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Parth Patel 184Parth Patel 184 

Update to LastReferencedDate and LastViewedDate on user object counted as an update

Hi There,

We have an integration that listens to anything changed on a user record and push the change to the down steam systems.
Now, the sytem that listens to it cant anchor on a specific field for e.g. LastModifiedDate and hence if the LastReferencedDate and LastViewedDate is updated it also counts that as an update and push a bulk load of data without need.

Has anyone come across this ?

How can we avoid it?

Please advise.



Chaudhary AdityaChaudhary Aditya
Could you share more details? 
- How is the external system listening to User changes? - Rest/SOAP SOQL?
- Why using 'LastModifiedDate'  not possible?  Example - Modified within last 24 hours.