• Nitesh
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I am working on the Lightning Connect Integrating External Data Challenge, Which appears quite easy but either I am missing something or its broken.
I am constantly getting "The 'Phone__x' external object is not correctly setup with an indirect relationship to the User standard object."
I have the user record set up with the custom field and a user with the 0000123442 value for it.
The UUID is set to  :UUID UUID__c Indirect Lookup(User) UUID
I have created the external Phone__x and phone_plan__x and I can view the data if I create a tab for phone.
Don't know whether it matters for the challenge but the data appears broken/incomplete
There are only 3 records with external id
the first when clicked produces 
Data Not Available
The data you were trying to access could not be found. It may be due to another user deleting the data or a system error. If you know the data is not deleted but cannot access it, please look at our support page.
The second and third seem to work
Not sure if this has anything to do with my problems
Any help greatly appreciated


I'm working on the "Integrating External Data" Trailhead and I'm running into this issue. I'm stumped because as far as I can tell, I have everything in correctly. Any ideas?

screen shot


Hello, I've tried everything on this forum but I still can't pass this challenge.
The error is: 
The 'projectRef__c' field is not configured correctly as an Indirect Lookup field.

Here is how I configured the External Object:

User-added image
On some comments it was said to change the name of projectRef to External ID but it didn't work either.

Thanks in advance
Hello, I'm getting the following error:

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'projectRef__c' field is not configured correctly as an Indirect Lookup field.

I've googled it and tried every solution but I can't fix it.

Here is how I've got configured the External Object:

User-added image

Something weird is that I'm in the last step and I have no data on the Project object. I've done Validate and Sync but nothing.

I am working on the Lightning Connect Integrating External Data Challenge, Which appears quite easy but either I am missing something or its broken.
I am constantly getting "The 'Phone__x' external object is not correctly setup with an indirect relationship to the User standard object."
I have the user record set up with the custom field and a user with the 0000123442 value for it.
The UUID is set to  :UUID UUID__c Indirect Lookup(User) UUID
I have created the external Phone__x and phone_plan__x and I can view the data if I create a tab for phone.
Don't know whether it matters for the challenge but the data appears broken/incomplete
There are only 3 records with external id
the first when clicked produces 
Data Not Available
The data you were trying to access could not be found. It may be due to another user deleting the data or a system error. If you know the data is not deleted but cannot access it, please look at our support page.
The second and third seem to work
Not sure if this has anything to do with my problems
Any help greatly appreciated


I'm working on the "Integrating External Data" Trailhead and I'm running into this issue. I'm stumped because as far as I can tell, I have everything in correctly. Any ideas?

screen shot



In the Admin Advanced --> Advanced Formulas --> Using Picklists in Formulas module, the challenge requirment is as follows:

"Create a validation rule formula that does not allow a user to mark a case as escalated unless the priority is set to 'High', the case was not Closed when Created, and the case isn’t closed."

I am setting up a valid formula (did a bunch of tests on Case object so I'm sure it is valid and I'm not going to post it here to let this remain as a challenge). I am using four fields, which are IsClosed, IsClosedOnCreate, Priority and Status, as understood from the challenge description.

However, checking the challenge gives me this error. Apparently, despite the description, we gotta use IsEscalated field instead of IsClosed:
User-added image

After I change IsClosed field with IsEscalated in the formula, I get this error:
User-added image

I am reproducing this scenario in a Case record and validation rule triggers.

Did anyone manage to pass this challenge? If not, could the Trailhead Dev Team have a look at wording of this challenge please? 

Thanks in advance.

Within a flow, I'm trying to pass a collection variable as input to an Apex element.  However, when I configure the Apex element, the collection variable does not show up as a selectable value in the Source dropdown.  In fact, there is not even a section within the dropdown for Collection Variables.  Anyone know why?

