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You have one or more certificates in your Salesforce org Salesforce 00D0o0000016PXb that will expire soon. Review the list below and visit Certificate and Key Management from Setup to make an update.
- SelfSignedCert_25Jun2019_135552, Self-Signed, expires on 6/25/2020. Warning: This certificate will expire in 60 day(s).
As far as I know I have finished all maintenance exams. I am not sure why I have recieved this. I am not sure how to figure out this. I need helpppppppp
- SelfSignedCert_25Jun2019_135552, Self-Signed, expires on 6/25/2020. Warning: This certificate will expire in 60 day(s).
As far as I know I have finished all maintenance exams. I am not sure why I have recieved this. I am not sure how to figure out this. I need helpppppppp
Even if your Self Signed Certificate Expires, It doesn't Impact your Salesforce Certifications (Like Admin, Developer or What ever certifications you have passed)
If You complete Maintainance Exam in Trailhead its enough to Maintain Certification Credentials.
May be you have implemented Sigle Sign On in your Developer Org or Sandbox.
Self-signed certificates are commonly used for Single Sign-On settings (in 'Request Signing Certificate' or 'Assertion Decryption Certificate' field) or callouts to external sites (for client authentication).
For More Detail Information you can visit this URL.
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Even if your Self Signed Certificate Expires, It doesn't Impact your Salesforce Certifications (Like Admin, Developer or What ever certifications you have passed)
If You complete Maintainance Exam in Trailhead its enough to Maintain Certification Credentials.
May be you have implemented Sigle Sign On in your Developer Org or Sandbox.
Self-signed certificates are commonly used for Single Sign-On settings (in 'Request Signing Certificate' or 'Assertion Decryption Certificate' field) or callouts to external sites (for client authentication).
For More Detail Information you can visit this URL.
Please Mark it as a Best Solution, If your Issue Resolved.
1.Log into Salesforce, then go to the Help and Training page.
2. At the bottom of the page, click Contact Support.
3. Select your support topic and category.
4. For example, if your issue is related to Lightning Dialer, click Sales Cloud | Lightning Dialer.
5. See if there’s an existing topic that relates to your issue.
6. If you don’t find the solution to your problem, click Create a Case.
7. Enter case details and click Submit
As coming to your issue,
It is answered in the below blog,
I hope you find the above solution helpful. If it does, please mark as Best Answer to help others too.
I am not getting verification mail of Get a free Developer Edition org with special configuration to complete the Approval Process Management Superbadge Unit.
Sir, I tried trying yesterday but did not receive any verification mail. Please check
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