientation="vertical" axis="left"
                        xField="name" yField="data1" tips="true">
       <apex:chartTips height="20" width="120"/>
       <apex:chartLabel field="data1" display="outside" orientation="horizontal"/>

User-added image
Need Suggestions.

Hi All,
Recently, we had a requirement for Integrating Salesforce and Marketo with Gigya (Customer Identity Mangement tool).
Could anyone please share something on this and how it can be achieved. 


(TEXT(Full_Care_Confirmed__c)) == 'Yes'
((ISPICKVAL(CPQ_Order_Type__c,'Corporate-Full Care Equipment Domestic'))
ISPICKVAL(CPQ_Order_Type__c,'Corporate-Full Care International')
ISPICKVAL(CPQ_Order_Type__c,'Corporate-Full Care Demo Equipment Accept')
ISPICKVAL(CPQ_Order_Type__c,'Canada-Full Care Equipment')))

IF full care confimed picklist field is set to YES then CPQ_Order_Type__c picklist value should be any of the above
Hi All,
Recently, we had a requirement for Integrating Salesforce and Marketo with Gigya (Customer Identity Mangement tool).
Could anyone please share something on this and how it can be achieved. 
