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show and hide Accordion
Hey guys anyone have idea about how can i show and hide my accordion row at a time using SLDS
here is my component and controller
here is my component and controller
<!--Attributes--> <aura:attribute name="showEditable" type="Boolean" default = "false"/> <aura:attribute name="showReadable" type="Boolean" default = "true"/> <aura:attribute name="accountList" type="Account[]"/> <aura:attribute name="isexpanded" type="Boolean"/> <!--handler--> <aura:handler name="init" value="{! this }" action="{! c.doInit }"/> <lightning:card title = "Account Accordian" variant = "narrow"> <ul class="slds-accordion"> <aura:iteration items="{!v.accountList}" var="account"> <div class="slds-page-header" style="cursor: pointer;" id="{!account.Id}" data-record="{!idx}" onclick="{!c.expand}" > <section class="slds-clearfix"> <div class="slds-float--left "> <div class="slds-m-left--large">{! account.Name}</div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="slds-hide slds-p-around--medium" id="{!account.Id}" aura:id="{!account.Id}"> Account details <aura:if isTrue="{! v.showReadable}"> <c:AccountDetailsComponent recordId="{! account.Id}"/> <lightning:button variant="brand" label="Edit" onclick="{! c.EditShow }" /> </aura:if> <aura:if isTrue="{! v.showEditable}"> <c:editableRecordLDS recordId="{! account.Id}"/> </aura:if> </div> </aura:iteration> </ul> </lightning:card> </component>
({ expand : function(component,event) { var currentElementId = event.currentTarget.getAttribute("id");; console.log("Element Id-> ",currentElementId); var acc = component.find(currentElementId.toString()); var acc1 = document.getElementById(currentElementId); console.log(JSON.stringify(acc)); console.log(JSON.stringify(acc1)); /* for(var cmp in acc1) { $A.util.toggleClass(acc[cmp], 'slds-show'); $A.util.toggleClass(acc[cmp], 'slds-hide'); }*/ $A.util.toggleClass(acc1, 'slds-is-open'); }, doInit : function(component, event, helper) { var action=component.get('c.getAccountList'); action.setCallback(this,function(response){ var state = response.getState(); console.log('state ='+state); if (component.isValid() && state === "SUCCESS") { component.set("v.accountList", response.getReturnValue()); console.log('v.accountList='+JSON.stringify(response.getReturnValue())); } }); $A.enqueueAction(action); }, EditShow : function(component, event, helper) { component.set("v.showEditable","true"); component.set("v.showReadable","false"); }, } })
You can use lightning accordian for this.
Please refer below links which might help you in this.
Hope this helps you
If this helps kindly mark it as solved so that it may help others in future.
Thanks and Regards (
Apprach is already present, no neet to make a custom one.