• Luke Higgins - RF
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My flow does a fast lookup of the Opportunity Line Items (products) related to an Opportunity and adds them to a collection. 
I have a loop that looks through the collection and based on the product name does an action.  
The problem I'm having is the loop seems to only be sending one product to the next step.    I've tested this by having multiple products linked to an opportunity with each having it's own action but only one action is ever triggered.  

Here's the flow.   
User-added image

Anyone run into this?  
I'm trying to set a default split the scheduled quantities over 12 months but I want January to always be 50% of the number, February always be 25% of the number and the rest split evenly throughout the rest of the year.

I got this answer on the success community but wouln't know where to start developing it. 

Since you can only spread out schedules evenly with default schedules, you would write a trigger and create the Product Schedule entries programmatically. See the object reference (https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api.meta/api/sforce_api_objects_opportunitylineitemschedule.htm?search_text=OpportunityLineItemSchedule" target="_blank). 

Would anyone know where I need to go next or maybe you've already done this? 
Our customer support team needs to know immediately if a contact they've email that's related to a case they're working gets a bounced back email notification.   I'd like to have the case status changed to 'Bounced Email' if this happens.  I think apex is needed but anyone have any thoughts?
I've been asked set up a rule when a customer replies to emails/cases via email-to-case.  When a customer replies we need to check if the case owner (user) is Offline in Omni-channel.  If offline, then reassign the case to the support queue.   Any thoughts on this? 
I have a flow that asks for the user to select a country using the countrypicklist field on a screen element. Before the Winter '17 rollout this picklist worked fine. Now the country values being used in the picklist selection are the country's 'country/territory code' (abbreviation) and not the integration value (country spelled out) like before.
The state/country picklist feature requires the country spelled out fully, for example 'Australia' like in the example of an account creation from earlier this year below.

Sept 13, 2016
RECORD CREATE: Create_New_Account
Create one Account record where:
BillingCountry = {!vCountrypicklist} (Australia)
BillingState = {!vStatePicklist} (null)
Name = {!vAccountName} (Itaasol Pty Ltd )
New_CCID__c = {!vCCID} (F31101)
RecordTypeId = {!vRecordType} (012A0000000nxacIAA)
Type = {!vType} (Accounting Firm)

Now the result of the entered country in the screen is the abbreviated country...

RECORD CREATE: Create_New_Account
Create one Account record where:
BillingCountry = {!vCountrypicklist} (UG)
BillingState = {!vStatePicklist} (null)
Name = {!vAccountName} (account2123413)
New_CCID__c = {!vCCID} (v3246346)
RecordTypeId = {!vRecordType} (012A0000000nxacIAA)
Type = {!vType} (Accounting Firm)

And it errors out. How do I change the country picklist field in the flow back to the integration value instead of the country/territory code?
Deployment change set error on apex email trigger Class Name:MyProfilePageControllerTest Error Message:FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION "Please enter First Name"
I've got an email trigger in a sandbox I'm trying to deploy into production.

Here's the apex:
trigger EmailMessage on EmailMessage (after insert) {
List<Case> casesToAssign = new List<Case>();
AssignmentRule ar = [SELECT Id FROM AssignmentRule WHERE SObjectType = 'Case' AND Active = true LIMIT 1];
Database.DMLOptions dmlOpts = new Database.DMLOptions();
dmlOpts.AssignmentRuleHeader.AssignmentRuleId = ar.Id;
for(EmailMessage e : Trigger.new) {
if(e.Incoming) {
Case c = new Case(Id = e.ParentId);
update casesToAssign;
Created by frontendloader

Obviously I've just copied this from this person's post.  I don't know anything about apex.

But here's the error I'm receiving while validating the inbound change set for this trigger.

