• rahma salesforce
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I'm invoking a Rest Webservice from my developer org,
the issue is I can't read the HTTP Response as it is not proper json
this is the form of the response:

I'm using  wrapper classes to extract the response as following:
public class Response{
        public List<Account> accounts{get;set;}
 public class Account{
        public List<Attribute> attributes;  
        public String Id;
        public String Name;
        public String Phone;
   public class Attribute{
        public String type;
        public String url;
but when trying to deserialize the reponse as the code below
Response response = (Response) JSON.deserialize(jsonResponse, Response.class);
I have this error:
System.JSONException: Malformed JSON: Expected '{' at the beginning of object
Is this because the HTTP response is not json ? it is specified in the content type though,
how can I convert the httpresponse body to json please ?

I want to insert contacts from a developer org to another developer org
using rest api and a batch apex
do I need to set an endpoint for the developer org and use HTTP request/response ?
is there any useful links please ? 
I want to load 20000 accounts and 20000 contacts in my developer org but I get: 
storage limit exceeded error ..
I deleted all the other data present in the org and still have this issue
is there a way to have this amount of data ( 20000 accounts and 20000 contacts) 
in a developer org  please ?
I'm invoking a Rest Webservice from my developer org,
the issue is I can't read the HTTP Response as it is not proper json
this is the form of the response:

I'm using  wrapper classes to extract the response as following:
public class Response{
        public List<Account> accounts{get;set;}
 public class Account{
        public List<Attribute> attributes;  
        public String Id;
        public String Name;
        public String Phone;
   public class Attribute{
        public String type;
        public String url;
but when trying to deserialize the reponse as the code below
Response response = (Response) JSON.deserialize(jsonResponse, Response.class);
I have this error:
System.JSONException: Malformed JSON: Expected '{' at the beginning of object
Is this because the HTTP response is not json ? it is specified in the content type though,
how can I convert the httpresponse body to json please ?