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Arun BalaArun Bala 

Disabling 'Track Activities' options on standard objects


I have a requirement where I need to show only certain object names on the 'Related to' picklist on the task creation screen. Hence I am trying to figure out a way to disable 'Track Activities' check box on standard objects just as we do on any custom object.But no luck so far. Not even sure if its possible. Any advice on how to implement this ?


Thanks in advance.I would truly appreciate your inputs.





Arun BalaArun Bala
Any hints folks ?
Arun BalaArun Bala
Folks, just checking anyone has got hints on this ? any hints would be helpful ..
David StrejaDavid Streja
Was this issue ever solved? I could really use help with this. I am creating a custom app that does not use all of the standard salesforce objects and therefore I do not want all the different options showing up when I try to realate an activity to an object.

Andrew NilsenAndrew Nilsen
I, too, would like to understand how to do this for the same reasons as David Streja.  Does anyone have any suggestions?
Andrew NilsenAndrew Nilsen
Sadly, this is what I found:
Ted S. 5Ted S. 5
I created an idea for the ability to enable and disable activities on standard objects.

Kindly vote it up.  Thanks.