Collection Variables not selectable as input

Here are some relevant details:
  • The @InvocableMethod method that's being invoked accepts a list of Strings as its parameter (even though the name of the param is 'idList').
  • In the flow, record lookups populate various variables with record Id values.  A collection variable has been declared with Data Type = Text and Input/Output Type = Input Only.  An assignment variable is used to add the values of a couple of the Id variables into the collection variable.
  • I have double-checked by searching for the collection variable by name within the Inputs dropdown, and have confirmed it is not found.
I've been referencing this article but so far can't find any explanation:  https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.salesforce_vpm_guide.meta/salesforce_vpm_guide/vpm_designer_elements_apex.htm
I am trying to complete the challenge of the Integrating External Data challenge, and am hitting an 'interesting' problem.  I believe I've gone through all the steps correctly, but an getting the error below:

The 'Phone__x' external object is not correctly setup with an indirect relationship to the User standard object.

When I go do External Objects/phones/edit UUID I can see the UUID field definition.  I have numerous times clicked on Change FIeld Type/Indirect Lookup Relationship/Related to User/Target Field Phone_UUID__c/Next/Save.  Each time I go though that when I get to the Target Field value the value is set to --None--.  It's acting like it forgets that I gave it a value.  That would explain the error message

Any ideas as to how I can get around this?

Trying to complete this Challenge, but keep getting the following error despite many variations on trying to load the file.  I think I've also completed the rest of the challenge, but am unable to even check since I can't seem to get past this first "easy" part.  Thoughts?

  • {!c.Name}

Here are the directions:

Use Bootstrap to create a simple mobile friendly list of existing contact names and display the page within Salesforce1 mobile. The Visualforce page:Must be named 'MobileContactList'.
Must reference the minified Bootstrap JavaScript and CSS files from MaxCDN (see more here). Do NOT use Static Resources to reference these files.
Must use the Bootstrap List Group component (defined here).
Must use the Contact standard list controller with a recordSetVar of 'contacts'. The list of contacts must be iterated through using an apex:repeat component that's bound to a var named 'c'.
Must display the name of the contacts.
Must be made available for the Salesforce1 mobile app and added to a tab named 'MobileContacts'. The tab should be added to the Salesforce1 navigation menu.

Hello I'm new to Salesforce and I'm doing the trailhead to learn.
But I'm stuck at this challenge in Lightning Module.

Here's the challenge:
Create a simple Lightning component with a styled headline. The headline must use an H1 tag with a CSS class that enforces a 24px font-size. Make the component available in the Navigation Menu of Salesforce1.The component must be named 'MyLightningComponent'.
The component must include an H1 tag with a CSS class named 'headline'. The 'headline' CSS class must set a font-size of 24px.
The Lightning Component tab that is added to Salesforce1 must be called 'MyLightning'.

And here's what I did:


<aura:component implements='force:appHostable'>
    <div class="headline">
    <h1>My Lightning Component</h1>
    <h1>Hello Lightning App!</h1>
    <c:MyLightningComponent />



I created the tabs in the Salesforce1 and everithing looks right but I can't pass the challenge because it's aways return a error saying "The component does not include an H1 tag with a 'headline' CSS class"

I do no what to do with this error.
I am working on the Lightning Connect Integrating External Data Challenge, Which appears quite easy but either I am missing something or its broken.
I am constantly getting "The 'Phone__x' external object is not correctly setup with an indirect relationship to the User standard object."
I have the user record set up with the custom field and a user with the 0000123442 value for it.
The UUID is set to  :UUID UUID__c Indirect Lookup(User) UUID
I have created the external Phone__x and phone_plan__x and I can view the data if I create a tab for phone.
Don't know whether it matters for the challenge but the data appears broken/incomplete
There are only 3 records with external id
the first when clicked produces 
Data Not Available
The data you were trying to access could not be found. It may be due to another user deleting the data or a system error. If you know the data is not deleted but cannot access it, please look at our support page.
The second and third seem to work
Not sure if this has anything to do with my problems
Any help greatly appreciated