Class Name:  MyProfilePageControllerTest
Method Name:  testSave
Error Message:  System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, Please enter First Name: [] 
Stack Trace: Class.MyProfilePageControllerTest.testSave: line 34, column 1

Can anyone help with this error?
Our customer support team needs to know immediately if a contact they've email that's related to a case they're working gets a bounced back email notification.   I'd like to have the case status changed to 'Bounced Email' if this happens.  I think apex is needed but anyone have any thoughts?
My flow does a fast lookup of the Opportunity Line Items (products) related to an Opportunity and adds them to a collection. 
I have a loop that looks through the collection and based on the product name does an action.  
The problem I'm having is the loop seems to only be sending one product to the next step.    I've tested this by having multiple products linked to an opportunity with each having it's own action but only one action is ever triggered.  

Here's the flow.   
User-added image

Anyone run into this?  
Our customer support team needs to know immediately if a contact they've email that's related to a case they're working gets a bounced back email notification.   I'd like to have the case status changed to 'Bounced Email' if this happens.  I think apex is needed but anyone have any thoughts?
I've been asked set up a rule when a customer replies to emails/cases via email-to-case.  When a customer replies we need to check if the case owner (user) is Offline in Omni-channel.  If offline, then reassign the case to the support queue.   Any thoughts on this? 
I have a flow that asks for the user to select a country using the countrypicklist field on a screen element. Before the Winter '17 rollout this picklist worked fine. Now the country values being used in the picklist selection are the country's 'country/territory code' (abbreviation) and not the integration value (country spelled out) like before.
The state/country picklist feature requires the country spelled out fully, for example 'Australia' like in the example of an account creation from earlier this year below.

Sept 13, 2016
RECORD CREATE: Create_New_Account
Create one Account record where:
BillingCountry = {!vCountrypicklist} (Australia)
BillingState = {!vStatePicklist} (null)
Name = {!vAccountName} (Itaasol Pty Ltd )
New_CCID__c = {!vCCID} (F31101)
RecordTypeId = {!vRecordType} (012A0000000nxacIAA)
Type = {!vType} (Accounting Firm)

Now the result of the entered country in the screen is the abbreviated country...

RECORD CREATE: Create_New_Account
Create one Account record where:
BillingCountry = {!vCountrypicklist} (UG)
BillingState = {!vStatePicklist} (null)
Name = {!vAccountName} (account2123413)
New_CCID__c = {!vCCID} (v3246346)
RecordTypeId = {!vRecordType} (012A0000000nxacIAA)
Type = {!vType} (Accounting Firm)

And it errors out. How do I change the country picklist field in the flow back to the integration value instead of the country/territory code?
Deployment change set error on apex email trigger Class Name:MyProfilePageControllerTest Error Message:FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION "Please enter First Name"
I've got an email trigger in a sandbox I'm trying to deploy into production.

Here's the apex:
trigger EmailMessage on EmailMessage (after insert) {
List<Case> casesToAssign = new List<Case>();
AssignmentRule ar = [SELECT Id FROM AssignmentRule WHERE SObjectType = 'Case' AND Active = true LIMIT 1];
Database.DMLOptions dmlOpts = new Database.DMLOptions();
dmlOpts.AssignmentRuleHeader.AssignmentRuleId = ar.Id;
for(EmailMessage e : Trigger.new) {
if(e.Incoming) {
Case c = new Case(Id = e.ParentId);
update casesToAssign;
Created by frontendloader

Obviously I've just copied this from this person's post.  I don't know anything about apex.

But here's the error I'm receiving while validating the inbound change set for this trigger.

Class Name:  MyProfilePageControllerTest
Method Name:  testSave
Error Message:  System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, Please enter First Name: [] 
Stack Trace: Class.MyProfilePageControllerTest.testSave: line 34, column 1

Can anyone help with this error?
 Hi i have a very simple email publisher to replace the original one :->

<apex:page standardController="Case" >
  <apex:emailPublisher entityId="{!case.id}" 
So i remove the standard 'Answer Customer' action and add in my custom emailpublisher in. Now all my email message record feed doesn't have the 'Reply' & 'Reply to All' button. What have i missed out? Basically what I want to achieve is I want the sender to default as our support email instead of user's personal email.

With Answer Customer Action
User-added image

Without Answer Customer action (replaced with my custom email publisher)
User-added image