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Limit on Aggregate queries. Are those "hard" ones?
I just ran into two new (at least for me) limits of the / platform that give me a shiver. I executed a SOQL query of the like:
SELECT field_x1, .., field_xN, SUM(field_y1),..., SUM(field_yM) FROM...
GROUP BY field_x1, .., field_xN
With N >40 and M > 50 I ran into:
MALFORMED_QUERY: maximum number of aliased fields exceeded: 100
MALFORMED_QUERY: Group By must contain 32 fields or less
Ok, ok! You probably do not often have a case where you need a SOQL statement with more than 68 aggregated and 32 grouped fields. One time is enough to break a software feature ;-)
Any experience how to prevent this? Submit a case, chunk query, ...?!
I haven't found a single word on this on Google.
Where exactly are you using this piece of code? A trigger, a controller, batch apex?
I am using this inside Batch Apex code using Iterable<AggregateResult>.
Alright. Have you tried using Database.QueryLocator instead of the Iterable<sObject> ?
See here example:
L.E.: since the problem is a soql limitation QueryLocator might not work as well.
I suggest you leave the aliases for the aggregate fields in place and remove the GROUP BY completly from the soql. I hope you have less than 100 aliases :).
At this moment you'll have the list with all the records.
You'll need to do some custom logic around it to implement the GROUP BY somehow for multiple fields...
For what do you need so many GROUP BY?!!
Hy Adrian,
I cannot use Database.QueryLocator as this does not work with aggregate queries.
I do not quite understand your idea to code-group instead if database grouping. How would I find groups for e.g. 10.000 records with hundred attributes?
Could you construct a small code sample, please.
I apreciate your help.
You'll probably need some sort of recursive map class:
Then, from here, you'll have to build out the maps:
I expect about 150 lines per loop, though, so keep in mind the 200k script limit.