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Brian NolauBrian Nolau 

How to use Set History Tracking on Object Manager - Account - Field and Relationships?

How do I use Set History Tracking on Object Manager - Account - Field and Relationships? 

I clicked Enable Account History. The description underneath it says, "This page allows you to select the fields you want to track on the Account History related list. Whenever a user modifies any of the fields selected below, the old and new field values are added to the History related list as well as the date, time, nature of the change, and user making the change. Note that multi-select picklist and large text field values are tracked as edited; their old and new field values are not recorded." 

This description is not clear and is confusing please explain.
Brian NolauBrian Nolau
Your answer does not make sense to me.
hd sdhd sd
Some insurance companies offer discounts to vehicle owners who have tracking systems installed. These systems can reduce the risk of theft and aid in vehicle recovery, leading to potential cost savings on insurance premiums tracking (